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January 09, 1931 - Image 1

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VOL XLL No. 74




Speech InstucorTels Forunlitions in seven per cent of the ITDate for Affair Set for Next
J.nc-Tlrrd of Schools schools included in the survey. I Thursday Night.
SsSpy Syse. McBurney, conducting the survey
as a personal project, sending out Plans for an all-engineering
questionnaires with 69 questions to smoker to be held Thursday nightT
Tendencies in American uive) ~ .00 schools. The questions were Jan. 15 in the ball room of the
Piv-i-T ~sitiLes and colleges in regard to stu- drafted with the aid of J. A. Burs- Union were made by the Engineer-
Campaign Funds Investigation to, dent discipline and supervision were ley, dean of students. Paul Warburg Discusses Causes ing council in its meeting last night.
Drill Further Into $50 o Brne st rbyJamesH. M McBurney stated that he desired and Lessons of Financial A committee of three haded by
in sec ogv erely the results of the C. F. Wood, '26E, will have charge "
Special Account. department, who gave a summary svey without personal opinions Depression. of the affair. Newly Inaugurated Go
of a survey of more than 250 schools or deductions The general aims of
or dductons Thegeneal ims f I ---An engineering speaker of nza-
TAIT, CHILTON INVOLVED ohich he has been working on since the survey were to gain a general HITS SENATE ATTITUDE tional famerg hasbeesecuredto for Observance (
iNutt Takes Exception to Nyc's .e first week in December - idea of student life and o deter- speak on a pertinent engineering esinetyi
Nt T EtT eport w s given at an all- mine the amount of administrative Under-Production Will Arouse topic. The speaker has recently ap-Hy
camus forum i Room D, Alumni supervision in American schools.-eared before over eighty colleges
Description of Account MXmorial hall. McBurney was un- Thirty per cent of the schools i Business Activity, He ad bfver eiht Eolees
as Slush Fund'. able to remain to lead a student have auto bans, he said, while two States in Talk. ndietie insth Eat. Ene AJservati
di ussion, but students formed in- thirds allow unrestricted driving' numbers, son ss by the Midnight non-esential lws and reg lati
(By Asobliedi s) to small groups to discuss the re- Much of the survey was devoted(P (,bMtiatcidoPress)nu r, n b rhestidndht onseti th ta f rdn o
WASHINGTON, Jan.8.-The Sen- p(. to the status of fraternities. In 27 NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-Paul M. goupsinging. Tickets will be on administration of the state paffair
ate campaign funds committee d - One-tird of American colleges, per cent of the schools, be found. i Warburg, international banker, pre- sale commencing Tuesday, Jan. 13, session of the tichigan legslaurei
cided today to drill still further Mc3urney said, basing his state- Greek letter organizations are pro-.dited today that "a few years in the lobbies of the East and e the
into the $50,000 special account of ment on results of his survey, main- hibited, and two thirds of the oth- hence the level at which some of West Engineering buildings. message today.
the Republican national committee, ta in spy systems to detect student ers regulate individual house ex- our securities fell today will look Ws , The governor was emphatic i
$32,000 of which was sent into eihnt Iv olatos of the Volstead Act. Ad- penditures for housing upkeep and as incomprehensibly low as the be placed on the general property
states for use in behalf of House mnaistrative discipline, he added, building. McBurney found a grow- prices paid for the same securities be made to reduce the expenditure
candidates in the Novernber elec- dos s not follow student liquor dere- ing tendency toward administra- I seemed unreasonably high long be- D 1 TE LR 1 [J0 he proposed that the general prop
tion. - _-- tive supervision, with one third of i'fore tIhe crash occurred in October, a year for the next two years by s
J. Matt Chilton, Republican na- Fthe schools already having deferred 1929."
tional committeeman for Kent:ucky, rushing while others are consider- Mr. Warbur, one of the oganiz-
and Galen L. Tait, Republican state uL UL ingit ers of the federal reserve system. SLICK RURAL HICKS
chairman for Maryland, were sun- Student government is employed' making his annual report and ad- OUTSLICK SLICKERS
moned toappear in 90 per cent of the schools, he dress to the directorates of the Compensation for 1930 Drought
before the inves- ~L ~1 ~ U LUsaid, with 52 per cent of the schools Manhattan Co., of which he is Brought About by Unusual <B a
giving student bodies final author- chairman, and its banking afilCi- NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-In this
ga tors ity. On 89 per cent of the cam- ates, discussed the causes and ls- eather Conitions. story the rustic outwits the slick
T u e s d a y for Donald Will Announce Policy puses men may stay away from sons of the depression. city chap.
euequestioning as dvetoto(y hoiae res
tue a o of Labor Government t h r rooming uses overnri Saw Crash Coming. WASHINGTON Jan 8. -Last Farmers upstate have worked
funds turned Before Close. ~~~while 89 per cent of the schoolsStetrcldthtM.otUl k tbt
funds turned Before Close. prohibit the same freedom for wo- Wall Street recalled that ir. summer's drought brought hard Iout a profitable racket to beat
ove r totem men. Seven per cent prohibit smok- Warburg had been one of the com-- times to thousands of farmers but a racket. Suppose a farmer re-
f r o m the ac- ° * < (P :1ssoriaed -,r-s, ng hal of those schools being w- pa atively small group of leading thus far winter has provided some ceives a fountain pen, stickpin,r
count. Ch air- LONDON Jan. 8. -- The Indian men's colleges, he said. bankers which was frankly con- compensation by making possible necktie or even a pair of socks
man Nye said he hc-rned over the boom in security outdoor work and keeping pastures he never ordered. He sits down
Iround tazble conference is approach-
expected they n brpprices several months before the open for livestock grazing. and writes something like this:1
would have some ing the end of its labors and Lord crash of the autumn of 1929. The weather bureau today pro- " "Goods received. I do not want
"i n t e r e s t i ng '.Chancellor Sankey told the dele- CUEUS MJIHSdLU "Comparatively brief periods of vided Chairman Woods of the them, and wil be glad to returnt
stories" to tell. _gates today that the parley prob- under-production in a country of president's employment committee them to your duly authorized
Committee of- C(AEALDw 4 ably would end on Jan. 20 after P I over 120,000,009 temperamentally with information that added to the representative on payment to me
ficials have ter- enthusiastic customers must bringi outlook for jobs on public works of one dollar for storage of
tified, $6,500 was sent o Chilton a nearly two months of negotiations. about a certain revival of business and other projects that must be same."
$4,000 to Tait. Before it closes, he said, Ramsay activity," he said today. He did not (one othef dros.Thampmust bdt.
Receipt Not Reported. MacDonald will announce the La- Modification of Jones Dry Law tterrt to forecast the date of the Te out of dors have greatly discouraged the
Nye said it had been developed bor's government's policy toward Is Lone Agreement Reached I acfepression's end, however. e frst sx inte sei hatie of g rieppg sought
f , ;betgreen iecnu Inoen unusually mild in all sections prcieoshpng nout
that while Chilton's repo to the Indian at a formal plenarsessionInhis talk he stressed a conten- except the Great Basin region of gods to farmers
that whled hlo'mept o he Inian atoaaforwil be called nextIn by Two Houses. tion that America's tariff policy and 'the Rocky Mountains, the weather c- _.-
'House showed allottment o.f his'which probably Wl ecle etI-hrattd oaditrale n
fund to the House candidates, no.rattitude
report-of -reeeiving this money was week. (B Associaied Press> reparation payments should be buea anntoncead ero weabythe
made by the candidates to t The British policy has been shap- WASHINGTON, Jan.8.-Congress guided by a realization that her drought and unemployment has
wd b h addae oTeBith pridyf tansitio n last-t h ILOD [E
Kentucky secretary of state as he ing toward dominion status for In- passed the Stobbs bill to modify I prosperity, peace, and security de- been confined to the extreme north.S-
said was required by law. dia with a period of transition last- the Jops "f and t n" ry law ;pended upon the peace and pros- The only exception east of the
Tait in a report filed with the mng 10 years or longer during which perity of other countries. Rockies was a small area in the I LS]
clerk of the House ycsterda y, show- there would be definite limitations today and that was about the sum Deplores Provincialism. Appalachian mountains of West
ed expenditures of $3,600 on lec- 'and safeguards on such matters as total of agreement on Capitol Hill. "It is deeply to b deplored," he1 Virginia.- -
tion day-all for automobile hire. national defense and finance. The $15,000,000 loan for human said, "that when the bank for inter- As a result, winter highway w Louis Gunman With
The special allottments to county jLord Sankey today gave a strong food was virtually in the same posi- national settlements was created, Il beigite gNwrseh St Chrged
committeemen averaged about $400 indication that this would be the tion in the House that it occupied our government saw fit to prevent available $38,000,d00 for new con- Killing After Seven
for this purpose. line of the Labor government's yesterday. The Senate spent most our federal reserve banks from del- struction and contracts for most of Month Search.v
Demands Apology. policy, which already has the full of its time arguing over the pro- egating their representatives to itrto an con. orth Search-
ed te s I support of the British Liberals, posed reconsideration of commis- serve on the bank for international a rebeed oo So r ,ina
Saccut oftyehatioal comesmeitawt h osevtvssil nteso rs mtBasrdadDa-settlements board along with the Ihas just received bids for $,000,000 (U;,Assca te'! I rss)
ac i t Nyre hnational committee witnttn Conisevatives rtill on the son ers smt , r ao sd and Drop-, stl m it b a prs aiet of highway work, and in Alabama CH C G ,an , T e Li ge
fence, r of the power commission. 1 presidents and representatives of , fhgwy-ok n i lbm CHICAGO, Jan. r,. -Te Linge
a "slush fund." Joseph R. Nuttn other central banks. bids will be received Jan. 14 for $4,- murder was pinned on a St Louis
committee treasurer, demanded an 1 The Conservatives, however, are Concerned with t h e snail-likeI r700,000 worth of work. There is md
apology from Nye, saying a detailed not likely to oppose the final set- progress of legislation in the Sen- . Our international policy seemed, available $80,000,000 of federal aid gunman today, the law's answer to
report of the expenditures was on ( tement of the Indian issue but ate, the assistant Republican lead- i the last analysis, to be fashioned funds and Colonel Woods said it the seven month's old question:1
file in the House when Nye made Lord Peel, speaking for the party er, McNary of Oregon, informed by senators of state-wide views, who was expected mpst of the state"J
his charge and all of the money today, indicated that they would his colleagues he was prepared to ndulge i e nationalic ilu legislatures meeting this month will
went for legitimate campaign pur- insist for preparation of all details ask for night sessions three days a sion that our country can stilld "Leo V. Brothers," the prosecutor
of any constitutional scheme be- week beginning Monday. maintain for itself a position of . said, and held him without charge,
pot was this fund which Robert fore the party will give its approval. Muscle Shoals is out of confer- privileged isolation governed solely their evidence a socret, their next
It wa thisfzzn__whicRobetI3._for by consideration of its own domes-I GARGO YLE ISSUE tereiec ert hi et
Lucas, executive director of thei Ince but its troubles are not yetftIc interests. SALE CONTINUE move hidden.
national comittee, pledged as scur even then mt faces the possbility Tonight they poked about in still
ily for a $4,000 loan to pay for entae Gargoyle will continue odatheg
campaigndocumens sIme oawgoyhleof ireconttinueett.dy teerlexing darness for the answro
campaign docmnts some of wch enall-campus sale of the January
were used against the re-election, *Congress, feeling it has enoughInumber of the magazine, it was an- to a more significant question:
of Senator Norris, Republican, N.. --iItrouble on its hands, has made an ounced yesterday by Brce Pal-j"Why was he killed?,
braska. Nutt expressed emphatic' U IU U IIN 91 effort to delay submission of the oed yestey Br f e Tl Whe ille,source
disapproval yesterday of Lucas'I --- much discussed prohibition report I I i GarIeer, '31,. business manager of the fTo the public,atleast,tie oee
action, saying he had no right to Bob of the law enforcement commis- BI T of the underworld order for the cx-
use the acount for collateral for by Trout Risks Record in sion. The attempt failed. The com- The rules f or an all-campus ecution of the Tribune crime re-
any purpose. Avoiding Rainstorm During mission is understood to be ready to Falcone Divides Varsity Outfit beauty contest to be conducted by porter was as much a mystery as
- --- - 1 Endurance Flight, tell the president the result of its Ii Gargoyle makes-up one o h e e e i-
-- gdry law studies and he is expected Into Separate Organizations ures of the issue, which includes ever, and the ivestgators wno
(Picture on Page 5) to transmit the report to Congress. i to Play for Games. also the names and numbers of the staked their reputtions on their
(BC iseoe rs judges. arrest of Brothers a the assassin,,)dsonr res hi C~sl
Slatelti fLOS ANGELES, Jan. 8.-The old I50 Mild Scarlet Fever Because its large size and un-Nkep theircouns
I wieldliness when playing for the witesses, they said, have
Jaua ,1931. d saying, "You can't keep a good man Cases Recorded in City basketball and hockey games this . definitely pointed to Brothers as
cown," was droned out to old jupi- year, the regular Varsity band will Pontiff Reaffirms the man who crept u to Lingle in
JACK~SON -Prichard r. mithter pluvius with a feminine ring' More than 50 mild scarlet fever be split up into two outfits, equal . . a downtown boulevard tunnel las
Jost - Arica F. st cases have been found among the in size and playing ability, which C aho c .octrnes;
Post 29, local American Legion post,I from the monoplane Lady Roth to- school children of the city, it was will alternate performances at the . .J were the witnesses?

will make a bid for the state Legion day, as two young women flew reported yesterday at the office of different games, Nicholas D. Fal- Hits birth Controi "We can't give you that yet," re-
1, W antgv yutatyt"re-
convention at a district convention 7 through rain and clouds with never Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of cone, director of the organization, plied John A. Swanson, state's at-
in Adrian next Sunday, it was an-g+ " ti-l,_________________
ounced today . Leionnires (2 ofya quiver and neared the 100-hour the Health Service of the Univer- announced yesterday. (ysted r >torney. The investigators were re-
'em) heret ay that gontiac should mark in their endurance refueling sity. At least 25 casesdhave been No preference was shown in the VATICAN CITY, Jan. .-Age-old mdethat it
bYwligt u-ede h tt lgt diagnosed, he said, and estimated' division of the outfit, oho hm~h otie fmr fled other 'killers" - Td Gisking
b willing to surrender the stateflightthat there were 25 more that had , both of them Roman Catholic doctrines of mar-of the Indiana Trau gang, after-
itht terewer 2 moe tat adbeing comprised of the same um- riage and divorce were reaffirmed wardsheonenarad ofaimpliation
meeting inasmuch as Detroit will After risking their record by not been positively identified. ber omperieed mu thescianu T i e and haidin an eyclmc d to-dpi
have the national convention. spending last night flying above Tw f the d ber o experienced wicians. tis and empasized in an encyclical to- and sent to jail in Indiana; Fr-ankle
--- Imperial valley to escape a severe diciecss saecvision, however, will not affect; day by Pope Pius XI. Among pra-Fseietfedb oiea s
Impeialvaley o ecap a evee nave been found among Universityi lie concerts which are planned, as I ties of frustration which he scath- Fster, identified by a policeman as
MANiSTEE--Miss Signe Holmer, rainstorm here, Bobby Trout and studentsnand one other person the regular concertwbandhwllico-thefugitive he saw running from
queen of the 1930 Traverse County Etna May Cooper received a report thought to have scarlet fever has the asia unt n gly condemned was birth control. h une in et dorth murder
cherry festival, today became the today of a storm centering in San Referring to birth control, which is under indictment for the murder,
wife of Jessie Ray, president of the Gorgonio pass, entrance to the val- been placed in the contagious ward i The different sections of the band bishops of the Anglican church in- accused of once owning the weapo1
Manistee Iron Works ev. C. E. le and raced home the nie Al - ere split up equally so as to pro- dorsed under certain circumstances found by Lingie's body.
Mlamisterobrs fater, C.e- icy adeac teshombtaninttcotne. l fth t-vide comlete instrumenta tion for at the Lamberth conference it Ln-
Holmer, the bride's father, per- They beat the storm but ran into dents, he added, have frequented both, Falcone added, and has not "If Brothers is not the killer,"
formed the ceremony.Idismal weather here. Rain was fall- the campus and probably exposed a ,ao t dr n of a don last summer, the pontiff con-
fomdtcreeoy demns all such practices as againstsadPtRhcieinsigor
---ing steadily and heavy clouds pro- large number of others.rg mesiters. he s lal sGda atre."g s "then Lingle is still alive."
HOLLAND-Executors of the will vided a ceiling of only 1,000 feet. S regular memberb. reportedof Gdandnature_"_
There was a note of relief in the to tre health Service immediately, The encyclical unequivocably calls to
minister to the Hague, revealed safe return of the Lady Rolth, how- he eath i i Welsh M ne Owners, abortion murder. The practice of Freshmen
yesterday that he had made hIS ever, for it meant that if a landing first symptoms of the fever. Men Near Agreement - sterilization of the physically unfit Classification Today
widow his chief beneficiary. Four i had to be made the fliers could is proclaimed to be against the law
children will divide the remainder claim the women's sustained flight ( Asociared IPriss) (B - .jsoia-d Press of God. The unfit, the pontiff says Freshmen whose last names begin
of the estate with the exception of record. The old mark is 42 hours, LONDONJan. 8. - P r o s p e c t s should be dissuaded from marriage, with letters between N and S classi-
_.: 1. - __r T n....... The_. a- old.__a __ + RP fON .Tin .,...--- -__-44I -U-. , +- ++h -1~ o fir 4-fo1ai t n rnmd ~n -,1 H

vernor Indicates Need
of Law Making
in State.
waarr- Press)
on of a "legislative holiday" from
ns and devotion of its d'eliber-
r more economical and efficienl
s were recommended to the 1931
in Governor Wilbur M. Brucker's
n insistence that no new burden
tax, but that rather every effort
s from its revenues. Specifically,
erty tax be reduced by $3,500,000
spreading over a four-year period

the institutional buiiung program
for the biennium.
Two minor recommendations
in the section devoted to taxation
recommended repeal of the malt
tax as difficult of enforcement and
"not in keeping with the dignity
of the state" and enactment of a
rod license law for fisherman,
thereby relieving the game fund
and the general fund of support of
the fish division of the conservation -
Outlines Highway Policy.
A broad highway policy was out-
lined by the chief executive, which
has for its eventual purpose the
elimination of the township as a
road-building unit and the assump-
tion of the burden jointly by the
state and the counties. This change,
under Governor Brucker's plan,
would be put into effect over a long
period of years, and was recom-
mended in the same section of his
address in which he expressed un-
qualified opposition to the diversion
of a part of the motor vehicle funds

I g'igrhts of Bruicker's Address
wil be found on age 8, Col-
uirn 4.

for local highway use. "It is felt
by most of those familiar with the
problem that the township is too
smaill a unit to efficiently handle
our fast growing traffic," Governor
Drucker said. "Our objective must
be to have eventually but two major
un its for highway administration-
th.e state and the county. Neither
the state nor the counties are in a
position to assume at once the
burden of construction and main-
tenance of 50,000 miles of road."
In order to start in the direction
indicated, the governor recom-
mended that a maximum of $2,-
000,000 for the fiscal year of 1932
and a maximumi of $2,500,000 for
the following year be set aside by
the highway department to be ap-
portioned to non--trunk roads in
each township.
Repeal of the arbitrary law which
prevents the state from participat-
ing in bridge and grade separation
construction in cities of more than
10,000 population was asked in the
message, and the law should desig-
nate what portion of the expense
1 the state may pay in such cases.
Approves Motor Tax.
Present motor vehicle tax laws
were held by the governor to be
adequate for the state's highway
program, but a change in the regu-
latory laws providing for periodic
re-registration and licensing of
motor drivers was proposed as a
safety measure.' Classification for
taxation purposes of contract truck
carriers as common carriers was
another change recommended.
In his discussion of the necessity
of economy, Governor Brucker
urged the legislature to "get back
to first principles in cutting state
costs." He commended to the law
makers' attention the report of the
special commission of inquiry into
taxation, saying that "regardless of
whether or not we shall find our-
selves in accord with the findings
and conclusions there reached, the
report is entitled to analysis.
"Those recommendations which
are in the interest of general econ-
omy in the administration of gov-
ernment are unanimously supported
by the commission members and
should have great weight in aiding
your decision," he continued. "The
recommendation which deals with
a cha-unces-in the sste-m of txto

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