THURSDAY, JANUARY S, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA09 TIMM PAOF TII~ ARCTIC EXPEDITION GIGANTIC DISPLAY OF NEW MODELS FEATURES H E UEYOMOBILE SHOW OPENINGP N YR CAT....:T-0LD ACE TARDEH LETTER TO lHoBBs ..j ...:::::::SaysK::Few:::.Y.aM::i What's Going On Party Reports Much Work Done in Research, Winter Housing. RADIO CONNECTION CUT Missive Describes Life of Camp, Great Help of Eskimo Famiy o An unexpected letir ha; been r"- ceived here by LUJ. riliaa 3-. Hobbs, head of the golry depa..; ment, from Willia.'n A. Carlson, 0,' a member of the department, 1:.o0 is in charge of a University ac- logical expedition, at present sta- tioned near Upcrivik, reenlani Professor Hobb , ,ine:mmenta I of Present D1ay Learn How to Play. Donald Hamilton Haines, of the journalism department, who spoke yesterday during the Universit y radio hour stated that he believes a persistence of the capacity for play is an excellent cure for getting old too rapidly, that too few chil- dren of the present day really learn how to play, and that the fault lies more with the apparatus of toyland than with the cnildren hemselves and their parenis. "This question of toys," he said, "is one of steadily increasing im- portance. There are too many ele- ments in our swiftly moving and h i g h 1 y complicated civilization which tend to cut even shorter the fleeting years of childhood, and to rob this curtailed period of some of the qualities which it should never lose."~ Haines said that we are uncon- sciously taking from the play of the modern child that element of the imagination which it must retain if it is to have its full constructive value. "That very efficiency which is so helpful to the adult is a background slap at the child. By making his play so easy, we have cheated him out of half the fun," he said. MEN MUST NOTIFY OF ROOM CHA NGES i 1 7 ; THEATERS Majestic - Hell's Angels," with Jean Harlow, Ben Lyon, and James Hall. Michigan-"A Lady Surrenders" with Basil Rathbone, Conrad Nagel, and Rose Hobart. Wuertlh - "Spring Is Here," with Louise Fazenda and Ford Sterling;' "The Fuxies," with H. B. Warner and Lois Wilson. on the letter yestVcrday, said that no word had been lo e for from the expedition until in; summer. Carlson explains in the letter, which is dated Sept. 4, 1930, that one of the Eskimos employed by thle ;roup was anxious to o o't to his native village for some additional winter supplies before the -Fjordf roze over entirely, and that he took the op- portunity to send a letter. Erect Camp. Carlson writes that the group is situated on a small island called Natsiorsiorfik by the natives, ap- proximately two miles southwest of the ice front of the Upernivik gla- cier. Arriving there on the morning of Aug. 30, the expedition proceeded to erect camp, building a shelter of rough board, stuffing the space between the inner and outer walls with tundra gathered by Eskimos, and lining the house with balsam wool. The letter mentions that 23 as- censions of aerological test balloons had been completed, the longest be- ing to an elevation of 11,250 meters. The hope was expressed that be- tween 220 and 250 ascensions will be made before the calcium hydride used in the balloons was consumed. The letter adds that the group has had no radio communication, whatsoever, due to the tubes prov- ing defective. The expedition- head does not mourn the loss, mention- ing that without the radio, their time will be left free to do more worth while things. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY --In a petition circulated recently, women students at the university demanded smoking rooms for their use. 4ssociated Press Photo Grand Central Palace is the scene of the national autemobile show, which is rated as the largest ever held in Tw York City. The show presents 300 new car and chassis models. More than $25,000,000 worth of sale 3 were reported the opening day. 1D T 4 RI . VANDALS RIFLE TOMB OF BROTHWELL LOVEROF MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS Danish Police Seek to Unravel Iwho was the fourth of his line and Mystery; Believe Former I who died insane in a castle in Zea- n t z t r. Royal Jewels Stolen. Fine Arts Department Arranges Colection of _ (ovogssocsat" d "" c" Coeonaissane ofhotgraCOPENHAGEN, Denmark, Jan. 7. -The romance, intrigue and tra-1 An exhibit of a series of photo- gedy which tangled the life skein of graphs of central Italian renais- Mary, Queen of Scots, was recalled today as Danish police sought to sance paintings, Italian renaissane unravel the mystery surrounding architecture and American art is the rifling of the sarcophagus of being prepared by Prof Bruce M. the Earl of Bothwell, Mary's third Donaldson, head of the department husband. of fine arts of the University, and Whether a desire for jewels once his staff, to be exhibited through Whte eie o eesoc the end of the semester in rooms A G belonging to Mary, and said to have and B of the Alumni Memorial hall. been buried with Bothwell, or a The exhibition is one of the series ! feeling of revenge m a i n t a i n e d sponsored by the department andI through four centuries by descend- is being held in conjunction with ants of those he wrongea motivated the courses offered but it is ex- the violation police would not say pected to prove interesting to the pending investigation of the strange student body at large. The ccm - incident. plete exhibit will be ready by the Police found the sarcophagus end of the week, it was announced. containing the remains of the earl, land on April 14, 1578, broken open Students Plamn; io Move Musi and its contents disarranged. elshdr The life of the Earl of Bothwell Tell ,-'seholders. was hardly less tempestuous than I Announcement was made yester- that of Mary, who finally was be- ! day by F. B. Wahr, assistant dean headed by order of Queen Elizabeth of students, that all students in- of England, into whose power she tending to change their rooms at- fell. Ithe end of the current semester are Bfele.'ftreminded that, according to the Bothwell fell in love with Mary University agreements, they are to and after her marriage to her inform the householders of such in- cousin, Henry, Lord Darnley, alleg- tention at least two weeks prior to edly contrived Darnley's murder on the close of the semester, or at the night of February 9, 1567, to least by Jan. 30. It is advised by ! make way for himself in her favor. the dean that such notice be given ___ ____ ____ ___ l at once. - -Householders having rooms for RADIO TODAY men students available for th Dsecond semester are requested to Dorothy S. Waller, instructor list them in the office of the dean, in dietetics in the University room 2, University hal. Available hospital speaks today during the light-housekeeping rooms should radio program on "The Normal also be listed, it was announced. Diet." Mrs. Waller has charge of -.---. all out-patients in the University Christianity now ranks third hospital. among the religions of India, there The Midnite Sons quartet will being 5,000,000 Christians in the offer a musical program. country. ' ENERAL. Lecture-Dr. E. M. East on "He- red ty and Human Problems," 4:15 o'clock, Natural Science auditorium. Appli ed Mechaiics Colloquium - W. S. Housel on "Physical Proper- ties of Soil;" 7:30 o'clock, room 445, West Engineering building. Reading - Mrs. Ailce Mills, "Tro- jan Women" by Euripides, 8 o'clock' in Laboratory theater, i umphreys Explains Freshman Exemptions ' W. R.1Hu.mphreysassistant dean of the literary college, has an- nounced that in a few cases, fresh-! men who are excused from English 2 may properly elect a four-hour' instead, making a total of 16 hours. "These students," stated Dean 3 umphreys, "should be referred to me for approval of their election program." Wheel Possible Clue of Missing Aviators (y Assocuate d'ress) KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Jan. 7-, An airplane wheel was held here today as a possible clew to the dis- appearance of Robin Renahan, pil- ot, and two companions missing since Oct. 28. It was found a week ago by Rerr Edward Marsden, pastor at Met- lakatla, a native village, a n d brought here Tuesday. Renahan carried wheels in his pontoon equipped plane. Wilbur Declares Self Against Tarriff on Oil t ~(Associted Press) WASHINGTON, Jan, 7.-Secretary Wilbur today declared h i m s e 1 f against a tariff on oil. Such a tariff, as proposed from time to time by some of the lead- ing producers and recently by E. B. Reeser, president of the Ameri- can Petroleum institute, would be of little value to the small pro- ducer, the secre ary asserted. Blames School Superintendents for Brevity of Their Employment. An explanation of the brevity of the tenure for public school super- intendents is explained by Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman, of the School of Education, in an article in the last number of the School of Edu- cation Bullet-in entitled "Why Sup- erintendents Leave." The feeling for "short and snap- py terms" featured by school exec- utives, he says, has developed to such a point that superintendents "start planning a brief and inten- sive publicity campaign, hoping for a ten s'rike before the time has passed. So many apparent success- es have been scored for this type of program that it is rapidly be- coming popular in many states," In almost every case, the brevity of the term of these men is entire- ly their fault, he states. A recent survey shows that of 45 removals, 16 were caused by failure to makle community contacts, 11 by ineff- ciency, 5 by politics, 4 by sex indis- cretions, 1 by gossip, and 1 by fi- nancial adjustments. STUDENTS INVITED TO CLASS IN ART Life Class~ of Studio Art Cub Will Meet Tonight. All students interested in art have been invited to attend the life class of the Studio Art club which will be held tonight in the fourth floor drawing room of the arohitee- tural building, Lorne E. Marshall, '31A, president of the organizatia, announced yesterday. Those in the literary school are especially urged to be present, he added. The class, as usual, will be in- structed by A. M. Valerio, of the art faculty, at the fourth meeting tbi1 year. The regular meetings of the club, which alternate with the life class- es, will recommence on Wednesday, Jan. 14, in the League where Prof. Jean Paul Slusser, head ofthe Prt faculty, will address the group on "Children's Drawings and Art." TYPEWRITER REPAIRING Al makes of machines. Our equipment and per- -,oi nc 1 are considered among :hc best in the State. The result of twenty years' careful building. 0. D. MORRILL 314 So th State St. Phone 6615 "Run the jitneys fthestreets, stormed the9%i/ IIk~ - -~ "Missichigan" Who W41,11 She Belu Our Beauty Judges- The Dope, he Duve, The Greek, and the Cnit SEE PAGE 12 OF THE ... .. r , Il#1 !I "Operate buses yourself; do it better than the wildcat independents," fired back the Editor of Electric Railway Journal . . and announced a new publication, 13us Transportction, to hel p develop that 'nfai industry. Quickly a powerful association of street railway men rose up in arms . . . roundly condemned the editor, his new "bus journal" and its publishers. What happened? Bis Transporttion swiftiy proved the Editor right . . . showed the place of the motor bus in modern car portation . . . until today pra'Wca y ov ry electric railway operates buses in con- junction with its street car lines. Sound knowledge of the facts, ability to 1-ok ahead clearly, courage to tell a whole industry when it is in error-these quali- ties are characteristic of McGraw-Hill Editors. That's why industry and business value these publications so highly. That's why the McGraw-Hill paper, which covers the field you expect to enter, will help you get ready for your first job. Copies of all McGraw-Hill publications a . . o ud be . . . in your college lib rary. Business me n industrialists mda ecgin;ers-)6f0,C o the'n- 'eguiarly read the McGraw-Hill Publications. More than 3,010,000 us: kGra.H.i books and magazines in their business. ;ill