. AT'URDAY, JANIJARY 17, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAICY pxvaUM C HICAG EOTSc PuBIC NUISANCES BECOMINCG EE List of Known Gangsters Grows Smaller as Crime War Is Continued. ALL HAVE SUFFERED City and Federal Officas Scare Law-Violators With Harsh Measures. (By lssmci,',1 I 'Yrs) CHICAGO, Jan. l. -"ipe iblii enemy" business in Ch:a; a)ppcar: to be getting incresui;tiy prccay ious. Harassed by tin' m;ov -tmient campaign against P'c1vc tax vio- lators, by the prosection of old charges and by gangland bullets, the city's "public enemy" list of "active" members has been steadily decreasing since its issuance last April 23 by the Chicago crime com- mission. Since the list was published al- most all of the original 28 major "enemies" have felt the wrath of the law in one form or another,! Ralph Capone, brother of "Scarface Al" Capone, and Jack Guzik, busi- ness manager for the Capone gang are both under sentence to federal prison for income tax violations while others are awaiting trial (n government and other charges. Three Are Gun Victims. Three have fallen before the gun- fire of their gangland opponents, namely, Jack Zuta, a north-side henchman of George "Bugs" Mo- ran, slain in a Wisconsin lake resort shortly after the killing of Alfred Lingle, Tribune reporter, last sum- mer; Joseph Aiello, who walked into a machine gun ambush in Chi- cago several months ago, and James Belcastro, reputed "king pin" of Chicago bombers, who was shot and dangerously wounded the other night on a busy Chicago thorough- fare. The latest of the "public enemies" to get into close contact with the law was Terry Druggan, beer baron. Druggan, who is reputed to have been worth a million dollars at one time, was sentenced Wednesday to a year in jail for contempt of court when he came before Judge John I. Lyle, whose attitude toward gangsters has won him widespread attention. Later he was released on; bond by another judge. Failed to Appear. The contempt charge grew out of Druggan's failure to appear on a vagrancy charge. He was pictured by the defense as a sick man, bul got no sympathy from the cot. Druggan also has been the object of federal prosecution, having re- cently pleaded guilty to an income tax violation charge. Other actions against "public ene- mies" have already been taken or are under way. Tony "Mops" Volpe, a Capone bodyguard, is under sent- ence for vagrancy and carrying concealed weapons. Frankie Rio, another Capone henchman, has been sentenc'd for contempt of court, carrying concealed weapons and vagrancy. Roeco Fanelli, al- leged election terrorist, is 'under arrest in connection with the Bel- castro shooting. The government is seeking Volpe's deportation. PROFESSOR WOOD HITS CRIME GROUP Sociologist Voices Disapprov j of Tcmporary Commissions. Mild disapprovai of the tempor- ary state crime commission in its failure to determine the primary or moving cause of crime, as an- nounced recently, was voiced yes- terday by Prof. Arthur E. Wood, sociology department criminologist. Professor Wood did not attack the work of the particular commis- sion, but rather the whole idea of, temporary organizations for the purpose of studying weighty public questions. "Temporary commissions that! spend a great deal of the public's money and make merely transient studies never stay with any im- portant question long enough to glean the whole facts," Professor Wood stated. "I am heartily in accord with the recommendation of the temporary body that a per- manent commission to study crime should be creatdd in Michigan, although I doubt whether such a committee will be formed." Professor Wood mentioned that the suggestions made by the tem- porary commission for the purpose of curbing crime, including a psy- chiatric clinic at Jackson prison, permanent grand juries in the larger counties, and stiffer penal- ties for "racketeers," were all good ones, although he added that most, "racketeers" were already gettingI North Dakota State Officials Keep House' Squatter Fashion BISMAhCA3K, N Dak., Jan. 16. After 47 years t tieold homestead, North Dakota must begin all over -keepinghouse; iti ,cerely a stick of the old frnishiings avail- able. The original copy of the state constitution ws one 0o the few articl(s of Atat "furniure" saved from ti recent :ire which destroy- ed the sta Louse. Robert Byrne, secretary (4 state , su ered burns and cuts in saving the document from the flames. The state faces the task of re- placing great files of records cov- cring land tansact V ns, litigation, taxes and contracts irom territorial days to the reex , Mcaniwh te, sedading legislative action for a new capitol and its actual construction, state depart- ments are cuartered all over the Scity. Gov. George P. Shafer is in the new federal building. The Liberty Memorial building houses the au- ditor, the treasurer and the attor- ney-general. It had been the home of the supreme court. A local bank building gave the insurance depart- ment room. Attorney-General James Morris must trace his records through the state courts, a tedious task, while the highway department, according to H. C. Frahm, chief engineer, must re-draft all highway projects, UNION ILL REP EAT RHEGULAR, I U NEYS Bridge Comnpetition, Endurance Swim to be Added to List of Seven Contests. Repetition of the seven regular! tournaments held this semester with the addition of contests in bridge and a ten-mile endurance swim is scheduled for the second half of the fiscal year at the Union, it was announced yesterday. Win- ners and runners-up in the first semester contests wilt not be allow- ed to enter second half competition. Straight-rail competition for the first semester has three matches let unplayed while the three-rail and pocket billiard contests were won by Burdette Custer, '31L, and Frederick J. Marshall, '31BAd, with John L. Neutzenbletzer, '34, and Custer runners-up, respectively. Ping pong has entered the final stages of competition with seven of the nine remaining contestants playing a round-robin tournament. Twenty are now enrolled in a c h e c k e r championship tourney, with an equal number playing for the chess title. By far the most active sport at pinsent is bowling, contests in which are being conducted through co- operation between the intramural and Union officials. Interclass bowl- ing will close next week with 14 teams of five each ending a long competitive season. F r a t e r n i t y groups will begin next week, 50 teams entering the re'gistratioii which is now complete. Indepen- dent bowlers will be matched in February, while singles and doubles titles will be awarded following competition to begin Jan. 28. Regis- tration for the all-campus tourna- ment is now open. Bridge contests, always popular in the past, will be conducted on a larger scale than ever this year, it was announced yesterday. The tcn-mile swim, wherein a student swims one mile for ten consecutive days, will be open to every male Univesity student. Biolog ist Will Give Three Lectures Here Dr. James G. Needham, professor of biology at Cornell university, will speak at 4:15 o'clock, Monday after- noon, in the Natural Science au- ditorium on "War, a Biological Phenomenon." Dr. Needham is noted for his investigations in fresh-water biology, systematic en- tomology, anJ insect life. A second talk, on "Mayflies," will be given at 7:30 o'clock, Monday night, in room 2116, Natural Science building. Dr. Needham will also speak at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday after- noon, in the same room on the sub- ject. "Transformation in Insects." D URA IN T WlIL SPAK~ HERE NEXT W K Noted Philosopher Will Lecture on 'The Case for India' bursday, Jan. 22. Will )nurant, philosopher, lectur- or, and ar'thor of the famous "Story of Philosophy," will lecture on "The Case for India" on Thursday, Jan. 22, in Hill auditoiumri.m. The lecture is sp)nsored by the Iindustan club.I The noted lecturer recently re- turned fro:n a i<:-mont's tour of Tfic a, obser hl ;C'. d ; and col- lecting data for "The Sto y of Civil- ization," the first volime of which he intends to publish in the latter part of the year. In his lee ture to be given here, Durant will iresent 1 he economic, social and political problems of In- dia as they reflect upon the world situation, particularly the cultural and cgpnomical relations between the United States and India. In his book, "The Case for India," synon- omous with the lecture to be given here, Durant's conclusions are for- cibly presented, declaring that In- dia should be granted dominion status by the British government. Following his lecture, Durant will answer questions pertaining to the British-India dispute. WHITE INAUGURATED AS GOVERNOR OF OHIO IN COLUMBUS CEREMONY -J % R Aroated Proe sPhot George White, newly installed Democratic governor of Ohio, is shown readng his inaugural address shortly after he had taken the oath of oth(ce at C uinbjs, BAND PLNS USY CONCERT _PRGSkM Bolero' to be Rendered During Coming Scason; Will Have Many Rehearsals. In anticipation of a busy concert season next semester, the Varsity band is already preparing a pro- gram which is expected to surpass all others in variety, Nicholas D. Falcone, director of the band, an- nounced yesterday. The nmd has been rehearsing every Wednesday night in Morris hll ad wl continue to do so until af er the beginning of the second s 1mesi er when special rehearsals il b eld. Concerts are sched- uld 1 be ''ven both in Ann Arbor ieighboring cities by the or- ganization, One ol the numbers which will be ifeturi on its programs during ti. year will be Ravel's "Bolero" i'l is being specially arranged f{; the Michigan band. The rendi- tion of this number on its pro- grams will be one of the first times the selection, which has taken the musical world by storm has ever been ulayerl by an American' band, The present membership of 70 pieces all be maintained' through- out the year, Falcone stated, C EORc ..5?-lAFPR new and old ones. Collectir g taxes without records presents aimost in- surmountable difficulties. The old capitol was built in the days when both Dakotas were a territory, and Indians on the war- path were an unpleasant phase of frontier life. General Grant, his presidency behind him, was the chief guest at the dedication. I- ~ "'Cook in with my ELE(CTROCHEF* electric range in't a bit expesive- All my friends are surprised to learn how itt/e it costs!11 NE reason why my ELECTROCHEF is so economical is the set of Mirro- aluminum cooking utensils that come with the range. These utent"'- have black surfaces which speed up cookin remarkably. They make cooking one-th i faster, and of course they require less elec- tricity than would otherwise be needed They are lovely utensils, and are made o such heavy aluminum that they will last C u _ This seven-piece set of heavy-duty Mirro-aluminum, included with every ELECTROCHEF without extra charge, is specially designed for use with the ELECTROCHEF. Cooking is one-third faster, and the electricity needed for a cboking operation is reduced by about the same amount. ELECTROCHEF'S Cash Pricg is $705 installed. Down payment $70, vo 'C $6 a tonth, small carrying ci%-Arge. Sales under these condi- tions to Detroit Edison customers only. SEND FOR THIS FREE B O O7KLET THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY: Please send me the free illustrated booklet describing the ELECTROC EF eletric rang -"Modern Cook ng with ELECTROCHEF." NAME ....'.....,..... ....._s..,., ,s s s 4 * * ADDRESS.. n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Ms . . Y CA- On your radio tonight ... Ii6- long time. Cooking with my ELECTRCHEF 1 . I s a .. 0 p . 4. A I I 1 I 1 i