ESTABLISHED 1890 wolqr MLAML Mat AJOO 4 t !I,, " n 4bo 74:3 4tt l MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN .. ... ... .... . ............. . ..... ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL XLI No. 81 EIGHT PAGES LANSING DESERTED1 AS STATE SOLONS1 PREPAREEJUNKTS Legislators Faced with Problems of Immediate Importance Upon Return. TO DISCUSS ELECTIONS Reform Movement Will Feature Debate on Liquor, Economy, Apportionment. (By Associated Fress) LANSING, Jan. 16.-The legisla- tive chambers today were virtually' deserted as most members were scattered about the state preparing for their biennial junkets to state institutions. Members will recon- vene Jan. 26. When members return to their legislative tasks 10 days hence, they will be faced with immediate prob- lems of highway legislation, econ- omy, county consolidation, liquor, judicial reform, increased pay for the governor, state apportionment, home rule for counties, and con- servation changes. Looming over the not far distant horizon will be such war clouds as federal appor- tionment and capital punishment. - Many Bills Introduced. Twenty-nine bills and eight joint resolutions have been introduced in. the two houses of the legislature. Liquor, apportionment and econo- my have blazed the trail of reform in the opening days of the currentt session. Resolutions were offered in! the house to provide for the manu- facture and sale of liquor in the home and to legalize beer and wines. A bill was submitted for the V outright repeal of the malt tax after disappointing revenues from the levy and tiresome court skir-' mishes. Propose Four-Year Terms. Governmental operating expenses have provided a target for legisla- tion following the emphasis placed on reduction* by Governor Wilberl M. Brucker in his message to the! legislature. Four year terms for legislators in all state and county constitutional offices h a v e been recommended to eliminate three' elections. The savings, according to the sponsors of the recommenda- tions, will mean $750,000 every four years to the state. Consolidatioin of counties through a majority vote of toge people in the affected terri- tories has been advocated. Useless offices would be eliminated, it is claimed. Another measure suggests REVOLUTION IS AIM OF COMMUNIST PARTY,_STATES RED LEADER AMT ER Admits Present Economic Crisis Is Greatest Opportunity for His Cause. B M. F. Duhamel (By Assouoted Press) NEW YORK, Jan. 16.-A small, bare hall room, up four flights of, dark and dusty stairs, is the nerve center of the communist party in, America. There, at a desk stacked with press clippings, sits Israel Amter, who described himself as his party'sI New York organizer and who de- clared the aim of the communists here is revolution. On a pine shelf above his head is a darkly gleaming bust of Nico- lai Lenin, father of the Russian, revolution, a massive chunk of blank onyx the cubicle's o n 1y adornment. From the window two American 0OLSTEAD IS SlILL, Former Congressman Believes Prohibition to Have Improved Nation. (By elssoccated Press) ST. PAUL, Jan. 16. -Prohibition, in the opinion of Andrew J. Vol-; stead author of the national en-, foreement act, has shown great for- ward strides in the 11 years of itsf operation and has resulted in great- ly improved conditions. Discussing prohibition on the 11th anniversary of its adoption, the former Congressman, who drew the enforcement bill while a mem- ber of the House judiciary commit- tee. declared he was "still for pro- hi-bition." "Anyone who can't see a vast difference in conditions in the last 11 years," he said, "has a very short memory. Before prohibition all sorts of drunks could be seen on the streets, on street cars, and even on trains. Now you seldom see a drunk." "Of course, enforcement never will succeed in stamping out every drop of liquor. The law will always be broken, just like any other law, but anything that improves condi- tions is successful." RED CROSS RELIEF ARGUHED YSNT flags can be seen standing to the breeze on nearby buildings. "We'll replace them with another flag some day," Amter said, "as a two-hour' interview drew to a close tcday. "A red flag, that will mean more to the masses." "Revolution," Amter said, "is the aim of the communist party. We make no attempt to deny that. Our single purpose is to end the capi- talist system and emancipate the working masses." Amter is tall, witn a protuding jaw. His attire is that of the aver- age business man; his mainerapos- itive, his voice strong. To date his efforts, in co-opera- tion with William Z. Foster, na- tional organizer, and others, have yielded a police record embodying one conviction whichrnetted him a prison term and a recent parole. "There is no comprise in the communist program," he empha- sized. "The American Federation of La- bor has sold out the workers. Com- munism is going forward to revo- lution." "We are organizing the unem- ployed, whenever we can get to them, to fight. "And the present economic crisis, with its 10,000,000 unemployed in America, has given us our greatest opportunity to promote the cause of communism. "The average American working man," Amter declared, "will turn against capitalism just as the Rus-3 sians did in setting up the Soviet government."l INJURY IN M EARTHQUAKE ESCAPE EXICAN SHOCK BRIAND PRESIDES OVER DISCUSSION SENATOR DAVIS DENIES CHARGE OF ILLEGAL ELECTION EXPENSE; INVESTIGATION WILL CONTINUE Oxaca Reports Thirteen Dead and Many Injured; 3 Die in Mexico City. RESCUE WORK IMPEDED Towns in Southern Portion Also Feel Effect of Seismic Disturbance. (By Associated Press) MEXICO CITY, Jan. 16. - Mem- bers of the American colony at Ox- aca escaped injury in the earth- quake which partially demolished that city of 50,000 persons Wednes- day night, Mrs. G. W. Thompson, an American resident there, wired her husband in Mexico City today., She said her house, which es- caped damage, had been converted into a temporary emergency station to take care of the injured. Death Toll Still Unknown. That part of Oxaca built on high ground escaped serious damage, but a portion of the city which stood on low, sandy soil was largely de- molished. The death toll was still undetermined tonight, but was slowly mounting as reports came into Oxaca from small, outlying Indian towns with no telegraphic communication. "Thirteen persons are now re- Aristide Briand Author of a plan for a federation of European states, who yesterday presided at the opening session of a conference, which is being held at Geneva for the purpose of discuss- ing his plan. MINISTRS 1 DBATE' EDRTO ISU SIXTEEN WILL Chicago as Contest Draws 10 Republicans, Democrats File. (By Associaied Press) CHICAGO, Jan. 16.-Ten licans and six Democrats ha ed notice on the electora they desire to be the "wo mayor of Chicago. Candidates to that numl filed up to midnight, thet for petitions, but rumors ci freely in political circles t all the 16 would be found race Jan. 24, the last day f drawing. Charles V. Barrett, chair the board of review, invited candidates for the Republic ination except Mayor Willia Thompson to meet him S for the purpose of conce their strength against the bent, "Big Bill." Judge John H. Lyle, wh rants for vagrancy issued "public enemies" and othe ties against hoodlums have ed much attention, and Ald F. Albert were among theF can candidates, while Th Houston, former chairman mayor's civil service com ported dead and 32 seriously in-' jured," Mrs. Thompson wired. Al- Twenty-six European Diplomats LI most all the houses were destroyede .t and the homeless filled the streets. Meet i Geneva to Confer Many tents have been pitched in on Briand Project. fl ~public parks with the furniture left in the streets. Many small towns (By Associated Press) nearby are in ruins. People are GENEVA, Jan. 16. - Twenty-six Cseein ressin herhillsm he European foreign ministers met city is in darkness. There are many here today to talk about Aristide 6 terrible rumors and one is unable I tolearn the wholetruth. Soldiers Briand's project for a federation are guarding the city." i of European states, but a hitch de- DeathS Reported ~ veloped at the very outset when Thre the German' acd Italian represent- Repub- Outside of Oaxaca three deaths atives proposed that Turkey and ave serv- were reported. These were all in Soviet Russia be invited to partici- te that Mexico City, where an elderly wo- pate. Neither of these two countries rld fair" man was buried under falling ma- is a member of the League of Na- sonry, a four-year-old girl received tions, but Dino Grandi, Italy'sI ber had injuries of which she died Thurs- bearded young foreign minister, deadline day, and Nicolas Peniagua, a chem- asserted that any federation ex- rculated ist, was fatally injured. Six others cluding them merely would divide that not here are gravely injured. Fifty Europe into two camps. The original - in the persons received minor injuries, proposal that the non-leaguers be' or with- It is not the first time, that Oax- asked to sit in was made by Dr. aca has been damaged by earth- Julius Curtius, the German foreign rman of quakes. It suffered severely in 1727 minister. d all the and in 1787, the famous old cathed- The issue was referred to a com- an nom- ral being badly damaged in the mittee which recommended that am Hale 11727 tremors. The city was founded the full commission sit tomorrow Saturday by Indians in 1486 and conquered to discuss it in private session. ntrating by troops of Cortes in 1521. Briand himself, presiding at this incum- The buildings in Oaxaca were opening session, told the delegates mostly of one and two-story con- they had a long road ahead of ose war- struction, built with a view to re- them and warned that they must against sisting earthquakes. not be swerved from their purpose r activi- and that they must not reject any attract- ,co-operation offered. . Arthur 1 Republi- L IWorld Press Congress omas J.I rtssC bnA to of the 1missionITOAP r Noted Among Laity Support De Priest (Bv Assciated Press) CHICAGO, Jan. 16.-Some one I is certainly snickering up a sleeve somewhere. It turns outy that Alexander the Great and Cleopatra are about the only persons of importance who are not signatories to the petition that put Oscar de Priest, Chica- go's negro Congressman, in the Republican list for mayor. Even his foes were for him, it ap- peared.+ Someone of a skeptical disposi- tion inspected the document to-; day. town at the bottom of the sheet were the alleged signatures of those who proposed de Priest's candidacy: Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Ben Turpin, Wil- liam H. Taft, Charles V. Barrett, John H. Lyle, Al Capone, Bugs Moran, Dar, O'Banion, Ima Dreamer, Just A. Flapper, Guey Sam, Marshal Joffre, Marshal Foch, Chester Gump, Mary Carr, John H. Alcock, Len Small, and 70 odd others. The city clerk hadn't noticed. The Congressman wired home that some one was joking. SOUCIETY TO- HOLD, CAMUSCO'NTEST' All-Campus Discussions Planned by Oratorical Association for Near Future. An all-campus discussion contest is to be sponsored in the near fu- ture by the Oratorical association, Laurence Hartwig, '31, president of1 the society, announced yesterday. The purpose of the contest will be to further public speaking on the campus and interest in campus af- fairs. The teams in the competition will be composed of three students each representing any campus fra- ternity, sorority or independent organization. All those planning to enter the contest are urged to get in touch with Robert Murphy, '31, who is in charge. A five minute informal speech on some campus topic will comprise the talk by each member of a team ! and the judges of the contests will be members of the faculty. Some manner of drawing for positions on Pennsylvanian Resents Nye's Attempt to Unseat Him. GIVES STATEMENT Senate Approves Funds Appropriation for Committee. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. - Senator Davis, Republican, Penn- sylvania, told the revived Senate campaign funds committee today he had "always stood for clean and wholesome elections" and re- sented vigorously the "unfair and unjust attemnpt" to charge him with the expenditures for the en- tire Republican ticket in the 1930 Pennsylvania primary and elec- tion. Chairman Nye proposes to offer a resolution to unseat Davis. He says $1,200,000 was spent and that this amount would have been used to get out the vote if Davis had been the only one on the ticket. Reads Prepared Statement. The former labor secretary read a prepared statement to the com- mittee in which he repeated that he had personally spent only $10,- 646 to get the nomination and had turned over $9,100 in contri- butions from dif- ferentssources to the A 11 egheny County commit- tee. "That is all I had to do with financial matters with my cam- paign," he said, adding: "I wish to restate em- phatically that I i4AA S .1 ~ 4V/ have nothing to conceal, that I have not spent a dollar corruptly or contrary to law or collected any money than that which was lawful and which I have reported above." Nearly 20 Davis witnesses, includ- ing Joseph E. Davies, counsel for the senator, appeared voluntarily earlier in the day expecting a pre- viously scheduled hearing to go for- ward. Senate Approves Request. Nye's request for another $50,00 was quickly approved by the Senate today, however, and he immediately arranged the later hearing out of courtesy to Davis. Those under sub- poena will be heard next Thursday. The life of the committee also was extended another year. Meanwhile, Senator Glass, Demo- crat, Virginia, offered a resolution to extend the committee's authority to inquire into the 1928 election. This was interpreted by some sena- tors as opening the way for in- vestigation of complaints against the political activities of Bishop James Cannon, jr. of the Methodist Episcopal church, south. A CPPROACHES CLOSE Self Government Dream Nearer Realization, as Final Session Begins. (By Associated Press) LONDON, Jan. 16.-India's dream of self-government appeared much nearer realization today as the round table conference began its final plenary session than when King George inaugurated the nego- tiations nine weeks ago. P r i m e Minister Ramsay Mac- Donald, with the declaration that "a substantial measure of agree- ment has been arrived at one main ground plan," for framing a federal constitution for I n d i a, formally opened the plenary session at St. James' palace. Cheers greeted his proposal for continuation without interruption of the work started in London. Democratic Leaders Will Force a deadline of April 1 on all appro- priation bills in the interest of a Appropriation Issue in shorter legislative session. Session Today. (B)' Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.-Senate advocates of the $25,000,000 appro- S i uii8uuS priation for Red Cross relief stood their ground tonight in face of a (By Associated Press) complaint by the Red Cross that January 16, 1931. the legislation was hindering the national qampaign for $10,00u,000. MENOMINEE-It was announced Confident of votes to add the here today that two units of the disputed appropriation to the pend- Heywood Wakefield Co. of Boston, ing interior department supply bill will concentrate their manufactur- Ion a roll call tomorrow, Senate ing activities here. The units that Democratic leaders were determin- will consolidate here are the Chi- ed tonight to force this issue with cago Chair Co., and the Lloyd Man- President Hoover and the Republi- ufacturing Co., makers of baby car- can-dominated House with a threat riages and furniture. of an extra session. A delegation of Red Cross officials JACKSON-J. Ray Fisher, Jack- headed by John Barton Payne, na- son county agent, announced today tional chairman, informed Presi- he had tended his resignation to dent Hoover that the Senate pro- the state welfare commission, to posal was embarassing their cam- become effective Feb. 1. Two men, paign for $10,000,000. Others in the who have been prominently men- delegation included Secretary La- tioned as his successors are M. S. mont and Under-Secretary Mills Hatch, guard captain at the Michi- ( and Assistant Secretary Hope of gan State prison, and Earnest R. I the treasury department. Raymond, contractor. GRAND RAPIDS-Morris J. (Doc) EINSTEIN TAKES LE White, advertiser and former news- MYSTERIES FR( paper man, died here late Thursday- following an illness. Mr. White, who Astrophysicist Explains Method for the last seven years has been Ein M the head of an advertising agency in Laboratory of Raisig bearing his name, worked on news- Temperatures. papers in Detroit, Grand Rapids,- Denver, Pittsburgh, Syracuse, and (By Associated Press) Rochester, N. Y. PASADENA, Cal., Jan. 16.-Albert '-------------------- i- r i i and f o r m e r City Comptroller ____ Charles K. Schmidt were also in the race. Recital to Feature Ted Shawn T h e last-hour sensation w a s caused by filing of a petition on be- half of Representative Oscar de Priest, only Negro in congress. John P. Walsh, Eugene McCaf- frey and Newton Jenkins were the I other candidates. Anton J. Cermak, president of the Cook county board, had been indorsed unanimously by w a r d committeemen for the Democratic nomination, but petitions by Rus- sell H. Runk, Patrick B. Flanagan, John B. DeVoney, Martin, Powron- zik and James C. Mullen, the last a boxing promoter, were also filed. SSON ON HEAT OM JOHN ANDERSON stantly, permitting a brilliant flash of light, and a noise like the explo- sion of a fulminate cap. The spect- rum of such a flash was found to be quite different from that of an arc or spark, leading to a key of na- I ture's secrets. 1 "The arc and spark give a spect- r u in consisting of bright lines while the explosion flash in this ex- periment shows a continuous spect- rum crossed by a few dark lines, and hence resembles that of the z sun," explained Dr. Anderson. "Since the spectrum is continu- and Group Trained of Specially Dancers. Ted Shawn and his Denishawn ; dancers, assisted by Ernestine Day, will present a recital of dances at I 8:15 o'clock tonight in Hill audi- torium under the auspices of the Men's Glee club. Tickets for the program may be obtained at the Union, it was announced today. The Denishawn dancers ari all graduates of the Denishawn school of dancing, founded by Ted Shawn and Ruth St. Denis when it became apparent that with the advent ofI the talking pictures there would be a larger demand for trained danc- ers for the pictures. The group has given many recitals, both in Amer- ica and abroad, notably among thei latter one at the third German! dance congress, which was held in Munich last June. The dancersI have also toured in the Orient. Immediately after the conclusion of his present American tour with the group, Shawn will sail for Ger- many to embark on a tour of the principal cities with Margarete Wallman and a group of 30 dancers in performance of the dance-drama "Orpheus," which was the out- standing success of the German congress last year. Among the numbers which will be given tonight are "The Divine krs zssc~aearrsstI ac nght of the competition will NEW YORK, Jan. 16.-Supres- be ascertained in the near future sion and censorship of Havana while the subjects for the talk will newspapers were protested today be announced later also. by the Press Congress of the World in communication to P r e si d e n t HA VANA TO EXILE Michado of Cuba and Secretary of State Stimson at Washington. EDITOR OF PAPE The protests were made public by ERR James Wright Brown, president of Anti - Administration Editorials the Editor and Publisher and exe- cutive committee member of the Cause of Wilford Expulsion. congress. (By Associated Press) HAVANA, Jan. 16.-Twenty-one years of effort in 'Cuba's journal- istic field by John t. Wilford, owner and publisher of the Havana Ae- Acan, approached their end today as an order decreeing his expulsion from the republic awaited President --- Machado's signature. William King Given Back Job Octavio Zurezarreta, sub-secre- tary of interior, said the decree by Power Commission; should be signed today and that Russell Rejected. k Mr. Wilford, who is a former Mo- bile, Ala., newspaper man, would (By Associated Press! have 48 hours to arrange his affairs WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. - The and leave the island republic. power commission, reinstated today His expulsion is in retaliation by one of the two men whose dismissal the government for editorials car- precipitated the recent conflict be- vied by the American during the tween the Senate and the White last year. GRAND HAVEN-Municipal offi- cials here today were requested to appear before the Michigan stream control commission to explain what steps had been taken toward meet- ing the order of the commission to build a sewage disposal plant. The voters have twice defeated pro- Einsteins lesson about the mystery of nature's secrets came thick and fast. Today in the Mt. Wilson labora- tory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington here, the little German physicist was told of the produc- tion of the highest temperature a laboratory is said to have created,, House over recall of the nomina- tions of three commissioners. William V. King, was given back, his job as chief accountant, but the commission refused to re- appoint Charles A. Russell as solici- tor. The two were discharged at a Bruce Rutledge Given Judgeship by Brucker (By Associated Press) LANSING--Gov. Wilber M. Bruck- er announced today that he had