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January 08, 1931 - Image 1

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VOL XLI. No. 73


Three Members of Faculty Hope
to Make Natural History
ak a Collection. ."
Harvard College of Tropical 1
Medicine to Examine.
Maya Natives.
Permission has been granted by
the Guatemalan government to col-
aect and bring back to the Univer-
sity specimens of natural history,
Dr. Frederick M. Gaige, director of
the museum of zoology stated yes-
Three members of the faculty will,
sail Jan. 23 from New Oleans for
Belize in the British Honduras,j
where they will arrive three days Associated Press Photo
later. After meeting a party from
the Carnegie institution of Wash- Rev. Charies E. Coughlin,
ington, they will do some collecting Detroit pastor, whose talks on un-
along the coast for a short time, employment over the radio, have
and then go up the Belize river by been criticized as "infiamatory." He
launch to the Guatemalan border, states that he plans to "go to the
where a mule-train will be waiting heart of the trouble."
for a 55-mile trip to Uavactun, the
scene of the ruins of the oldest
known city in the Mayan empire,
and the location of the main in-U
Will Make Sociology Study.
Men representing the University I
are Dr. Josselyn Van Tyne, who will IW6
collect birds, Dr. Adolph Murie, who
will collect mammals, and Harley Bell Appoints Special Committee
H. Bartlett, who will gather plants. to Study Systems Used
They will conduct the biological in-C
vestigations as part of a detailed in -ther Colleges.
survey of the Mayan area, which
will probably extend over a period Plans for reorganization of the
of 20 years. A medical survey of the student council were considered by
area is being undertaken by the the student governing body at its
Harvard school of tropical medi- meeting last night. A committee of
cine, while a study of more thanp t
2,500,000 living Mayas will be un- four was appointed by Merton J.
dertaken by the sociology depart- Nell, '30, president of the council to
ment of the University of Chicago. investigate some of the student
The research work of all threez- governing systems in use in differ-
versities will center about the a"d-d
chaeological investigations of theet colleges and draw up a proos-
Carnegie Institution of Washington, ed scheme for reorganization.
which has had a party excavating Those named to the special com-
in Guatemala for the past five mittee are: Henry Merry, '30, man-
years. aging editor of The Daily; Bruce

Woods Sees Federal Relief Fund
of Two Billions for
Public Works.
Hoover Chairman Hits Industry
for Failing to Aid Four
Million Workless.

(By Associated Press)I
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-A $2,-1
500,000,000 nati(Inal public works
program was depicted today by
Chairman Woods of the president'E
employment committee as a partial
balm for the more than 4,000,000
Thomas H. MacDonald, chief of
the bureau of public roads, appear-
ing before the Senate appropria-
tions committee soon after Woods,
said the federal aid road construc-
tion program alone would give jobs
to an additional 100,000 men during
this year.
Cites Poor Conditions.
Woods estimated the unemployed
at between 4,000,000 and 5,000,000
persons and said about $1,000,000,-
000 of the public works program
was now very close to the "pick
and shovel stage" and his com-
mittee was lending its aid to get-
ting the work going. He urged Con-
gress "to cut the red tape" involv-
ing the federal projects.
Woods praised the "overwhelm-
ing spirit of co-operation" in the
nation but described the extent of
unemployment as "not speaking
well for industry." He said unem-
ployment had been increasing and
that he believed the lowest level
would be reached this month and

Kaiser's Kin Takes
Position as Waiter
(Br Associa ted Pre ss)
LUXEMBOURG, Jan. 7-Zoub-
koff, the Russian dancer who
married the former Kaiser's late
sister, has taken a fob as a wait-
er, permitting his employer to
advertise, "Here you are attend-
ed by the Kaiser's brother-in-
law." This displeased persons in-
terested in maintaining t h e
Kaiser's dignity and Zoubkoff
received a visit from the Count-
ess von Spaht, accompanied by
his own mother.
The women remonstrated with
him and when he remained ob-
durate they left after giving him
the address of a "nice, quiet
home" where they advised him
to go for a rest.
Zoubkoff looked up the address
and found it to be that of an
insane asylum.
Republic Expresses Gratitude
for Valiant Marne Victor
in National Funeral.
(Br Associated Press)
PARIS, Jan. 7.-France, in a final
tribute of love and respect to the
"saviour" of Paris, gave Marshal
Joffre today a national funeral
which in its grandeur reminded of
that "day of ashes" when the body,
of Napoleon Bonaparte was broughtI

Evidence Gathered by Gill, Bues,
Clear Given to Officials
ofFranklin County.
Inmates Convicted of Starting
Fire to Escape Prison
to Get Death Chair.
(F6, Asseriated Press,
COLUMBUS, Jan. 7.-The Ohio
penitentiary fire last Easter Mon-
day in which 320 convicts perished
probably will be investigated by the
Franklin county grand jury, it be-
came known tonight.
State Fire Marshal Ray R. Gill,
a his special investigator, Joseph D.
Clear, and Prosecuting Attorney Don
R. Hoskins and Assistant Franklin1
Rubrecht, conferred late today on
the prison fire and it was said in
official circles that the grand jury
would consider the matter.
Gather Evidence.f
All the evidence gathered by Gill,
Clear and F. Byrne Bues of the!
fire marshal's office, during the past
several months, was unfolded to the
county officials.
Although none of the officials to-
night were able to forecast indict-
ments they admitted that anew
inquiry was about to begin based
on the large file of evidence col-
lected by the fire marshal's office
both inside and outside of the pri-

Wilbur M. Brucker,
New governor of Michigan, who
will deliver his first message be-
fore the legislature today, outlin-
ing the policies to be pursued by
the administration. Former Gover-
nor Green is to present his exaug-
Ural talk today also.
McBurney Will Review Possible
Supervision at Open
Forum Today.
James H. McBurney, of the speech
department, will lead the University
open forum at 4:15 o'clock today in I
Room D, Alumni Memorial hall.
His topic for discussion will be
"Supervision of non-Curricula Ac-
The lecture will reveal the results
of reports from more than 250 col-
leges and universities in the coun-
try who answered questionnaires
sent out by McBurney last month.
Several weeks were consumed in
preparing the questions ,dealing
with nine viewpoints of adminis-
trative supervision of student activ-
ity and social life, after which
more than a month was necessary
to compile the answers.
Such subjects as regulations of
fraternity rushing, supervision of
campus liquor problems, smoking
permissions for men and women,
and scholastic requirements for
participation in activities form the
basis of the information. Special
attention will be given to the, re-
ports of Big 10 schools and uni-
versities of the East.
Alice Mills Will Give
Reading Here Tonight
Mrs. Alice Mills, noted actress and
speech educator, will give a dra-
matic reading of Euripedes' play,
"Trojan Women," at 8 o'clock to-
night in the Laboratory theater.
She has recently concluded her
appearance in the role of Lady
Macbeth in a Hollywood L i t t 1 e
I Theater and is now making a tour
of the larger midwestern univer-

Brucker to Cite Stand
on State Issues in
Message Today.
Differences of Opinion
May be Revealed in
Two Addresses.
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, Jan. 7.-The views
of the governor who is new to
the responsibilities of the office
and those of an executive who
stepped from power only a few
days ago will be laid before the
legislature Thursday. Differences
of opinion relative to state affairs
may be revealed.
For the first time in 10 years
or more exaugural and inaugural
messages will be presented on the
same legislative program. Former
Governor Fred W. Green plans to
come from his home in Ionia to
submit his recommendations. Fol-
lowing him Governor Wilbur B.
Brucker will read the message he
hopes will establish guide posts for
administration friends in the legis-
lature to follow.
Green Supports Tax.
With the organization of both
the senate and house completed
and with the membership duly
sworn in, the attention of the leg-
islators was directed exclusively to-
ward the coming executive utter-
ances. The possibility that there
may be divergence in the ideas of
the old and new executives added
spice to their speculations.
Former Governor Green is an
avowed advocate of a state income
tax to relieve or reduce propyrty
taxation. His successor has m?,de
no definite pronouncement, an it
is believed that in his message he
may do little more than skirt the
Brucker's Speech Prepared.
On these, and many other issues,
the two may go their individual
ways. Green said Wednesday night
he had not yet completed his fare-
well message, but would have it
finished in time for submission.
Governor Brucker has his message
prepared. He indicated it will treat
a host of subjects. That he will re-
iterate his demands for economy in
appropriations, for reduced pay-
rolls where possible and for avoid-
ance of the creation of new de-
partments to add to state expense
there appeared no doubt. Because
of his interest in crime legislation
and crime prevention he may of-
fer recommendations along these
American Writer Dies of Wounds
Received from Stray Bullets
in Native Uprising.
(By Associated Press)



Sees No Immediate Relief.

Is Unknown District. Palmer, '30, business manager of
The Peten district, in which Uax- 1 the Gargoyle; Albert Donahue, '30,
actun is located, is practically un- president of the Union; and Ed-
known biologically, Dr. Gaige stat- ward McCormick, '31. Bell will,
ed. Particular significance is at- serve as ex-officio member of the
tached to the composition o its committee.
fauna, some of which the Univer- Other council business transacted
sity investigators hope to solve. included discussion of the report
The expedition has been made made by Bell of the National Stud-
possible by a grant from the Fac- ent Federation of America conven-
ulty Research fund of the Univer- tion held in Atlanta during the I
sity and by the cooperation of the holidays, and of the partial report
Carnegie institution in Washington. of the auditing committee on the
It marks the beginning of the most; financial outcome of the Sopho- i
extended and important project the more Prom.
museum has undertaken. Impetus for consideration off
lsome plan of reorganization came
_ _-from the council in an -attempt to
Itt discover a more satisfactory way of
Sau In expressing student opinion to Uni-
versity authorities.
January 6, 1931. I --- ----
(By Assvciated Press)

"My feeling," he said in a response
to questions "is that it is not apta
to improve until spring comes. The
important thing is not to count
the unemployed but to do some-
thing for them. It is an intolerable
situation and one entirely foreign
to our ideals where men through
no fault of their own can find no
work. Our aim is to assist the local-
ities-to act as a clearing house."
gram for federal aid road work
calls for the expenditure of $437,-1
500,000 of which the national gov-
ernment would give $293,500,000 and
the state governments $144,000,000.
'Trade Wind' Safely Completes
Flight to Bermudas on
Way to Paris.
(Bv Associated Press)
HAMILTON, Bermuda, Jan. 17.-
The white monoplane, Trade Wind,
washed by rain that was driven be-
( fore a strong northwest wind, sped
j down out of gray skies to a safe
landing in _ Ha p.ilton harbor this
It thus conpleted the first leg of
a pay-load flight from Norfolk, Va.,
to Paris.
Mrs. Hart and her navigator,
Lieutenant William S. MacLaren,
appearing fresh and untired after
their long journey, stepped into a
waiting motor boat and proceeded
to a hotel where they were greeted
by a large crowd that had scanned
the skies for their arrival.

back from St. Helena. I Law Provides Death Penalty.
Tonight the body of the vaiiant This was the first combined ac-
victor of the Marne lay, like that tion of the state and county and
of Napoleon, under the great dome was taken by officials as indicating
of the Invalides, in a diffused sa- that the matter might be presented
crist th tInv chapel of St. Louis.' when the next grand jury convenes
cristy of the chplJ S.Lus next Tuesday.
dedicated to the old crusader king. Under the Ohio law should con-
It was placed there so that Madame victs be convicted of starting the
Jeffre might pray beside her sol- fire for the purpose of escape, they
dier-husband in silence. would automatically be sentenced
Some months from now the body, to the electric chair. The Ohio
will be transferred to "Chestnut statutes provide a first degree mur-
Grove," the marshal's c o u n t r y der charge in cases where lives are
home, where it will be entombed as l lost in an arson plot.
that of Washington at Mount Ver-
non. Church and state united to-
day to make the last rites of
France's loved soldier a full expres-
sion of the republic's gratitude and
respect. The thousands of Frer,h
Ipeople who filled the gray old ca- !S T TO U P N T
thedral of Notre Dame and the mil-
lion or more who lined the route of Unsuccessful Candidate Makes
the cortege from the cathedral to Protest Against Seating
the Invalides testified abundantly of Legislator.
the love that Paris bore her "papa"
Joffre. (By Associated Press)
LANSING, Jan. 7.-The first pro-1
Plans for Rebuilding test in many years against the
Plant to be Revealed seating of a member of the legis-
lature was filed today when For-
Future plans regarding recon- mer Representative Albert M. Bie-
struction of the Cavac Radio Cor- lawski, of Hamtramck, demandedI
poration plant, destroyed Monday
night by fire resulting from an ex- that his successful opponent in the
plosion and causing $60,030 loss, I general election, Representative
will probably be revealed within Walter Kanar, be denied his seat
the next few days. in the house.
Charles A. Verschoor, president iehosed
of the radio corporation, stated last Bielawski, a Democrat, filed
oihr a the copnmare petition urging the speaker of the
night that the company may re- house to appoint a committee to
build the landconcerningrumorsinvestigate his claims that Repre-
that officials planned to relocate in sentative Kanar, a Republican, has
Illinois, Verschoor replied he "would a criminal record and that the
not verify the report." United States naturalization de-
opartment had a pending charge
that Kanar's citizenship papers be
The petition charged that Kanar
was arrested on a robbery armed
IN Mg gcharge in 1924 and placed on pro-
bation last year when a jury re-1
Iturned a verdict of guilty of assaultI
Din the same case. He claimed dis-
M'IDonald Seeks Presidency of orderly arrests were made in 1920
Council; Both Unopposed and 1922 and that he had been ar-
rested 13 times since 1919.

DETROIT - Guy B. Brown, 45,
vice-president and secretary of the
Campbell-Ewald Co., advertising
agency, died at his Bloomfield Hills
home of a heart attack. Mr. Brown
was former managing editor of the
Pontiac Press and also had held a
position on the Flint Daily Journal.
FLINT-Seventeen hundred for-
mer Buick Motor Co. employees
were ordered to report to work to-
morrow, officials announced today
These men will bring the total em-
ployed of the plant to 11.775.
JACKSON - David A. Hazelton,
Michigan Central engineer, rescued
an unknown man from drowning/in !
the city mill pond here yesterday,
it became known today. The man
had broken through the ice andi
Hazelton took a board with a nail
in it and pulled him to safety. The
man left without giving his name.
LANSING - Captain Donald S.{
Leonard, has been appointed he^d{
of the state police for Detroit and
the metropolitan area, Commis-r
sioner of Public Safety Oscar Olan-
der announced today.
Prof. East Will Speak I
on 'Human Problems'

Pollock Given Place
on Elections Board
Prof. James D. Pollock, of the
political science department, was
appointed a member of a special
state election commission, head-
ed by State Senator Stevens of
Detroit, it was announced yes-
terday at the offices of the politi-
cal science department.
The commission was appointed
by Governor Wilbur M. Brucker
to study the election laws with
special reference to the recount
and repeal provisions.



W. M. Duchwitz Will
Lead Military Ball
William M. Duckwitz, '31E, has
been designated chairman of the

- :
) .

Useless Space Utilized to Add into is a matter of anticipation.
Room to President's Not only has the exterior been
i draped with a beautiful tent flap,
Office. ,but the interior of the office has
been hung during the building pro-
Mysterious poundings on the wall, cedure. On walking through the
veiled canvas draperies, dust no President's office, past the door
end, and heavily floured workmen which says "This is NOT a passage-
emerging from what used to be the way!" one finds sub rosal xwavingsl
most useless cubby-hole in Univer- of the canvas indicating activity,
sity hall all point to a drastic re- within. These wavings and move-
modeling job which is being done ments smack temptingly of slap-
this week in order to make avail- stick, but if one will refrain from
able the necessary space for an emulating Charlie Chaplin, it is
addition to President Grant Ruth- possible to detect sawings, chip-
ven's office. pings, and plasterings which merely
Curiosity has prompted several substantiate the over-mentioned

Military Ball, Major Basil D. E- PANAMA CITY, Jan. 7.-Hartwell
wards announced yesterday.
Duckwitz is president of Tau Pi F Ayres, American newspaperman
Tau Sigma, honorary Signal Corps who was wounded by stray bullets
fraternity and received his com- last Friday in the fighting which
mission as second Lieutenant in the established a new government in
Reserve Officers Training Corps Panama, died today at the Gorgas
last June. hospital.
This year's Military Ball will be Death came peacefully early in
held Friday, May 1 in the Union. the morning at the end of a long
fight in which his vitality surprised
,E GIVES PLAN the doctors. Late last night Dr.
S BE UTYCON ESTHarmodio Arias, t he provisional
S BEAUTY CONTEST president, came to the hospital to
wish his friend well and to apolo-
the Daily-Michiganensian basket- gize for the pressure of affairs of
bal game gives a few of the factors state which had prevented his com-
which may enter into the final ing earlier.
score. yAvres used to work on the Annio.-

on Republican Ticket.
Official announcement was made
yesterday of the candidacy on the
Republican ticket of H. Wirt New-
kirk, 322 S. Fifth avenue, for the
position of mayor and A. L. Mc-
Donald, 1020 Woodbridge road, for
president of the common council.

1tiU U .i t,.t iV u AiavN wra+ vv rv+v


Names, Pictures of Judges
be Published Today;
Poem Featured.


;Both men will enter the uists for -
their positions in the March pri- A beaut contest has been in- "A Liberal Education," a poem by
mary elections unopposed for the AgutyctesGasyeendinh Robert L. Sloss, '33L, and Sherwood
Republican nomination. plarated by the Gargoyle and the Ake, '32L, illustrated by Richard
A former judge of probate, and plans for the competition are an- Breuhl, '32, tells the story of four'
at present alderman from the first nhemgahe whuah g en le women who begin their college
ward, Newkirk has been active in the magazine which goes on sale training by entering "Jordan hall"
the politics of Michigan for nearlyt. and records the interesting experi-
40 years. He was elected to mem- A committee of four judges has ences of the quartet as they pro-
bership He wa elec _ been named and their pictures, tak- ceed through school.
tion of November 1930. en from the identification cards, are Cartoons for the issue are done

ton Star of Anniston, Ala., which
is published by his brother, Col.
Harry M. Ayres, then for more than
a year he was in the Atlanta bur-
eau of the Associated Press.
Union Committeemen
Approve New Budget
lnim t o~o - nrr i7i-rw

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