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January 15, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-15

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VOL XLI. No. 79








Cities Service Chief

Seeks NoI

Quarrel With Federal
Executive Wages Ten-Year Fight
to Protect Nation's
Oil Supplies.
(R~v Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 14.-Henry L.
Doherty, head of Cities Service Co.,
in full page advertisements to be
published in newspapers tomorrow,
charges the United States with
"passing the bunk" in conservation
of oil and that meanwhile the na-
tional resources are being wasted.
"I have no fight with our federal
officials who have been afraid to
take a firm stand on this matter,"
he says, "for I doubt they would
have gotten any place in a fight
with a great line of oil barons, but
the situation has now gotten so bad
that many of these oil barons are
themselves frightened, and, I be-
lieve, now is the time to strike."
Asks For Conservation.
In his statement, issued simul-'
taneously with a meeting in Wash-
ington tomorrow of governors of
the oil producing states, he said he
has been trying for more than 10
years to protect the nation's oil
supplies from "needless waste and
reckless exhaustion."
" Perhaps," he said, "there is no
waste in all of the other businesses
combined that equals the waste of
the oil business. What is called
competition in the oil field is not
more competition than is a run on
the bank.
Everyone After Oil.
"In fact, a run on a bank is not
as much cut-throat competition as
in an oil field because all the depos-
itors are trying to get their own
money, and in an oil field the op-
erators are trying to get not only
their oWn oil but everybody else's
"We could not get stabilization in
the oil business because the bigger
and stronger companies did not
want stabilization. They could count
the profits they made from the
constantly recurring periods of dis-
tress when they would buy out first
the little producer and then thel
little refiner at their own price.,
State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
January 14, 1931.
JACKSON-It was announced to-
day that a meeting will be held
here Jan. 21, of Y.M.C.A. secretaries
from L'ansing, Ann Arbor, Ypsi-
lanti, Adrian and Jackson to select.
a delegate and alternate to the in-
+ ni'vno n n. e ,-, ,r~ne* r f th eor-

Groups Interested in University
to Hear Upperclassmen
Discuss Problems.
Student speakers of all classes,I
schools, and countries will speak
throughout the state during the
coming semester, according to an
announcement made by George
Downey, '33L, chairman of the ex-
tension committee of the Student
Christian association.
Adopting the project of enabling
sleakers to talk before groups in-
terested in the University, the ex-
tension committee has secured the
services of more than 20 students,
mainly upperclassmen. All those
qualifying for the extension service
have had experience in p u b li c,
speaking, and have been outstand-
ing in the University field about
which they will speak.
F. Thomas Alway, '33, will speak;
on a varied number of subjects, in-
cluding "Advantages of a Large
University," "The University Fits
the Student for Business,"- and
"Fraternities, Pro and Con." How-
ard Youngman, '34L, will talk of
"University Radio Broadcasting"
and "What the University Thinks,
of Its Alumni." Sher M. Quaraishi,
Spec., of India, who has had jour-
nalistic and speaking experience
both in the United States and his
im o t h e r country. will internrpt.

May Festival Days
Announced by Sink
Announcement of May 13, 14,
and 15 as the dates for the 1931
May Festival was made yester-
day by Charles A. Sink, president
of the University Music society.
Included on this year's program
will be the Chicago Symphony
orchestra, while the other num-
bers scheduled have not yet been
The Choral Union will sing
"Boris Goudonoff," by Moussag-
sky, and directed by Earl V.
Moore, while the children's con-
cert will consist of "St. Frances
Gf Assissi" by Pierne. No other
announcements concerning the
program were made.
Programs Will be Followed by
Entering Students in
the Future.


u 1 1 U11111111ze PrUs
Patton Characterizes Professor: M.._.


Counsellor, 'reacher,

Dr. John Grier Hibben,
President of Princeton university,
who plans to resign from his posi-
tion within a short time. Dr. Hibben
is well known at the University
Michigan Delegates to Attend
Two-Day Convention at
League, May 6-7.
A two-day conference of the
Michigan branch of the American
Association of University Women
will be held May 6 and 7 in the
League, it was announced yesterday
by Mrs. F. C. Hornbeck, of Kalama-
zoo, president of the organization.!
Several hundred delegates are ex-
nected to attend.I
"Adult Education," which will be{
the general theme of the confer-
ence, wil be discussed by President
Alexander G. Ruthven; Ada Comn-
stock, president of Radcliffe college,,
and William Allan Neilson, presi-
dent of Smith college.
Registration will be held on the
opening day, Wednesday, with an
assembly scheduled for the after-
noon meeting, at which a report willI
be given concerning the convention
in Boston of the National Associa-'
tion of University Women. Presi-
dent Ruthven, President Comstock,
and President Neilson will also
speak that day.
The principal addresses, Thurs-
day, will be made by Alice Wright,
of Milwaukee, northeast division
representative of the association,
and Dean Virginia Gildersleeve, of
Barnard college, representative of
the council of International Feder-
ation of University Women. The1
convention will close in the after-
noon with a tour of the campus.
Ann Arbor members of the asso-
ciation who are active in formulat-
ing plans for the meeting are Mrs.
SW. D. Henderson, vice-president of

Executive Chairman Speaks for
Faculty at Presentation
of Oil Painting.
Fitting tribute to a man who has
been for 30 years in active service
at Michigan was paid yesterday af-
ternoon to Prof. Reuben Peterson,
of the medical school, when an oil
portrait of him was presented to
the University. The gift was made
possible by a group of Dr. Peter-
son's present and past assistants in
the department of obstetrics.
"A great physician, a wise coun-
sellor, a great teacher and a good
friend," was the dway Dr. Charles
L. Patton, of Springfield, Ill., char-
acterized Professor Peterson when
he presented the portrait in behalf
of the assistants. Doctor Patton
went on to tell of some of Profes-
sor Peterson's achievements, espe-
cially in the field of obstetrics.
Dr. Ruthven Accepts Portrait.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
accepted the portrait for the Uni-
versity a'nd said that "there is no
finer spur to achievementthan an
atmosphere reflecting a g eat past.
Here we have the deep printed
image of a great man." Fred:-

Dr. Reuben Peterson,
Professor of obstetrics, w h o's e
portrait was presented to the Uni-
versity yesterday by his assistants
during ceremonies at which Dr.
Charles L. Patton, of Springfield,
Illinois, Dr. Frederick G. N o v y,
chairman of the executive commit-
tee of the Medical school, and Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven spoke.

II VU p1L ,tj' pi I IIu- nju
"Mother India," and speak of the Tentative programs, which in the
relation of "World Peace and the future will be followed by students
New Orient," in his list of eight entering the University, have been
topics. Fung Ling Liu, Grad., of drawn up by the committee on cur-
China, will talk about "Women in riculum, Dean John R. Effinger, of
China," "Chinese Social Life," and the literary college, stated yester-
other subjects pertaining to her na- ! day.
tive country. The committee, however, has
There are 13 other speakers in- made no report on the degree pro-'
eluding Dr. '. L. Sack, of Switzer- grams which will be elected by
land; Kapila Khandvala, Grad., of students after completing a general
India; Walter M. Bury, '33, and Ed- program. When the new plan goes
ward J. McCormick, '32, of the Stu- into effect, freshmen will decidel
dent Council. upon a general program which will
_ _be continued throughout the first!
two years in the University. The
degree program, which will be fol-
lowed during the junior and senior
r yea rs, will be the basis for a gen-
eral program which will consist of
P L _ ER EN hours of work suitable for fresh-
nien[and sophomores.
The plan will necessitate every1
Narrow Margin , of One Vote student majoring in a certain field
Stands Between New which lie will select upon entrance.
It will be impossible for any stud-
India Solution. ent to graduate upon the comple-
tion of a general four-year pro-
L (By Associated Press)F gram.
LONDON, Jan. 14--By the narrow _ _-_
margin of one seat in the Punjab-
provincial legislature, the Indian .
round table conference tonight I W. W. Willian1s,
failed to solve the Indian minorities
problem, although Hindu and Mos-' RovingNewsboy
lem leaders reached a provisional N w by
accord which in itself may force a Arrives in Town
full agreement later.
The evening session ended, how-
ever, with the conference still dead- Ann Arbor was honored last
locked over deep racial and reli- night by the advent of Wee Willie
gious problems as they affect In- Williams, 39-year old crippled
dia's political future under the pro- newsboy and prototype of Mail-;
posed federal organization. pouch, Prof. Pape, Railroad Jack,
The latest setback to conference and the late Dr. Tom Lovell.
hopes was caused by the insistent Williams arrived in town laden
demand of the sikhs for a definite down with credentials from cele-
24 per cent representation in the brities in the towns he has visited
Punjab legislature. since leaving Buffalo 30 months
Since the sikhs compose only 11 ago, and resolvenough to aisne
per cent of the population, neither funds sufficient to carry him on!
the Moslems nor the Hindus would his way to his goal, San Fran-
l yield, despite Premier MacDonald's cso i oiyi osl es
extreme efforts to bring about con- Cisco. "is polcy is to sell news-
cessions during a four-hour ses- papers in the towns he visits on
sion, no keystone could be found for his itinerary, which, judging by
the arch of agreement which had the fact that he has spent two
been built. and one-half years traveling 300
beenha bebuilt.trond
Mr. MacDonald's report on the uiles, has been somewhat round-
minority's committee will be made a_ _
tomorrow with his pledge of safe- t.9
guards for minorities, but with no RitchLe Enters Office
agreement among the rival Indian as Maryland Governor
delegates as to how they will be
applied. (By Associaied Press)
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 14.-Alberti
Dr. Jimenez to Speak C. Ritchie, whose name figures in
Democratic presidentialitimber talk,
to Alpha Kappa Delta discussed national questions almostl

Committee Recommends
Huron Street House
Children's Clinic.




erick G. Novy, chairman xe- Reports of the health committee
cutive committee of the" cal of the Ann Arbor board of educa-j
school, spoke for the faculty. tion, appointed to study health
The portrait was painted by John conditions of school children andl
C. Johansen, one of the most dis- the possibility of occupying a va-
tinguished of modern American cant house on West Huron street,
painters. which is the property of the school
Banquet Held at League. board, f<r ue aa n observation
The presentation ceremonies were ward for under-nourihcd children
followed by a banquet at the League and children who are physically
last night. Regent Walter H. Saw- sub-normal, was heard by the board
yer spoke at this gathering. Other last night at its January meeting.
speakers were Dr. W. H. Morley, of The reports were referred back
Pontiac, Dr. Richard R. Smith, of to the committee, which is headed
Grand Rapids, Dr. Norman A. Mil- by P. R. Piersol, for further study.
ler, of Iowa -university, and Dr. Adoption of a financial policy
Peterson. was also made by the board. No
Among the guests at the banquet finance officer, h o w e v e r, was
were President Ruthven, Shirley W. named.
Smith, secretary and vice-president The reports of Otto W. Haisley,
of the University, the members of superintendent of schools, cm health
the medical faculty and a number education and special education,
of Doctor Peterson's former and dealing with children who a r c
present assistants. physically sub-normal, were ap-
proved by the board. The Ann Ar-
bor Savings bank was designated
as custodian of school funds, while
an order to buy wooden shoes to
sell to children at cost in order to
fight ringworm disease now pre-
NOvalent in the city was granted.

Michigan Patrol Chiefs
Reaffirm Demand for,
Supreme Penalty.
Heads Advocate Other
Legislation at
(y Associated Press)
LANSING, Jan. 14.-Michigai
police chiefs through the execu-
tive committee today went on
record as favoring the death pen-
alty for first degree murders.
Two years ago the enforcing
officers took a similar stand. The
legislature passed a capital pun
ishment bill but it failed to reach
the statute books because it was
vetoedby Former Governor Fred
W. Green. The executive commit-
tee of the Michigan Police Chiefs'
Association, meeting here today
re-affirmed the demand for the
extreme penalty, without a dis-
senting vote. The police chiefs
contend that capital punishment
should be employed against first
degree murderers about whose guilt
there is no doubt and other vicious
criminals. Some members of the
committee said they advocate a law
which would require the supreme
court to pass upon convicted per-
sons before the death penalty could
be invoked.
Vote on Capital Law.
Heads of police departments, who
as members of the committee, voted
on the capital punishment resolu-.,
tion, were C. J. Scavarda, of Flint;
Oscar J. Olander, state comm' -
sioner of public safety; Rock em.
ing, of Kalamazoo; F. F. Alspauh,'
of Pontiac; Peter Hansen, of Mus-
kegon; George Davis, of Bay City,
and Capt. Donald S. Leonard, head
of the state police in the metropoli-.
tan area.
The Wayne County Police Chiefs'
Association recently also went on
record as. favoring capital punish-
ment, Leonard said.
Other Legislation Proposed.
Other legislation recommended
by the police chiefs was periodic
registration of motor vehicle driv-
ers, with the resultant fees to be
used for building up the traffic
division of the state police; estab-
lishment of a crime laboratory in
connection with the state police
where ballistic, chemical and sim~
ilar work could be done for all en-
forcing agencies.
J. M. Fitzgerald Will Speak on
Some Aspects of Modern
The all-engineering smoker givern
annually under the auspices of the
Engineering council will be held at
7:15 o'clock tonight in the main
ballroom of the Union.
The speaker of the occasion, J
M. Fitzgerald president of the West
emn Maryland Railroad company,
will discuss "Some Aspects of Mod-
ern Transportation." He is a mem-
ber of the Eastern Railroad Presi-
dents conference, and as an exe
^utive in that organization, has'
been in close touch with many of
the problems of modern transpor-
tation, some of the points upon
which he will touch are the Hoover
plan of inland waterways, the con-
solidation of railroads into a simpli-
fied network, the extent of the
growth of the automotive traffic,

and the development of air traffic
in the matter of passengers and
express. He will make a special trip
from New York City * for the ad-
Other entertainment on the pro-
gram will include an orchestra,
playing novelty numbers, a quartet,
a tap dancer, and a sleight of hand
artist with long theatrical exper-
ience. The master of ceremonies is
an old-time showman.
Another Republican 4

Ousted Police Commissioner
Enter Campaign Against
Murphy Next Fall.


W1U1(6 .11aX'u..Aer . eJLilU1~ -'athe state nranch, andtMrs. Dean
ganization to . be held in Toronto W. Myers.j
July 2 to Aug. 2. _____--
DETROIT-City officials here to- Prof. Reed Will Talk
day said they would need approxi- at W. C. T. U. Meeting
mately $190,000,000, to run the city
for the fiscal year of 1931-32. This Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the po-
amount was estimated on the basis litical s c i.e n c e department, will
of budget requests made by all de- speak on "The Eighteenth Amend-
partments. Compilation of the final ment from the Viewpoint of the
figures will be undertaken after the Political Scientist," at 8 o'clock to-
mayor and his budget committee night in the Grand Rapids room of
hold a hearing. the Women's League building at a
meeting to be sponsored by the Ann
ST. LOUIS-The St. Louis Foun- Arbor branch of t h e Women's
dry here was destroyed last night Christian Temperance union in ob-
by a fire causing damage of be- servance of the eleventh anniver-
tween $25,000 and $50,000. The larg- sary of the adoption of the prohi-
er loss depended on whether some bition amendment. T h e general
patterns were ruined in the blaze. public has been inviited to attend
Sparks from the'cupola caused the the lecture, admission for which]
fire. will be free.
GRAND RAPIDS - The Grand .
Rapids Market association announc- J-Hop Tickets to Go
ed late Tuesday night that June 1 on Sale in Union Lobby
to 13 had been selected as the date !
for the next semi-annual furniture J-Hop tickets, numbering fromI
exposition and market here 400, will go on sale today, accord-
ing to an announcement made by
BAY CITY -Itwaanonethcomtelatng.Tesl,
today by officials of the Industrial wh e frm last night. The sale,
Brown Hoist corporation, that ar- this afternoon at the side desk of
rangements for a $200,000 expansion the Union, will continue daily at
of the company's local plant had these hours until the quota ofy600
been started. The expansion has tickets is reached.1
been made necessary by action tak-
en yesterday by a board of direc-
1 rs meeting in Cleveland which Legislature Considers
auhorized removal of all manufac- Time Change Proposal
turi g operations from Cleveland to
this titv. tI ii nss e res

. I

Alpha Kappa Delta, sociological
fraternity, will meet at 8 o'clock
Stonight at thethome of Prof. Robert
C. Angell, of the sociology depart-
ment, who has recently been named
national president of the organiza-
tion. Dr. Buenventura Jimenez, of
the Health Service, will speak.
Transportation will be provided
from the Economics building at
7:45 o'clock.
Student Council Hears
Reports of Committees
The Student council held its
weekly meeting at the Union last
night. Presentation of committee
reports was the only business to
m(,, h PFnrc +ht nnnrOil

exclusively in his address as he was
inaugurated governor of Maryland
for the fourth consecutive time here
Jobless Miners Aided
by WelshAuthorities
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Jan. 14.-Authorities in
South Wales today took measures
for widespread relief for the fam-
ilies of 150,000 miners out of work
because of the stoppage in the coal
fields of t h a t district. deports
reached them that distress was be-
coming steadily more acute and the
Glamorgan public assistance com-
mittee at C a r d i ff approved a

(By Associated Press)
~ DETROIT, Jan. 14.-Thomas, C.
Wilcox, whom Mayor Frank Mur-
phy removed as police commission-
er last Saturday, turned his guns
on the mayor Tuesday night and
asserted that he will be on the
stump to "tell plenty" when the
campaign in the mayoralty election
begins next fall. Some of the things
he has to tell, he said, he already
has told to the special Wayne coun-
ty grand jury.
Wilcox delivered his sentiments
,about the mayor in two speeches,
the principal one at a banquet of
the Detroit lodge, F. & A. M., of
which he is a member. The mayor,
he charged, "failed to keep his
word of honor."
"As late as last Friday," he as-
serted, "friends of mine were as-
sured by him that I would remain
at police headquarters as long as he
was mayor."
It was on Friday that Mayor
Murphy received a letter from Rev.
R. N. Holsaple; superintendent of
the Michigan Anti-Saloon league,
urging the retention of Wilcox, who
Holsaple said, was supported by
some of the "very best peoples"
Wilcox's resignation was requested
Foe of Car Takes First
Ride; Its to the Grave
(By Ass,.ciated Press)
AMB1V Til Tn 1,A nt

City Manager Expert
Will Lecture Friday
C. W. Ham, former city manager
of Pontiac and- past president of
the City Manager's associationwil]
give an address to members of the,
Municipal Administration club on
Friday, Jan, 16 at 4:30 o'clock in
room 2023, Angell Hall. Ham will
lecture on "Financial Aspects of
Commiunity anagement," a topic
with which he has been profession-
ally faniliar for the past year and
a half in his capacity as president
of the People's State bank of Pon-
The speaker is a University grad-
uate in municipal administrationI
Before entering the banking field
he was considered one of the out-
standing city managers in the coun-
C heron's Illness May
Aid Steep Government
(A I Assoc atedP ress
PARIS, Jan. 14.--The ill wind
which brought illness todayto
Henri Cheron, minister of justice,
may blow some good to the Steeg
government, for until he recovers
the opposition cannot introduce the
dangerous interpolation on t h eE
Oustric bank failure.
North African Coast
Struck by Big Storm
(B As soate I rss)
TRIPOLI, Cirenaica, J a n. 14.-
One of the worst storms of the last
20 years swept this section of the
north Afriean cnoi- a Mnrni m

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