PAG T -THIE MICHICGAM DAILY SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1931 ,x _ _ _ . _ , _ _. Wolverine Quintet 1il Tackle Wildcats Tonight POWERFL PURPYLE 1Wres tier CAGERS WILL TEST AI BI FACES PURPLE 's to Open Season Against West Virginia TEVERY BIG TEN QUINTET TO ENGAGE I.FO PUCKMEN iu FflL IN CHAMPIONSHIP CONTESTS TONIGHT MAT VETERAN MIIUG NOR Every Western Conference basket- vantage of having already taken ball -team will go into action to- the count of Illinois. The Buckeyes,911E T G91N. , night in a serious effort to start although still untried as to their - l Soff on the right foot toward the Small Squad Proves Handicap as coveted Big Ten championship. worth in Conference competition, G Eght Bouts Schedue on Cad Northwestern Five Rated Among Strongest Aggregations in Conference. BOTH TEAMS UNBEATEN Reiff and Reil, Forwards, Both Will Bear Watching by Michigan Guards. By Joe Russell, PROBABLE LINEUPS Michigan Northwestern Weiss -I£Reiff Eveland rf Reil Daniels CMcCarnes Altenhof lg Marshall Williamson rg Smith Michigan faces -its supreme test tonight. Northwestern, rated as the strongest basketball aggregation in the Western Conference, plays host to the Maize and Blue at Evanston, and while as yet untried in Big Ten competition, the Wildcats are sure to put up a battle which will force Coach Veenker's quintet to show its smartest game. Michigan assumed something of the proportions of a "giant killer" I i, _ __~ Michigan Icers Invade Iwo quintets nave aireiauy sutereu Milwaukee Rink defeat each in preliminsiies to the swinging into action o. e entire MConference. Purdue, last year's win- Michigan will play the second tiners of the title,. were whipped by hockey game on its present trip in- the Wolverine five Tuesday night, to foreign territory this week when 29 - 22, and the fighting Illini the Wolverines meet the Marquette j dropped its initial encounter to the puck-chasing team again tonight. Badgers, 32-9, in a hard-fought skirmish the preceding night. This contest and the one played With the Wolverine-Wildcat clash last night are perhaps the hardest!, at Evanston as the feature of the on the Michigan schedule this year. evening, several other games of The Hilltoopers have a splendid additional interest are on the card. record behind them, ranking third At Columbus the Buckeye basket- eers will show their mettle against best in the country last year, and the Wisconsin quintet, that will they always put a strong team on start the game with the added ad- t t t l i J f ,, i, the ice.I Coach Lowrey is handicapped by the size of his squad that he has taken along on this extended inva- sion of the rinks, because he has! but one extra defense man and a! lone offense reserve player. With so! few cards left in his hand to. play,I the Michigan mentor of the ice: team will have to stand pat more or less on the sextet that he used to play the Marquette club last night. Lineup is Altered.! All Dettoit Competition for Commodore Sorenson 'Trophy Award. when the Wolverines put a severe kink in the hopes of Coach Lam- bert's Boilermakers in their -cam- paign toward a second Confer- e n c e champion- <' ?and the game tonight will be the most im- ' portant one stag- ed in the circuit. Before the season opened, Purdue a n d Northwest- ern were lookedI upon as the out- ALTENHOF standing teams in the Big Ten, with Michigan rated as a "dark horse" along with Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana, but since the Michigan- Purdue game the Wolves are ac- corded a place within the first three Conference teams. The outcome of the game toriight will-probably go far in determin- ing the final outcome of the 1931 title race, since the all-around strength of the Conference teams shows that t h ef team which wins t h e champion- ship will h a v e mighty few games in the lost column. At pres- ent it looks as though the Wol- ves and the 'Cats are the class of the Big Ten, and with such being the case, the wine- DANIELS ner tonight willf have a decided jump on itsioppon- ent. With this prospect in view, both teams are sure to show every- thing they have since a loss may mean the loss of -the= cage laurels. Coach Dutch Lonborg's outfit has a record' to date which is the equal. of Michigan's in every way, in- cluding wins over all its pre-sea- son opponents by top-heavy scores. His stars are real luminaries, a n d will have to be watched e y e r y t :miinute of the game. Joe Reiff, &ne f Lonborg's pair- of brilliant forwards, has ac- counted f or as imany as 26 points inone game this y e a r a record WIL>LAMSO *which stampshim as adangerous opponent for any team. His run- ning mate, Reil, is an even better player th :n Reiff; rating higher on floor work and equally high in the art of loopfng- the ball through (Continued on Page 7) i a , lost two pre-season affairs, one to Pittsburgh, and the other to Notre Dame, their best exhibition of basketball thus far having been a triumph over Cornell. Maroons Strong. The Maroon five, who have been .onsistently poor for the past several seasons, will be seen at. Bloomington tonight in an effort to. upset a strong Hoosier quintet. Chicago has lost but one pre-season encounter and may turn the tables on the Indiana basketeers who have usually had an easy time of it when opposing the Midway team. The chief claim to a strong aggre- gation of players that the Maroons hold is the fact that they have been victorious over MarQ,.ette, who in turn has beaten Wisconsin, the conquerors of Illinois. ' The battle between Illinois and Purdue is certain to bring out some of the fiercest fighting to be seen dn the Conferenc o ,our'ts this sea- son, as both teams have already lost one ga'me an,-d tie loser of to- night's fray will be dropped from the list of title contenders. With Johnny Wooden, by far the out- standing member of the Boiler- maker quintet, fully recovered from his injuries, the champions should hold the edge over the Indians. Wooden has been all-Conference guard for the past two seasons and holds the position of co-captain of his team. Gophers Meet Iowa. The Minnesota fans are watch-' ing the contest with Iowa to verify reports thatethe Gopher quintet is the best they have had in many seasons. Loose and Schoening have been the mainstays of the team in a successful preliminary -schedule and the Hawkeyes will be out to regain the prestige they have lost in losing two games. BOSTON-Jack Sharkey, Boston Gob, has stated that he is ready to meet Willie Stribling, of Georgia, for the world's heavyweight boxing championship at New York city at any time stated by the commission. to D e IL gL e. . in Field House. Opening the season s schedule tonight at the Field House against West Virginia, the Wolverine wrest- lers. will display fthe talent that points toward another Conference championship. Coach Keen -has his entrants groomed to the top of their form and they should-siow up better than last year's aggrega- tion did in their first meet. Eight Bouts Listed. Bouts will start at 7;30 o'clock and are to run for the full ten min- utes under the same rules used in the Conference. Eight bouts . are carded and they promise some of illiam WilliaBenzthe best grappling that will be .en Michigan 145-pundwrestlerawhohere this year. A large attendance will face either Hando or Smith of is expected and the doors will be West Virginia tonight in the Field opened at seven o'clock. Student House. rIcoupon books are to be used STARWAS VICTOR or tickets can be bought' for OVER K.O. MORGAN be bont for 50 cents at. the . sate.. University Boxer Surprises in gte When the Triumph; Shaheen Wins. crew from the ---- East fought the Jack Starwas, a light heavyweight Wolves back in on the University boxing squad, 1929 they were continued his brilliant foray in the opening thseir Central Michigan A. A. U. cham -Inew field house pionship boxing meets which are and the meet Captai Aier was the feature of the evening. At being held in Lansing by taking the that time the Wolves were surfer- decision over Harry K. O. Morgan, ing from the loss of two of the another light heavy, in a bout there best men on the team and they Thursday night. Morgan is a Lans took a one point beating, which .has Thurdaynigt. orga isa Lns-inspired this year's of the Detroit the season -neither is it thsme Yacht club, will be t stake today that successfully faced the OntarioYctcabwile zsaktoy Aggies, because at least two Michi-. in n eljmination water polo meet gan stars on those former lineups in which the University of Michi- are missing. Langen, who was gan has entered a team. In addi- eiss counted on for the defense and his tion to the Wolverine Varsity, sev- e forward who scoring ability, has been absent for against North- some time now due to ineligibility. eral additional strong teams will cage team at His place has been capably filled, be seen in action before the Yacht however, by one Tom Prouse, whose Club tournament is concluded. playing is not as spectacular but Among these are The Detroit Yacht rR y L. has already proved to be satisfac- 'Cu oosswownteaad TILS torily consistent to mend the tear Club polois who won the award aR TEAM in the Wolverine defense. last year, the Kronk Athletic Club, The other missing member of the the University of Toronto, and the o go Through Maize and Blue lineup will be the Elmwood Club. to gnew flashing forward, Crossman, Michigan has met but one worthy d House. who received a knee injury in the team thus far this season when last game that is serious enough to they encountered last year's trophy mbers will be keep him out of action. Crossman's winners in a game which followed round of time place will probably be filled by Cap- the Wolverine-Yacht Club swim- at 3 o'clock in tam Art Schlanderer, who plays a ming meet held in Detroit on De- was announced good game but can hardly equal cember 10. in this game which the stellar showing of the absent proved to be a closely contested Chuck Hoyt. forward. While the presence of battle all the way, the Varsity suc- will be given Crossman would be an aid in play- cumbed to a 2-1 decision in favor their improve- ing the Hilltoppers, the -coach will of the Yacht Club poloists. peng of the Inot endanger his chance to fully As the victory was gained by the enigotherecover for the Conference games scant margin of a single point, the his wiml entail I that are following soon. relative strength of the two squads ents as well as Tompkins at Goal. ; is very nearly equal, and the Maize Such stars as Williams and the sturdy goal and Blue swimmers should, with the pole vault; keeper Tompkins will do the rest the added, stimulus of a month's an's dash king; of the defense work for the Wol- practice; be able to give a good ac- mith who have verines, and they are well able to count of themslves against their ie dashes; and do so. The latter always has his opponents today. The final game rs to be on the troubles on an outside rink that is will take place tonight after all but ng in the hanm so poorly lighted as, the Marquette two teams have been eliminated in ke part. (Continued on Page 7) the afternoon series. s 'r I..N TO 'IA 0 ODE R OL The First ;'a Lesson for the Fall Term of School .: _ . .. . ,. , ,. .. . ,. _: _. f . - j , _ .. ..: "1 '_.. 1. .. ',. ", _ ., '. .. E. .. l} x ; .. __ ._ . . __ -- _. , : :, ' _ - -- _ ... . .. ,, n ... _. _ , .. , .. - , , _ . ,_ ;: i"" r' a .1 ,cd4JU,&.on-tpltc ~,~ Duofold Jr. Pen $5. . Jeicl to match $3.75. Other Pens $5 to $10; Pencils 3q3.5-$5. I- en -Now or late, 3-which pays for the esk Base! Scientist and Salesman . f4 On your radio tonight . . . lis ten to Lorna Fantin, famous numerologist. She'll tell you how names and dates affect success in business, love or marriage. A real radio thrill. f/ / Every Parker Duofold is convertible- a combination pocket and desk Pen both, at no extra charge. Choose Parker Duo- fold and you virtually get twb Pens for the price of one. Yet you have only one to fill. And you - have your accustomed. point, wherever you are. When you're on the go, it wears its trim, streamlined cap, with Parker's pat- ented clip that holds the Pen low and unexposed in your pocket. On your desk, it rests in Parker's ball and socket Base. And with this comes the tapered end for the Pen (once $1 extra),, now included free. Attaching the taper converts the Duo- fold into a Desk Set. Removing it restores the Pen to a pocket model.- Guaranteed for Life Paying more won't get you a thing- but will deprive you of this double value. For only the Parker offers this. And a Pen that holds 17.4% more ink than aver- age, size for size, Guaranteed for Life! Go try them at any nearby pen counter, side by side, with any other pen, regard- less of price. You'll be surprised. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY, Janesville, wis. 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