ESTABLISHED 1890 Y AIL 'Alk 'AL-. b ammmommommob. A& . 4w 190k. . ARM MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL XLI. No. 80 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS REPORT OF SURVEY MADE OF DRY LAW READYFORH HOOVER Study of Eighteenth Amendment May be Submitted Today by Commission. REQUEST EXTRA AGENTS Bureau Asks for 500 Additional Men; Volstead Act 11 Years Old Today. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. -- Eleven years old at mignight, Prohibition ended the first year of its second decade today with prospects that its past would lead away from. fhe tumult and controversy that has dogged its history. Buffeted by foes and fought for by friends since that day in Janu- ary, 1920, when the Nebraska legis- lature became the 36th state to ratify the Eighteenth Amendment, the law faced three early decisions which may affect the course of its future history. They were: 1. An early submission to Presi- dent Hoover, possibly upon prohibi- tion's birthday, of the.dry law re- port of the Wickersham law en- forcement commission, admittedly controversy laden. Clark Ruling Before Court. j .2. A brewing storm upon capital hill over the prohibition bureau's request for 500 additional dry agents and an added appropriation of more than $2,000,000. 3. Argument within a week in the1 Supreme Court over the recent rul-' ing of Judge Clark, in New Jersey, holding the Eighteenth Amendment invalid. Dry leaders tonight, al- though conceding few peaceful mo- ments for prohibition in its 12th year, nevertheless stood firm that the law would remain. W. C. T. U. Lists Benefits. Despite "imperfect observance and enforcement" said a statement, tonight from the Women's Chris- Sian Temperance Union, "prohibi- tion already has increased the na- t! nal buying power by $6,000,000,- 000 a year." Listing five benefits of the law, ranging from a reduction of poverty to the abolition of "blue Monday" the W. C. T. U. asked what "did the saloon do in its 130 years?" On the other side, Henry H. Cur- ran, president of the Association Against the Prohibition Amend- ment, stood on his recent predic- tion that 24 states now were ready to vote for repeal and the necessary 12 more could be marshalled within two years after the question was submitted to the people by Con- gress. At the same time he listed the gains in the wet ranks from the recent Congressional elections. I tato RiiIltinc IlH FAN MAIL NUMBERS WEEKLY AT BRO Glee Club Broadcasts Prove Popular; Praise Studio Personnel. (By Carl S. Forsythe, '32) I "Fan mail" at the University broadcasting studio has steadily in-, creased until now approximately 16,000 letters are received each week.1 Business men, school boys, bank- ers, laborers - all enjoy the pro-, grams broadcast from the campus, and in their letters they praise highly the work of the studio per- sonnel. The Glee club programs are among the most popular, if letters can be considered as indicators.- Talks on diseases by professors of the medical school have also been3 THREMAIN ISSUES'1 FACE LEISLATOS Reapportionment, Liquor, and Economy Constitute Chief t Problems of Session. (fly Associated fress) LANSING, Jan. 15.-Legislative reapportionment joined the issues of liquor and economy today as the chief problems facing the current session of the legislature. A joint resolution to limit the representation of Wayne county to 25 per cent of the legislative mem- bership and restrict initiatory ac- tion on reapportionment in the fu- ture to the legislature was submit- ted in the house by RepresentativeI Len W. Feighner.c Supported by the so-called rural r bloc in the lower branch of the leg- I islature, the proposal would addt four representatives and one sena- tor to the metropolitan delegation.- Wayne county now has 21 repre- sentatives and seven senators andf the joint resolution would pave the1 way for eight senators and 25 rep-r resentatives. The voters last fallc turned down a proposal to amend. the constittiion which woud lae apportioned the state on a strictt population basis to give Wayne a4 delegation of 40 representatives andt 12 senators. FREE PLAYS WILL BE GIVEN TONIGHT Three one-act plays will be pre-, sented at 8:15 o'clock tonight and tomorrow night by students of Play£ Production in the Laboratory thea- tre. Tickets to the performance will be free.t The plays will be staged, acted, and directed by students. They arc "Pokey," by Philip Miller, directed by Charles Monroe, '31; "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals," by SirJ James Barrie, directed by Margaret Morin, '31; and "Cinderella Mar- ries," also by Barrie, directed by Francis Young, Grad. F No reservations for tickets will be accepted by telephone. 16,000 LETTERS ADCASTING STUDIO, of great interest to Michigan radio listeners. Each day letters are re- ceived from fans who want their particular disease discussed by some University authority. Some letters, however, have criti- cism to offer. One received yester- day from a minister in a small Michigan city protested against "the propaganda for the evasion of the law contained in the 'Drink, Drink, Joy Rules the Day' song" which was recently rendered by the Glee club. "Perhaps," he said, "it's in the line with your practice there,j however, you should be ashamed to broadcast such a song." Another letter spoke harshly of the talks which are being given this week by the German depart- ment. The writer seemed to think that the University is . spreadingt propaganda favoring a nation that in the past unjustly treated "thet land of the free and the home ofi the brave," fond that the studio wasr doing a very unpatriotic thing. All in all, the broadcasting studio is an interesting place to spend an ' afternoon, and especially so if one is permitted to gaze into the direc-e tor's mail bag.t TOEUDROSBVY Special Commission of League of Nations to Study Plan C for Economic Union. ! (!,y A.;sodaa ri e Is) GENEVA, Switzerland, Jan. 15.----P Possibilities of European economic co-operation will be explored to- morrow when the special commis- sion created by the League of Na- tions begins its study of Aristide Briand's long-cherished plan for ant European federation. Work of the commission at its first session is expected to be large- ly academic, stressing economic rather than political, collaborationa of the states. The commission hasa te2.j r ucted by t],_ League to prepare an outline plan for a union to be submitted to the Leaguef assembly at its session next Sep- tember One of these specific fields ofa study will be the problem of inter- t national electric power transmis- sion, set before the commission bys the Belgian government. Proposals for the eradication of customs barriers and for concerted ecenomic action also will be takene up. The Belgian government in ask-c ing consideration of electric power transmission, stressed the "Euro- pean aspects" of the problem as well as its world-wide Drought Appropriation( Bill Signed by Hoover, WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-Presi- dent Hoover late today signed the much-disputed drought loan ap- propriation. The $45,000,000 becomes imme- diately available and the machinery already has been set up for loan- ing it to farmers for buying seed, feed, fertilizer and farm machinery fuel for putting in this year's crops. Even as the president put the formal finish to the controversy over the measure, lines were stiffen- ing in the Senate for another battle over providing money for food. OF I TO B 1TAPPINGAnCTS' y fI~l~ F SC°UTINIZED', ( I I I I. 1 Well-Dressed Man Will Wear Green, Declare Designers APPROV AL G AINED RDTU( FOR S ANKEY BIL L It\1A Messages Report City in Ruins; House oZommittee to Investigate A J ed Illegal Methods Used in Enforcement. HEARING TO BE JAN 29. Reprsentative Shaefer Bri in Protest of Telephone Company Evidence. ings] - (y Associated 1'rMcs) WASINGTON, Jan. 15. - Wire tapping (by the prohibition bureau to obtai4 evidence is to be scrutin- ized by tie House expenditure com- mittee.The committee today adopt- ed a rIpotion by Representative Schafer, Republican, Wisconsin, an anti-pro ibitionist, to that effect after he had said the bureau was tapping wires in violation of state laws. The ftst hearing, Chairman Wil- liamson said, will be held Jan. 29. The co mittec proposes to call Attorney-General Mitchell, Proli- bition Director Woodcock, ad J. Edgar Hoover, director of the just- ice department investigation bu- reau. B.ell Company Protests. Schafer read to the committee portionso Of a letter received from the Cin cinnati & Suburban Bell Telephone Co., which said that last November the prohibition bureau had agreed to cease tapping wires, but sine that time "three agents were apprehended as they at- tempted to listen-in on party lines. "The tteephone company's pro - tests sern to be of no avail," Schaferj said. On Nov. 26, after the ag 4eement was supposed to have bden made, one of the gov- ernment agents, producing a shield and identification, a photograph and ca ci, approached one of the employ-°s of the company and offered him $50 to tap a wire the following day." 'Violation Is Contnued. The Cincinnati company, Schafer added, was in "an unhappy posi- tion" because the prohibition agents insist on tapping wires while the state law subjects the offender to as much as three years in jail and a fine of $1,000. He quoted testimony of Wood- cock, Mitchell and Hoover to show that although Hoover's department does not condone the practic, it is the "policy" of the prohibition bu- reau. "One branch of the justice de- partment," Schafer explained, "says it is alright--the other fires a man for doing it." MUSEUM ZOO ACQUIRES NICK', YOUNG WILDCAT The little cupola behind the University museum has a new inmate in the person of "Nick," a wildcat caught near Atlanta, ies., on Jan. 6 by Ross 0. Ste- vens, '3. Nick is very young and very uncommunicative, not h a v i n1g been seen since his installation in his ncw home. He evidently must take all his exercise at night for lie has not been reported seen once in the daytime. Nick was caught by two toes of a forepaw, and therefore did not suffer much inconvenience outside of a little cautious man-handling by his captors. In smite of his family, Nick has not matriculated at Northwestern university. Former City Manager to Speak Here Today C. W. Ham, 19, president of the Peoples State bank of Pontiac, will lecture on "Financial Aspects of City Management" at 4:30 o'clock today in room 2225, Angell hall. The talk is being sponsored by the Municipal Administration club. Ham graduated from the Univer- sity in the Municipal administra- tion course. He then became assis- tant city manager at Escanaba, and later manager of Gladstone. After remaining at Gladstone for some time, he went to Pontiac as city manager, which post he hed until entering the bankinglfield. He is also a past president of the City Manager's association. J.UR Y OM IMISSION (1v Associated Press) PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 15. - Pre- pare yourself for the news, Mr. Well-Dressed Man. The color for your spring and summer sports and businessclothes is -green. That's the word that came today from the semi-annual convention of the International Association of Clothing Designers. Here's more of the style forecast: Shoulders will be broader, the de- signers decreed, waists slimmer and higher, coats longer, pockets set high, sleeves narrow at the hand without being stinted, and return of the notch lapel is favored for sports clothes. UPON OIL- STARTED Independent Producers Appoint Committees to Conduct Dual Campaign. M v yAssoria/,,d IPress) WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-Inde- pendent oil producers t~oday pre- pared for a dual oil campaign for a tariff upon oil. The drive will be carried to Con- gress and the White House by two committees appointed late today. Senator-elect Thomas P. Gore of Oklahoma heads the group that will lay the tariff plea before the House and the Senate, and Wirt Franklin, president of the Independent Pe- troleum association, will lead the committee before the president. When the two committees will start their direct campaign remains to be determined, but their resolu- tions, which were prepared tonight at an executive session of the com- mittees, will be reported to the con- ference tomorrow. Delegations from 13 states were represented at the meeting. Chair- man Franklin in a keynote address pictured cbnservation as a ruinous policy, building up a monopoly. SENATE PROTESTS POWER CASE ATS, Hoover Refuses to Reconsider His Dismissal of King and Russell. (13v lAssociated I'ys~s) WASHINGTON, Jan, 15 .--Almost all the former employees of the power commission were put back to work today, but prominently absent on the list were William V. King, chief accountant, and Charles A. Russell, solicitor. Their dismissal by Chairman Smith and Commissioners Draper and Garsaud of the new commis- sion led to the most outstanding difference of opinion between the Snate and Prsidrsent Hoover since Residents Sleep in Despite Cold. Open Associated Press Photd Lord Chancellor Sankey, Eminent British rta te 'man, who outlined a plan for the future gov-I ernment of India at the Round Ta- ble conference in London. Sankey's report which contained his plan of government was adopted in com- !mittee yesterday. ADOPTD FORINDIA Rumor That Political Prisoners Will be Freed Causes Lxcit ment. LONDON, Jan, 15. -The Indian round table conterenee in commit- tee today adopted the report of Lord Chancellor Sankey outlini:g the framework of India's future federal governmen I, The plan will go bef'ca I ful pleniary SCSin of ti cenferen whicl may coimr cnc ' tomorrow and will conclude on Monday mor.- ing. Premier Rans9 y MacDonal c will announ ethe gevernmen t'i policy as the curtain falls. Tonight a flurry was created in conference circles by the report that the Maharaja of Bikaner, pow- erful Indian potentate and life-long supporter of the British crown, had proposed the liberation of all poli- tical prisoners in British India, in - eluding Mahatma Ghandi, the ex- tremist leader. These number in the neighborhood of 50,000. ITALIA SEA1 P"ILA -ESi General !?:bo Arrives at Rio de Jancir( With Heet of Vevn is. CAPITAL FEELS SHOCK Communication Irregular; Wide Area, Embracing 15 States, Rocked by Tremor. ('fy AsoIted mress) MEXICO CITY, Jan. 15.-Soldiers were turning over the wreckage of the thriving city of Oxaca tonight, carrying out the bodies of men and women who perished in the earth- quake which last night rocked southern Mexico. At least 12 persons perished and many more were injured, but tele- graphic communication was im- possible and radio messages irregu" lar. The city itself, fragmentary messages said, was in the ruins, and the panic-stricken people slept in the open despite intense cold be- cause they were afraid to go back to such hones as were left stand 1 ng. Perez Describes Scenes. The only clear picture of the dis- aster came out of the ruined city Ir. a message to President Ortiz Rubio from General Evaristo Perez, the nmilitary commander in the state of Oxaca. It was he who said that at least 25 persons had been killed or in- jured. Another message to the de- partment of communications said that 12 had been killed but this could not be verified immediately. "It is impossible to describe the confusion here," the general's mes- sage said. "The loss is incalculable and at least 25 persons have been killed or injured and we are stiU discovering bodies of the dead." One Dead in Capital. The general's home was destroyed and he was living in his automo- bile, he said. The military barracks was in ruins and a colonel in tie cavalry was one of those killed. The police were helping the soldiers to search the ruins for additional vic- tims. The epicenter of the quake, which struck Oxaca at about 10 o'cloclC last night, was placed a few miles northeast of the city. Mexico City itself was shaken for four minutes and one person \vas killed and 25 injured. There was also consider- able property damage. More Than 750 Attend Smoker for Engineers J. M. Fitzgerald, an executive of the Eastern Railroad Presidents' conference, speaking before more than 750 students and faculty men- bers of the engineering college at the annual engineering smoker last night, outlined the history of rail- road transportation in this country and cited the increase in speed and the drastic reductions in rates that have occurred in the last 10 yea, Music by an orchestra and by the "Midnight Sons" quartet was the feature of the occasion. TBUCE TERMINAES ALEIS COAL STRIE (By Asoia/cd 1 rrss) January 15, 1931. 1 f i ' i ' (Bly Associaited P'ress) CHEBOYGAN - Judge Frank Sheppherd, of this city, died here today after a brief illness. Judge Sheppherd, who would have been 78 years old Jan. 28, served for 30, years on the bench of the 33rd judicial court. Before being cected I to the bench, he served as prose- cuting attorney, judge of probate, state legislator, and a member of the board in control of the Michi- gan branch prison at Marquette. JACKSON-The Nurses home at I the Jackson county tuberculosis sanitarium was damaged by fire this morning with an estimated loss of several hundred dollars. LANSING - Attorney General Paul W. Voorhies, in an opinion today, advised Prosecutor Clarence L. Smith, of Oakland county, that although the county may open bids Jan. 23 to borrow $1,000,000 in anticipation of collecting taxes levied in 1930, notes of security could not be sold ac a discount. LANSING - It was announced, here today by Frank D. Fitzgerald, secretary of state, that there will be no extension of time beyond Feb. 1 in which automobile owners may procure license plates. He said that although the law provides for an extension from Jan. 31 to Feb. 1, it is specific on the point that there can be no further extension. Communists Granted Amnesty by Deputies (13y Associated Press) PARIS, Jan. 15.-Without any prompting or opposition from the Steeg government, the Chamber of Deputies today granted amnesty to two of its members, Andre Marty and Jacques Duclos, communists. 'ALUMNUS' ARTICLE TRACES GROWTH IN HISTORY OF MEDICAL EDUCATION New Issue of Graduate Magazine Describes Progress in Field Opened Here. Progress in the field of Medical education, an administration of the University which has given Michi- gan the rank of pioneer in its field, is thoroughly described in this week's Alumnus, issued today. From the University's first great presi- dent, Tappan, and his successors, says the Alumnus writer, Michigan has maintained a tradition of pro- gress and a pioneering attitude which "shall not disappear in these latter days." An interesting'educational exper- iment of 40 years ago, which grad- ually won success and is now part of the accepted practice of many American universities, was the in- stitution of what is now called the "combined curriculum in letters and medical schools, some from medical societies-local, state and national --some few from boards of health or bodies dealing with medical li-! censing, and some from individual physicians. Of all the plans sug- gested, the one which, in the light of present day progress, most near- ly approached the future needs and1 possibilities was that proposed by the faculty of the University of' Michigan." "A study of the Michigan pro- posal is of unusual interest for it reveals the fact that after nearly, 40 years of agitation the general- plan of the curriculum of today is essentially that proposed by Michi- gan in 1890... " "This proposed course of study matches with unusual fidelity the plan now followed by most Class A colleges. It will be noted that em- bryology, physiological chemistry, histology, and physilogy, which the latter took office. I4 .0/;(oiUtrd I Ces5i 1 The Senate, after days of debate, during which it was charged Rus- Elcven swift , tahi;n seapianes to- sell and King were fired because day comple(ed the flight of more they opposed the power interests, tin 6,000 nile which 1 4 egan asked the president to send their .17 < t 9_>k1s , IRdy, names back for consideration. Mr.Da Hoover flatly declined. GcnrlalIae ai mO, 110 84 From the attitude of commission cldtalia a ir J1k 1', the members, the prospects that Rus- 11shponl War t bahal sell and King will get their jobs at 8.17 'cock ti o g 6:17 back is none too good. . m. E. ; ad cthm lovin b e gpon baautiful Ectaf go bay be- HOBBS DISCUSSES *** :4a (l)'5C "c10k *l * ',~ fternoon (2:54 aid ?:p. m. E . T, ARCTIC PROJECTS1 complted the i',ap o 747 0,ns. -T-I Thc ships a r}'iv the Brazil- Speaking before the members of ian capia a I' P. n to! lie, the Geological and Geographical -,sore f wd y r ee lban Journal club last night, Prof W- an hour h i_ m ia down the bay. liam H. Ifobbs discussed expeditions Frnn c'ily ;T r io 0 wh WIIIl. notice now being carried on in the Arctic of the tkeoiff w'ao hucI ined, by various countries, and also fI- crowds gathered in front of news- ture explorations to be made in pipr ofices to walch tPI prOgress . of the journey, whIi le ee an- that district. if c , rsa port- "This year there is mucl co-oper- lan(oOc 0!-1 '''ive work in meteorology being gh raz n ofhici :.000 on carried on in Greenland by differ- t he dock of t e Vumioense Yacht ent groups," Professor Hobbs de- Club while a lato'h hearing the Italian ambassade: snd a repre- clared. He mentioned that two sta- sentative of President (etlie Var- tions were being maintained by this gos went out to lake G 1ucral tIulbo University, one east of Upernivik off his plane. i I i i t to Work in Coal Fields Next Monday. LONDON, Jan. 15-$-The persist- ence of two government officials who refused to admit defeat when suiccess seemed impossible tonight resulted in an agreement which probably will put 150,000 miners back at work in the south Wales coal fields Monday. Under the agreement, which was reached through the efforts of Emanuel Shinwell, secretary of mines, and William Graham, presi- dent of the board of trade, a new contract was drawn up which will last until Jan. 31, 1934, and there- after until expiration of one month's written notice given in writing by either side. The agreement is based on the 1926 pact expiration of which on Jan. 31 signalized the present stop- page of work. It stipulates the rate of n', ir ll rflit in rut' lnrI-tnn AYreement May Put 150,000 M under the direction of William Carlson, an assistant in the geology department, and another in the southern part of Greenland at Ivig- tut. a, nmor'eciijizedc1epnterwhiceh Tickets for 'REbond' to Go on Sale Today