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January 09, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-09

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor
News Editor....... ...Gurney Williams
Editorial Director..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor.............. Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor...........Mary L. Behyner
Music. Drama, Books.........Wmn. I. Gorman
Assistant City Editor....... Harold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor...........eorge A. Staute:
Copy EditorH..................Win. F. Pype

S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
David M. Nichol

John D. Reindel
Richard L. Tobin
Harold O. Warren

Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert 'rownsci
3E. Bush Wilbur J. Meyers
homas M. Cooley Brainard W . sies
Morton Frank Robert.L. Pierce
Saul Friedberg Richard Racine
Frank B. Gilbreth Theodore T. Rose
Tack Goldsmith Jerry E. Rosenthal
Roland Goodman Chares A. Sanford
Morton Helper Kiarl Seiflert
Edgar Hornik Robert F. Shaw
Bryan Jones Edwin M. Smith
Denton C. Kunze George A. Stauter
Powers Moulton John W. Thomas
John S. Townsend
Eileen Blunt Mary McCall
Elsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien
'sRuth Gallmeyer E'leanor RKairdon
Enily G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin
jean Levy Margaret Thompson
Dorotny agee Claire Trussell i-
Telephone 21214
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager
KAsPER H. HALVER"ON, Assistant Manager
Advertising ...... ....... Charles T. Kline
'Advertising..........homas M. Davis
Advertising ............William W. Waroys
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Circulation .............Marvin S. Kobacker
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Vernon Bishop Don WV. Lyon
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Richard H. Hiller Noel ). Turner
Miles Hoisington Byron C. Vedder
Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller
Mariami Atran Helen Olsen
Helen Bailey Mildred Postal
Tosephine Convisser Marjorie Rough
Maxine Fishgrund Mlary E. Watts
Dorothy LeMire Johanna Wiese
Dorothy Laylin
Night Editor - HAROLD WARRED4
The Student council, at its last
meeting, made its perennial post-
convention decision to reorganize.
Once each year, on hearing the
highly-colored report of its repre-
sentative to the national student
congress, the council begins to "feel
its oats." It wants to be powerful,
tell the administration how to do
things regarding the students and
have the final say in everything af-
fecting the campus.
It is all very nice to be ambitious,
but it seems a little ridiculous for
a group which does things as sel-
dom as the council does to talk
about reorganization. Except for
the, routine business of staging

such recognition it must demon-'
strate a willingness and initiative
to consider problems more pro-
foundly and effectively. What as-
surance can it give the University
that it can properly handle stu-
dent-administration controversies,
when it can not even solve problems
between contending student forces?
Reform begins at home, and when
the council considers reorganization
it might better deal first with its
own internal operation. When it
can do things in an efficient man-
ner, when it can gain the respect
of the great majority of students,
and when it learns to know what it
is talking about when it passes res-
olutions, it will be able, at least in
effect, to legislate for the students.
It is its limitations, not in legal
position, but in capability, that
keeps the council from being pow-
Campus Opinion
(ontribtors a a akel to lbe brief,
confmiing themsehes to less that. 300
words if possible. Ationymus com-
Ololi rat iii s ill be dsrgarde. The
ramoos of coinumitiiieis will, however,
e egallol as cifidential, upon re-
quest . eitrs plmbisled should riot he
conl;:rucd as e -pressing the eitorial
opine n.11of Tire Daily.
To the Editor:
Having been led to question the
omipotence of the "great engineer"
by the astute heads of the Demo-
cratic publicity bureau, citizens of
the United States are beginning to
wonder whether or not President,
Hoover has a right to point with
pride to any accomplishments in
legislation or administration during
the past year and a half he has
been in office, and whether it would
be a wise step to re-elect him to
the office again in 1932.
Hoover has had trouble from the
very beginning of his term of office.
His cabinet appointments were ac-
cepted without much ado, but from
that time on, the senate launched
a veritable flood of objections to
almost any nomination he made.
One supreme court justice nomina-
tion was voted down after an at-
tempt had been made to accomplish
the same with the nomination of
the chief justice'
The trouble with the senate has
been one of Hoover's greatest ob-
stacles. He is obviously not a pol-
tician, or shrewd diplomatist when
it comes to handling a political
body, and he has demonstrated his
inability to cope with the situation
for quite some time. Recommenda-
tions to Congress have, with a few
exceptions, either been ignored, or'
voted down. At present he is faced
by a distinctly hostile senate, with
the possibility that if he is re-
elected in 1932 he will have to deal
with a Congress which will be dom-
inated by a Democratic majority.
'Had Hoover appealed to the people
on several issues instead of the
Congress, popular sentiment might
have forced the members to toe the
mark. President Wilson accomp-
fished wonders by this method,
stumping the entire country to pre-
vent the re-election of a few mem-
hers of Congress who opposed his
views. If they knew that their con-
stituents were favorable to Hoover
measures, they would soon change
their voting habits. But the Presi-

Bernardino Molinari, the distin-
guished Italian conductor who will
make his Ann Arbor debut as guest
conductor of the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra Monday night in Hill Au-
ditorium, has had an interesting,
versatile career. He had a thorough
musical training at the Licco Mus-
icale of Santa Cecilia in Rome.
His first important opportunity
came in 1909 when he was asked to
prepare for the Augusteo a series
of concerts in the music of Richard
Strauss, at that time the musical
revolutionary shocking the world.
The success of this young conduc-
tor with that difficult assignment
of contemporary music assured him
a regular position at the Augusteo,
and he has risen from regular con-
ductor to general artistic director
of the Augusteo: the most distin-
guished musical office in Rome.
In addition to his interest in con-
temporary music which he has vig-
orously maintained, Mr. Molinari
is particularly noted for his interes
in the great choral works, insist-
ing as he does in Rome on annual
performances of the Missa Solem-
nis of Beethoven, the B Minor Mass
of Bach, and the Requiem of Ber-
lioz. He also conducted the second
performance of Honegger's King
Molinari, when his work at the
Augusteo pemits, has appeared all
over the world as guest conductor
and is perhaps more familiar tc
more audiences through his travels
than any other living conductor.
He has, of course, conducted all
over in Italy. He conducts an an-
nual symphonic series at Prague
and Vienna, conducts opera occa-
sionally at the State Opera in Ber-
lin, is well known in London and
His first visit to America was ir
1928 when he appeared with the
New York Philharmonic, the St.
Louis Symphony, and the Sa
Francisco Symphony. Last sum-
mer he conducted the full series
at the Hollywood Bowl.
He is in this country this year
primarily to fill a five weeks en-
gagement with the Philharmonic
while Mr. Toscannini is abroad. His
appearances in Detroit and at Ann
Arbor are the only other engage-
ments he has accepted.
The program he has built for
Monday night follows:
Fingal's Cave ........ Mendelssohn
Fourth Symphony ........ Brahms
Ancient Dances First
Suite ........ .........Respighi
Fountains of Rome.......Respighi
Two excerpts from the Opera
"Giuliettae Romeo" . .Zandonal
Friday and Saturday night o0
next week Play Production will pre-
sent the first of a series of strictly
laboratory productions primarily
intended to allow an outlet in act-
ual theatre practice for the activ-
ity of those students enrolled in the
courses who do not become signifi-
cantly connected with the major
productions during the year.
The program next week will in-

elude three one-act plays and will
be student directed, student acted.,
a n d student designed. Tickets,
which are free, will be available at
the office in Play Production Thea-
tre the beginning of next week.
The plays are "Cinderella Mar-
ried" which will be directed by
Frances Young, Grad; the "Old
Lady Shows Her Medals" by James
Barries to be directed by Margaret
Morin, '31; and "Poky" by Philip
'Moeller to be directed by Charles
Monroe, '31. "Poky" is one of Moel-
ler's Five Unhistorical Plays which
have become laboratory favorites in
Little Theatres. It concerns the af-
fairs of John Smith and the In-
dian Maiden.

I About Books


ROMAN HOLIDAY: by Upton Sin-
cair: Published by Farrar and
Rinehart: New York, 1931: Price:
82.50: Re view Copy Courtesy of
Wahr's Book Store.!
Upton Sinclair's political and so-
cial views have finally riven from
him a scnmewhat considerable skill
as a novelist and man of letters. In
Roman Holiday he is so obviously
and completely teaching a lesson I
That he has quite forgotten to write
a novel. At least Roman Holiday is
no novel in this bourgeoisie coun-
try. And whatever one's economic
convictions, capitalist standards of
iterature still hold.j
It is too bad, for though an ap-
parent propagenda has long been
an excuse even if there were no
other to dismias a work as value-
ess, Upton Sinclair, in Oil and
loston and other of his works, has
roved himself a capable and read
able novelist. His public has beeĀ±
arge and though it may have
ained Sinclair and impressed him
3omewhat with the futility of life,
ingularrly more interested in the
?ovel than in the politics. His own
zerce convictions lent his work a
)ower which made them good.
Roman Hoiday on the other hand
is bad. It is the usual attempt to
impress a point through a mar-
shalling together of distant :and
widely spread facts. It is bad logic
and bad sensationalism. Luke Fa-
ber, a man who embodies a singular
,ollection of traits, is the hero and
protagonist. After a description of
what he stands for and of the evils
facing this country of ours, Faber
becomes engaged in an attempt on
bhe part of his American legion-
naire friends to take the law in
Their own hands in respect to those
2ommunistic "rats." He "t a k e s
-America seriously." He "thinks that
we should have kept our country
for the sort of people who could
run it, and not permitted ourselves
, be overrun by ailures and out-
'asts from a hundred lesser tribes.
Since we have failed to take that
precaution, we might at least teach
the newcomers sound morals and
decent manners, and not permit
Chem to demoralize us in the name
of liberty." In the attempt to run
some communists out of town, a
rnan is killed and incidentally Faber
mneets and is infatuated with a girl
leader of the group. The next day,
:uring an automobile race, he is
njured and goes into a coma for
Lhroe weeks during which time
hings are happening in the world
around him. And although he is
suffering from a fracture at the
base of the skull and is thoroughly
anconscious, they go on for him
tco. For immediately upon "passing
out" Faber finds himself in Rome
after the war with Carthage which
is supposed to correspond with the
present post-war period. All his
f r i e n d s and acquaintances are
there also, including a goodly num-
=:r of communists, who come from
the conquered Greece and from the
east and Phoenecia and various
other points. Among these people
Faber discovers his loved one, the
girl communist Marcia Penny who
in Rome is named Marcia Penna.
It, is an unimportant point, but still
significant of the state to which
Sinclair has descended and at the
same time extremely annoying to
:ealiza that all the people whom
Faber knew in America have con-

veniently been christened with eas-
nly Rom anized names. Thus Luke
Faber becomes Lucius, Penny be-
comes Penna while Marcia remains
the same. Then in Rome we must
read through the same rigmarole
of marshalled facts to prove that
unless something is done immedi-
ately about this communistic situ-
ation, there will be a civil war.
However, as I was saying, every-
thing that happens in America
while Faber is unconscious has
Wysteriously enough for a detective
story, its counterpart in patrician I
and plebian Rome. Faber finally
womes out of the coma to find him-
seIf in the twentieth century where
he discovers that all the events of I
his hallucination, have actually
taken place. He finds to his great
sorrow, that as was the case in
Rome, Marcia is dead, having been
killed in the labor troubles. The
book ends with a half-hearted at-
tempt to explain the peculiar hal-
lucination, but it is not convincing.
There seems to be an effort to
show in this book that our labor
movement here is just as hundred!
pereenter as is our Ku Klux clan.

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class games, elections, etc., the dent has allowed them to get out
council spends most of its time ,of hand.
passing meaningless resolutions. In administration, the President
And this year it has neglected the has appointed committee after com-
resolutions. So when the council mittee to "investigate" and deter-
decides to reorganize, one must mine facts to be used in legislation
logically ask: what for? and administration. Such commit-,
However, what the council means tees have worked and reported, yet
by reorganization is raising its legal nothing notable has been accomp-
position in relation to the univer- ihshed as a result of their efforts.
sity administration. What t h e y The most important one of all, the
want is the elimination of the veto Wickersham Prohibition Enforce-
power of the Senate Committee on nent committee; has yet to report,
Student Affairs over its legislation. I and is expected to do so within the
This change, the council believes, week. What effect its report may.
would permit it to act without in- have on Congress and the country
terference on all matters pertain- at large will probably be offset by
ing to the students. the fact that people believe the
This may sound rather pleasant conmittee has been instructed to
to the student mind, but when one make as favorable a report with re-
considers, on the one hand, that the spect to the dry's cause as possible.
Board of Regents and the President As a party leader, which every
have something to say about the president is supposed to be, Hoover
University, and, on the other hand, khas not distinguished himself. His
that the council has never demon- first appointee, named only after
strated any real or lasting ability to his insistence when other members
settle purely student disputes, it is objected, was finaly forced to resign
a story of a different color. to save the Republican ship of state.
The usual practice of the council The resignation of the next ap-
in dealing with the student prob- pointee was demanded because of
lems is to make a half-cocked reso- certain statements he had made,
lution demanding this, that or the and now a third member, who ap-
other thing, without any thought of pears to be a head of the party
feasibility. It seldom investigates without title, has involved himself
before acting and as a consequence in a battle with certain groups for
its proposals are poorly conceived. a proceeding which any astute poli-


AL is



Dalies Frantz, Ann Arbor pianist.
and former student of Guy Maier's
of the local School of Music, has
been appearing in a series of reci-
tals throughout the East recently.
He acted as an accompanist in sev-
eral song recitals during the Christ-
mas season. Notices in thn Tip

Even the students have but little tician could have told him would al boned
respect for the council. At the last do nothing but harm to his party. his ee assitne nus-
all-campu election about an eighth;Prasth rIlehsbe his excellent assistance-an unus-
alaus eeto bu negt Perhaps the trouble has been I ual thing in reviews of song-redi-
of the students cared enough about that, not being a politician, Hoover tals.
the council to vote. has asked and taken for granted Robert Henderson, director of the
With all its self-imposed limita- too much of the advice which his , R r Hrh




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