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January 08, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-08

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_ _

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FRANK E. CooPER, City Editor
News Editor...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor...............lJoseph A. Russell
Women's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer
Music, IDrama, Books.........Win .JGor man
Assistant City 1Editor......Harold). W arren
Assistant News Editor:..harles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor .......... George A. Stauter
Copy Editor ..................Win. F. Pyper

themselves nor the public at large.
Admitting their sincere attempts to
improve present conditions by try-
ing to influence the psychology,
which plays such an important role
in either prosperity or adversity, of
the nation, it is impossible for any,
ingle person, or any group, to con-
trol the industrial and financial af-
fairs of the country.
President Hoover is receiving
much of the blame for these critical
times. Few appreciate his earnest
attempt last year to restore pros-
perity by calling a score of promi-
nent industrial leaders to his aid.
As the outstanding figure of the
country, one who has lifted the
people from previous exingencies,
he did his best to avert disaster.
Unfortunately his best was not good
enough, since he was attempting
the impossible.
Undoubtedly the' line of progress
for the coming year will be upward.
The recovery will be slow and grad-
ual, however, since stabilizing of in-f
dustry is a tedious process. Author-I
ities are united in their opinion
that a measure of confidence is
necessary to bring improvement. As)
soon as this fear is dispelled, the
business cycle will reach the point,
not of unexampled prosperity, but
of good times.
Minister of the Interior Mussolini
can now congratulate Premier Mus-
solini on the successful flight to
South America of Air Minister Mus-
solini's squadron.
Editorial Comment I
o --

A TED uLI f nr____MA
MORiTUIi ___- ___
IIUT1ACH: Praid bum Concerto No.
SAYG in at i or Viols, Cellos,
Word just came in to the by Sir Henry
that a Federal Survey Boars)t a honv Orches-
just issued a two volume repor a Oil (OU lUb e ord. No. 07842
stating that students are peopl a-! "!Id.
This will probably result in my hav- - ach cix Brandenburg Concer-
ing to rewrite completely the repor t
I have just finished on Federal Su_- t-'," in er's words "the pur-
vey Boards. es product of Bach's polyphonic
* * * style," are some of the outsanding
The Ann Arbor Copyreaders and Bach works that demand record-
Wreckers Association in their last;ing the only ones so far available
review of one of my columns e nvi-
dently took umbrage(whatever that being Stokowski's record of the
is) to my poetry, not to mention Second in F major and now this
my comments thereon, and changed splendid issue of the sixth by Sir
it all around, thus ruining a per- Henry Wood.
fectly good contest.rUndisma yed, T
I however, I still adhere to my ve(- This Conec-rto w a s originally so, tk crd-o ils il agmas

i s

.__ e _ ____ _ _._


WE RENT Radios
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All makes of machines.
Our equipment and per-
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I '

S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
David M. Nichol

John I). Reindel
Richard L. Tobin
Harold O. Warren

Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend

J.E. Bush
Thomas M. Cooley
Morton Frank
Saul Friedberg
Frank B. Gilbreth
Jack Goldsmith
oland Goodman
Morton Helper
xEdgar Ilornik
Bryan Jones
Denton C. Kunze
Powers Moulton
Eileen Blunt
Elsie Feldman
Ruth Gallmeyer
Emily G. Grimes
Jean Levy -
Dorotny Magee

Wilbur J. Meyers
Ilrainard W V4.ide s
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Theodore '1 . Rose
:Jerry H. Rosenthal
Chaarlps A. Sanford
Karl Seiffert
I<ooert F'. Shaw
E~dwin M. Smith
George A. Stauter
John W. flhomlas
John S. Townsend
Mary McCall
Mar,.aret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Arme MNIargaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Ciaire Trussell

scored for violas, viola da gambas.
sion, and take this occasion to prmit
it in the hope it will escape thIe.r celos and bass. The uniqueness of
umbrageous eye. this combination is further compli-
So let us gather 'round the hall cated by the necessity today to sub-
And praises sing together ! stitute cellos for the obsolete viola
Extolling Winter, Spring and Fall dla gambas. This peculiarity of
Ann Arbor's......eather. thick tone-color (the absence of
(Fill in space suitably both as to violins) at first makes for dullness
metre and purport and win a lovely and a certain obscurity as to voices;
hermetically sealed goldfish bowl of with more hearings the color be-
the new oxford grey homespun that comes added charm and Bach's
is to be so popular on campus this adaptation of his writng to itbe-
spring unless somebody hurries up -comes apparent.
and does something about it. Snd The slow movement of this con-
in your answer to Rolls at the earli- certo, a two-voice fugue with freeI
est possible moment. Write it in bass. is one of the finest examples
Greek and avoid the Russ. of Bach's pure canonza feeling. The
* other two movements are exhilar-
MYSTERY. aling, zestful, muscular: the laugh-
,To those of you who have bern ing yet still tremendous Bach, stim-
in U. Hall these last few days uliting himself with the joys of
this news will not come with technical problems; the type of
much of a shock, but I am sure Bach that J. W. N. Sullivan, too un-
I will startle anyone else aimost s y m p a t h e t i c to formalisation,
beyond belief when I say that mean: ; hen he speaks of his in-
they have at la,-:t found a use -erest in the "arid labyrinths of
for that little cubby-hole acr a technique." It is vigorous, entirely
from Uncle Joe Bursiey's oflice delightful music and Sir -enry I
door. They have found out what wood gives it a virile, entirely au- 1
I have known a long time, thenW realing. The concerto oc-
namely that it is a swell thing pi s otly two Columbia records.

New York Stock Exchange
Detroit Stock Exchange
New York Curb (Associate)
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Stae Street Jewelers advertise ire the Michigan
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Does your
say you need-
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Ledger Binders
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Printers-Stationers-Binders-Office Outfitters
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Telephone 21214
T. HOLLISTER MAI3LEY, Business Manager
KASPER J-l .IALVEREoN, Assistant Manager
Advertising ................Iharles T. Klint
Advertising.Thomas M. Davis
Advertising............William W. Warboys
Service....... ...Norris J. Johnson
Publication............IHobert W. Williamson
Circulation .............. Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts..................hon as S. Muir
Business Secretary............Mary J. Kenan
Harry R. Peglev Erle Kightlinger
Vernon Bishdop Don W. Lyon
William Brpwn William Morgan
Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeier
William W. Davis Keith Tykr
=Richard H. Hiller Noel D. Turner
Miles Hoisington Byron C. Vedder
Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller
Marian Atran Helen Olsen
Helen Bailey Mildred Postal
Josephine Convisser 1aro rie Rough
Maxine .Fishgrtnnd Mary E. Watts
Dorothy LeMire Johanna Wiese
Dorothy Laylin
Night Editor-DAVID M. NICHOL
Barnard College has recently an-
nounced a course which will consist
of several hours rest each day for
students whose health does not
come up to a certain standard, and
for those carrying heavy schedules.
Regular college credit will be given
for the course.

(From the Daily Princetonian)
Monday night in a sparkling ad-
dress to an appreciative audience
Everett Dean Martin, director of
the People's Institute of New York
City, outlined his views on the
Meaning of a Liberal Education. It
does not consist in "making a noise
like a well-informed person." It
does not consist in exalting human-f
itarianism above reason. It does
not consist in short cuts to knowl-
edge via correspondence schools or
"15 minutes a day." Its essence is
knowing what you mean by what
you say, and one of its earliest
teachers was Socrates.
Education, said Mr. Martin, is a
much-abused term. Men are "edu-
cated" to eat sunkist oranges, "edu-
cated" in social graces. Indeed,
savoir faire in company is for many
Americans the highest type of
learning. Press advertisements for
five-foot culture are an index of
this appalling fact. Even the best
newspapers show pictures of the
chagrined wife shouting at her
'cringing husband, after the party:
"I never was so ashamed! You
didn't say one word the entire eve-
Ignorance, in the judgment of
Mr. Martin, is not simply a vacuum,
an aching void, into which truth


lld ._-_. -- -- _ ---_- -_--_^ -

of. ("A preposition is a had
thing to end a sentence iVth".)
* * *

ti. J. &G.


Genuine Lizards and Snakes
$8.85 pair
Regular $10.50 to $12.50 values

Say, now, gol-dummed of I have-- The German Grand Opera Com-
n't went and forgot what the mys-- nany is.to bring Detroit and vicin-
tery was I had promised you. I ,ty the only opera of the season
guess .a mistake like that will n xt week Tuesday and Wednes-
cessitate the offering of a p> int t3 day nights in the Masonic Temple.
the solver which makes two prize This company, now making its
offered in only one issue! Think o' third tour of America, has been
it, gentlemen! Two prizes! Why, xidely appreciated and its mana-
I'm practically offering each of my ger J. J. Vincent highly praised for


These are all new Styles-good now as well as for Spring wear-
not ends of lines.

Each day those enrolled will ire-spills easily. Ignorance is a stub-
cline in deck chairs, and at a speci- born, agressive thing, which illus-
fled time will be given milk and trates the remark attributed to
crackers. Such a course would not Woodrow Wilson, that the human
be'altogether out of place at Michi- mind has an infinite capacity of
gan. Many would probably term it resisting knowledge. Members of
"a pipe," nevertheless there is a the faculty should agree, and even
growing need in the larger univer- the undergraduates who were lis-
sities for added s u p e r v i si n of tening laughed indulgently. Any-
health. how, the latter are members of
Few of us have adequate time for what the speaker jokingly called
rest. Classes, late studying, activi- the four-year leisure class of Amer.-
ties, athletic contests, and social ica.
affairs all tend to make life at Ann-
Arbor,a strenuous one for those ABOUT IMMIGRATION
who wish to take full advantage of (Daily Iowan)
the opportunities offered. Does immigration add to the al-
Universities have adopted t h e ready distressing problem of unem-
tendencies of the mechanical age. ployment now occupying a goodly
-Students "punch the clock," and if share of ;attention in congress and
they don't they.are dismissed. We ! among social welfare organizations?
are measuring our courses by how Senator Reed is of the opinion
much money they will net us later that it does, and for that reason
in life. We are viewing them as believes that it should be curtailed
short cuts to success without con- during the present period of de-
sideration of the original intention pression.
of college education. And during One thing is certain; an influx
this mad rush, probably the most of foreign workmen who do not
dangerous thing we are doing is to, understand the English language
threaten our health. Little sleep, I and are not skilled in American
meals eaten in haste in order to ways at a time when native citi-
make a class, and many others are zens are unable to find employ-
all contended with for the sake of ment, will most certainly lead to
knowledge that we claim will make complications. Either these men
us useful following graduation. must join the army of unemployed
After a survey of the daily pro- or else take the few existing jobs
gram of many students, the thought at a much lower salary than the
of a class in the middle of the day present wage scale.
when one might recline and have If the former be the case, it will
milk ancd crackers is not half bad. mean another element of unsatis-
It at least would be of benefit to factory citizens within the coun-
our health, and might give us time try's borders. Unable to find work
to consider the fast disappearing and unable to acquire the much
art of enjoying laziness. dreamed of money for which they
came to this country, they will be-

two readers a free prize on a silte:
solver-but cola ne fait rien as the
French say when they mean "Thay
isn't buttering any canteloupe." Thc
mystery is, as you may have iig-
used out by now, what they're doi'.
behind that curtain.
(Courtesy Rolls Photo DCpt .
* * *
Dear Dan:
What do you do to fill up moll:;
when you have no contributions?
Old Sub scriber Godfrey.
Dear Old Subscriber Godfrey:
When and if that happcns I in-
tend to go and dig up a few of the
things you have been sending ie
in the past and use them.
D. .
* * *
For Rent - Two room a- artmen -
with bath, frigidaire. first floor.
Aw, that's nothin'. I got an apart-
ment with a first floor too, and;
what's more in mine the other two
items are combined.

the quality of production he has
enaintained on the road. Last year's
reductions of Mozart's "Don Juan"
n I "Tristan and Isolde" were two
e'. th-best productions American
ergoers have had the oppor-
~u-t to witriass.
To; yeair the company is pre-
U=ny on successive nights two
W gneriat dramas, an early one
Te Flying' Dutchman" and the
Tie Go, erdamerung," the last
drarria of the great Ring cycle. Out-
s .nding in the latter production
will be the first appearance of the
company's new conductor, Max Von
-chillings, one of Germany's most
-mimen mrsicians. Mr. Von Schil-
ling arrived in this country in D°-
;o:mb]er just after having completed
the musical direction of all the
"Ring" operas at the Berlin Staat-
I roper. le is one of the foremost
WVagnerian conductors in the world,
having actually been in contact
v ith , the authentic tradition at
Bayreuth by spending several years
as assistant conductor there. He
succeeded Richard Strauss to his
rresent position at the Berlin Sta-
a tsopc. He is known to American
musical audiences p r i m a r il y
through the performances at the
STMtropolitan Opera House at var-
ious times since 1923 of his best
opera, "Mona Lisa."
The role of Senta in "The Flying
LD-utchman" which proved so fort-
unate a vehicle for Elizabeth Reth-
bore- i it recent revival at the
Metropolitan, is to mark the return
f, the United States of Mme. Jo--

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n j r ' .

Dear Dan: hannga Gadski, known to Metropoli-
It is because I know that yoU are tan fans of a half a generation ago
a friend- of the people that I writC as the "Wagnerian soprano" and
this. Well sir, things lave come happily induced by Mr. Vincent to
to a pretty pas,. Yesterday I saw return to the stage with his com-
two co-eds tramping through the pany.
snow on campus and my heart wet Tickets for the performances are
out to them. My heart often CiO(s beino handled locally by Schae-
that. borle's music store.
In the old days (Olde Dayes
please- D. B.) the B & C- Boys were FACULTY RECITAL
most conscientious in keeping our
campus clean (That job has Wassily B-sekersky, professor of
been relegated to the Gargoyle- violin and Mabel Ross Rhead, as-
D. B.) But since the deoees>;in the- ;istant professor of Piano in the
have grown laxer and laxer. Coyld- SChool of Music will unite their
n't you do something? talents in a program of sonatas
Indignantly, for violin and piano to be given in
In d2n-L. the Mendelssohn Theatre next Sun-


Considerable has been said of the
business depression throughout the
country and the world the past
months. Industrial leaders and the
public press have issued predictions
that unbounded prosperity will be

come bitter towards the United
States as a country of false promise.
If, on the other hand, these im-
migrants do secure employment at
the lower wage, it will give rise to
a hatred for all foreigners among
the jobless American citizens.

Dear Indignant:
I certainly can do somethi:g.

doy afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.
Mr. IBsekersky is new to Ann Ar--
bor this year but already familiar


' I

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