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January 10, 1931 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-10

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511TUT,,DAY. JANUARY M. 19'"l

- -- - m ...AY. JA ..._A.Y. __.r_1°31

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the
President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday.

Expci; Say Oklahoma City Field
Can Give World 3,000,000
Barrels Daily.

Dr. Leet to;Study
Earth's Foundation


5 TG SP[t',,K


Corps Will Reach High State

f of

Readiness by 1932,
General Says.

NOTICES (P Associated Press)
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home from 4 to 6 o'clock on OKLAHOMA CITY, Jan. 9.-The
the first two Sunday afternoons of each month to members of the wild Oklahoma City oil field is
starting its third year-but it's only
faculties, their friends, and other residents of Ann Arbor. a "baby" yet.
MIghtiest of them all, the Okia-
Faculty Meeting, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The homy Cty field doesn't know
regular January meeting will be held Monday, Jan. 12, at 4:10 p. m., its own strength. Experts whol
in Room 2225 A. H. work atop its mile-deep cavern of
The Committee on Curriculum will present some phases of its work. "crude," say the field can give the
The report on Pre-College Progress and College Grades, recently world 3,000,000 barrels of oil daily.
compiled by the Office of Educational Investigations, will be distributed But it has yet to make or break
at this meeting, and Mr. Yoakum will present briefly its salient features. its millionaires. No one has grown
John R. Effinger, Dean, very rich, for there's so much oil
at present.
University Loan Committee will meet on Thursday, January 15, at ]erile the great petroleucityr
1:30 p. m., in Room 2, University Hall. 200,000 has a greater daily capacity
Students who have filed applications with the Office of the Dean of than the aetual present outout of
Students should call at that ofice for an aoointment with the Com- the whole United States, its wells
mittee. J. A. Bursley, Chairman. are flowing approximately two and
one-half per cent of what they can
Geology 2: Quiz section No. 10, meeting M. W. F. at 11:00 in room do---literally four hours out of every
3056 has been added to the list as given in the Catalogue. 112 days. This is the result of a pro-,

Householders: Householders having rooms for men students avail-
able for the second semester are requested to list them in the Office of
the Dean of Students, Room 2. University Hall, at once. Dial 6115.
Available light-housekeeping rooms and apartments should also
be listed. F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean.
To All Men Students: Students intending to change their rooms at
the end of the present semester are hereby reminded that according to
the University Agreements they are to inform the householders of such
intention at least two weeks prior to the close of the semester, that is
by Jan. 30. It is advised that notice of such intention to move be made
at once. F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean.
An Exhibition of One Hundred American and European Prints is
on view in the North and South-Galleries, Alumni Memorial Hall. The
Galleries are open week days from 9 until 5 and Sundays from 1:30
until 5. The exhibition closes January 24.

Sophomore Engineers: There will be a basketball practice
o'clock. First game Monday-Important practice.

at 3

ration agreement.
The pool's millionaires are only
"potential" because their recovery
to date-about 32,000,000 barrels-
has brought them but $41,600,000,
while the outlay in putting down
651 oil producers, 24 gas wells, 128
drilling wells and 15 dry holes has
+been approximately $143,150,000.
Few Oklahoma City operators will
admit they're "in the clear" just
now. Oil prices have been on thej
toboggan since Indian Territory,
Illuminating Oil company discov-
ered the field at No. 1 Oklahoma
City, on Dec. 4, 1928.
Nor dan this oil-bound citizenry
goon forget the days of terror last
October when the Morgan Petro-
leum ccmpany's Stout well tore
lose and sent an uncontrolled
stream of oil into the sky.
During the three days the Stout
well spouted oil, and during the
time the wild Mary Sudik and other
gushers roared untamed, hundreds
of citizens lived in fear lest a chance
spark become a flaming disaster.
Yet the apparent vigor of the
field is unstemmed by its two years
of part-time labor.
pective teacher. The speaker will
be Supt. Iaisley of the Ann Arbor
High School.
Michi an Technic: The staff pic-
ture will be taken Thursday, Jan-
uary 15, at 5:15 p. in. in Rentchler's
studio, 319 East Huron.
Pi Lambda Theta group picture
for 'Ensian will be taken Sunday,
January 11 at 10 a. in., at Speddings
Triangles meeting at Union Sun-

Scabbard and Blade picture will be taken at Dey's Studio at 1:30.
Come in uniform.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma: 'Ensian picture to be taken at Dey's Studio at
1:15 p. m. Come in uniform.
Craftsmen': Meet tonight at the Masonic Temple at 7:30 p. m.-
The "Upper Room" Bible Class will meet for the first time this
year in the "Upper Room" at Lane hall at 7 p. m. All men are cordially

. Associated Press Photo
Dr. L. Don Leet, Harvard uni-
versity seismologist, plans research
work to determine what kind of a
foundation the continents of the
world rest upon. Creating earth-
quakes and measuring the shock
will be included in the experiments.
Colleges Orop Free' Policy,
Federal Finding Shows.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-Although
set up originally to give young
America free institutions of higher
learning, the land grant colklges,
the federal office of education said
today, "long since have abandoned
this policy."
The burden of costs is being
"shiftedtothe students and col-
leges rely more and more upon fees
for income," the federal agency
said, citing data gathered in its
three-year survey of general condi-
tions among the 69 institutions.-
"In all colleges," the report set
forth, "it obviously is a temptation
to secure larger funds from these
sources with the principal increases
in tuition costs and other student
fees ranging from 100 per cent for
resident students to 500 per cent
for non-resident students."
Fees ranged from $1 to $100, with
a "rather strict policy adopted gen-
erally in the land grant group to
assure complete collection, as ex-
emplified by the limited number
of exemptions," the report contin-
ued, explaining that 31 colleges al-
lowed no exemptions whatever.
Union Hall of Fame
Given Appropriation
An appropriation, providing for
the purchase of pictures of all the
Presidents of the University, was
authorized at the last meeting of
the finance committee of the Union,
it was made known yesterday.
The pictures of the University
heads will be added to the Union's
growing collection of portraits for
the Hall of Fame which will be
moved from its place on the third
floor to a more prominent position,
probably in the first-floor halls.
In conjunction with the Alumni
association, a list of prominent
graduates is also being prepared.
Pictures of these men will be ob-
tained and added to the gallery.
WE RENT Radios
Te.2.2812 615 E~. William

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-The air
corps, baby branch of the army in
age, is seen by General Charles P.
Summerall in his farewell to arms
as a Goliath in the making.
in his final report as retiring
chief of staff, he said that "the
completion of the five-year pro-
gram will bring our air corps to
a much higher state of relative
readiness than any other branch
of the service."
Instituted in 1927, the five-year
program has been budgeted for
completion June 30, 1932, to give
the flying arm 1,800 serviceable
planes, 2,200 commissioned officers,
and necessary enlisted men.
Both General Summerall and
Secretary of War Hurley said, how-
ever, that the development of air
corps man-power has been accom-
plished at the expense of curtail-
ing other activities.
The rest of the army, General
Dry Agents' Efforts, Conditions
They Meet, to be Study
of Woodcock.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. .-Prohibi-
tion Director Woodcock is about to'
resume his travels, inspecting first
hand the efforts of his dry agents
and the conditions they are meet-
Hurriedly recalled to the capital
some weeks ago by President Hoo-
ver and Attorney General Mitchell,
just as he was about to sail for
Honolulu, Woodcock has been help-
ing steer the prohibition measures
up to the floor of congress.
As soon as money matters are
settled, he said today, he plans to
take up just where he left off, first
visiting the Minnesota district, and
then the west coast before sailing
for Hawaii.
The former Maryland attorney
was enthusiastic about the progress
his small army of dry agents have
made since he became the federal
prohibition chief last July 1.
"The prohibition bureau has made
great advances in efficiency, loyalty,
and esprit de corps," Woodcock as-

Summerall reported, has been re-
quired to reduce its troop strengthIIC L IUT 7 ou or
to supply the commissioned and en-!
listed personnel for the annual up-
building of the air corps since the Final Lecture of Dawning Era
total army man-power is limited by Series to be Given
Far-reaching reorganization has by Professor.
been necessary in other 'services,
Secretary Hurley said, to the point shoud wo the Ueag e oNats
that "if the policy of building up ?should join the League of Nations,-
the enlisted strength of the air will be discussed by Prof. P. W. Slos-
corps by transfers from fthe her son, of the history department, in
crps by tnfesdro the o r wi his lecture before the Tolstoy league
arms is continued, the army will Cri tPAeTt



. .


Taken on



(1y Associated Press>
DETROIT, Jan. 9. - (Special) --

More than 50,000 employees of
the Ford Motor Company will re- Bank Loans $1,800,000
turn to work on Monday in various t Sisters of Charity
plants in the Detroit area, officials
announced yesterday. The normal (r3 - Associated Press)
payroll is about 85,000, of which DUBUQUE, Ia., Jan. 9.-A loan of
6,500 were called back to work last $1,800,000 has been made to Sisters
Monday after the usual suspension of Charity of the Blessed Virgin of
for inventory. I St. Joseph here by the Mercantile
backOnlyid loyees will be called Commerce Bank and Trust Co. and
backoffdialgtantanneun'Thomas L. Giannon of St. Louis.
According to an announcement The order has filed in their favor
today, sales of the new Lincoln to- a deed of trust for five of its pro-
taled 486 in December, the largest perties.
monthly sales record in 1930. The
Lincoln plant is producing 20 cars
a day and plans to step production
up to 30 or more. Employment at BROWN -CR ESS
the Lincoln plant has been slightly
increased, it was stated yesterday, & Company, Inc.
and now stands at 2,800.
The exact number of workmen
who will return to their positions INVESTMENT
Monday is not known, although es-
timates ranged from 50,000 to 75,- S E C U It I T I E S
000 workers. According to stories
in Detroit evening papers of yester-
day, 60,000 were called by officials. Orders executed on all ex-
The recent $25,000,000 purchase changes. Accounts carried
order total at the New York auto-
mobile show has taken anticipated on conservative margin.
reaction, officials of motor com-
panies said yesterday. The larger Telephone 23271
portion of this tremendous order
total will go toward the purchase ANN ARBOR TRUST BLDG.
of low-priced cars, affecting the De- ANNtARBOR
troit area immeasurably.


soon be unable properly to perform
its many missions."
America's strength in the air,
General Summerall found, is great-
ly enhanced by the rise of com-
mercial aviation.
"In 1926 our greatest weakness ,
in the air," he said, "was probably
to be found in the fact that our air-
craft industry was almost non-
existent, that but little production
could be expected for more than a
year after the outbreak of a war,
and tnat there was no commercial
aviation to develop trained fliers
from whom an adequate reserve
could be drawn."
50,000 WORKMEN

Cil ULI, glit " .&J v LA5 % jlCM, (air a
o'clock, Monday afternoon, in room
231, Angell hall. This will be the
final meeting of this group and
will mark the close of the Dawning
Era series.
Prof essor Slosson, who was a
member of the late President Wood-
row Wilson's staff at the signing
of the Treaty of Versailles, will also
defend the membership of the
United States in the World Court.
George H. Smith, secretary of the
League of Nations association of
Mi hig. -,and Dr. Frances S. On-
derdonk, of the school of architec-
ture, will also speak.
The lectures will be the last of
the Tolstoy league series for the
semester. Through the Dawning
Era meetings the league has at-
tempted to stimulate s t u d e n t
thought on matters that may be of
vial interest in the future and has
aJ so attempted to present to the
students a philosophy which applies
to modern times, Dr. Onderdonk

led by Prof. John
m., at Lane Hall.

Club: Discussion meeting on Pan-Pacific Relations,
B. Condliffe, Visiting Professor of Economics, at 8 p.
Social program following the discussion. Visitors

Michigan Dames are giving a party at 8:30 p. m. for husbands and
wives, at Palmer Field House, corner of North University and Forest
ave. All members and husbands are cordially invited.
Geology 31: Make-up for lab. bluebooks will be given next week.
Monday afternoon the lab. will be open for study of trays. Tuesday
and Wednesday at 2:00 and 4:00 make-up on minerals, rocks, and topo-
graphic maps. Thursday 2-3 or 4-5 make-up for geologic maps.
Geology 31: Make-up bluebook Monday at 4-5 in room 3056 N. S.

--n. _



day, Jan. 11, at 5:00 p. m.
Student Volivitecr Meeting: Miss
Sigrid Johnson, R. N., Supt. of
Nurses in a hospital at Ongole,
India, will speak at Harris Hall,
Huron and State, at 8:30 a. m. Sun-


Geology 1: Make-up biuboOk Monday 4-5 room 3056 N. S. --
ILiberal Students Union: The Rev.
Seniors and Graduate Students in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry I V11Gysan, will give an address
and Mechanical Engineering: Dr. G. C. Forrester of the DuPont Com- at the First Unitarian Church, cor-
pany will be in Ann Arbor on Monday and Tuesday, January 12 and 13, ner State and Huron, on the sub-
to interview students who desire positions with that company. Dr. ject, "The Church-Modern View"
Forrester will talk to seniors of these departments in room 3201 East on Sunday, Jan. 11, 7:30 p. m.
Engineering Building on Monday at 4 o'clock. Those who desire to!---
interview him personally may then make appointments for the follow- The "Upper Room" Forum will
ing day. Graduate students are requested to make appointments before meet Sunday at 9:30 a. m.
Monday with Miss McKim in the East Engineering Building, phone 454, gJ
or Miss Mereness in the Chemistry Building, phone 727. Dr. Forrester So omore Engincers: Junior
wishes especially to meet students who are expecting to take their 4i kei:; for the class of 193; may
Doctorates this year, but will also be glad to talk with those who expect be had on Tuesday in room 244,
to remain on the campus for another year of graduate work. * West Engineering building, from 3
____ to 4 o'clock.

" , K

Thi s Young Alan

To be Proud




Engineering Council: The 'Ensian j
picture will be taken Monday at I
5:00 p. m. at the Dey Studio. There
will be a short business meeting
directly afterwards. It is important
that everyone should be present.
Women's Education Club will
meet on Monday, January 12, at
4:15 p. m., in Women's Athletic
Building. The program will consists
of a model interview with a pros-
Suits Pressed
1309 South University

[t ' ,. ., . ..,.

just Published!

"Elements of Chemical Engineering"

Building lap a substantial savings account dollar ley dollar takes
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money with perfect safety, but builds character as well. Act now
--open an account with us today.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
707 North University

By Walter

L. Badger and Warren L. McCabe of the Department of
Chemical Engineering University of Michigan-



W'A r. R,,





Easel and Swing
Next Week


iganensian Group Photog

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