ESTABLISHED 189f! .:V tott MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . ......... ------- --- ----- ------ . ........ . -- .. ....... . . . .......... . . wommomm" VOL XLI. No. 77 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS PASTOR BLAMES VE FOR IDUS TRI AL I Reverend C. E. Coughlin Scores 1CONSTITUTION PLAN)Revrnn . e;~«°°' Bankers for Manipulation of German Bonds. TV IUVLIiVIui1vaI M'Donald Cabinet Will Consider Lord Chancellor's Plan of Government. LOCAL RULE SUGGESTEDI Proposal Embodies Features of British and American Legislatures. (By Associated Ir(ess) LONDON, Jan. 12.-India's future federal government will combine features of the British Parliament and America's Congress if a plan unfolded today at the round table conference by Lord Chancellor San- key is adopted by the MacDonald government. The basic assumption of the plan is that responsibility for the future government of India will rest on the Indians themselves and the plan therefore outlines in general terms the framework of virtually a domin- ion status. Session Approaches End. The round table conference that has been in session for two months at St. James palace, is rushing to a close with success expected to crown the efforts of the delegates, although the work accomplished at London remains to be accepted in the restless Asian sub-continent. (By Assoiate'd Press) DETROIT, Jan. 12.-Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, pastor of the Catholic church of the Shrine of the Little Flower, in a radio sermon Sunday night placed the "unrest of Europe and the industrial distress of the world" on "the illegitimate cradle of the treaty of Versailles, which made a mockery of peace. The priest, who deferred delivery of the sermon from last Sunday because of protests to the Columbia broadcasting system, over which his SUSPECT IN LINE MURDER__INDICTED Alleged ( Lingle Slayer Stands Silent; Mother's Greeting Impresses Gunman. M (v Assnciald Prss) CHICAGO, Jan. 12.-A tall young man, cold-eyed, tight-lipped stood before Judge Philip Finnegan to- day and heard a grand jury indict him for the murder of Alfred (Jake) Lingle, Tribune reporter. He was Leo Brothers, St. Louis gunman, whose capture is hailed by authorities as the successful culmi- nation of the seven-months' search for the daring assassin who shot down the newspaperman a m i d i RSAILLES PACT L UNREST OF WORLD talks are a weekly feature, scored "international bankers" for t h e handling of German bonds. The treaty of Versailles, Father Coughlin said, parceled out new di- visions of Europe "irrespective either of national or lingual boun- daries." He continued: "And to cli- max this so-called peace treaty where God's name was not permit- ted to be mentioned; where Christ's charity and forgiveness was regard- ed as impractical, a fine of $33,000,- 000,000 to be paid within 37 years is imposed upon an enemy with a hope of crushing her financially, despite the fact that her purse is empty and that her heart conceives! no honest notion of endeavoring to meet the impossible demands. The Federal Reserve banks low- ered interest rates in the United States "until playing the stock mar- ket became as popular as playing bridge," the priest continued. "Hun- dreds of millions of dollars of Ger- man bonds were sold at a price better than $90 each * * * bondsI which in their hearts most of thel Germans had no intention of pay- ing." When the price of the bonds fell, banks called their loans and thn mnrkprrn ti-h n h o l rInind I RDetroitInaugurates James Watkins New Police Commission OVR PPQINTME T!(By Associated Press) DETROIT, JTan. 12. - James K. Watkins, attorney, former 0 [ A. E. F. major and former Uni- versity of Michigan fullback Senior House Confirms Hoover's was Detroit's newest police com- Choice of Four for missioncr tonight. Tariff Body. Watkins was sworn into oflic at 11 a. m. today by Richard W WILL DECI D E ON DIXON Rading, city clerk; he received the felicitations of Mayor Frank Wit- Murphy and Thomas C. Wilcox Solons Allege Connections With the deposed commissioner, and Sugar Monoplies in shook the hands of a long lin er s r . d k e I TEACHER HEADS ni CLEAN-UP MOVE FOR STATE ASKS Brucker Will Seek Cut In Michigan's Expenses. TAXES TO STAND Sever eAttack. (Pi Associated Press) WASHINGTON,- Jan. 12. four of President Hoover's Afteu tariff commissioners had run the gaunt- let of Senate consideration todayI and emerged undamaged, a fifth, Edgar B. Brossard, Utah Republi- can, found cudgels lifted by bothE Democrats and Republican inde-' p, dents. The charge was raised that Bros- sard was "too close to the sugar interests." i 1 opatrolmenand offierswh j filed through his office. TO DHETROIT SHOPS Approximately 70,000 Men Are Given Employment in I I I I I A 4- King George and Queen Mary nome-going tnrongs in a pecestri- said farewell to the delegates a an tunnel under Michigan boule- [2~nlrr,.rlf i n . -a i n t Yard. B~uckingham palace Ltodiay anx e c formal adjournment of the con- ference was set for Monday, after Premier MacDonald's pronounce-I ment of British policy which will be made either Friday or Monday morning. The deadlock still remains on such problems as the Hindu -Mos- lem electoral quarrel and other is- sues, but in conference circles the t e r m s of Mr. MacDonald's pro- nouncement have been pretty well anticipated as giving a large bene-S diction to the demands of the In-1 dian delegates for self-government. Chancellor Describes Plan. The Lord Chancellor told the con- ference today that his committee on federal government did not claim to have evolved a detailed plan for a federal constitution, but it merely determined general prin- ciples which must be put to the test of public opinion both in India and Great Britain. With this basic reservation a general scheme for a national federal assembly was out- lined. Following the precedent of all dominion constitutions the execu- tive power and authority, under the scheme, will be vested in the crown represented by a governor-general. There will be a council of ministers; appointed by the governor-general to hold office at his pleasure to aid and advise him.f I Handcuffed, he was led from the court building across the court from the jail, where a mild-man- nered, neatly dressed woman waited for the son she hadn't seen in 17 months. "One look at Leo," she told War- den David Moneypenny, "and I'll know whether he is innocent or guilty. And then a prisoner amid a squad of guards, lost his cold look, the tight lips softened, the air of bra- vado faded, and then: "How have you been, mom?" The true bill charging him with the murder was returned at 5 o'clock, and two minutes later the grand jury returned the indictment before Acting Chief Justice Finne- gan. Three witnesses were called. INDEPENDENT MEN Union Will Organize Groups Occupying Booths at Annual Affair. A meeting of all independent men students planning to attend the annual J-Hop Feb. 13, will be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room 304 of the Union. Organization of the non-frtern;- ty men into groups for booths at the Hop will be the principal busi- ness transacted. Booth chairmen will be selected at the meeting. Final arrangements for indepen- dents at the Hop will be completed at a meeting a week from today. The number of booths that will be allotted to independent groups will be definitely determined at this time by the number of students, who have purchased their tickets, attending the meeting. Fraternity booths will be reserved in order of receipt of lists by the booth committee. The lists of names should include only those who have already purchased tickets, since no booths will be made up unless 20 paid couples have been registered. Examples of Work by Leading Artists on Exhibition Here ne mar eL crasneu , aecareu S. IA sixth member, Lincoln Dixon, Democrat, of Indiana, remained to be considered after Brossard's nom- EPODTfaced no opposition- HnaryonwaFour Passed. ON RELIGION WEE HrLY H FryP Fletcher, of IPennYsyl - vania, Republican chairman; John . Lee Coulter, Republican, North Da- Executive Group Discusses Plans kota; Thomas W. Page, Democrat, for Coming Colloquium of Virginia, and Alfred P. Dennis,c Noted Ministers. Democrat, Maryland, were thosek confirmed.- Reports of the executive group of No record votes were required toc the all-campus committee for Reli- dispose of these four, but Senatorr gious Emphasis week, to be observed Borah, Idaho, contended Fletcher, a7 Feb. 22 to Mar. 1, were heard yester- former diplomat of note, was notr day at a meeting in Harris hall. qualified as a tariff expert and that c The executive committee consists "studiously refrained from inform-t df Ralph R. Johnson, University in- ing himself regarding the tariff."f structor of English representing the Reed, Borah Clash.i Methodist Episcopal church, Dr. Senator Reed, Republican, Penn- Howard Chapman, pastor of the sylvania, took issue with Borah. Het Baptist church, and Rev. Allen J. said Fletcher was a man of out- Babcock of St. Mary's chapel for sLtanding intelligetce and. E c u 1 Catholic students. Students on the i not "imagine a better appointment executive group are Miss Helen could have been made." Cheever, president of the Pan-Hel-' Senators H a r rison Democrat lenic association, Byron Novitsky, Setss H an i o n, Deort preidet o th B'ai rit HilelMississippi, and LaFollette, Repub-l president of the B'nai Brith Hillel lican, Wisconsin, both members of foundation, and T. Hollister Mabley, lhcan anc consimittembers of business manager o theDal. I finance committee which con - business manager of the Daily sidered the recommendations, led Johnson is chairman of the com- the attack on Brossard. Senator mittee on faculty and student con- Reed defended him. tact, Dr. Chapman is head of the _ - publicity committee, and Father Babcock directs the activities of fraternities and sororities. Univer- UI sity officials have announced that no athletic or social functions will be permitted for the week of the conference, that will interfcare with W l. C . C~ its progress. Religious Emphasis week has been Glec Club to Bring Ted Shawn planned to present religion as a and Company Herec on vital moral force in the life o! Michigan undergraduates. Religious Saturday. leaders of all denominations, of na- tional fame will be brought to Ann 1'1)e same numbers which were Arbor by their respective churches presented by TA Shawn and hi, to present the week's theme in Denishawn dancers at their fourth meetings, lectures and informal annual appearance with the New gatherings. York Philharmonic-Syiphony So- -gciety orchestra will be given when they appear in Ann Arbor at 8:15 o'clo k, Saturday n ight,ill au- ditrim.Their program is being Wsponsored by the Glee club MAmong th e numbert be grace ON NEW ST ISTICS I:'Z ewre"Z> iIniandcec~ adea awnec Dance of reeting," and a group of Spanish dances Henry H. Curran, President of which Shawn brought bak from AntiAmenmentSocity, Seville, where he was a visitor last AntiAmcndment Society, Easter. There will also be a new Sees Quick Repcal. Spanish ensemble by the star and ----.. - the entire company, and "A Souve- (H s socI"" I's)" nir of Bavaria," danced in the WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. From quaint costumes of the Bavarian either side of the prohibition fence peasants. Another number will be spokesmen delving into st''tics a Valse Extase," IA1 muSic by de-- presented today new drains for Lahhiu. their cause. Shawn will bh assisted by ErneS A prediction that in two years tine Day, a graduate of the Deni- the necessary 36 states will be ready shawn dancing school. She will be to vote for repeal of the eighteenth seen in a Vienese Waltz and an amendment was advanced by Henry East Indian dance, the latter creat- H. Curran, president of the Associa- ed for her by Ruth St. Denis. tion Against Prohibition Amend- - -- alsecretary of the World League Against Alcoholism, blamed an in- BY BIG MAJORIT - crease in the alcoholic death rate - upon "widespcad wet propaganda" RESIDENT HOOVER maintains but concluded that even this had P his popularity with the thinking rnot lifted the death ratio to the voters of the nation, if an election pre-nrohibition mark Motor City. (Ny A esocwted Press) DETROIT, Jan. 12.-Detroit's job- bound industrial army was aug- mented today by 70,000 or more men who were called back to their benches and assembly lines after several weeks of inactivity. Most of the re-employment was accounted for at the Rouge plant of the Ford Motor Co., which had been idle since an inventory shut down on Dec. 18, with the exception of the employment of about 6,500 men on a part-time basis last week. The Ford company for several months has been operating three days a week, eight hours a day, and the lack of an announced change from this policy indicated that it is to be continued. The company announced that the employes re- called today brought the total at the Rouge plant to 75,000, while 32,000 more were ordered back to work in other parts of the country. Increased activity at several oth- er automobile plants also was re- ported. The Buick Motor Car Co. at Flint brought its total to 13,500 with recall of 1,700 men. The Cadillac Motor Car Co., operating five seven- hour days a week, reported a nor- mal force of 6,000.rThe Chevrolet Motor Co., working two shifts, has 32,000 men on a 32-hour-a-week basis. The return of the men to work brought additional pay to several hundred employes of the street car system, as extra cars were operated on lines to the factories. Optimistic reports have come of the New York Automobile show, and statements of industrial lead- ers that the depression is soon to be a thing of the past are accepted at their face value in Detroit. All announcements by automobile manufacturers have said that only former employes will be considered for positions, and unemployed men of other cities have been warned not to come to Detroit seeking jobs Grove J. Ray Waives Examination by Court Grove J. Ray, former treasurer o1 the Ann Arbor board of education and, prior to 1928, business agent of the board, yesterday waived ar examination before Justice Bert E Fry. Ray, who is charged with em- bezzling $14,500 of the school board'. funds, was held for court under $5,- 000 bond. Waiving of the hearing yesterday followed t w o postlponemenitS o Ray's ease. No date has been set fo. the trial. TheWeather Lighlt snow and colder Tu esday clear, rather cold Wednesday. Associated Press Photo Ben M. Squires, Economics lecturer at the Uni- versity of Chicago, who was recent - ly selected "Dictator" of the Chi- cago cleaning and dyeing industry to stamp out racketeering. RED CROSS STARTS DROUGHT AID DRIVE. Organization Plans to Collect p10,000,000 to Check Starvation. (Ny Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 12."-A drive to raise $10,000,000 for drought suf- ferers was opened tonight by the Red Cross. The call was issued by John Bar- ton Payne, national chairman, who telegraphed 3,000 Red Cross chap- ters the amount of money they were to obtain. This was announced after house Republican leaders had devised a plan to bring a showdown tomor- row on the Senate's $15,000,000 food provision for drought relief. The leaders will move that the House disagree to the Senate pro- posal and send it to conference with view of its elimination. The administration has frowned upon government appropriations for food loans. In his telegram to local chapters, Payne said a minimum of $10,000,- 000 was needed to "prevent untold suffering and actual starvation by thousands of families." His telegram follows: "Greatly increased demands dur- ing last ten days have made im- perative an immediate campaign for a Red Cross relief fund to meet the emergency situation in parts of 21 states in the drought stricken area. Italy Honors Mariner for Saving 32 Sailors, ( s sv /1 soi,/trdIP1Ws5) , NEW YORK, Jan. 12. Captain George Fried, now master of the United States liner George Wash- W ington, received decoration today from the Italian government for 1 his rescue of 32 Italian seamen t from the shipwrecked freightek z1Florida in 1929. Emanuel Grazzi, consui general of Italy at New York, presented . Captain Fried a silver plaque and decorated Chief Officer Harry Man- ning- and eight members of the - steamship America's crew with sil- ver and bronze medals for valor in Y the rescue. f - r Religious Fanatics Raid Luzon Village, Burn Aierican Flag Legislators to Get Document as Guide to Financial Enactments. (Ny Associatcd Pr) LANSING, Jan. 12. - An in- crease of $7,000,000 or more a year in the state property tax would be required to meet a bud- get covering state institutions and departments submitted to Gover- nor Wilber M. Brucker today by Former Governor Green and G. R. Thompson, state budget direc- tor. The executive will oppose sug- gested advance. He will seek instead to cut expenses below pres- ent levels, he said. Former Gover- nor Green also declared he does not recommend the huge appropri- ations but offers them as necessary if the state is to continue all its present activities. The budget proposes total appro- priations of more than $96,000,000 for the next biennial period, an increase of nearly $12,000,000 over appropriations for the same pur- poses enacted by the 1929 legisla- ture. Will Discuss Issue. It will be placed before members of the legislature as a guide to their financial legislation rather than have a final document setting forth actual needs. Governor Brucker will confer with members of the house and senate finance committees, Later administration bills, sharply paring the request of the appropri- ations, will be introduced probably by either Representative Gus. T. Hartman, prospective chairman of the house ways and means commit- tee, or Senator Arthur Wood, head of the senate finance committee. "The state is in no position to increase expenses at this time," Governor Brucker said. "I have not studied the tentative budget thor- oughly. It is certain, however, that I will not support appropriation measures calling for an increased outlay. I believe we can reduce the costs of many of these departments and institutions." Wants Low Taxes. The governor indicated he will attempt to hold the state property tax to its present level or below. If the tentative budget were adopted as it stands, the property tax on ~ even the most conservative basis would have to mount from the present $29,500,000 to $35,975,985. The budget optimistically estimates that more than $7,000,000 in delin- quent taxes will be collected next year and the following year. If this should not occur the next state tax would have to mount still higher. It also estimates a yield of $1,500,- 000 a year, from the malt tax but 1 the law probably will be repealed. NO REPORT HEARD FROM 'LOST PLANE State Bulletins (By Asso led Press) January 13, 1931. SPARTA-The Sparta Foundry today announced that they had re- ceived an order for 500,000 piston rings. It was a larger order than any received by the plant during the boom year of 1929. C A D I L L A C-Prosecutor W. H. Yearnd, announced today that the case of Frank Harrand, Grand Traverse county farmer, who said he could not tell Judge E. J. Mill- ington where he got his liquor, will be re-opened Jan, 20. The prosecu- tor said he had filed a motion last week for dismissal of the contempt charge against Harrand and that it would be heard in Lansing next week. LANSING--Peter F. Gray, today became mayor of this city, having defeated Laird J. Troyer, in the general election. lie formerly was postmaster here and had also held the office of city clerk. PETOSKEY-John Galster, 78, prominent northern M i c h i g a n sportsman and philanthropist, died here Sunday. Mr. Galster, who was the father of John L. A. Galster, former mayor of Petoskey, was a 'Tradd Wind' Still Missing Fruitless Search Continued. Is as 'V -'4 (h ;1sMift (S i's; 1\rt n ITS A Tin ~19 A_.. s i(rr re R l 1 i ! Prints and etchings contributed by some of the leading artists of America and Europe are being ex- hibited in the fine arts depart- ment's fourth exhibition of the year in the north and south galleries of Alumni Memorial hall. The show- ing opened Saturday and will con- tinue through Saturday, Jan. 24. Over 100 examples, representing the leading galleries in the East are on display, and like the first 1 joideul ,of the Malya Tribuiieto- TO CITY COUNCIL ay li~pted religous f a ti raided the central luzon village of "Y; MAY NOT SERVE Tayng Sunday and lowered and burned the Amnierican flag after also considered of sufficient apti- i capturing the city hall. tude to direct the policies of this "Fanaticism, spurred by R c d splendid metropolis, running second propaganda," he added, "seems to only to the President. Senator have been the underlying motive" Borah polled a total for third place, of the conflict, in which several after a rather questionable deduc- persons were slain. tion and transferring of votes, all An official report to constabu- of which left Gen. Charles G. Dawes lary headquarters here by Maj. J. and "Big Bill" Thompson in a neck- C. Quimbo, intelligence officer, how- t and-neck race, which the Windy ever, said-: N-3v,'tAssocuated 1Press) NEW YORK, Jan. 12,-Messages to the Associated Press from half a dozen ships at sea today told of the sharp, but [utile watch being kept for the missing monoplane, Trade Wind. Along the French and Portu- guese coast and at the Canary Is- lands and Madeira, a similar watch appeared fruitless. Nowhere was any report received to indicate that the plane, piloted by Mrs, Beryl Hart and Captain William S. McLaren, was still in the air. i I; a''i '' -, i1 Curran issued a statement say- ing 24-states now are ready to vote for repeal. He claimed the delega- tions of 12 states to the next con- gress contained 19 out of 24 sena- tors favoring submission of the re- conducted in the municipal gov- ernment department yesterday is any indication-- for the erstwhile voters selected him to fill a vacancy on the Ann Arbor city council. The election, it seems, was part