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January 11, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-11

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14 --Nsr

J. 4bp

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WILLPiE EATUiL~~ fr...~;~iiI>

Herbie Kay Will Also Provide
]Music at Annual Affair !
Next Month.
Arrangements for Dance Almost
Completed, Committee


Sand Donated by the University
j Aso Sold and Proceeds
Goven to Needy.
S,.aebler's Con-mittee Registers
650 Out of Work; 15 New
J obs Provided Daily.
Mayor ataretler's utzrnempiym'm t
committee has sold more than 7/0
cords of wood to citiz~ens at $..W)
per cord, it was announced l1' sI
night, the entire proceeds of wh'h
wil go towar'd relief of suffering d{
to the business d~epression in Ar''
jArbor. Two inen have been solicii,-
ng orders for the wood during tle
last and wvill continue to attempt to
beep the totail sales on a high level.
E 4 Employe~d Cuttin~g Wood.
Between 12 and 1,: men are now
I NnDoyed c utt.i; wood for the t'n--*
I mploywcent any, unider the
direction of E. C. Gallup. More than
200 cords of wowtd have been order}-
ed by the^ city, and with the weekly
orders increasing it is hoped by tY e
committee in cha ue that the nuffn-
bai- of men employed will be raised

VARSI TY, 27-22
(For Complete Details of the
Sports News, see pages 6 and 7).
Michigan's basketball team re-
ceived its first setback in the Big
e'en race last night, when the
Northwestern five defeated the
'Maize and Blue, 27-22. The WVild-
cats led af ter -the beginning of
the game when Michigan was
ahead for a short time, 8-4. Jo
Reiff, of Northwestern, led the
scorers on berth teams wvith n inc
The Varsity wrestling team de-
feated the University of West
Virginia last night in the Intra-
m..ural building, 29-5. The Maize
an~d Blue lost only one bout, and
that, by a fail in the 12 6-pound
c",a ;,s, wiinning four matches by
fAll nd three by i-n'gthy time
C hicaf beat University of
lnc'ana in anothev Big 't'en
game last night, 2' -27. The game
wvas decided in an overtime
All other Rig Tpen teams were
in action against each other last
night. Ohic State defeated WVis-
cqnsin 29-19. Illinois received a
drubbing at the hands of Purdue,
30-15. (Michigan defeated Pur-
due last weirek). In the other Con-
fzrefl cc engagement, Iowa also
dropped a close decision to Alin-
nesota, 26-22.
The basketball R' team de-
feated the freshman team, 17-12
last night, while the: Varsity
fencers defeated a teamf of
alumni 10-7.

Seniate mics orRetum-n of
~tiuX~tGi2 Reused
A;s,.s..,o vEncoachment

. . ~PD ITL~ TA9Y,

Jan Gaiter and his Greater Co-
lumbia Recorinxg orchestra will be(r,
the featured band at the 1932 J-
Hop, Feb. 13, in the Intramural
building, ace 'rdir ,to a n ,
nounCement made by tile: commit--
tee last ni ghtc. Herbie Kay and his " : .: <r:>;>";:* :?:.:.. '.":;.:.. .:
orchestra will be the second band >: >::.:;<:.;? ;£;:;'": ":z <v :> : .,..
for the annual aff, ir.
Cormittee Makes Announec me nt.p:r Lr
Selection of the bands was made
by the committee following a con-
sidexration of the leadling orchestras,
of the country. Garber, bec'ause ofr
the enthusiastic receptions of his
many appearances at social funs-* iI
tions in the prominent eastern uni-
versities, as well as in m ost of the _________________
middle western schools, is regard- I - A',socutUI 1Press Phwo
ed as the leading "collegiate" or-I
chestra director in the country. r-e Fiere are two pictures taken during the revolution trat ~overthrew
has also played during several tours, the government of President Arosema of Panama. Above are three of1
in the South, a sip;-months' en- the youthful r-evolutionists in a window of a central police station.
gagem nt on the Keith circuit. At Below is another group of revolters across from the station after the1
present, Garber is playing at the I kirmish. An American newspaperman was killed by a stray shot during ,
Lincoln Tavern Town Club in Chi- one of the battles.
cago. -
Herbie Kay and his orchestra, a'
comparatively new band, have been' E O HO O N E SCIfS I
attracting capacity crowds to he
Trianon and the Aragon, Chicago'
two largest ballroonm, where Kayi flfI
has been, playing alternately with L LI CO P NLE S BA JD
Wayne King's music. In addition' ohswr sabn edr a
is a composer of note. Society to Give Formal Dinner,'AthtcBadDeie oDo
Both bands. each numbering thir- Dance for.'AwNuts' Payers, 'Track, Swimming? Contests
teen pieces, will have their original. .
me ee abradKy h nitiates, Wednesday. in Fi ue. Years.
aren warm. perafndsa,hve .
saredwr es lfred, aeI planning several novelties Over 100 °students have been in- Inter ;s clastic track and swim-i
which they will present at the J vited 'to -attend a formal banquet, milg rmecets will no loniger be spon-
Hop. giiieni by Mimes to honor the east sored by the Athletic Association,


- -I-. - -2.1 - - - ~ I f)n I

Durina Lthe pasi .Week, 1,0010 sacks ; .
of sand were sold ait 25 cents per
sack, the entire- income being used
for relief as the sand was donated!if~f
by the University. Col W. H. Fault, rn
manager of the unemployment bu- ULE
reau, stated yesterday that the in- I~II
crease weekly will allo ,w Ann Arbe I i
to take care of more and more o.1 I~IL
her needy citizens. Uses for the
-and which the city's relief fund 44cesr
is selling are for icy pavements and-.IOrhsr
sidewalks, insuflation on topeo,; Under
furnaces, sa-nd-bag s, bird cages,
11and sad'oxsfr ci arn
I Comision ive Bag.:'The Detr(
Faced witha shortage of sacks: will make it
in which to place the sand, the the season,
comittee has received 1.OGO emptyv enrio
l bags from the road commision to I( rar.n
relieve the necessity of wasting any tomorrow n:
of the money beingo collected flom The concer
sand sales. Those wishing to pl ,x 1 Choral Unit
orders for sand or wood are asked sentation o,
to call 2-1913, or the building acid The orch(
crir z riJ2nrtrnnnt of tn Tn-tTh ..

P NIq Will Give Program
Guest Conductor
$. Molinari.
,oit Symplhony orchestra
its sec~ond appearance Yof
under the' direction of
'Molinari, at 8:15 o'clock
ight, at Hill, auditorium.
rt i.5 sponsored by the
ion as the seventh pre-
)f the year.
estra first played in Ann.

XVA2UJA'7 N, J . ,Presi-
__________________ot11 'UClthec Sen-
s ttsc<<c I 'r s Nhtatt e'sr{[_: IcJ 0 Ii l ofthe nom-
NITI A ~dion;oV'- iidhelive mem-
Of Mt.. P l'a [ Mci ~i, wi ~o bei 0 ('iC\ tuVecomission.
has been naedassstin t ruy he A': o ompfy voted to re-
general by, tony;- ea i-oac hi -cc- t~c<,lendar of
chell. uhiildbr es
_-J u blihPay.
Justl~ev heif passe ito be
(I i~dw ; ~u- rhiitoniht'. In
E ~f'~1 ~[ ~ Kt' i hen t tere is
lit J)V~O ~1m r-en.President
fl ~ ~Vj' ~ F &iover- ee i he tree corn-
ti 5,i''> 'di Pe-Chairman
, , JIkJSiit,£I;u (I su nd Claude
L. rapr oul ealyon under
Carvedi r4X1Ia ol jie A!rr 2C1.1nV)m(ilriainby the
n'Six Yer inthe MNhv .eiat
en Senato XV~itx n, -ocra t, Mon-
Jungle' on JanuarXy 21. anno ete ea ei fterMr
- - l~ovcU, a ;r'pehadberen read
Carveth el- h eri dilta h l poeany appro-
Ann Arbor! . sir year, wh~i pecPoito o ave for the three
the next attractLion on the Orator_-- o iioerwhnte supply bill
ical association lecture series wvhen i ,a _ryin,,,glt nere KundS is taken up
he will talky on "&.x Years in the1t byth ea.
Malay Jungle" 0w1rThursday, Jan.Hoe r taos
21, in Hill auditrium1.01r.Hvr fllwe his brief
This lecture wl also be ilstt-Iorunocenth nate with
.ed by mInirpictures. B53 urec;l ., ± tatmet )th prssassertiig
his exploring aeti liti^S, . Well;1,U he wis:ressGinl by hs action an
has been c poi lted to le ad 'the rcrae1,c- tbythe legislative
expedition of theNainleer- pnthexuie-bnc of the
phis society. 1He is also aPlo 1~vYIl(It eas crd any
t~he 7Royal Gogahia scit a tosaiuiz im as "thte
th Amria G rahi, vy 1,-ear rct if I
ane assucintc r. 'a .e2 f : .tto ;,hce three outstand-
tutioof ?TCivilEgnesa1;me~tg~i ~t: rt7 1llW t
of the ExplorerfS club , teAdl,. ven- l ~~taetoa a lniStr -
turers club, and the Circuminavi- -I u>-, ,he anoitmnc t of its
gators club of New York.-uedhasndiI refuse to
"In the Malay jungle lectr'.r nw un mntal encachmen t
which Wells prcsents this yelar,' te lea!c oo te onstitu-
stated HlenryMoser, of the spacel !. 7 ,in pndnc of the execu-
department, "hie will journey with h.
his aud'ience through- queer coup.i-
try which Darwyin calls Topsy Turvi
land, where, as ini the mirrors of
penny arcade, distorted nature leer
fromn all sides, snot king theirin-
credulty wih irrefutable fact. credulity wi
that ca:!mlIy wink at the.m frorm V-)~[ II
tree tops, (leer and bear scem 1 '
inches in height, an~d bouinein ;'
balls are but a lawv of the fantasiA-l f 7k ,?c ollows Plea
sights in store for tlheml.",
IIndividual tickets are ,tii nisal. o ni2do egeThat
at the offices of the rp (,-I dpart- I' jc.,f etind
mcnt in -Angell hall.

Decorations Nearly Finished. -
Final arrangements for the Hop
are nearing completition. Work on
the decorations has been begun by

and company 01 the recent Al twa eieu- etigo h
Campus Revue, "Aw Nuts,' it was itwsdcdda:ameigo h
announced yesterday by James Board in Control of Athletics yes-
Yant, '31, president. The banquet terday.
will be held at 7 o'clock Wednesday1 Rv this stet,) two high school in-

heC Detroitcopn who were a- ni ;---in------------ f theUnio, roua- cepa'Arbor this year Nov. 24, under the
warde thecomprany. night-ouinf byaballnofte.Uinjvitat-onal track meets, one indoor iversity. Ioacosi fOspGbio
wareduthe o tact.Abelot ofndand will be followed by ednbecndutoshpff tsheGbrlo
th ut ftcesbfr h n ebr fteUniversity who and another outdoor, and a swim- witsch. Tomorrow night the emi-
of the. month was not consideredf have been invited to attend the mint;- meet will be discontinuted on i Bl ~ ~ f f f ent Italian orchestra le der will
-ipoaleb -h omite affair, are President and Mrs. Alex- the athltic s;cedule. The outdoor f G II -es odctr ~ighifrs
Iander O, Ruthven, Dean and Mrs. Ieet, has been held for ove r 30 a i~Uppearance in Ann Arbor. During
P Br'fe Dannlic llydmpbi po n ystseasons he has conducted sym u-
Joseph O.- . C ellPrf. years, the indoor met since the iIH I ihoygupinisatvco-
Prof andMrs.0. . Capbel, P-of.erecionof te Yot Feld ~ Ly, s well s the New YorkPhl
~and Mrs. Kenyon, Prof. and Mrs. ;eeto fteYs edhotse, 9 1J T I dr Pil
Eulfns 1Ivans Holbrook, Prof. and Mrs.! and the swimming meet for the i___ harmonic Symphony orchestra.
xI 1-N0CnrI,*d !'rc) Earl V. Moore, Prof. and rS. oal lst :'SXin'eaWork "Poise, authority, and an almost
January 11, 10'31. I , ~ ~'F ViliSeTtvebn- ers .Active i ewspaperWrki uncany abliy t big out theP,
and Prof. Bruce Donaldson. Others;nb m.Rasons'- brs tthhs deisionaa r, s glY-Ixevi Are Taken Into Sigma DeltaI greatest possible artistry from all
GRNORPIS--twa eva--o aebe nie sget that since the M I ch i g a n Highl Chi; One Faculty Member members of any band of players
ed today t hat the marjor portion of of honor are E. Mortimer Shucter Ahltc socato_~~ under him, stamp him as a world
the $20,000 estate willed by Win- former director o1 Mimes operas, chocharacter today and a monumental
field Scott Hughes, retired Grand I Roy Haoyer, who formerly trained alse n12 ytesaelg ee tdnsatv ncmu figure among conductors of all
Rapids business mant, was left toi the chorutses o1 the o aeras Mr and sature, it had been holding state journalismn and a member of the time," stated Charles A. Sink, presi-
Maonc rgniato s r. Mza Vrs. Paul Buckley and Mr. and i mets evry yeai siE'cc ts appont- faculty of the department of ,lour- 1 dent of the School of Music, in
bethni F. garos, ho;filedtl i I Ms.: Daniel ik r uika--rent. ThlIast; year Detroit high nalism were initiated yesterday in- 'matking the announcement. "Hi-s
in pobat hee ye teday s aso sstedin he drecion f t e ,io schools decided rot to attend any to Sigma Delta Chi, national po- conducting has made him a mag-
a beneficiary. The banquet will follow the im-mn clos ntesat slcinwsbsdoninrtrosntfrthotfatrn noi
I iationi cer-monies, at which F red- mn oher scol' i -- t oa Eeto asbsdol eioi urs of music critics the w o r I d
_ "r- L T;,-.i- m~-- nv,'39 "~i1i r i r rwell as 1.7.1Illinois, Ohio tnd Indi- work 1in the newpapeLtr field. Iove."


B-ARZT---The board of supervisors
of this town today adopted a reso--
lution demanding that~ the state
conservation commission pay local
taxes on land, held here. 'ilie11tax
would be levied the san-^e)s asn
similar laniad owned by prl~it in-- s a
CADILLAC- Thr ee of Cadiiae'.
leading indiustrial plants today rc--
ported business inerreases. They
are than Northern Chair Co., which
yesterday went on a teni-hour day'
basis, hiring a full crew-of 190 per-
sons working five and one-hal
dlays a week; the St. John's Cable,
Co., and the Acme Motor T.ruck Co. 1
OWOSSOJ---It was announced to-
day that union railroad men here
will seek a confe-rence with offiia,
of the Ann Arbor Railroad Co. in an
attempt to stabilize employment
at local shops. At present only a
skeleton organization is working.
MT. PLEASANT-- Isabella county
today found itself unable to issuE
vouchers for salaries of officials
mothers' pensions, or county poor
checks, because of a $50,000 defict
in four special funds. The genera:1
fund, salary, mothers nuensions. an

'3, Thomas , ?Roden, '31, Robeart
Montague, '32, Malcolm Mc Q ort,
'31, Witney Dixon, '32, Gurney Wil--
lams, '31, riierson Stiles, '31, Eric
Wild. '32SPA, Marion S:herwood, '31,'
and Franlin Reck, assist ante editor
of the Amecrican Boy, will be ini-
The committee in charge of the
banqluet consists, In addition to
Yant, of R. Duane Wells, '32, andj
Allan B. Calahan, '32SM.
SlIa ve ry E-xists, ---- Shdites
Commission to L.beria
WA SH-INGTON, Jan. 10O.--PiteouS
appeals from. ignor ant black natives
ran through the pages of a report
of an investigating commission sent
to Liberia at the request of the state
- department, wihich made the report
public tonight.
The - cormmission consisted of
Cuthbert Christy, chairman, ap-
pointed by the League of Nations;
Charles Spurgeon Johnson, ap-
pointed by the United States, and
Arthur Barclay, appointed by Lib-
The commisison recommended
radical changes in various govern-

an atltended the ;meets, it was felt
that withi two other larige meets
{wit ilin state0, tIf1 -ye would be more
diffticulty il'm, ajlnugi ngfor dates of
The Board a)lso ga;'ve l)rmfi~sion
to the gymn astircs team to give ex-
hibitions throughout th(e ,tate'-,dur-
ing the next s'etr
Plans for Drou--ght
Public AppealAsked'

Those initiated were: George A.
Stauter, '33, The Daily, Lester corn-
Steen, '32, Gargoyle; Frederic F.
Brace, '32, 'Ensian ; C. IL Bcukerna,
'32, correspondent for the Detroit
Free Press3, United Pres,,s, and Chai-
cago Tribune; Jo n S. Marshall,
'32, Gargoyle; Edward S. McKay,
'32, 'Ensian; J ack rutting, '32, Gar-
Boyle, and Wei;ley H-. Maurar, in
:s"ructor in the dcparticnt of jour-
The initiation, held in Ilith uin,
was followed by a banquet for the!
new members. Speakers ;-Dclucld i

lTickets for the individual concert
arc still available at the offices of
the School of Music.
Slosson Will Lecture
on League of Nations
Pofes sor Preston W. Slosson of
the political science department will
address the Tolstoi league on "The
Living Corpse" at 4:15 o'clock Mon-
day in 231 Angell hall. The meeting
is intended to comm-emmorate the
anniversary of the League cf Fla-

Bin hamma oPresent
wo ha,,,d:dle- eas t i:
conse r)toy of {'i,-t c,!winireoen
night a S.Paul's Lm~rmncuc
uindertCtonue',' o ' on
Peopl' 50tilrl
3F.:, 3, w JI~;~;tm rd~0 i'
hejc tt %A l n's Iit it ia i
Jesus ,Christ, b e> lo eP
(lin i s T ;r.. '-i !i 3)~ ,ia
Xier; nI v ~ -,-i iIo

I~ ~~~~~A iU'hl r.10 nAnti-
L~ctoit as ollowed
~ltIi -t 7 'o i:-toay by summary
~coie I rot P~yiFra nk Murphy
> Uk"(A ie ihthe request,
InC he t: X/i~ ~the ap-
oPliesK.Watkins, an
it '',:, hssccessor. At the
same ta'- Merhy5aked for and
-eci~'' U '--,mi-I ofoHoward
PciI'- s-! h~oi tatWilcox
vuldt' -ms' atid Watkins.
l~loil ;- btiiedI iebasis of a
otte tU tieRev R.N. Holsaple,
uapiit~i1'~t f heMichigan
X)'i C '1--; >-oewhch was re-
:il1, 0 lrh at 4p.m.
jes "r1~-----llAsaicexpressed
;7ice aministration of
>1~ ~ ~ V '' 1--bWilcox and said -
laP ::'--' a I I'-ver betpe"ople"

I rankliri M. Reck, of Detroit, na- ions. and f raa.[LJt -2~!Ci
(P F- 0,., v -- -)'tional president of the org aniza,;-
WAHNTN!an 0 ln Lion, and assistant managing editor I N IEP O ESO O K M KN
of The American1 Boy; Pi. HwlyIL ST A E IN IB A YJX1L
yf for relieving the an[i- ~r.rng; caused Tapping, gene, ral secretary of the ,ojIL US R TE
by the drought took form. today at I Alumni association, anopatna - __
both the White House an-d capitol.'tional president and Donald Ilan- -xam s F stpsof bidn ebc i h
Examlesof veryman s Lbay tp fbnigf c
A public appeal for $10,000,000 ilton Haines, instructor in tile de- GveE aton ole.Ialoctinanez-
with which to purchase and distri- , iveCmlt xlnto oun.I loc>'a~
buefocohngadoIrncs partment of journalism and facult-y I Ci pletexn11 of a hand-:wing- iachie
commended to President H-oover by toastmaster. IProcesses o odr oo r- e1yalrg. Ppn, hc i
Chairman Payne of the Red Cross.- duction are moutrtdrnboo r-snsxmlso the ne olainiakswi" r ai
Meanwhile, administration lead- Iexhibit (ondilltante obyhenw oil
displiyninhhe lobysofaebthe ma i-ksiwhich , ar1s1 I
er nteHuetook steps to un- La idIut the General library. Some of the ' assemblsttheiolnif teprp
tangle the legislative sn'ar1 that has LwFnsO tTa pieces shown have been furnishedI order, of llagst io theirppostion
kept the $60,000,000 drought loan Cases Vary~ in Cows byteEvrmnLbay.Vros ofpgsthicmoiinaI
appropriation bDill in a pigeon hole __b h vrmniay ro the reading of proof s. Samples 01 (
fo erl ek.Iu Aw:td rs)displays carry the system from rawzicadlneu bokcusrt
imaterials to the finished productsrzn n ioembokct n
1~V~fl ~H~lA ~f lr' fl1~- ~ ,-TTCmn -, A displayed, and the stercotypein,

£/~ iv-p,(
) * ±a'

I fjI'I'r,'0, sa former
>~~h oay r and Rhodes
- a a ii atorney in

I-IA- :' o'FILu erbexrt G.
Ma~ ~ ~~C - . . ) .-itscetary of
ho J 1 -::V5 A JhnR. Wat-
'1, >~~ rc'niyUnited
11 ,:-; ~ ''~rmz-yin Detroit.
V 'a- Jo ' -f-l umvriy he at-
'I ~- ' -i ollgeof Law,
~~~ra~~~~ <o a 9 n, later, Ox-
~ma ;:gn-iiacdays,
V.-~ aomtinthicampus
s( t;'itc-~. Me t's a ebe of The
iciy r- a, vidof heBoard in
Cen. rl o7 Se dntPublications,

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