rrrw". ..w,.., ESTABLISHED 1890 Y 4y da AIL. *1o MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN r VOL XLI. No. 78 E EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS SCRIBE CRITICIZE[S RASKOB NANCIAL AID TO DEMOCRATS Calls Chairman First Mortgage Holder,' Amateur in Politics. KENT EXPLAINS CHARGES Political Writer Shows Proof of Statements; Scores Party Attitude. (By Assocfated Press) BALTIMORE, Jan. 13-The asser- tion that John J. Raskob is "the first mortgage holder" of the Dem- ocratic party was made today in a letter to the national chairman by Frank R. Kent, of the Baltimore Sun. "I further assert that in the his- tory of this country no political party was ever under such financial obligations to .any individual as the Democratic party is today under, you," said Kent, political writer for the Sun and author of several books on politics. PORTUGUESE CONTINUE SEARCHING FOR PAYLOAD AVIATRIX, CO-PILOT Jayvee Cagers Defeat Detroit City College Michigan's Junior V a r s i t y cagers defeated the quintet from the College of the City of Detroit, 21-18, for the second time this season in a game on the Yost Field house floor last night. The contest was ragged throughout with S h a w and Ricketts pulling the game out of the fire in the final period to give the Wolverines the deci- Sion. Announcement was made last night that Max Schmeling had signed a contract to meet Young Stribling for the right to battle Primo Carnera, the fight to take place in either Detroit or Jersey City. ECONOMY PROGRAM TO BE CONSIDERED IN SHORTSESSION Bills Introduced in Accordance With Plan of Governor - Prior to Recess. AMENDMENTS PROPOSED Advocates That Sparsely Settled Counties Consolidate to Reduce Expenses. DEMOCRAT TO ACT ON APPOINTMENTS SENATE RATIFIES FOR TARIF JO Brossard Gains Place Despite Opposition by Democrats. DIXON APPOINTED Raskob Writes. "You brought the party out of bankruptcy, put it through the re- geivership, stood it on its financial Portugese admiralty authorities feet, and then clapped a first mort- eager search for Mrs. Beryl Hart an gage on it." who failed to finish a hop from Ber Kent's letter was occasioned by shown above with their plane, Trad one from Raskob, made public yes- terday, in which the latter defend-1R IR ed his chairmanship against criti- cism by the writer. { "The Democratic party ought not to let any rich man so completely finance its activities and pay its1 d9fCIN bills," said the Baltimorian. "It isn't self-respecting and it isn'tl Democratic and it isn't good." Hopes Dashed after Encouraging Party Has Liabilities. Reports Arrive in Lisbon Kent referred to Raskob as a from New York. "breast-beating amateur in politics who has had the civets pulled off (By Associated Press) him" and then proceededto repeat LISBON, Jan. 13.-A bit of hope the main statements I made in the IONtfanety,.fALiteoft Wp- Baltimore Sun on Jan. 6." for the safety of Lieutenant Wil- "I assert that so far as the Dem- liam S. McLaren and Mrs. Beryl ocrat party has liabilities and debts Hart, missing since they left Ber- you have taken them over," said muda Saturday noon in the sea-j Kent. "There may be other endors- plane Trade Wind for the Azores ers on the note, but your name dashed toiht. heads the list and you are the chief was e ogh. responsible person and so recog- Portuguese admiralty officials or- nized. You have done all the finan- dered an eager search today when cing and it is you who has reduced they received reports from New the $1,000,000 debt to approximate- York that the plane was alleged to ly $600,000. have fallen into the sea about 20y "I further assert that you selected miles off Mosteiros Point of San' Mr. Jewett Shouse as executive! Miguel island, one of the Azores chairman, arranged for the expand- group. ed headquarters in Washington, for Villages were said to have seen the high-priced publicity depart- the plane diving for the water butj ment and underwrote for a period the San Miguel wireless station, to of three years the unprecedented which the report was attributed, ! expenses of the work there." informed the government tonight that the object which fell was only a rocket fired from a British cruis- l tier engaged in gunnery practice Stdme inearby. I Admiralty officers ordered t h e! Jy Associa ed 1e destroyers to the spot when they anary_, _. _ first learned of the Mosteiros Point, i rumor but withdrew it after hear- ESCANABA -- Six pile loads Of ing from San Miguel. snow were scraped from the ice of In the meantime, the steamer Bay Du Noc here today and shipped Nuolja and other ships continued to Gary, Ind., for the national ski Noj n te hp otne tournament there Jan.18.nTerge to search for the American fliers, Jensen, of Chicago, one of the spon- who sought to fly from the United sors of the meet said snow condi-I States to Paris with the first trans- tions in Gary were unsatisfactory. Atlantic payload. OWOSSO-Harold Hinspiter, 32, of this city, burned to death today when the truck he was driving J ZI '1Y IE I--Ed George, former Wolverine (By Associated Press) wrestler and p r e s e n t world i LANSING, Jan. 13.-Measures de- heavyweight c h a in p i o n, will signed to fit in with Governor Wil- meet Pat McGill Friday night ber M. Bruck-r's ideas relative to at the Olympia in Detroit. i economy in government were in- For complete Sport News see troduced when the legislature re- pages 6 and 7. convened her-e Tuesday night, for a two or three day session prior to a long adjournment for junkets. M0[Senator Earnest T. Conlon, of LI1 Grand Rapids, submitted two joint E"resolutions proposing constitutional amendments to provide for county U home rule and for annual sessions of the legislature. Senator Claude H. Stevens, of Highland Park, of- Ultimatum May Peril Successful fered a bill advocating a commis- Ctompletionof Session on sion to study county, township, ssociecGPress hoteIndian Problems. school district and other govern- n mental units with a view of secur- last night were continuing their ing information to cut down ex- d Lieutenant William S. MacLaren LNDO JAnl. .-atMed Prems) pense and halt towering taxes. LONDON, Jan. 13.-A Moslem ul- 'ruldb nadTxs muda to the Azores. The fliers are t'au nteag-l id- Iroubled by Unpaid Taxes. 1timatum on the age-old Hindu- Senator A r i H, Woodruff, of ewind. Moslem quarrel today focused the Wyandotte, taking notice of the attention of the Indian round table excessive tax delinquency at -this Novel Checker Game conference on a problem which may me and the plight in ic itro jjdelay the realization of India's duced a bill which would authorize Conducted in Mails idream of responsible government. townships, school districts, etc., to Sir Muahammed Shaffi, as Mos- borrow on delinquet taxes. Notes A Ne A a e . 3 I lem spokesman, declared at today's could be issued for amounts up to ASHLAND, Wis., Jak. 13. - In session of the conference that "no i 80 per cent of the amount of un- Wisconsin checkers is checkers, constitution, by whomsoever de- paid taxes. and how! iesalb acpe yIda A game played through the vised, shall be accepted by Indian Consolidation of sparsely settled mAils, lasting 217 days was end- Moslems unless their interests are counties, which has been advocated ed today when Harold Harrison adequately safeguarded i that con- by Former Governor Green and of Hudson, cornered a king witlh stiutio.statement was a mere repo- Governor Brucker was provided in pair of kings and defeated Wil The statemen wslm ere ree a bill introduced in the house by liam Bloom 1o Ashland. tomin of t Moslmoston but Representative Milton R. Palmer, of coming as at did almost on the eve, eri.I ol}alwtnprcn The gaine s played on a tiny ofdjrmetfthcneenei Detroit. It would allow ten per cent bheoard et b plkayd fonrtiny of adjournment of the conference it j of the residents of two counties toj board sent back and forth be- caused something of a sensation. tween the two towns 75 times in petition, after which the proposal an ordinary sized envelope. Red for a federal government, given yes- Would be submitted to a vote. The and black adhesive checkers were terday by Lord Chancellor Sankey two boards of supervisors would be1 used. and which last night was the basis consolidated into a single board. The loser pays all postage. of a good deal of optimism that the Other county offices would be abol- conference laborers would be ished and new elected. Elimination crowned with success. of two sets of offices, and two gov- Sir Muahammed virtually declr- ernments, would radically cut ex- ed today that the Indian Moslems i penses, it was claimed, Represen- will not support self-government tatives Fred Holbeck of Lang Lake, i fl for India until their differences submitted a bill to repeal the four with the Hindus are settled. year $23,000,000 institutional pro- ~ U he iinus re etted.gram. I Brucker Seeks Cut. _ Flynn Chosen to Head Coincident with the recent meet- Meyer, Poll to be First Called Mathematics Society! ing of the legislature, members of by Senate in National --Ithe finance committees were noti- -I yFred Flynn, '32E, was elected fied that Governor Brucker wishes Banking Inquiry. p r e s i d e n t of the undergraduate to confer with them relative to the (r Mathematics club at the election budget and to retrenchment in ap- (fly A~ssuratt'd Pres:'of officers at the regular meeting propriations. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-- The last night. Herbert E. Vaughn, '32E, The Governor has further studied start of the Senate's study of bank- was chosen vice-president and Er- the tentative budget submitted by ing conditions was fixed today by nest B. Gantz, '34, was re-elected former Governor Fred W. Green Chairman Cartcr Glas$ of the spe- secretary-treasurer. carrying appropriations totalling ioI $96,000,000 for the coming biennial cial committee for next Monday. eid esaedepaial e EueeMyr gvro f t Dean to Speak T onim ht period. He stated emphatically he Eugene Meyer, governor of the 1 will not countenance such huge ap- Federal Reserve Board, and J. W.i on Power Development propriations. Pole, comptroller of the currency, i will be the first called by the com- S. n Dnean, chief assistat supe- Slusser Will Address mittee. They are to be followed by intendent of electrical systeetigmf A tilu George Harrison, governor of the i charge of system planning and co- Meeting of Art Club FedeHal Reserve Bank of New York, ordination of system extension for andeJa HsC se, chairman of the the Detroit Edison company, will Prof. Jean Paul Slusser will ad- board of directors of the New York speak at 7:30 o'clock tonight in dress the Studio Art club at its bank. Natural Science auditorium. Hs bi-monthly meeting tonight in the The inquiry was ordered last se subject will be, "Power System De- Russian tea room of the Women's soyThe Senatein was ire c t ed~ velopment." league, Lorne E. Marshall, '31A, into the general banking situation Forensic Group Names president of the organization, an- with particular reference to the re- New Set of Officers nounced. Professor Slusser's subject litions of the stock exchanges. will be "Children's Drawing and DAI )AJcLWAL51V U Democrat, Montana, who indicat- ed yesterday that he would seek further action by the committee in regard to the appointment of three power commission members. DEPRUTIES RS SESSION IN S0Tn1R IE Indications of Future Conflicts Appear in First Meeting of French Cabinet. (By Associated Press) PARIS, Jan. 13.-The chamber of D e p u t i e s reconvened after the Christmas recess in a fighting mood today and even in the purely for- mal opening there were indications of troubled waters ahead. The first came when many social- ist deputies and all the communists failed to join in the eulogy of Mar- shal Joffre pronounced by Maurice Sibille, dean of the house. The second manifested itself in the sudden opposition that devel- oped to the re-election of Fernand Bouissot, veteran socialist, as presi- dent of the chamber. His re-elec- tion had been expected to be merely a matter of form, but when the ballots were counted it was found that he had failed to obtain half the votes polled as was necessary to election. He finally won on the sec- ond ballot by 261 to,220 for Maurice Bouillou-Lasont., HOOVEH ASKS FUND TO AID RED CROSS' Controversy on Meyer as Federal Reserve Governor Faced. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. - The appointees of President Hoover to the new tariff com- mission were in office tonight with Senate confirmation. The sixth member, Edgar B. Brossard, Republican, Utah, sur- vived a two-day attack to gain approval by 45 to 36. Brossard was vigorously assail- ed by the Democratic leaders for his activities in connection with the sugar tariff as a member and employee of the old tariff commis- sion. He was termed "too close to the sugar interests" and his "offi- cial integrity" was questioned. Republicans stoutly defended the Utahan and a roll call showed eight Democrats voting with the Republican regulars for the nom- inee while nine Republicans and the Farmer-Labor member lined up with 26 Democrats in opposition. Dixon Appointed. Lincoln Dixon, Democrat, of In- diana, the other member of the commission who was still to be acted upon today, received approval without a record vote and without opposition; The Senate reached on its cal. endar the three members of the power commission it has voted to reconsider, although President Hoover has declined to re-submit their names. These went over for further consideration and Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana, indi- cated he would move later that the names be referred back to the com- mittee although he conceded the Senate was without power to re- move them in view of the position taken by the President. Face Reserve Controversy. One more controversial nomina- tion faces the Senate, that of Eu- gene Meyer, of New York, to be governor of the federal reserve. Senator Watson, Indiana, the Re- publican leader,'announced that he would seek action upon it tomor- row. With the Senate confirmations behind leaders were more optimis- tic over the prospect of getting to work on the vital legislative mea- sures that must be passed before Mar. 4 to avoid an extra session. The Senate has said little about its attempt to reconsider the power nominees since its clash with Presi- dent Hoover last week, but Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana, brought up the subject briefly today in a defense of the Senate. BROTHERS REFUTED AS LINGLESLAYER Witness Attests That Accuse Is Not the One He Saw Fire Fatal Shot. E T 1 r, I ' I s t President's Proclamation $10,000,000 Necessary Drought Relief. Says for (By Associated Press) . WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-Presi-i dent Hoover today called on the people to contribute a "minimum of $10,000,000" for the relief of drought sufferers. It was in a formal proclamation. "I am sure that the American people will respond to the Red Cross appeal both promptly and generously," he said. The demands on the disaster funds of the Red Cross, Mr. Hoover said, have been far greater in the last four weeks than during the previous four months. This brought about the necessity for a material increase in resources. crashed into the wall of a bridge near here and caught fire. Investi- gators say he had apparently fallen asleep at the wheel. LANSING - The public utilities commission today set a hearing of the Detroit Edison Co.'s application for permission to issue $34,884,000 worth of mortgage bonds, for Jan. 21. HOWELL - Kinsley S. B. Holt, amateur dahlia breeder here, today announced he had named a newE flower he has developed "Governor Brucker." SUNFIELD-Allie Brown, his two sons and housekeeper, were awak- ened early this morning by the barking of their dog in time to escape from their burning home. The dog, after gaining the outside, re-entered the house and was burned to death. The building and its furnishings were completely CHAIRMAN CHOSEN Landsale to Direct Committee for Annual Slide Rule Party, April 3. Ben C. Lansdale, '31E, was last night named as general chairman of the annual Engineering Slide Rule dance held under the auspices} of the Michigan Technic. The dateI of the dance was chosen for Aprill 3 and will be held in the Unionf ballroom. No definite selection of orches- tras for the party has been made as yet but the names of several prominent musical organizations in the country are under considera- tion. The other members of the com- mittee for the dane are G. Law- Senator Glass, who will head the committee of inquiry, has intro-I duced legislation to revise both the National Banking Act and the Fed- eral Reserve Act. He would place a curb on chain banking and seek also to prevent the use of Federal Reserve funds in speculation on the, stock exchanges. This bill will form the basis for the study to be conducted by his group, a branch of the Senate bank- ing committee. Already, the com- mittee has directed questionnaires to stock brokers, stock exchange officials and leaders in the banking world. Senator Glass as a member of the House played a leading role in the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act and he has been laying the groundwork for the hearings at ex- tensive conferences recently with Officers for the second semester' of 1930-31 were elected last night by Alpha Nu, literary forensic so- ciety, at the regular meeting. The new president is Calvin Callahan, '31. Other officers are Byron C. Ved- der, '33, vice-president, Fred Al- bertson, '31, secretary, Albert Wen- zel, '31, corresponding secretary, and James Wenzel, '32, treasurer.' Robert A. Murphy, '31, retiring president, was chosen senior critic by acclaim. Reed to Speak Tonight at W. C. T. U. Meeting Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the po- litical science department, w ill speak on "The Eighteenth Amend- ment from the Viewpoint of the 2nlii - Qrinl ef 1 nf.R ro ak +n_ Art." EXAM-CONSCIOUS STUDENTS RESORT TO SLEIGH-RIDES TO SOOTH NERVES More Than 150 Sleighs Rented ternity, on a street starting with During Past Week; Cutters "W" and ending with the same, urng P sWe; Cputrs nearly met disaster on G.,.... s Ave-I S Prove Most Popular. nue when the sleigh wouldn't go up the steep grade. Certain mem- Ann Arbor's exam-conscious stu-I bers of the fraternity, whose loca-1 dents have gone slightly balmy Lion we won't mention, had to get with the semester two weeks from out and push for 45 minutes in or- its termination, and the latest fad der to aid the horse in his labors. isn't campus cords, or roller-skates. Several of the female members of It's sleigh-rides. the party were late signing in at During the last week, Guy L. their houses and, when asked the Mullison, of livery fame, rented I reason why, said with gullibility, more than 150 sleigh rides and "We had to push a horse up a hill." turned down a good deal more be- The snow hasn't made any im- cause of equipment shortage. The pression on the heat tunnels, how- sudden influx of popularity has ever, and there are great patches sought out the cutters, too, for of bare ground all over ,the campus. (8 v Associated Press) CHICAGO, Jan. 13.-A new wit- ness came forward today to refute the identification of Leo Brothers as the killer of Jake Lingle, Tribune reporter. Robert E. Cantwell, Sr., veteran attorney, was called by his associ- ates to confer with Brothers in the county jail over his defense. Viewing Brothers for the first time, he said, "I saw the man shoot and saw him make his escape. Brothers is not the man. The per- son who fired the fatalnshot had a cauliflower right ear." Questioned why he had never come forward previously to help identify other suspects, he said he had not wished to be mixed up in the murder case. When he entered the count ii1 tinv t - +n