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.THE M.CHIGA.......
PTh~AY. 3~TA~RY ~6, ~ID31
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Women's High Diving Exhibition FORMER PILTT A
to be Feature; Water Polo
Game Is Scheduled.
10 n
Pucksters for Opener
Q~k..11L 'tL VYWlist kLr L'.~I Ir-I
At 7:30 o'clock tonight i in-E
tramural pool Coach Matt Mann's
swimmers will face the Detroit
Yacht Club tank team for the sec-
and time this season. In addition
to the fact that the Detroit team
held the Wolverine natators to a
six point margin of victory at the
Yacht Club last month, added in-
terest is given the meet due to the
presence of a number of formerj
Michigan Varsity swimmers on the
invading team.
Wolves Win First.
Freddie Sponberg, aquatic direc-
tor of the Detroit Yacht Club, has
been grooming his tankmen for
this meet, but Coach Mann of the
Wolverines is confident of victory
by a greater margin than that of
the last encounter which t h e
Wolves took, 35-29. Following the
meet the two teams will engage in
a water polo game, the Yacht Club
now having two wins scored over
the Wolverines in games played at
the Detroit team's pool which hand-
icaps the Maize and Blue because
cf its smallness.
The erection of a platform at the
Michigan pool has made possible
exhibitions of high diving, and for
this feature the officials have se-
cured two A. A. U. champion wo-
men's diving artists who will put
on a fancy diving show off the
high board. These champions are
Bcrghild Johannsen and Evelyn
Rice, both of Detroit. An admis-
sion of 50 cents will be charged'
for the meet.
Former Champs Entered.
Marcus, Kennedy, Klintworth,
and Smith will compose the Michi-
gan 200 yard relay team which will
face Mertz, Hosmer, Walaitas, and
Nevins, the first three being for-
mer Wolverines. Lemak, Schmieler,
and Miller are to swim the 200 yard
breast stroke, with the invaders en-
tering Howlett, former Big Ten
champion, and McClellan, former
National champion, both recent
Northwestern stars.
Marcus and Klintworth will team
up to face Walaitas and Mertz in
the fastest event of the encounter,
the 50 yard free style. The 220 yard
(Continued on Page 7)
Don George, Former Woiverine,
to Meet Hardest Opponen+
at Detroit Olympia. E
Tonight Detroit will be the scene
of the World's Heavyw ight W estf-
ing championship battle when Don
George former Wolverin igrapple
defends his title against Pat MLc ii
the Irish champion at Oympia.
George declared that the bout
tonight would be the toughest one
of his career and i1 he can take
the irishman down he will stand
a good chance of holding the titl(
for some time. McGill is considerec:
moie dangerous than~either Stanlet
Stasiak or Sonnenberg, both oi
whom George has beaten. Pat never
met the ex-champion Sonnenberg
Sbut he dispcsed of Stasiak in short
order with a better showing than
Die , 43'George did.
Who will swim here tonight with Geog id
the etrot Ycht lubtanken' McGill is dangerous because of
the Detroit Yacht club tankmen. his famous "lift and whirl" hold.
Dick captained the Wolverine Con- which is not much different from
ference championship natators dur- the airplane spin that a number of
irig his last year at Michigan. oheranesi ht ae umnb
good heavy e7ighits are using, but
' which vas pefeceted by th Irish
SWIMMING COACH man. McGill as the first wrestler
ACCORDED HONOR to discover that he could get an
opponent dizzy in the air and no
one has ever been able to exactly
Mat Mann Placed on Olympic duplicate his famous lift and whiil.
Selections Committee. Since his days under Keen as
Michigan's Conference Champion
Frank W. Nicolson, secretary of Don George has gone a long ways
the National Collegiate Athletic in the sporting world and he has
association recently announced that altered his style of fighting to corn-
MatiannVrsityMianian swidmhatpare with the other professional
Matt Mann, Varsity Michigan swim- grapplers, but his basic instruction
ming coach, had been singularly that he received here is still ap-
honored by being appointed one of parent in his attack though the
its representatives on the Olympic restrictions that Big Ten rules have
selections committee for swimming on the game have been entirely lost.
and diving. A complete evening of fighting is
Coach Mann, who has coached scheduled on the Olympia card to-
many great swimming teams and morrow night as two other major
has turned out four Conference heavyweight battles take place.
title winners for Michigan in the Plestina the trust buster of wresti-
past few years, was chosen for this ing will meet Spellman former
position because of his wide ac- Brown university grappler. Al Baf-
quaintance among coaches and fort the Canadian champion will
authorities in the realm of swim- fight Sailor Arnold title holder of
ming. As a member of this commit- the Navy in another hour time limit
tee the Michigan mentor will have match.
an opportunity to voice his choice ~- ~-
in the selection of the Olympic
swimming teams to represent the WANT ADS PAY!
United States at Los Angeles in 1932.
j Csg o G C ance
tco K ejan Sicandin
Victories Over Northwestern'
And Ohio State Would
G (ive 'Ue for First Place.1
1--=-=-=-=- ---
JBy Jo:'. jriss:
Michig ,n will get its 1 chance
to climb back to the top in Westerr
Conference basketball ratings th
week- end with games scheduied
. K Ohio St te and Northwexvste r
°aridCd to kee Coach Veenkert
>oys ?teresci. FKowevper, rom pas
erformancos these two games wi])
De anything but set-up , and to w i
both of then will take a real cham-
T ho' ickekvee walloped Wis-
censin by 10 points, 29-19 last
week, and then lost to Indiana
by a close 23-21 margin. The
F'. cks rate as something of a
dark horse in the Big Ten this
year with several sophomores
on their team, but have shown
frashes of real brilliance both in
their pre-season games and
a g a ii s t the two Conference
teams they have met. This
eans that the Wolverines will
have their hands full at Colum-
bus t o m o r r v cenirc , and
Coaeh Veenker is taking no
chanc( s that his team lose
through any mishap which may
be averted by pre-g'amecrill.
Should Michigan win from Ohio
state, they will still have North-
cc ;tern to keep their minds ou
basketball. The Wildcats invade
Ann Arbor Monday night to play
the first return, game of the season.
They dealt a severe blow at Michi-
gan's title hopes in the second bat-
t:ie of the season by winning, 27-22,
bit that was on their own floor be-
(Continued on Page 7;
3,OT 'Y', 34-40SIN SE RE
Junior Varsity Outplays VisitorsiT
to Take Fifth Victo:y. _____
Coach Ray Courtright's men re- Opponents Boast Veteran Team;
peated again last night to keep Wolverines Have Quartet
their reord c fear r uheseason by of GreenRegulars.
1 diingthesir I i ictory, this timre?
over the DJtit Y. DA. C. A. basket- Pitted against the team that will
ball team, 34 to 10. The game was have to be beaten out if Michigan
decidedly in the hands of the hopes to successfully defend its
Wolverine Junior Varsity from the Conference hockey title, the Wol-
beginning to the end of the game. verine sextet will play its first
Shaw, center; Eveland and Hud-
son, forwards; and Tessmer and Ten puck game of the season to-
Ricketts played the first half for night when it clashes with Wiscon-
Michigan. This lineup handled the sin at Madison. This contest will
ball well, displaying both a good be the first of a two-game series,
and effective offense and tightening the second game of which will be
up too well for the Detroit team on played tomorrow.
the defense. Coach Eddie Lowrey's team, con-
Eveland, Hudson and Shaw shared sisting of four sophomores and two
the scoring honors for the first veterans, will be face to face with
period, each making two field goals a wholly veteran aggregation in the
and one free throw. Tessmer was Badgers. Although the Crimson
not far behind with two more team has a new coach in E. A. Carl-
baskets, the. second being a fast son, who replaced the Badger's
run-in and clean short toss. The former mentor, Farquahar, at the
men started off with Hudson and beginning of the year, the remain-
made field goals in rotation until der of the team will be practically
Ricketts failed to connect with his the same as that which pushed the
chance, and then they repeated, Wolverines so hard for the title last
picking up a trio of free throws for season.
a lead of 19-3, at the half. Captain Metcalfe will team up
Baldwin and Root played as for- with two other experienced men,
wards second half, while McDonald Siegal and Bach, to form the for-
jumped center, and Bremen and ward line of the Wisconsin team,
O'Neill paired off as guards. Mc- while Thompson and Meiklejohn
Donald did most of the scoring, will form the Badger defense. Frisch,
making a total of seven points for the team's regular goalie for the
the high point honors of the eve- past two years, is again back in
ning. Root added two field goals, front of the nets, and his steady
Baldwin one basket and one free play is expected to prevent many
throw, and O'Neill put in a foul potential Michigan goals from ever
goal. entering the cage. For reserves
The Detroit lineup was Seng and Coach Carlson will have Gallagher
Demchak, forwards; Ott, center, and Kubista as forwards, and Kabat
and Chapp and Frasier, guards. and Swiderski, two guards on Wis-
(Continued on Page 7) (Continued on Page 7)
Tommy Courtis,
Right Wing, on Coach Eddiel
Lowrey's sextet tihat is scheduled to
face the veteran Wisconsin team atj
Madison tonigt) and tomorrow in I
the Conference opening series.
Two Veterans Return
to Swim for Purple
(SPecalIoA c ai >)
EVANSTON, ill., Jan. 14. - Onlyf
two members, Covode and Wilson, of
the Northwestern university swim-
ming team that won the national
collegiate championship at Harvard
last year, are back this year. Six
of the eight stars graduated.
Thos. Heath Clothes on Sale!
90 new Tho's. Heath Suits, nearly
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We have all sizes, all shades
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One Special Lot of Overcoats at $25.00 each
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One Special Lot
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Lighters, Tie Rack, etc.
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