P trTTF:.qt 1AY_ 7AWITARV 13. 1931
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Chairman Announces Total Gain
of $290.52; Money Goes to
Undergraduate Fund.
Committee Members Praised by
Margaret Ferrin for
Showing a gain of more than one
hundred dollars over the profits of
last year, the Sophomore Cabaret
cleared $290.52, according to a
statement made yesterday by Mar-
garet Ferrin, '33, chairman of the
finance committee.
Receipts Listed.
The total receipts, including the
money from admission tickets.
dance tickets, and food amounted
to $427.73, while dues collected from
members of the sophomore class
amounted to $331.00. A loan of $100,
which was advanced by the Wom-
en's league, was returned, togethert
with the entire proceeds from the
S"I would like to thank every)
woman who worked on the finance!
committee," stated Miss Ferrin,
"for without their co-operation, all
the work which was necessary to
make the Cabaret a financial suc-
cess would never have been accom-
plished. Each woman did the $est
work possible in her individual
capacity, and whether the tasks
were large or small, they were all
performed well."
Committee Named.
The committee was composed of
19 members, and included, besides1
the chairman, Mary Barnett, Fran-)
cis Clarke, Helen DeWitt, Betty
Eaglesfield, Margaret Fuller, Ruth
Gilliam, Estelle Goldstein, Erdine
Griffith, Virginia ;Johnston, RetaI
McOmber, Pauline Milbourne, Kath-
erine Moore, Anna Neberle, Evelyn
Neilson, Parrish Reikert, Betty
Stein, Jane Thalamond, and Sus-
anna Wood.
Photography, Life in Outdoors,
Appeal to Eleanor Cook.
"No, my hobby is nothing like
collecting stamps or learning all
the words of every popular song
that comes along, "Eleanor Cooke,
'31, president of the Women's
League, declared yesterday. "My
hobby might be called just observ-
ing the outdoors as it is around
I ntramural
- - -NEWS
Schedule of Games Today
4 o'clock -Delta Delta Delta vs.
Jordan 1; League VI vs. Mosher 2.
5 o'clock -Alpha Phi vs. Helen
Newberry; League 2 vs. Betsy Bar-
bour House.
Results of Monday's Games.
Alpha Xi Delta 18, Mosher-Jor- I
dan 24.
In this game, neither team was
ahead of the other until the very
end of the game when Mosher-Jor-
dan, by some fine playing, managed
to get ahead of the Alpha Xi Del-
Delta Gamma 23, Alpha Gamma
Delta 18.
The Delta Gamma's and Alpha,
Gamma Delta's played a moderate,
game yesterday. It was not very
fast and there was quite a bit of
fouling on both teams.
Kappa Delta 50, Alpha Delta Pi 0.
Gappa Delta outplayed Alpha
Gamma Delta in practically every
respect yesterday in the game at
5 o'clock.
Successful Career Czechoslovakian Etchings Give of spiritual atmosphere it becomes
Unusual Effects of Color little more than a pretty picture.
Dancing as a cure for curvature and Contrast. The method which Madame Ka-
of the spine is a remedy which, to dar uses in finishing her art is the r
say the least, is comparatively un- Among the artists who represent direct reverse of the usual method.
known in medical circles today. Yet Czechoslovakia in the field of etch- Copying her work from a previous
an intensive study of the terpis- ing and also named among the pencil sketch, she draws the most
chorean art was what lead to the promising modernists of the world, prominent part of the composition
first and immediately etches that
ultimate success of Grace Christie Livia Kadar challenges the recog- with acid; then she continues to
of Utah, according to an article in nition of the artistic centers with add the other objects according to
a recent issue of a popular maga- her peculiar style. Reminiscent of their decreasing tone subjecting
zinc. the composition to acid after eachI
Doomed to be shoved into the oriental arts in its mystic quality, ngle drawing. Thus the lighest
background by poor health during of Byzantine decorative design in i tones which are etched last are
her childhood in Salt Lake City, the its formality of intricate patterns, submitted only once to the acid.
girl became moody, and refused to of Cathedral symbolism, and of a The usual process is to complete
mingle with children of her own Beardsley tinge, still her art stands the drawing and then block out
age, spending most of her time with as something unigue for its own these parts which are to remain
her books. daring power. Many of her works lighter than the rest.
Graduation from high school suggest the delicacy and the cur-
marked a milestone in Miss Chris- ious scroll of a Chinese silk tapes- MUSICAL SORORITY
tie's career. She informed her as- try.ILP
tonished parents that she had de- Her effects although confined to
cided to journey to New York City a small space for the most part are-
to study dancing. Upon their indig- broad in general conception. She Hu Phi Epsilon Organizes New
nant refusal, she became so ill that creates much in a compact unit Group at Michigan State
she was put to bed, where she without producing a crowded pic-
stayed for a whole year. Finally ture. Much of her peculiar fascin- College,
her exasperatcd parents decided to ation depends upon paradoxical ~~~ --
humor her whim. and she began combinations: one finds the sym- W,n Mnt Phi Epsilon, national
Tickets for Basketball Spread
May be Obtained From
Those selling tickets for the bas-
ketball spread to be held at 6 o'clock
Thursday, Jan. 15, in the Women's
Athletic building, are asked by the
chairmen in charge of the affair to
report immediately on the number
of tickets sold.
The spread is being sponsored by
the Women's Athletic Association,
and is the first event of its kind to
be given on this campus. Marion
Gimmy, '31, intramural manager,
and Elizabeth Loudon, '32, W. A. A.
basketball manager, are making ar-
rangements for the spread, and
tickets, which are priced at 50 cents,
may be obtained from them or from
the interclass basketball managers,
s a n Manchester, '32, Frances
Manchester, '34, Helen Wilson, '31,
and Louise Peterson, '33.
Members of intramural basketball
teams are especially invited, but
any women students interested in
basketball will be welcome. Team
managers are asked to see that
their teams are present.
Those who intend to come to the
spread are asked to make their
reservations immediately.
Actress Brings Art
of Native Country
to New York Stage
Bringing with her the pride of an
ancient heritage, because her an-
cestors were men who created an
art and culture which even now is
considered the most perfect in the
world, Mariki Cotopou li has arrived
on Broadway from her n a t i v e
Greece. fhe is the first actress to
come out of modern Greece, and
perhaps is the first great actress of
her race, beca.iuse in the golden past
of Greek drama, when men were
"strutting their hour upon t h e
stage," in the plays of Euripedes
and Sophocles, all the roles were
played by men.
This new Electra, a small dark
person with flashgin eyes and beau-'
tiful expressi4e hands, is playing in
a theater bearing the typical
Broadway name, the "New Yorker,"
in the modern versions of Hugo von
Hofmannsta hl's and Goethe's "Elec-
tra" and "Iphigeneia." Although
she plays them in modern Greek
and consequently most of her hear-
ers cannot understand a word she
is saying, her audience generally
agrees on one thing-an apprecia-
tion of the beauty and dramatic
significance of her postures and
movements on the stage. Like the
figure on the Greek vase she is ef-
fortless, unstudied, graceful.
The idol of her people, she plays
dramas of all ages and times at her
theater in Athens. At present she
is studying English because she
wants to take back to Athens some
current drama. Eugene O'Neill's
"S t r a n g e Interlude" andrElmer
Rice's "Adding Machine" are the
plays she has selected.
She is one of tne most ardent
2:30-Play Reading Section,
Faculty Women's Club, League
2:30 - Pan-Hellenic, meeting,
League cave.
7:30-Zeta Phi Eta, fourth
floor, Angell hall.
7:30-Sigma Alpha Iota,
League building.
7:30-Newcomers club, Faculty
Women's Club, League cave.
8:15-Theta Sigma Phi, League
8:00-Athena meeting, fourth
floor, Angell hall.
9:00-Faculty Women's Dance,
3:00--Music Committee, Jun-
ior Girls' Play, W. A. A. Office,
League building.'
.:0CT-University Girls' G 1 e e
Club, League committee room.
8:00-Studio Club, Russian Tea
room, League building.
3:00-Program committee,
Junior Girls' Play, League build-
ing, Concourse.
7:30-Freshman Girls' G le e
Club, League building.
7:30-Iota Sigma 'Pi, League
7:45-Black Quill, L e a g u e
4:00-Women's League party,
League ball room.
3:00-American Association of
University Women, League ball
working several hours a day in var-
ious New York studios.
Years of effort and c o n s t a n t
struggle with difficulties resulted in
the final realization of her goal.
She battled financial troubles by
teaching dancing herself while un-
dergoing the severe discipline to
which a dancer must subject her-
self. Opportunity was not waiting
just around the corner, for three
years of effort, perhaps the bitterest
of all, were necessary before she got
her first Broadway engagement, but
she won immediate favor with au-
diences, and a five-year tour in
London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, and
Australia resulted.
Today she is a frequent expnent
of dancing as an art conductive to
poise and relaxation, and she feels
that rhythmic expression and in-
terpretation may go far to aid oneI
in acquiring self-possession. Her
New York studio is a mecca for ac-
tresses, artists, business, and pro-
fessional women.
Only 15 Scarlet Fever Cases
Reported in City.
A s a correction in regard to the
prevalence of Scariet Fever, Dr.
Margaret Bell says that Dr. Wessin-
ger of the City Health Department
reports only fifteen cases in Ann
Arbor. "There is no need for alarm,
but there is need for good judgment
in prevention,", states Dr. Bell.
"The Dick test for susceptibility
to Scarlet Fever was given at the
high school yesterday for the pur-
pose of finding out which children
are susceptible to Scarlet Fever,"
continues Dr. Bell.
bolical sketched besides the realis-
tic; hints of the Early Christian
nmozaics influence in contrast to
unexpected modern quirks. All of
her background is woven in for-
malistic design and most of her.
floral or tree sketching carries the
same tint of sheer decoration, and
yet in spite of this quality she
seems never to lose the sense of
reality in nature. In fact her pat-
tern ized scenery often catches up
the mood of the entire composition.
All throughout Madame Kadar's
work we find present an excellent
understanding of compositiion. Her
arrangements are well thought out
and varied. Dominant in all of her
work a quiet solemnity pervades
her etchings, and yet accompany-
ing this same repose and calm one
often finds splendid interpretations
of ecstacy or exultation as is rep-
resented in the etching, Dawn,
where not only the central figure
of a girl with upstretched hands
conveys the general mood of exu-
berant joy, but even the scenery
seems to be experiencing its first
The Madonna and Child is a
daringly modern interpretation in
its departure from the traditional.
The figures are haloed in an arbor
and seated on the bench of an
English formal garden. It is too
beautifully quiet to be a taunt at re-
ligion, and yet with its utter lack
All snakes of machines.
Our equipment and per-
s on n e are considered
among the best in the State. The result
of twenty years' careful building.
314 South State St. Phone 6615
- - - - - - - -
mem ers an alumnae of u amma_
chapter, and members of the fac- Graduates of Michigan
ulty cf the School of Music, as well E *c *
as residents of Ann ArborEngin m Actiortie
Mrs. R. K. Brown, president of Mayhie R. Curtis, '05, AM, '08,
the Alumnae chapter, Mrs. John PhD, '13, is back from a trip to
Worley, Miss Dorothy Paton, na- IEvrope, during which she spent
tional treasurer of the sorority, three weeks in Russia.
Elizabeth Searles, '31SM, president Virginia Lee Hosmer, '25, AM, '27,
of the active chapter, Miss Juva is living in Detroit and is taking an
Higbee, Virginia Hamister, Spec., active part in the College Club
Thelma Lewis, Ruth Reimenschc- there.
neider, Edna Weifenbach,m31-M, tlizabeth Wellman, '29, is study-
Vera Johnson, Alice Manderbach, ing law this year at Ohio State Uni-
Grad., Mrs. Percy Danforth, and varsity, and 'her mother, Blanche
Edith Koon, Spec., made up the Gardner Wellman, was a graduate
group which went to Lansing, of the class of '04.
nm usical sorority, installed its Phi
Eta chapter at Michigan State Col-
lege last week, twelve women from
Ann Arbor attended the installa-
tion. In this group were active
fl, pb dwr l nl ,, -A of GCCnmmn
nary Sale
Miss Cooke spends all her sum- Hellenists in the world today. She
mers in the North where she swims, has made pilgrimages to the site
hikes-she particularly likes to take of ancient Troy and to Mycenae,
over-night hikes-and goes canoe- from whose hills Clytemnestra, the
ing. She spends practically the wife of Agamemnon, leader of the
whole day on the water. Greeks, and mother of Electra and
"I like to play with a camera, Orestes, watched the reflection of
too," she continued, "taking snaps the burning city of Troy in the sky.
of quite a few scenes I wish to re- This young actress believes that
member. I like to have the pictures Shakespeare got his idea of aveng-
as reminders of some of the hiikes ing Hamlet from the Greek Electra
I have taken. who made herself the symbol of
On her walks Miss Cooke says she fury in her wild longing to avenge
watches constantly for wild flowers her father's murder.
which she takes home for her wild---
flower garden. Of all the plants Daughter of Governor
she finds she particularly likes Weds Young Attorney
ferns, to which she devotes a large
space in her garden. (, sa , h~
"I am interested in any form of Richmond, Va., Jan. 12.----Virginia
outdoor activity. I like winter now must share the residence of
sports, too, but I don't participate her first lady with the nation's
in them to any great extent. I do capital.
enjoy living outdoors more than That partnership is the result of
anything particularly the cooking the marriage of Miss Suzanne Pol-
and sleeping. lard, daughter of Governor Pollard,
"I don't like it because it is heal- and Herbert Lee Boatwright, young
thy, inspiring, or for any of the Washington attorney. They will be
other hundred and one reasons at home in Washington after the
which are usually given for a taste first of February.
like mine. I like it because all the Robert, chauffeur at the execu-
time something interesting is hap- tive mansion, says he anticipates a
pening all around which is quite Lusy year bringing "Miss Sue" from
capable of intriguing you to such her domestic duties to those of of'-
an extent that you even forget to cial hostess at the old grey man-
go home for .dinner." siorm.
Mrs. Belmont Provides
Woman's Party Home
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.-Money
flowing from the French chateau
of Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont has pro-
vided the historic home just dedi-
cated here by the National wo-
man', party.
The white-pillared brick man-
sion is pronounced by architects to
be amonor the finest examples of
Georgian brick in the country.
I 1
We are cutting our
prices to benefit
For MON., TUES.,
WED. only of each
rcporter on the London Morning
Chronicle, the task of a newspaper-
man was an arduous one. Often
they were called upon to travel
great distances by coach, transcrib-
ing their notes as they jogged over
the roads.
ly developed profession. Speed and
accuracy arc the fundamentals of its
efficiency. In The Associated Press
these two factors have been devel-
oped to the superlative degree. Read
the timely dispatches of
-Important Reductions,
--Substantial Savings
on Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats-
of their original price
Sales Priced
$15.00 to $98.50
Originally Priced from 19.75 to 9.00
Are Now Reduced
:1/4 to 1/2
Sale Priced
$9.45 to $29.75
1/4Of f
of their Original Price
Odds and Ends
20c to
Shampoo and Finger
Wave ..
To Introduce Our Ne/v
Special Ho tFudge
The Treat is on Us
Ias# w L . l 61T &M- A -- . . 'A 44.. t.~ f lk
Shampoo and Marccl $1.25
Hair Cuts (all styles) .
' Also special priceI
on Permanent