P~AGE 1ETT TITF IC I CN D)A T T THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1931 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. VOL. XLI. THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1931 NO. 73 ACTOIES RESLadies of Darkest rn N A Africa Use Bu OPERIII 5'Ql~JJl as Shampoo 1L R E(Br0AssociaedPress) ADDiTS ABA'BA, Jan. 7- itter D UCATION SOCIITY RNaOES PiLAN -In this Engineering Club Arranges New i a m vzr e wer rte. w.r v..v s i t NOTICES Faculty Bibliography: All faculty members who have not returned to tie Graduate School the reports on bibliography will please do so at once. G. Carl Huber, Dean. Committee of the Senate on University Affairs: The next meeting of this committee will be on Monday, January 19, at 4:15 p. m. Any communications should be addressed to the secretary, at 263 West Engineering Building. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: Students interested in securing permanent positions (except teaching) after graduation in February or June may register at 201 Mason Hall,! Thursday and Friday, January 8 and 9. Hours for registration, 9:00 Many Industries Take on Forces With Beginning of New Year. FORD RE-EMPLOYS 12,000 Automobile, Railway Companies Hire Thousands of Former Employes. country, buried in the heart of Summer School Courses Afriea, the natives, especially the for Teachers. women, instead of buttering their b ,t cr bread, which they consider a wan- The Society for the Promotion of ton waste. mutter their heads. Engineering Education will hold its This, they say, is done for three 1931 summer school for engineering reasons. First, butter promotes the teachers in Ann Arbor in cooper- growth of the hair; second, it pro- tion with the University, Prof. A. H. tects the head from burning rays of White, of the chemical engineering the Airican sun, and third, it pre- department, has announced. vetsiriaio b arstes. This year's ses~sion, from Juine 23 Census Director Ends Workers Short Rests (13-1,Associafrd J're~c) WASHINGTON, Jan. 7-The poor census worker may no longer take 15-minute holidays. Each federal employe in Wash- ington is entitled to 30 days annual vacation. He or she takes it in driblets of days, hours, minutes. But Census Director Stuart has put his foot down. He has high-production machines which must be kept going. In the future the minimum allowed leave taking for the bureau's 6,000 work- ers will be half a day, three and a half hours. . .... _ ,.., _ _ _ .. .. .. r.. _ .., i In soine parts of the country, Iwh1esthe hyirisworn in flufforI to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:30. This is the last week for registration. New Transportation Curriculum: Students interested in this curri- culum, particularly Freshmen and Sophomores, should see Professor John S. Worley at 1026 E. Engineering Building, that they may plan their courses for the coming semester. L. M. Gram. Extension Credit and Non-Credit Courses, Second Semester 1930- 1931: The Editorial Office announces the issue of this bulletin as No. 25 of Volume XXXII of the University of Michigan Official Publication. Geology 2: Quiz section No. 10, meeting M. W. F. at 11:00 in room 3056 has been added to the list as given in the Catalogue. Education D101: The teaching of Science in the Junior and Senior High School. In order to avoid conflicts with D107 and with directed teaching in physics, I shall meet this class during the second semester at 8 o'clock, Tuesday and Thursday mornings in Room 2432, University Elementary School. Francis D. Curtis. Comprehensive Examinations in High School Subjects: The compre- hensive examinations, which all students are required to pass before they will be admitted to Education D100 (Directed Teaching), will be administered in the 'Assembly Hall of the University High School, Saturday morning, January 24, at 9. Students desiring to take these examinations must register before that date at Room 2442 University Elementary School. Francis D. Curtis. EVENTS TODAY University Lecture: at 4:15 p. in., Natural Science Auditorium. Pro- fessor E. M. East, of Harvard University: "Heredity and Human Prob- lems." Public is cordially invited. Zoology Lectures: Professor E. M. East, of Harvard University, will give the following lecture under the auspices of the Department of Zoology: 7:30 p. m.-"Possible Immunological Reactions in Plants." Room 2116, N. S. Bldg. All Campus Forum: Mr. James H. McBurney of the University Speech Department will speak on "Supervision of Non-Curricular Activities" today in rom D, Alumni Memorial Hall, at 4:15 o'clock. Junior Medics: Dr. Sundwall will not meet his Hygiene lecture, 8 a. m. today, for Junior Medics. Colleges of Engineering and Architecture-English 3, Public Speak- ing for Engineers: The Thursday evening meeting of the class will be held in Room 1213, East Engineering Building, the Highway Engineering Lecture Room, at 7:30 p. m. Dramatic Recital: Professor Alice Mills of the School of Speech University of Southern California, will read The Trojan Women b Euripides at 8:00 p. m. in the Laboratory Theater. This recital is given under the auspices of the Department of Speech. Applied Mechanics Cc-lloquim: W. S. Housel will present a paper on "Physical Properties of Soil" at 7:30 p. m., in Room 445 West Engin- eering Building. Preceeding the paper there will be given a short review of periodicals.' Chemical Engineers: Professor E. M. Baker Will give an illustrated talk on "Chromium Plating" tonight at 7:30 in the A. I. Ch. E. chapter room, 3201 East Engineering Building. Observatory Journal Club: Meets at 4:15 p. m. in the Observatory classroom. Mr. Roy K. Marshall will present a paper on "Atomic Struc- ture and Atomic Spectra." Studio Art Club: There will be a studio class in life drawing at 8 p. m. in the fourth floor studios of the Architecture building. Mr. Valerio will be the critic. All interested in freehand drawing are welcome. The Engineering Council: Meets at the Union at 7:15 p. m. It is important that all members should be present. Sophomore Engineers: Will be excused from classes at 11:00 o'clock to attend a class meeting in Room 348 in West Engineering Building. Senior Engineers: The class basket ball team will practice at 7:30 p. M. in the Intramural Building. Everybody out for the teams will be chosen. The first game wil be Monday night at 9:00. French Circle: Meets in room 2003 Angell Hall. There will be a talk on French Indo-China, with slides. Intramural Department Managers: It is important that all Intra- mural Department Managers report to the Intramural building at 12:45 today for 'Ensian picture. Negro-Caucasian Club: Meets at 8 p. in. in Lane Hall. Mrs. Mabelle L. Davis, member of the bar of New York, will lecture on "Principles of Progress," Religion must be in accord with science. The public is cor- dially invited. Polonia Literary Circle: Meets at 7:30 p. m. in Lane Hall. All stud- ents of Polish descent are cordially invited to attend the meeting. (By Associated Press) bushy style a wooden head-rest NEW YORK, Jan. 7.--Work and made of wood and carved to fit the pay for upward of 60,000 persons contour of the neck, is used by the beneath the spreading smoke of women when they go to bed. To new-built or rebuilt factory fires the American this looks exceedingly is industrial America's New Year uncomfortable, but the Abyssinian contribution to employment. women say it insures them perfect Orders for rails, for rail cars, for Ileep and enables them to keep locomotives, for automobiles, for their hair from getting untidy. steamships, for corn prodUct, f( These head-rests are not unlike hardware, explosives, plumbing and tie one recently unearthed in the window glass as well as dwindiy tombs of Pharoahs in Egypt, indi- stocks of once over-produced tex- cating they were also used by the tiles are demanding the laying-on ancients. of erstwhile idle hands. --- -- - Aid Local Conditions. Two Ford plants re-employed 12,- Advices from industrial sections. 000 and Buick at Flint took back iJ L J ? "1 i to July 11, will be devoted to the Lin subject of the teaching of chemical L gle Suspect Slain engineering, and it is expected that in Chicago Gang War more than 50 teachers from various colleges will attend. Approximately (Bv Associated Press) 30 non-resident lecturers, leaders CHICAGO, Jan. 7.-Gang war- in teaching and industrial fields, fare was blamed by police today have been invited to take part in for another death in Chicago's un- the program, according to Profes- derworld-that of Pasquale "Patsy" sor White's announcement. Tardi, leader of the "42" gang and The summer school, the general one time suspect in the slaying of purpose of which is the improve- Alfred Lingle, Chicago Tribune re- ment of the teaching of engineer- porter. ing, is conducted by the society Tardi, the seventh leader of the each year in cooperation with dif- "42" gang to perish before the ferent institutions of the country. weapons of half-world foes, was Each session is given over to the killed in typical gangland fashion. discussion of a particular division He was shot as he walked along of the engineering curriculum. Polk street with Ralph Coctanzo. A NN ARBOR NEWS-BRIEFS taking no account of construction, revealed in some cases enough fac- tory re-employment to alleviate materially local conditions. Adc: plants about to start of re-st art in which no estimate was iYn:,de of lWe number of men expected to be I- ployed. Orders for four ti the Panama mail com pai i w ircd two years of work for 3,000 mei at Kearney, N. J. Auto Plants Resume. The automobile plants in ? e De- troit area recalled 22,000 men after inventory and the Chevrolet com- pany there only recently emlpio)cd 1,500 additional workers. Cadillac, in taking back 6,000 increased it pre-inventory workers 500 to 77>.; 4,500. Railway Shops Begin. Clash of hammer and tong in railroad shops accounted for an- other total of 18,500 idle returned to breadwinning. The Chicago &I Northwestern recalled 7,000 and the Monon lines 700 on part time. Nearly 3,000 returned to the Nor- folk & Western and the Missouri Pacific replaced 2,200. The new Ycork Central re-employed 3,000, the St. Louis-San Francisco 2,000, ani the Southern Pacific 850. Steel mills of Youngstown, O., pressed from the auto industry, re- called 2,000 workers at the end of December and varied Cleveland in- Custries reinstated 1,347 on pay- rolls in the past 10 days. BOARD TO PROBE COUNTY FINANCES' Expect Investigation to Reduce Expences Further. What is expected to result ulti- mately in a step toward further re- duction in county expenses was re- vealed yesterday, with the an- 4 4 11 ul. ' day's session of the county super- visors when, it was said, a report of the county board of auditors pre- dicted a shortage of $100,000 within the next fiscal year unless the fi- nancial policy was changed. Injunction Postpones Awards of Contracts GOVERNMENT RUNS SPAKAS;CIA IM Maryland Representative Says Place Is Used to Trap Federal Officers. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-A dingy room at 1213 East Twenty-Second St., Indianapolis, engaged the at- tention of congress Tuesday as Representative Linthicum of Mary- land charged the place was a "gov- ernment-owned speakeasy," used to trap policemen. The leader of the house wet block made his accusation on the floor during debate on a deficiency bill which carries more than half a million for increasing the prohibi- tion bureau's staff. He read a letter from Director Woodcock stating the government paid rent forthe place but that no liquor was dispensed. It was opened, said the letter, fol- lowIng mnany' complaints of collu- sion between policemen and speak- easy operators. Another letter from Russell B. Harrison of Indianapolis, son of President Benjamin Harrison, who termed the place a "poolroom speakeasy" and charged the gov- erment with "buying and selling booze in order to trap policemen." The Linthicum attack was the opening effort of a wet move to de- feat the prohibition bureau defi- ciency appropriation. It was suffi- cient to cause house leaders to change their plans for immediate passage of the bill. The Maryland Democrat told the house if the fund were approved it would go to "es- tablishment of these speakeasies for the purpose of entrapping citi- zens and public officers throughout this country." SOUTH SEA PAPER HAS SMALL STAFF Daily Pilot Serves Fisheries; One Man Does Work. (By Assocated Press) THURSDAY ISLAND, South Pa- cific Ocean, Jan. 7.-This tiny island with its 2,000 inhabitants, lying to the north of Australia and forming a part of that comonwealth, claims to have the smallest daily news- paper in the world. The owner is Mrs. Alice Corran. The staff con- sists of one man, who is composer, linotype operator, printer, reporter, editor and business manager. The Torres Straits Daily Pilot serves the interests of the Torres straits pearl-fishing industry. It consists of three columns and is 11 inches long and 8 inches wide. The subscription price is 25 cents a week, payable in advance, or 12 cents a single copy to non-subscrib- ers. 1 * . S 0 Pi Lambda Theta: Meeting at 7:30 p. m. in the Women's Athletic House, Palmer Field. The group pii tre for the 'Ensian will b taken1 Sunday morning, January 11, at Dey's Studio. Phi Eta Sigma: ' En in pctue will be taken at 5 o'clock today, atj Dey's studio. Every member be there promptly. Frosh Frolic: Meeting of the Fresh Frolic committee at 4:15, in room 302, at the Michigan Union. W. A. A. Board: Meeting of the Board in the W. A. A. Office in the League, at 4:45 p. m. There will be a rnceth:: of the program committee for the Junior Girls' Play at 3 o'clock today on the concourse at the League building. 1 I icuncenent tha on Iuesday, Jan An injunction will postpone the 13, heads of county departments awarding of contracts on the Ham- will confer with a special commit- ilton tile drain in Ypsilanti town- Lee appointed last Tuesday by the ship, Cornelius W. Tuomy, drainj board of supervisors to investigate commissioner, said yesterday. county finances. The contracts were to be awarded Appointment of the special super- immediately, Tuomy said, but town- visors' committee, composed of Geo ship residents obtained an injunc- Beckwith, Sylv?.n township, Harry isnipedengsetainen oja ax Raschbacher, sixth ward, Ann Ar- tion pending settlement of a taxj bor. and Gilbert Madden, Dexter dispute before the time the contract township, was authorized at Tues- was to be awarded Dec. 29.- ARMOUR'S YIELDS BELIEF IN OIL PROCESS FORTUNE; LEFT TO WIDOW Summer Daily Siaff: 'Ensian picture will be taken this noon Rentschler's. Gurney Williams, M. E. George Spater, B. M. at COMING EVENTSI Geology 31: Make--up bluebook Monday at 4-5 in room 3056 N. S. Geology 1: Make-up bluebook Monday 4-a room 3056 N. S. Senior Ball Committee: Meets at Rtentschler's Studio on Friday.1 Jan. 9, at 12:30 n. m. for 'Ensian picturc. Members of this, committee should get in touch with the chairman, Vinal G. Taylor before the Controlling Interest in Universal Company is Sold to Shell, and Standard Oil. (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Jan. 7.-A romance of big business in which one of the fondest dreams of the late J. Ogden As: rmour came true was revealed to- day with the announcement that the controlling interest of the Uni- versal Oil Prcducts Co. had been sold for $25,000,000 of which $8,216,-1 058 went to Ogden's widow, Mrs. Lolita Sheldon Armour. i I 4 a I' ! 7 I I faith had not been placed in vain. Mrs. Armotr received her share of the purchase price for 400 shares of stock in the Universal company, which was a part of her husband's estate and which his creditors at one time had refused to accept as a valuable asset. The stock was given to her by Armour as security for a loan of $1,000,000 she made him in 1926. Armour was the founder of the Universal concern and it was an- nounced that the company will be headed by H. J. Halle of New York, who was made its president by Ar- mour in 1921. L 1 above date. Phone 8717. The Shell Union Oil Co. and theI -Standard Oil Co. of California wereI the purchasers. The deal involved Chinese Students: are remmnded that the final an. most important I1,000 shares of the Universal com- meeting of this semester for their Club will take place Friday, 7:00 p. m. pany, which sponsored the Dubbs at Lane Hail. Election of officer will be followed by an address by oil-cracking process, in which Mr. Professor Brown of the Political ScIence Department on "China in Armour invested $3,000,000 to $4,- Transition." 000,000. He always had faith that. it would yield a profit, but he died Nippon Club: Will meet at Lane Hall, Frid'ay, at 8:30 p. in. in London without the dream being realized. Today his widow knew his Suits Pressed 30c ALTERATIONS AT COST CHAS. DOUK AS 1309 South University 1 M- U U 1 I League of Nations Anniversary: Pro::. P. W. Slosson will lcture I Monday, Jan. 12, at 4:15 in Room 231 Angell Hall on "The Dawning Era's Politics." W. A. A. Board: The picture for the 'Ensian wil be taken at Sped- dings, Friday, January 9, at 12:00 noon. Phone 2-2551 UNITED CABS "Quick, Efficient, Service" I I Jmust Pub# shaeds BY DR. >W. BHNSDALE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MADAM DEBBIE DRUMKIRK IS AGAIN IN THE Russian Tea Room Michigan League TEA LEAF READING PALM READING CRYSTAL GAZING WITH YOUR TEA Appointments made for Evening } fi III I- C i nt, r~n~ .t r.. ' 5 t , - L k __________________ Univ rsity III I Bookstore II' - I Engagements. . II' ATTEN C " , a moo.. 's: lv pvi O NT 4 '' ywN' . , , r Y . 'i ,I INGRNW w -lillow - w Ils