THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1931 THURSDY, JAUARY 8 193YTIT F. MfC11TIC0AN ATIYrAAP'V , ca MR qwr"wlilw 1. a~~~w~tr~ 9.,.. az 7 ..i. t-...,t- .__S M " r. -.-,( -... ..-,._- '4_. :r. ' i, . JUNIORS TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS FOR! LAST PLAY TRYOUTS' EDUCA TOR S OPEN ITALIANSCHOOL Amnerican Women Take up Study of Social Sciences. MUSICAL SOHOHITY nf rnrip SPONORSLUIAL~ ..±M ck - - _ , } ... 2 ._ o7xJT_ ,.y / F V S LO.I G FL IDAYS iRtORD W. A. A. POINTS A ::dY 1 All Those, Wishing to Take Should Register Today. Part FINANCE DRIVE TO BEGIN Health Certificates, Approval of Dean for New Students Required. Today is the last day for making appointments for second Junior Girls' Play tryouts. A table will be in University hall from 9 until 12 and from 1 to 4 o'clock today. Ap- pointments may be made for any- time between 3:30 and 6 o'clock today and tomorrow, and from 9:30 until 12 o'clock Saturday morning. Women who for some reason were unable to try out for the Play at the first tryouts will be permit- ted to try out now, in accordance wit ha statement made by Jane Inch, assistant chairman, in charge of tryouts. This does not apply however to women who broke their first appointmentsi without any ex- cuse for doing so. The finance committee for the Play is starting its final drive for the dollar dues which members of the class pay each year to help fin- ance the Play. All the women who have attended one tryout have al- ready paid their dues. Each mem- ber of the committee is supplied with a list of names of those who have not yet paid, and is respon- sable for calling each of these peo- ple. Certificates from t n e Health Service are required from each jun-' ior before she makes her- appoint- mnent, and new juniors have been notified that they must petition tbieir eligibility before trying out. DR. WYLIE AT CORNELL Information received from Dr. W. A. Pillsbury, head of the psychology department, stated that Dr. Mar- garet Wylie, formerly a member of th~e same department, is now a full' professor at Cornell University. Part of her work consists of man- aging the Parent-Teacher graduate department. It is an excelent ,i d promising position, believes Dr. Pillsbury. In Florence, Italy. a new schoolAtie Etean tresc__ has been opened -for young wvomen, ;i students, an - recent graduates of rnlma a tet IAmerican universities, who desie to; of Chapter. c7ok-ueLc5Y. 'id W kacquaint themselves with certain I?~h; F.J ~ti social, ecconic and political as- Patronesses and alurmnae of Delta, 'eol Ph ~7W j]l pects of modern Europe. It is known Omicron. national honorary mu i_ J G, 17:Oe~ M X ~.A. a th i1 C ..n vd n e diet ca so oiy we et eg et of V , ed by Miss Edith May, sponsored by active chapter at a formal n ; -- European nand Ameri-an educators; c ale last evening. An orga n iel.i, Results ofY t dy' ~a and endorse d by the Italian govr-wspesnenteC-gza .x ment,. al Church by Velma Wahl, . 7 aiuaLi TIhe aim of th~r work at the Villa 31ManeMry iet12,SM is to give a general. and practical' The program included: knowledge of certain asp-acts ofI present-day Europe, its life, cul tuze, Chorale. .. .. .. .I. .. .. . .Andressen Ganma Phi Beta S' dae(K- istradis nexai zlpo- Hr ~sia.....,.. ...Rsiel etrgm l: lems. The staff is drawn from the Prelude and Fugue in G last week. The team iv a.; 1more" schools of economic and social sci- Minor..........ach orga nixed and put up a .ool c -- ences and of history and literature Velma Wachlin, '31STAL Itense,. However the Iri P11~ar n of the Unih.ersity of Florence. Lec- II x;=h&-t cea1i I]1"r i <:n Y { 'ah tures are given in English, French Reverie .. .. .ikisn curday the CGammra Phi s duc. and tDlinkarysies, p3.the entire game. The guiarding o ant Ialin.Mar Kest '3.Phli t Ueam and the sa; Further instruction is efeel nedr h P hi was well done. The ford.'ordsply the speaking of French, Itaian and Andante Cantabile Symphonyagodam onbtte;i. German, and these languages are, No. 6................Wito jused in the daily life of the Villa.j Finale, Symphony No. 1.Y.... ieruneCh rc 2,Ap Wd 'The p r a g r a n is supplemented ( Velma Wachlin, '31. ITi aewsmr lSl I) through the work of professors. and~ Following the recital a formal].1r- tse liitesoeidets h other riepresentativ~e men from var- ception in the League building AltetdhaCiin te scoret rip ° si .> ious parts of Europe, who conduct honored the guests of the sorority. , , nomldsuso ruso ai r~ t~ I ous questions pertaining to the Rcityon both ri; Itr wasa _'Iga2I 1problems and culture of their re- wt eUniversity o ow omeneatend hol thdwnxsoa ol cid i 1spective countries.icre lohn o oletdodChiIOnie a i ain hs ati'Pl The study is completed by travel, $ Toledo.thnedinadadwrdot Pv'fom- the first trioof several weeks being _______ ion plays. The Fp-'yin a-:; ri to various parts of Italy; the see- hub nc he d bitvt,.c re 1 a todPit ond, of a month to Austria, Czecho-. W A. A. at tne University of Iof thne floor at all time. slovakia, Germany, France a n d Kansas holds classes of ballroom ------ Switzerland. In each city an op- dancing for both men and women Kappa 1 .ha Theta defau' s tc poruntyis given to meet eminent evrwe. lhaEisln 'i me.DALLAS-Mrs. Florence C. Floore# The diverse lines of work are con- ofCeunzhsbnappitdo verged through a week of study of the Texas state prison board follow- Ne SpigH i the League of Nations at Geneva. ing years of work on prison reform. htra. IThis is made possible by the aid of - d' oo r el m the Director of the Geneva School'w .A tteunvriyo ii Ribbon or all straw. of InternationalUnStudiesofbyllim- ofIersntenlSeetuie, andolte nois holds inter-class volley bail] Mc Kinsey Ha Shop erofteSceaitanoftepractices and gamnes as well as "27Soit 'aeSre Committee on Intellectual Co-oper- basket ball gamnes -, ilsaeSre ation. No similar course of study, _________________ pursued along the above lines and -_________-____ under similar conditions, is offered to American students in Europe. The study of sculpture, architec- ture, painting and other arts as one means of understanding the culture and thought of various na- tions is included in the curriculum. Fol'g aKys i h Va'- . 1 I-J, C C.'. ii t 1 _ r ,. i _ 4 . . . A ~. ,. _ I2.,i , .1 __._ .. - - _- - -:,i Members of the Women's Ath- letic Association who wish to have WV. A. A. points recorded are askeld by Helen Moore, '3 lEd, point re- oorIder, to come to the W. A. A. of- 'ice on the main floor of the League :utding between 3 and 4 o'clock, on Th i ursday afternoon. T nactive members who have earn- ctheir five points may also have ti emicorded at this time. _, _ , e ,,_.- To Her Ptro r for 1,,iC1any i 11 ). vnll x }!6 f.C iT I d Te m I i.MANET yScrvee wi1 h i-d y;_ .? .'S O S1 u ) s r E~ n -I fydiV e- . 3 y CC,'. tt I . ( 'I. i v it t : Uhyi Al i)ckcs, oditeannounces that dute Ui fy halys;Qtortiw~customers have given her ;'.K-? t~. fr.vyt-rsjthas become necessary to 'intheilo~u~e Msffof yerbusiness. 147.sAlhe lu£'c4an experienced designer, who a ~~v:Tu- ojyctd fvsdcighated her Detroit clientele, bx ccph' a ejr.(If o r .d: £rhap with AMrs. Dickens. 'Fireyen'j~i- cia.-wJon ia:ucy 2, 9.3.1, under the Iath t ° 7y Y14 s. Dickens hopes to better follow theprcen w s set in serving the public in the ;~wt c'>>nia, stisactryway, and in creating in try' _ cs Pairs : rodes gowans best spited to the Lta in~Conns nd rousseaux a specialty. ' 2( ( a tLibotyS}c- Dial 2-1129 w ~.s........ars'nr watw Business and professional womenf in all parts of the nation will holdC a national "share with others" day,' Jan. 18, in order to aid the emer- gency unemployment situation. enay LU I =-= 1 January Cleara BEGINNING TODAY OFFERS HUNDREDS OF MONEY SAVING VALUES In keeping with our policy to clear stocks during Jan- uary in preparation for the coming season, we place on sale starting Thursday, all of the remaining Winter garments in our stock. All of the season's best styles and fabrics are represented in the various groups and this. sale, coming as it does with many more weeks of Winter weather ahead, so now's the time to "fill in" the empty spaces in your closet. Now's the time to really realize that champagne taste in clothes with the humblest "home brew" pocket book. Coats, Dresses Accessories Peacock 1 I ii, ii :," "' r, New' Year! F_! w a 1A.CC it t r, r lm { i -.,-,: , , ,a / Stanleigh Fashion Footxve 11 $ 85 . ' T ems' _ - , i, . . 't. e, {.: : ,r Y 1 -Ill Ri ? h c'. \., - , *1M { y'// 4 d i c, ~, /1/ ' /i fr;i/> 7 /1