. PAGE FOUR Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publicationis. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credlitedl in this paper and the local news published Ierein. Efltered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, M4ohigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- ma3ter General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492s MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board, HENRY MERRY FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor News Editor. . .........Gurney Williams Editorial Director .......... Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor ..............Joseph A. Russell omen's Editor........... Mary L. Behymer Music. Drama, Books.........Win. 3. Gorman Assistant City Editor....... Harold 0i. Warren Assistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor..........orge A. Stautei Copy Editor ..................Win. F. Pype* NIGHT EDITORS THE MICHIGAN DAILY FR IDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931 . S. Beach Conger Carl S. Forsythe David M. Nichol John D. Reindel Richard I. WTobin Harold 0. Warren 7 7 7. J . SPORTS ASSISTANTS Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend REPORTERS .E. Bush Wilbur J. Meyers Tponas M. Cooley Brainard W.Nies Morton Frank Robert L. Pierce Sau~l Friedberg Richard Racine Frank 13Gilbreth Theodore r. Rose Jack Goldsmith Jerry E. Rosenthal gl~and Goodman (Charles A. Sanford Morton Helper Karl Seiffert Edgar Hornik Robert F. Shaw Bryan Jones Edwin M. Smith Denton C. Kunze George A. Stauter Powers Moulton John W. Thomas john S. Townsend Eileen Blunt Mary McCall lsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien Ruth Gallmeyer Eleanor Rairdon 1"mily G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin Jean Levy Margaret Thompson Dorotny Magee Ciaire Trussell BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON, Assistant Manage, DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Advertising ................Charles T. Klim Advertising.................Thomas M. Davis Advertising............William W. Warboys Service ...................Norris J. Johnson P'ublication ............Robert W. Willi mso Circulation ........ . ..... Marvin SKobacker Accounts....................Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary............Mary J. Kena Assistants Harry R. Beglev Ere Kightlinger Venon -Bishop Don W. Lyon William Brown William Morgan Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeier William W. Davis eith Tyler Richard H. Hiller Noel R. Turner iles Hoisington Byron C. Vedder Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller Marlan.Atran Helen osen Helen Bailey Mildred Postal Tsephine Conviss"r Marjorie Rough axine Fisligrund Mary E. Watts Dorothy reire Johanna Wiese Dorothy Laylini FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931 Night Editor -HAROLD WARREN RECONSTRUCTION OF CHINA The announcement t h a t t h e Chinese government has requested the League of Nations to send Sir Arthur Salter, director of the Sec- retariat's economic and financial section, to Nanking to give the Na- tionalist government his advice on the reorganization of the Chinese financial and currency system is an important piece of news, and will probably start a train of events which will culminate in restoring China to a position of great im- portance in the world. Sir Arthur was sent by the League to Hungary, Austria, Danzig, Esthonia, Bulgaria, and put the currency systems of those and several other European nations back on a normal basis, and if the League grants the re- quest of China, Robert Haas, di- rector of the transit section, will accompany Sir Arthur to the Or- ient. Senator Pittman, of Nevada, re- cently suggested a loan of silver to China by the United States and. Canada to help out the govern- ment in its financial difficulties, At present the value of silver is so low that China isliterally swamp- ed with silver, and such a loan, the suggestion of which was received unfavorably in financial circles, could not accomplish much, except under certain conditions. In the first place, there exist treaty a- greements between world powers with respect to loans to China, which would have to be considered before starting negotiations. In the second place, the assumption is that the loan would be made to the government, which in the past has not been able to meet even the interest on present obligations. Furthermore, the bankers will ask for what purposes the loan will be used, and what guarantees they will have that the money will not be expended on further war rather than economic reconstruction. And lastly, the currency system is in the utmost state of confusion. Dif- ferent weights are included in coins now circulating in different parts of the country; various cities have different denominations of silver tokens. What would happen if an- other million or so dollars worth of silver were literally "dumped" I the currency might gradually be placed and kept on a stable level. However, the plea for aid from the League experts has undoubted- ly upset all individual political scheming on the parts of various countries wishing to expand their trade in China at their own profit. China recently lost its elective seat on the Council of the League, while Japan retains a permanent seat under the provisions of the Coven- ant. Under the new system, China will automatically become a mem- ber of the Council in regard to the financial scheme if such a scheme is undertaken. If it is found pos- sible to develop some constructive measures, then China will soon find her international position and pres- tige among nations returning, and will be able to deal with Japan and others on a basis of equality. THE SOVIET "MENACE." Not content with an already size- able record of absurd proposals, Representative Hamilton Fish and his committee investigating Com- munist activities are preparing to submit to Congress a recommenda- tion that alien Communists be de- ported. Among other resolutions urged are: re-establishment of a bureau of investigation in the de- partment of justice to shadow Com- munist and kindred organizations; levying an embargo against Soviet exports; exclusion of the Commun- ist and the Worker's parties from the ballot. The publicity-seeking schemes of Solon Fish are no more condemna- ble than the general apathy with which the American public receives them. We do not ridicule his pro- posals as such jingoism should be ridiculed because we have ceased to be a thinking people in political matters. Most of us have absorbed the clap-trap disseminated by our capitalistic press until we look upon a Communist much as our self- righteous forefathers looked upon an atheist. We read censored and unreliable dispatches from Russia uncritically. Nearly every day our police author- ities accuse Communists of com- plicity in uprisings of underpaid or unemployed laborers, perhaps rath- er than take the trouble to deter- mine the true causes, or, perhaps, rather than reveal the true causes. There is nothing holy about our form of government. If it some- times fails conclusively to provide those things that it guarantees, it will be time for us to change. For that reason, the makers of the con- stitution included in its provisions permitting free speech and pre- venting discrimination a g a i n s t those of non-conforming political beliefs. The government, though it is often inefficient and often unjust, has not failed. But in every case of discrimination like that proposed by Solon Fish, it not only defies the bill of rights guaranteed to the peo- ple, but also admits that capitalism has allowed enough injustices to creep in that it must use extra- 1 e g a 1 methods for suppressing movements that would compel it to rectify the unjust practices. Communism and Soviet Russia are not "menaces" to our govern- ment. But they do~ establish the [act that our governing agents can- not continue indefinitely to abuse the powers with which they are en- trusted nor neglect their duties for interests of political self-preserva- tion without eventually making their own positions insecure. Campus Opinion Contrihutors ae a' ed to he brief, confining theinsceSe to less that. 300 wrds11 if poss id Aionytnoos C n-o munications will he d.isregarded. The names of (comm11unicats ilt' , ihowever, he"Igardcd as cnfiOcn ' *ial,u pon re- quest. Letters pb1 islied should.not he cons't rued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. To the Editor: May I make a suggestion how I believe the students may materially help theAUnemployment situation in Ann Arbor at present. One of the things which the Mayor's Un- employment Committee has been attempting to do is to get house- holders to employ a man, at tem- porary jobs about the house, if only for a short time. It would seem that particularly those people who are on fixed incomes would respond to this appeal, but so far the re- spond has been meager. Would it not be possible for students to so- licit the work for the unemployed. They might go from house to house asking citizens to employ a man, to clean the cellar, wash windows, or do other odd jobs. The fraternities and sororities also could be visited and urged to do the same thing, and in this way it might be pos- sible to find jobs for niany who are now in urgent need. It would seem that such a scheme would renuire Music and Drama - DEBUSSY La Mer: played by Piero Coppola and Symphony Orchestra for the Victor Musical Masterpiece Series Album No. 89. With an adequate perspective on the whole Symbolist movement in France-of which Debussy was the musician-Debussy's intentions and achievements seem readily under- standable. The recent importation by Victor of a French performance of one of Debussy's early master- pieces-quite superior I think to either of the later long orchestral work, Fetes and Iberia-makes ex- amination easier. In this early work, Debussy is morethe spontan- eous artist; less the conscious ex- ploiter of a formula (which he cer- tainly became.) Debussy himself, perhaps t h e most illuminating commentator on his own music, suggests the key to understanding in his s t a t e m e n t that his tone-painting was "une transposition sentimentale de qui est invisible dans la nature." This vaguely anthropomorphic concep- tion of nature was at the basis of the whole Symbolist movement. De- bussy has suggested it again in the edict that he sought in music to establish a "rapport entre l'ame innombrable de la nature et l'ame d'un personnage." Involved in these statements is the belief-perhaps only an emotional attitude-that there is an inherent logic or impli- cit significance in natural sounds and natural scenes in their rela- tion to human sensibilities. The Symbolist poet and the Symbolist musician is concerned with com- municating his perception of this inner logic in nature together with the emotions evoked in him by this perception. Mu s i c undoubtedly proved the better medium (De- bussy's being a better poem than Mallarme's for example.) h This type of creative process hasI certain important results for mus- ic. In the case of a composer hold- ing such views as Debussy, the em- otional states he wishes to com- municate will obviosuly be condi- tioned by and in relevance to the situation or scene which has a- roused them. By focussing his sen- sibility on a specific scene or ob- ject and keeping his musical atti- tudes relevant to them, he attains the crystallisation he desires. This, I think, is certainly an approxi- mate description of Debussy man- ner of composition in the larger works and in the smaller piano preludes. Since the objective derivation of Debussy's emotional states is by his own admission so important, one clearly needs to know its nature in listening to the music. Hence the Debussy titles (The Sea, the Goldfish, Wind on the Plain, clouds, etc.) which are meant to limit our field of reference to consciousness of the object designated in the title. In addition to this extra-musical means of limiting our field of ref- erence there is the effort in the music itself to maintain, in addi- tion to the expression of his emo- tions, the realistic basis (the sea) from which his emotions derived (by certain "representative tricks possible to a subtle musical idiom). In the listener's experience of the music, if it is successful, there are, then, emotions (more or less the composer's) and visual i m a g e s (more or less the composers) of a specific mise-en-scene. The musical intentions involved here certainly modify musical com- position. They limit it, too, I think.' In fact, I think it probable that in the very thing Debussy has tried, to modify (namely the peculiar sortl of abstraction involved in musical expression, that is, its sole preoocu- pation with attitudes without their! conditioning objects) most of the strength of music lies. H e r b e r t Schwartz in a recent article in the Hound and Horn has suggested this idea. After a description of the abstraction involved in musical ex- pression he says: "That perhaps is why music is so fertile a source of human understanding and so sen- sitive a medium of human expres- sion. It has all the precision of the isolated experience divorced from ,ll the data required to establish its fa.-tual origin." Debussy's views and type of experience made it necessary for him to establish with- in the music this "data." He is thus a unique and a limited musical sensibility. His interest lies in his uniqueness; his genius in his per, feet realization of valid, if not high- ly valuable, intentions. La Mer has three sections: From THE FLYING DUTCHMAN A Review The fact of a conductor attempt- ing by a reading in a different, and what may be called more Wagneri- an, tradition to remove from "The Flying Dutchman" some of its Ital- ian associations added greatly to the interest of the German Opera company's performance Wednesday night in the Detroit Masonic audi- torium. Recognizing that though "The Flying Dutchman" possesses many notable enrichments over the j old style in solo and choral effects, and though there is in it the germ of that dramatic integrity and imaginativedsincerity which later characterized Wagner, recognizing that though all this is so, "The Fly- ing Dutchman" is still full of tre- mendous concessions to the current (for Wagner) styles of Italian com- position and melody, Hans Blech- schmidt interpreted it, naturally, to ring out the old and ring in the new. It was a virtual statement of a static Wagner; a denial of growth. While it greatly enriched the musi- cal value of the early work, it led to incongruities in the handling of dramatic effects. If we are to believe that an at- tempt at the best is preferable to a perfect rendering of the poorer, Blechschmidt was justified. At any rate it is unfortunate that such a early opera as "The Flying Dutch- man" (it was preceeded in produc- tion only by "Renzi") should have been chosen as one of the two Wag- nerian dramas that Detroit was to hear this year. It is for this reason perhaps that the novel reading was attempted. Its incongruities resulted from a very natural conflict of the lyrical Italian properties of the opera with the tragic Wagnerian tradition. It must not be thought that the performance was dull or stinted. It was a fine attempt at something d i f f e r e n t and difficult. Blech- chmidt's artistic integrity in refus- ing popularly to profit through an exploitation of the Italian and nec- essarily popular elements of "The Flying Dutchman" was the out- Istanding element of the perform- ance. His reading of the score, his consciousness of rhythmic units were technically all that could be demanded, and yet there was a de- sire to carry out the traditions in- culcated through years of experi- ence in the operatic field as It is manifest in Germany and by a real love and feeling for the music which kept the opera on the level of the best tragedies of Wagner in point of interpretation. One felt almost grateful for the incongruity of the second act (which is one of the dullest Wagner ever wrote and totally lacking in qualities which would make it pos- sible to be well played in the man- ner of Wednesday night) in that it presented an opportunity to hear Johanna Gadski at her best and freest. She has undoubtedly one of the loveliest voices on the operatic stage. Her reappearance here after an absence of a generation is an event of importance. S. S.F. THE DENISHAWN DANCERS. An example of the thoroughness iwhich characterizes everything that Ted Shawn attempts, is shown by the fact that in order to have a deeper appreciation of music, al- though his knowledge was by no means superficial, he has recently found time to study with Vassily Savadsky, a graduate of the Impe- rian Conservatory in Petrograd and a pupil of Liadov and Glazounov, foremost Russian composers. Mr. Shawn has no fondness for the pretty, sugary melodies so pop- ular with many dancers. Musically, he leans strongly toward the mod- erns and at the moment his ambi- tion is to give an entire program { of the compositions of Seriabin. This is forecast by "The Divine Idiot," perhaps his most important contribution to this season's pro- gram, danced to the music of the revolutionary Scriabin. Mr. Shawn's fine taste i pmusic will be displayed in the program which he will share with Ernestine Day and The Denishawn Dancers1 at Hill auditorium tomorrow night when the accompaniments will be furnished by Mary Campbell, an ex- ceptionally able concert artist. D. C. surface, in the gaiety and nervous distraction of waves at sport, in its boisterous sensitivity to the power of the wind. The music satisfies Debussy's statements about it: ii evokes that "rannort" he claimrld SPECIAL BOXES F DELICIOUS CANDY FOR VALENTINES DAY SUGAR BOWL 109 South Main St. Hot Lunchcs at all times I ' YOU c-:: iy a ra'io instrument that is just ea s the new Victot Four-Circuit 1 imo, but it won't be just as t is it won't have Victor t' q Ofly 1.hat can g ie you u1ti. :natc s:.Not a single instrument in tthesam c c ass can match the Victor ur Circ0 itRadiNo in all around perform- Price Completc $13160 .Alowance for old Racio, .n 'nograph, or Piano, $32.0( -Ha r i t a n d b u y i t A g y, OMIUniversity Music House Devoted to Mias j W;Hiin Wade Hinshaw Cor. Maynard & William Phone 7515 STEPP IQNG INTO A OD E RN WORLD &7- - --- mwmw Swift' Drug -tore 5 r aA - ALL PIPES, ASH T RAYS, LIGH TERS, R UMIDORS, AN D CIGAR ET TE HOLDERS i _ ____ S peciCaI at Clipping a second would save 25,000 hours A second saved here - an unnecessary step cut out there - on such close atten- tion to detail rests the success of modern industry. Nowhere is this more strikingly shown than in the telephone business. Iin accounting work for instance, an improved method that clips just one second from the time required to handle one toll ticket would have great results. Applied throughout the System--hand- ling an average of more than 90,0O,00(0 toll tickets each month-it would effect a monthly saving of 25,000 hours! Such "little" things often are tremen- (lously important in so vast an industry. Ihat is one reason why men find Bell System work so fascinating. Ti/e opor)tw1iity is there! BELL SYST lFM