PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN D A I L Y TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1931 _ Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The AssociatedP Tress is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news is- patches credited to it or not otherwise credlicl in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second elass matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General.- Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial; 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board E-IFNRY MERRY FRANK E. CoorER, City Editor News Editor................Gurney Williams Editorial Director..........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor................, , ,Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor...........Mary L. Beymer Music, Drama, Books....... .Wn. J. Norman Assistant (City Editor....... Harold 0. Warren Assistant News Editor.. Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor ....,...... George A. Stauter Copy Editor.................Win. F. Pype NIGHT EDITORS istration for the deficit in the trea- sury if one occurs. Otherwise they pat themselves on the back for guarding the funds of the govern- ment in such an economical man-. ner as to create a surplus. Oh con- stancy, thou art a jewel! THE 1932 GATE RECEIPTS In the presidential campaign of 1928, Alfred E. Smith surveyed the field for a chairman of the Demo- cratic national committee. He was looking for a financier, a skilled financier, aware that in such a leader lay his chances, if any, for gaining the presidency. Finding none in the ranks of his party, he turned to other channels, and in John J. Raskob the former gover- nor of New York saw great possi- bilities, which perhaps would solve his problem of finding a means to an end. Mr. Raskob was a personal friend of Mr. Smith, but the selec- tion had one stumbling block-Mr. Raskob was a Republican! Un- schooled in the more delicate OASTED ROLL NOX ERAT ETLL PiACIDUM CARPEBANT Well, it's Tuesday again, and there are you swilling your coffee with the bright prospect of another delightful Ann Arbor day staring you in the face, while here am I on a nasty old Monday afternoon without any coffee or any ambition to write columns, humming dolefully to myself such inspiring tunes as "Columnia The Gem, etc. .", "How Column You Do Me Like You Do", and "Column and Peaceful is Nel- lie's Grave" in a futile attempt to bestir myself into a frenzy of cre- ative activity with, as you can readily see, little or no success,-if any. FOOT-NOTEI Be it hereby F FROM GODFREY'S WILL known to all these GODFREY being in S. Beach Conger Carl S. Forsythe David M. Nichol John A. Reindel Richard L. Tobin Harold O. Warren Srowrs ASSISTANTs Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend REPORTEVRS J. E. Bush Thomass . Cooley Morton Frank Saul Friedberg Drank B. Gilbreth J ack Goldsmith Roland Goodman Mor-ton Helper Edgar Hornik Bryan Jones Denton C. Kunze Powers Moulton Eileen Blunt Elsie Feldman Ruth Gallmeyer Emily G. Grimes Jean Lev agee Wilbur J. Meyers Brainard W. Nies Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine Theodore T. Rose Jerry E. Rosenthal ('harles A. Sanford Karl Seiffert Robert F. Sbaw Edwin M. Smith George A. Stauter John WV. Thomas John S. Townsend Mary McCall Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson Claire Trussell BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. HOLLISTER MAB LEY, Business Manager Kaspri I1. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Advertising....... ..Charles T. Kline Advertising................Thomas M. Davis Advertising.............William W. Warboys Service........ ..Norris J. Johnson Publication............Robert W. Williamson Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts.. ...y..........homas J Muir Business Secretary............ Mary J. Kcnan Harry R. Beglev Vernon Bishop William Brown Robert Callahan William W. Davis Richard 11. Hiller Miales Iioisington Ann W. Verner Marian Atran . Hlelen Bailey Tosephine Convisse Maxine Fishgrund Dorothy LcMire Dorothy Laylin Assistants Erle Kightlinger JDon W. Lyon William Morgan Richard Stratemeer { Keith Tyler Noel I). Turner Byron C. Vedder Sylvia Miller Ilelen Olsen Mildred Postal er Marjorie Rough Mary E. Watts Johanna Wiese TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1931 Night Editor - HAROLD WARREN THlE RED CROSS APPROPRIATION In one of its more magnanimous and lax moments, the Senate last week passed an appropriation bill giving $25,000,000 of the taxpayers good money to the Red Cross. In spite of the administrative opposi- tion, the bill was passed without even a record vote, and now goes to the house for action and prob- able passage. It is to be hoped that in this event, President Hoover will veto the bill notwithstanding the fact that he expects the Red Cross to supplement the legislative relief program. The Red Cross has always derived its funds from subscriptions by private citizens in every walk of life, from those who could give a dollar to those who give thousands. Recently the head of the organiza- tion announced that a drive would be started for ten million dollars. Subscriptions in Pennsylvania had reached the $300,000 mark when the news came that Congress, out of the kindness of its heart, was going to give that amount to the Red Cross to save it trouble, and the subscriptions promtply fell off in an amazing manner. The head of the organization promptly went to President Hoover and begged him to keep Congress from appropriat- ing the money, but before the President could notify the senators of his wishes, the bill was passed. The senate derives immeasurable pleasure from embarrassing the President. In this measure they are not only embarrassing the Presi- dent, but also the Red Cross. In the future, when that group attempts to raise funds for the worthy causes it sponsors, the members will ad- vise them to look to Congress again for money, since it was obtained so easily the last time, and over twice as much as needed. The senators who are backing the bill will, if Hoover vetoes it, accuse him of un- willingness to aid the depression. Perhaps the Congress is alto- gether too free with money. Most of the senators spend a rather pleasant life in Washington at a fairly good salary plus expenses,; and knowing that it costs milions to run the government, and that mil-1 finesses of the political game, but skilled, however, in finance and all its ramifications, Mr. Raskob saw no reason to believe that party lines should make for an annoying cir- cumstance. Without equivocation, therefore, he threw off the toga of the Republican party and changed to the robes of Democracy. It cannot be said that Mr. Ras- kob was wanting in riches; nor can it be stated that, in accepting the chairmanship offered by former Governor Smith, his attitude to-' ward his new alliance was one of economy. Rather it was the other extreme; and it remained to Mr. Kent, political writer of the Balti- more Sun, to criticise Raskob and his liberal policy. Mr. Kent, in a recent letter to Mr. Raskob, said that the national committeeman was "the first mortgage holder" of the Democratic party, further as- serting "that in the history of this country no political party was ever under such financial obligations to any individual as the Democratic party is today under you." Mr. Kent speaks with clearness of phrase; and although Mr. Raskob m a y come back with counter- thrusts and deny, at least in part, Kent's accusations, he c a n n o t change figures. To the presidential campaign of 192, Mr. Raskob, a- long with three others, contributed $150,000 each; the deficit of the Democratic party then was $1,000,- 000, and Mr. Raskob dug deeper and joined in the endorsing of notes and making of loans. He also con- tributed heavily toward financing the congressional campaign of 1930. These figures are filed; and it is useless for party chieftans to 'pig- eon-hole' such details and forever keep them hidden. And so the usual 'mud-slinging' goes on but, we are led be believe at a time which Mr. Kent thinks is appropriate. Mr. Ritchie is looked upon by many as Democratic presi- dential timber in 1932, Among them is Mr. Kent; on the other hand Governor Roosevelt of New York is the Raskob candidate of the party. Both are anti-prohibitions. Mean- while, Mr. Lucas of the Republican national committee has started the boom of President Hoover for re- election. All in all, it points toward a campaign of heavyweight bally- hoo, with Mr. Raskob and his can- didate in one corner, and support- ers of Governor Ritchie in the other, each hoping to get the big 'cut' in the gate. Campus Opinion Contributors are aked to be brief, confnimg ithemsehes to less that. 3oo word us iFpossible. Anonymous com. nniatons will be dsregarded. The names of commnicnts wi, however,I be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should notrbe costruedl as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. "FROTHING ENTREPRENEURS" To the Editor: Your indictment of the modern undergraduate did not strike me as being quite accurate. Certainly your portrait of campus activities was not colored; if anything it was underdrawn. But tne assignment of the activities array to the body, of undergraduates seemed unfair.' When you showed the attempts of the over-lapping activities to justify their existence, I believe you proved they were unrelated to each other and by the same token to the body of undergraduates. There must be granted the ex- istence of an activity-man element on the campus. It would be impolite to distinguish this group and un- necessary. Since this element is independent of the large body of undergraduates, it would seem that a general campus trend in attitude towards charlatan activities would be inefficacious. Certainly the un- full possession of all my faculties and quite a number of students having, by my own testimony, cone to an unwarranted and untimely end through having unguardedly inhaled while passing by Angell Hall inasmuch thinking that I had become manured to the atmos- phere thereabouts, I on this the whatever-the-heck-date it is any- way do bequeath and bestow all my worldly goods on the Fund For The Creation of Odorless Fertilizer for Front Lawns on Campus for the Year of 1931. * * * - Suggested dirge for Godfrey... Manure laid away Your Memory will stay. * * * The Pherret has just arrived all out of wind to inform me that the economic depression has had a horrible effect on our fair Alma Mater-God Bless Her!-which is shown by the fact that there are only two Announcements left over in the Registration Room, and both are tied down with old sled- pulling rope which has outworn its usefulness in this line of activity. This sad state of af- fairs, lamentable as it may seem to most, merely affords Uncle Daniel a hearty chuckle. I was one of the smart boys who arrived early and rushed off with one of the extras. ** * Gee, fellows, I went to that lec- ture of mine in Newberry Aud. again for the first time in months all prepared to see that something had been done. And do you think something had? ..... Maybe you'd better answer that one yourself . . ... oh go ahead, I don't mind a bit,-really I don't. *5 * * LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!-no, don't. Just as I had prophesied, every- body has forgotten their first flush of enthusiasm over the Gargoyle Beauty Contest about now, and I have been delegated by the powers that be to stir up some interest in this unparalleled opportunity to do somebody dirt and get their pic- ture in Gargoyle. Consider yourself stirred and hurry up with those pictures! The Gargoyle is depending on you. The staff gave up long ago. * * * This, the closing of the term, is the time of year when A. A. landladies begin showing con- cern over whether you are get- ting enough heat in your room, -whether the rugs and blan- kets are satisfactory - and whether you will be staying with the old house another semester. * * * It is one time, though, when I can really go about spreading joy. I have hardly if ever seen an ex- pression of perfect bliss on any human visage to equal that on my landlady's face when I told her I was moving. * * * PROFESSOR WOOD HITS CRIME GROUP Head in A. A. Paper. Which bears out my contention that Gangs are recruiting from the higher classes nowadays. k M*.* I am morally certain - at least as morally certain as one can be morally anything in these days of crime and evil- that all you fellows want to dash off and study now. I hate to be reminding people that exams are coming, but I don't know what I'd find to say if they weren't. So, with my usual kind forethought and whatnot I shall eschew my art, and leave you a nice blank space to contemplate. presents that I n- n - - - - - rrrrr- -r - usC AND DRAMA REBOUND A Pre-view. "Rebound is the best light comedy written by anybody hereabouts in ten or twenty years, and it's not so damn light either." That so0e- what ambiguous but very emphatic remark of Heywood Broun's stirred an altogether delectable contro- versy among the New York critics who looked upon Donald Ogden Stewart's current play "Rebound" as everything from merely agree- abe fooling to very grim drama gayly smiling through its tears. Heywood Broun in defending his "not so damn light" appealed to the jester-as-a-disillusioned-ideal- ist tradition and made remarks to the effect that certain very gay scenes had a "haunting nightmare quality," that the play was a "dramatization of internal ferment" and "skirted the edge of tragedy. These were very extraordinary remarks indeed about any writing of Donald Ogden Stewart, the American king of light, delightfully aimless banter. They probably rep- resent Broun reading profundity into jesting (because subconscious- ly he would like us to do the same thing for him). At any rate, "Re- bound" tells about two couples who become involved in a curious mari- tal tangle. Evie had turned Bill down; and Johnny had hurried away without proposing to Sarah. Bill and Sarah, the rejected, marry on the rebound and turn up in the second act in Paris, where Evie and Johnny are found honeymooning. Complications ensue and Sarah finds her brand new husband warming himself at an old flame: which makes her indignant and turns the play into a parlor discus- sion of how to behave when mar- ried though very sophisticated. These people, very smart, lounge around very smartly and to the difficulties of their situation they whistle the gay tunes of very frolic- some small talk. (All of which is what is probably meant by the much-discussed "the really swagger thing" of the sign-boards). All ser- ious emotions are resolved into the gayety of bright talking about them and the result is a good-humoured, rambling play which, after all, is best described by Broun's light but - not so light. At any rate, it contains a stream of very fine chatting that is quite rare and quite welcome in the American theatre. Play Production is staging "Re- bound" for its sedond major pro- duction of the year and will open with it tomorrow night in the Mendelssohn Theatre, running each night from then on until Saturday. The cast contains a larger majority of tested and more or less to be trusted people than any student production this year. All of which promises well. STUDENT PLAYWRIGHTS A selection from the student dramatic writing being done in the class of Mr. Helm has been made and will form the second program of one act plays to be given some time next week by Play Production. The plays selected from the class, for production include the follow- ing: Half-Past Eight, by John Beuret, '31; Mannequins, by Eliza- beth W. Smith, Spec.; Carousel, by Nathan Fox, '31; First Thing, by Harold Courlander, '31. These one-act plays will be pro- duced by members of the class in direction who will be assisted and supervised by Mr. Windt. Admission to this special porgram will be by special invitation. RICHARD STRAUSS: Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme: Suite for Orchestra: played by Walther Straram and Orchestre des Concerts Straram: Columbia Masterworks Set No. 148. Moliere's ingenuous shopkeeper- the same Jourdain who was de- lighted when told by a wit that he had been speaking "prose" all "his life-stirred Richard Strauss to some of his most ingenious musical characterization in his incidental music to the play. The music that he has collected together in this suite-an Overture, a Minuet, a Courante, the Entrance and Dance of the Tailors, The Fencing-Master, Dinner Table Music and Dance of the Young Cooks-is not at all as pretentious as his symphonic poems are. As a consequence it is probably more acceptable music. Intrinsic- ally it has the quality and the very genuine virtues of a musical comsdy score at its best. Strauss' extra- ordinary talent for exploiting or- I _ - _ _ _ _ - - ,,till p _ ,I r- -+rr rr-r Y w-r r V W r- r+-r-r HE laundering of woolens requires the greatest care. Shrinking is inevitable unless your work is handled properly. The Varsity has by its long years of experience been able to give the proper treatment not only to assure satisfaction but to guarantee against harmful elements in laundering. We use Ivory Soap exclusively However this service involves no additional cost to you. D 40> Fifth at Liberty La A.AA..a aaa. 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