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January 18, 1931 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-18

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Professor Claims International
Equality Is Complicated
by Strong Nations.
Raising of Backward Countries
to Power Is Progressing
Through Research.
(See Story in Col. 5)
"The task of building a co-oper-
ative international organization is
greatly complicated by existing re-
lations between such powerful eco-
nomic and political units as Great
Britain and the United States, and
the weaker countries such as China
and India," said Dr. John B. Cond-
liffe, visiting professor in econo-
mics from New Zealand, in his ad-
dress before the Ann Arbor branch
of the American Association of Uni-
versity Women yesterday afternoon
in the League building.
"The most important problem of
today is to find ways and means
of raising these countries to full
equality of status in the family of
nations," he continued. "That task
is being tackled steadily and care-
fully and great progress is being
made on sound constructive lines.
But unfortunately the experts who
are most concerned and who really
know what is being done, have
little time to explain to the world
at large the successes they have
had and the difficulties they are
Describes Research Work.
Prof. Condliffe described the or-
ganization of research institutes in
Europe, the United States and vari-
dus Pacific countries. These insti-
tutes endeavor to approach the
complicated problems of interna-
tional relations by way of scientific
research and frank face to face
discussion. At a -meeting. held .in
Paris last summer more than a
dozen of these Institutees were
represented, according to Prof.
Candliffe. The Council on Foreign
Relations in New York was described
as a good example of this new
method of scientific study of inter-
national politics.
Only Here One Year.
Prof. Condliffe was with the Insti-
tute of Pacific Relations before
assuming his present position on
the University faculty. During the
war he served as senior economic
instructor with the New Zealand
Expeditionary Forces and his most
recent appointment has been to the
Secretariat of the League of Na-
tions. He will take over his duties
in this capacity following his de-
parture from the University next
Prof. Condliffe has also published
several books among which are: "A
Short History of New Zealand,"
"New Zealand in the Making," and
"Problems of the Pacific," and it is
his belief that present day interna-
tional problems can only be solved
in a dispassionate way.
Stale Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
January 17, 1931.
(By Assnemtd Pree t
Baker, 64, of this city, died of a
heart attack at his home Friday.
Baker, who was a prominent busi-
ness man, was known throughout
western Michigan as a patron of

MONROE-The board of super-
visors will meet Monday to con-t
sider the improved conditions rec-
ommended by the state welfare
commission for the county jail here.
They will consider plans by which
the jail, which was closed Dec. 10
by Gov. Fred W. Green who acted
upon recommendations of the wel-
fare commissiondthat it was unsafe,
may be reopened before the April
J A C K S O N-In was announced
here today that a city wide relig-
ious census, that Methodists lead
all other denominations with 3,-
523 homes. Catholics and Baptists
were next. The census represents
about 85 per cent of the city's pop-
DETROIT-Wayne county Prose-



Average Jazz Dancer Is Moron;
Small Town Is Condemned
as Danceless Inferno.

Margaret O'Brien, '33.
Ted Shawn, clad in an ornate
black and white dressing gown and
quantities of vari-colored grease
paint, sat before a cluttered dress-
ing table, and discoursed animated-
ly on his favorite subject. As he
deftly applied a blush pink streak
to the left side side of his nose, he
observed that our modern American
form of jazz dancing is not all that
it should be.
"The real estate conditions are
the cause of it all," he stated, blend-
ing in a darker patch of fuschia.
"Floor space is so much at a premi-
um that in the usual restaurant or
dance hall, six couples occupy the
space that rightly belongs only to


Recital by American Violinist
to be Given Jan. 27 in
Hill Auditorium.
Albert Spalding, noted American
violinist, will present the next con-
cert of the Choral Union series at
8:15 o'clock, Tuesday, Jan. 27, in
Hill auditorium, it was announced
yesterday by Charles Sink, presi-
dent of the School of Music.
"Albert Spalding," stated Dr. Sink,
"on both sides of the Atlantic is
.acknowledged to be the greatest
violinist in the world today. His
time is divided between concert
tours in Europe and America. He
was born in Chicago, and studied
in New York, Florence and Bologna.
He made his debut with Adelina
Patti in Paris. Since then he has
played all over the world, always
to capacity and enthusiastic audi-
In recognition of his services he
was decorated with the cross of the
Crown of Italy by the Italian gov-
ernment. He has also the honor
of being the first American to sit
as a judge at the examinations of
the Paris conservatoire. Last year
he was made chevalier of the Legion
of Honor by the French govern-
"Both America and Europe," con-
cluded Dr. Sink, "have acclaimed
his genius, and America is particu-
larly proud of him as a representa-
tive of the highest type of world
Car Parking Will be Permitted
Behind Intramural Building;
University to Supervise.
Taxi rates for the evening of the
J-Hop were fixed at '75 cents per
couple for each one way trip as a
result of an agreement between
the J-Hop committee and Ann Ar-
bor cab companies the committee
announced yesterday. This figure,
which represents a substantial re-
duction from prices in previous
years, came as a compromise be-
tween the committee and the com-
Although cab drivers will be in-
structed to charge only 75 cents
for each couple, persons attending
the Hop should refuse to pay more
than this price if so requested.
The parking problem will be solv-
ed this year by opening the part of
Ferry Field behind the Intramural
building, to the cars. Entrance will
be at the main gate of the field at
State and Sybil streets.
University officials will supervise
the parking of cars at the field
while Ann Arbor police will direct
traffic in front of the building. All
persons driving cars are asked to
approach the building from the
west so that they will be on the
right side of the street to unload.-
This will also tend to keep the ave-
nues open for traffic. Three door-
men at three canopies will be able
to unload a like number of cars at
one time. Cars will then proceed
east to the parking ground in back
of the building. After the Hop, it
is recommended that cars go north
on State to Packard, circle the
block, and again approach the

one. The only device possible is a
woeful form of jiggling, and while
it would not be fair to simply term
anyone who indulges in this popu-
lar pastime a moron, at the actual
time he is employed in it, his mind
is in a state not many stages from
it." Mr. Shawn somewhat viciously
split an infinitive, and inspected
his profile judiciously in the mirror.
"Yes, college audiences are rather;
more appreciative of interpretive
dancing than the average small
town on our tour." His tone con-
demned the average town to a drear
and unenlightened i n f e r n o o f
danceless existence. "The more cos-
mopolitan cities such as New York
and Boston, however, are much
more sympathetic in their appreci-
"The talkies could render a great
service by preserving the highest
forms of interpretive dancing in the
present day for future generations,"
he went on. "The added medium of
sound would give a life-like expres-
sion to the work of such great ar-
tists as Pavlowa, Ruth St. Denis,
and others of our modern dancers."
Mr. Shawn picked up a stick of eye
shadow and sardonically added that
the talkies seemed chiefly interest-
ed in tap dancing and chorus work
at the present time, and seemed
unable to appreciate the higher
for ms of Art. Giving a final smooth-
ing stroke to his mask of makeup,
he looked in the direction of his
costume for the first number, and
the interview terminated somewhat
Subscribers Will Obtain Copies
Through New Honor System '
Started Last Month.
The honor system, employed since
1916 in the classrooms of the class-1
rooms of the engineering school,-
will be introduced tomorrow and
Tuesday into the distribution of the.
January number of the Michigan!
Technic, student publication of theI
e n g i n e e r i n g and architectural
An attempt to do this on a small;
scale was made last month. Its suc-
cess led to the general adoption of,
the system in the distribution of
the magazine. Subscriber's copies,
may be obtained by signing for
them at the desks in the halls of
the West Engineering building. '
The leading articles in the Janu-;
ary issue of the Technic are dis-
cussions of some of the phases and
developments in the work with
vacuum tubes. "The Cathode Ray
Oscillograph," by W. Herbert Bixby,'
Grad., tells of the use of the instru-
ment in researches in surge voltage
on power transmission lines.
Samuel E. Cooper, '32E, writes in
this issue on "The Technique of
High Vacuum Practice." His article
explains the methods by which the
extremely rarified atmospheres are
obtained for modern work with
tubes of this type.
The discovery of brick, thought to
be more than 10,000 years old, in
Egypt is the beginning from which
Charles A. Bowen, ceramist, traces
the development of this important
building material in architecture
and art in the article, "Brick."
A brief history of the Michigan'
Engineering society has been pre-'
pared by Prof. Ferdinand N. Mene-
fee, of the department of engineer-_
ing mechanics, who traces the1
growth of the organization since its
founding in 1880 by Prof. R. C. Car-
penter of the Michigan Agricultural
The issue also contains a number


Senator, in Letter, Pledges
But Believes Immediate


Action Dangerous.
Opposition Is Strong Enough to
Block Action Until Finish
of Session, He Says.
A pledge supporting American
adherence to the World Court issue
but limited by the statement that
it would result in a "needless black
eye" if the issue were thrown into
the present congressional session
was revealed yesterday in a letter
from Senator Arthur H. Vanden-
berg, United States senator from
Michigan, to one of the prominent
members of the faculty.
Action Now Futile.
"There could be," the communi-
cation read, "no possible advantage
in flinging the issue into this short
session for a purely futile gesture
which would give the Court cause
a needless "black eye" and merely
complicate the legislative situation.
"If the World Court issue," the
letter continued, "had the exclusive
right of way from now to March 4, 1
the opposition (which includes from
twenty to thirty Senators) could'
and would easily prevent a vote. It
is now becoming doubtful whether
we can succeed even in concluding
the annual supply bills prior to ad-
journment. The failure of these
bills would precipitate an extra ses-
sion of the new Congress - and I
think this would be a calamity.
"It would be," the Senator wrote,
" a physical and parliamentary im- ,
possibility to get a vote on the issue
in the present session of the Senate
prior to adjournment on March 4.;
There is no room for doubt about
this statement.
Committee Saved Embarrassment. !
"I think," the letter concluded,'
"the Foreign Relations committee
saved the Court cause from needless,
and perhaps fatal embarrassment
by declining to let it become a
hopeless and impotent incident in
the jam and choas of the present,
situation. This probably is a reflec-
tion upon the Senate 'freedom of
debate' but that is beside the ques-
tion. It is a reflection of the facts
as they are, yet as they can be
neither avoided nor escaped."
Russian Film Producer Returns
From Disaster Scene With
First Eye-Witness. I
(By Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 17. - The
death of 71 persons in a church at
Guelatova d u r i n g Wednesday I
night's earthquake was related to-
day by Serge Eisenstein, Russian
film producer, who returned here
today with the first eye witness ac-
count of the disaster.
The Soviet producer brought back
a vivid account of the disaster in
Oaxaca and environs. He said block'
after block of houses lay in utter
ruin and hundreds of bodies expos-
ed by collapsed walls in their ceme-
tery crypts were burned. He des-
cribed Oaxaca as a city still tremb-
ling, the inhabitants afraid to re-
turn to their homes.
With two cammeramen Eisen-
stein visited Guelatova this morn-
ing to take pictures and returned
to Mexico City this afternoon. He
said he believed the death toll in

Ohio State 22, Michigan 16.
Wisconsin 1, Michigan 0.
Michigan 9, Toledo Y. M. C. A.
Photographs of Various Buildings
to Make up Most of Volume;
2,000 Will be Printed.

by the Ch
concert of
Hill audit
known int
made exte

Albert Spalding,
, who will be presented
oral union in the seventh
the season on Jan. 27 in
orium. Spalding is well
this country and has also
ensive tours in Europe.
11111 RTTAPI(

UIUU IFr rLt I I N ofA 50-page book, made up largely
of photographs of the different
buildings of the Law quadrangle,
is to be published about the middle
I U UH9N of April by the members of the I
Lawyers' club, it was announced,
s Calls Wie' t yesterday by Willis C. Moffatt, '31L,
ProfessorCtylewho has been elected editor-in-
Too Emotional to Cope With chief of the project.
Complex Political Cases. More than 2,000 copies of the
---- ibook will be printed and distribut-
(Sec Story in Col. 1) I ed, Moffatt stated. It is planned to
Will Durant, author and lecturer, make this a permanent edition with
who will speak here on "India"' no current features, and it will be
Thursday, was the subject of an sent to all the active members of
attack by Prof. John B. Condliffe the club, the alumni an i he hon-
at a meeting of the local chapter orary members.
of the American Association of Uni- The illustrations will comprise
versity Women yesterday. a photographs of Hutchins hall, the
"In contrast to the scientific and I Lawyers' club, and the new Legal
practical method in political study Research library which is rapidly
are the emotional utterances of nearing completion.
popular lecturers," Professor Cond- The members of the club ap-
liffe stated, "An example of this pointed to the staff of the new pub-
is to be found in the speeches and lication are Albert V. Hass, '31L,_
writings of Will Durant." assistant editor; C. Wayne Brown-
"It is impossible," he continued, 'ell, '31L, business manager; and the
"to present an accurate and con- editorial board comprising Donald
structive account of such an ex- H. Ford, Lawrence Curf man, jr,
tremely complex situation as that Dorren L. Renner, Morgan V. Jones,
which exists in India after a visit jr., Theodore C. Baer, and G. Dun-
of a few months during which ap- can Millikan, jr., all members of
parently Mr. Durant heard an ex- the junior class of the Law school.
aggerated version of one side of
the problem."
Professor Condliffe characterized
such lectures as "likely to irritaeO H~ [ M 1
Anglo-American relations," he went
tical lecturers" as " encouraging TUB
those extreme elements of Indian1
opinion which seem unable to dis- Lane Ha'l to be Scene of First
cuss practical situations except in
a tone. of extreme emotion." Al- Annual International Contest
though attempting no solution for With Four Men Competing.
the I n d i a n problem, Professor
Condliffee a d v o c a t e d that the Michigan's first annual Interna-
"more advanced nations aid theiitoloroiclonetwlbehd
less advanced in solving their prob- tinl oratorical contest will be held
lems, rather than leave them to at 3:30 today in Lane hall auditori-
their own devices." um, with four foreign students com-
peting for the awards of $15 and


Party Leaders Dubious
of Ability to Stop
Action on Bill.
But Hoover Reiterateg
Strong Opposition
to Proposal.
(By Associated Press)
The Senate today voted the $25,-
000,000 for Red Cross relief pro-
posed by Democratic leader Rob-
Surprised administration lead-
ers were negotiating for a post-
ponement of the contest when
the vote came.
Senator Reed moved for recon-
sideration after approval had
been given without a record vote.
Wants Postponement.
The Pennsylvanian wants to pro-
pose postponement of consideration
of the relief issue until the Red
Cross has completed its campaign
for $10,000,000.
However, leaders tonight believed
there was little prospect for a fed-
eral relief fund up to the House.
Hoover's forces
There President
were dubious, of
ability to block
the appropriation
which it was iri-
dicated today he
Senator R e e d
conferred with.
President Hoover
and came back to
the Senate to
postponement un-
3.f til Feb. 9, but he
along with others,
was caught nap-
Senate Republican leaders had
spent the morning in futile con-
ferences looking to a compromise.
It was reported that President
Hoover stood against the appro-
priation or any compromise, in-
cluding a proposal that the $25,-
000,000 be made a loan to the Red
Cross. There were intimations that
he was preparing to go to the coun-
try again in his new contest with
the Senate and that he would veto
the fund if it wereapproved by the
House Considers Proposal.
On the House side, Republican
leaders late today took under con-
sideration a proposal to require that
private contributions match what-
ever funds are appropriated by
Representative Bacon, New York,
Republican member of the appro-
priations committee, made the sug-
gestion. Bacon proposed that Con-
gress appropriate $12,500,000 which
the president may advance to the
Red Cross as fast as equal amounts
are raised by private subscription.
Bill Proposes Adding
40 Members to House
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-A mea-
sure was introduced today to add
40 members to the House.
It would swell the membership
from 435 to 475 to prevent the loss
of seats by some states under the
new apportionment. The measure
was the first such introduced since
President Hoover announced a re-
adjustment of representation to be-
come effective for the 73rd Con-

It would allow nearly two-thirds
of the states losing representation
under the new law to regain some
seats. Others would have corre-
sponding increases according to
Wales Miners Resume
Work; Weavers Stop
(By Associated Press)


Dr. Butler States
Country Has Only
Eight 'Universities'


of shorter articles and reviews ofj
recently published books.
McClusky to Address
Men's Group Meeting
Members of the Men's Physical
Education club will meet for the
first time this year at 7:30 o'clock,'
next Tuesday night in room 306 of
the Union. Dr. Howard Y. McClusky,
professor of educational psychology,E
will address the group.1
Wood Will Reorganize
Welfare Institutions
Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the
sociology department, will leave
today on a trip to Escanaba, Mich.,
where he will remain several days,




the great Oaxaca valley was much
higher than so far reported, as he
did not see even one village which
appeared to have missed destruc-
tion or great damage.
French Club to Give
Three One-Act Plays
Casts for the three one-act plays
to be presented next Wednesday
night in the Laboratory theatre
were announced yesterday by the
Soiree Dramatique of Cercle Fran-
cais. The cast, plays and the order-
in which they will appear on the
program, follow:
Franches Lippees: le g a r c on,
George Meader; la Caissiere, Mary

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-In the
opinion of Dr. Nicholas Murray
Butler only eight institutions of
learning in the United States are
justified in calling themselves uni-
Addressing the annual luncheon
of the Associate Alumnae of Bar-
nard college today, the president of
Columbia University declared a uni-
versity should be "a power house of I
the mind.''
"A university," he said, "is not al
group of colleges, nor a groups of
students, nor a group of profession-
al schools. It is an institution of
higher learning where scholars of
high competence guide students
prepared by a liberal education into;
advanced studies with the aid of
libraries, laboratories and seminar-
ies and which aids in the general
dissemination of knowledge."
In addition to the eight institu-
tions he said there are only eight
others which had the aspects or
standards of universities. He did'
not name any institution.
Architectural Exhibit
Is Placed on Display

Announcement was made last
night of the entry of Joseph K.
Yamegiwa, Grad., a Japanese stu-
dent, who will speak on "The Social
Evasion of Religion." At the same
time, Abraham Antar, '31, who was
to speak on "Missionary Activities
in Iraq" announced his withdrawal
because of illness. Those who will
speak, in addition to Yamegiwa, are
Yukon Feng, Grad., of China, John
I. Khalaf, '34L, of Palestine, and
Kamil Toonian, Grad., of Iraq.
Judges of the contest are Prof.
Edwin C. Goddard of the Law
school, Floyd K. Riley of the Speech
department, and Dr. Frederick B.
Fisher of the Methodist Episcopal
church, and former bishop of India.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
Dean Joseph Bursley and other
members of. the faculty have been
invited, as well as civic leaders of
Ann Arbor and 263 foreign students.
The contest is being sponsored by'
the International committee of the
Student Christian association, whose
chairman will preside.
Jones to Give Reading
of Stevens Book Today
Giving the third of the series of
programs sponsored by the League'
Library Committee, Prof. H. Mum-
ford Jones will present a reading

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