W-"w ESTABLISHED 1890 Sys f: , r a il "ii MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS x EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVE RSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL XLI. No. 72 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS LEGISLA IVE [}10|DYEINSTEIN AWAITS UCISI. \EXPERT S' EXP Noted Scientist's Theories May be Shattered With Report FOR FIRST SESSION' on Three Year Test. (By ssocia/ed Iress PASADENA, C fJan 6.- Time "as been seized, locked in a cell for Formner Delegate Will Protest three years, and given the third de- Incumbent's Place in I grec here. State Legislature. Twenty-five years ago Albert E- ______stein, in Berliri, concluded time was inconstant. His general principle of HOUSE MAY REMOVE HIM elativity set forth that time is not hangeless, as the world has beaen Opening Meeting to be Devoted led to believe. to Ratifying Elections, Tihe German professor said time y varies with velocity. Hearing Messages. Einstein now is here, confident time will confess to its inconstancy. (By Associated Press) 4 Dr. Roy J. Kennedy and Dr. Ed- LANSING, Jan. 6.- In caucuses ward M. Thorndike, research fel- which were precedent setting in lows in physics, are time's jailors their freedom from contest, the in a little laboratory cell at Califor- 56th -legislature organized for its nia Institute of Tefhnology. They regular session here Tuesday night, have checked its, behavior three Fred R. Ming, of Cheboygan, was years. chosen speaker of the House of rep- Einstein will bethe first one to resentatives for a second term with- learn the result of their work, for out opposition. A Detroit member, upon this experiment his space- Representative Vincent P. Dacey, time theory, the fourth dimension was named speaker pro tem. James of his principle of relativity, may Walker of Hillman, was elected ser- stand or fal, geant-at-arms. Myles F. Gray was Kennedy/years ago, assisted Dr. selected unanimously for a second Albert A. Michelson in experiments term as clerk, which proved that objects in space Senate Officers Selected. behave as Einstein calculated. Then On the Senate side, things were Kennedy and Thorndike set about just as harmonious. Senator Nor- to find, by actual measurements, man B. Horton, of Fruit Ridge, was whether time also behaves as Ein- alone in the field for president pro' stein' predicts. tem. F. Irving Chase, who was se- Kennedy explains it:I lected as secretary in an informal' Tf we are living in an Einstein caucus a month ago to succeed the uiiverse, time would change with late Dennis E. Alward, was approv- increasing velocity, just as the di- ed. Grove M. Rouse, recently de- mensions of matter change, but in- posed as head of the bus division of- the state public utilities commis,- r son, sailed through to selection ys sergeant-at-arms without adminis- tration opposition. ciay Theat1 o'egslatureckill ecastern vn ,oftme D H R Wednesday afternoon. Bielawski to Protest fIPyT~Hiar A contest, the first of its kind in Thousands Pay Joffre Homage many years, looms shortly after the in Passing Before Br session formally opens. FolmerRep-I Resting in S " te. resentative Albert M. Biklawski of __g___ amtramck annourced he will pro- ( Associated Press) test the seating of representative- PARIS, Jan. 6.-Frenchmen to- elect Walter Kanar. Bielawski, a day gazed for the last time on the Democrat, was defpated by Kanar familiar beloved features of "Papa" in the November el ction. IpI a peti- Joffre, marshal of France, hero of tion Bielawski plahs to $ibmit to the Marne and commander of the the house, Kanar is allyged to be French armies in the first two years an alien land to have a!/police rec- of the World war. ord. The house 4as te power to Sixty-five thousand persons were pass upon the qua.lifications of estimated to have filed by the cata- elected members Acording to at- falque in the chapel of Ecole Mil- torneys the house n-lay declare Bie- itaire from 9 a. . to 11 p. m. Mon- lawski elected representative if it day and it was believed that many holds Kanar is ii't a citizen. more would view the body today. If it rejects 1Kanar for other rea- There can be no extension of the sons a special /election would have time for doing homage at the dead to be called to fill the vacancy, marshal's bier beyond 9 o'clock to- The principal business of the night, for at that time the body opening session Wednesday will be will be removed to the cathedral of wo ratify the caucus selections and Notre Dame for the last requiem of to listen to messages from Speaker the church. Ming and Lieutenant-governor Lur- Wednesday at dawn it will be en D. Dickinson. A few perfunctory taken from the cathedral and in resolutions will be adopted pertain- an impressive cortege as elabora ing to organization; committee ap- as that of Marshal Foch, generalis- pointments may be announced in simo of the allied armies, nearly the Senate and adjournment will be two years ago, carried to the Arc taken until Thursday. de Triomphe, and to the Invalides - ~~~ ~ for burial not far from the tomb of Napoleon. I tns 'University Policeman Jatia 'y 6, 931. Undergoes Operation Chester "Andy" Young, the Uni- JACKSON- Charles Talbot, 57, versity's injured motor-cop, had a was found dead today, in a shoe third operation on his left leg on repair shop, a victim of his own Dec. 30, the further amputation IESULTOF TWO I [ TGAPPROACHING END ERIMENT WITH TIME [j I Gargoyle Completes OF INVESTIGATION N ~Search lfor Culture stead of shortening, time would lengthen. "If a man were riding on one oaSurvey of Fmdings to be m the projected rockets to the moon IsTf lPn Sale Tomorrow. at velocity of 161,000 miles a a - ond, his watch would shrik and, Gargoyle has completed a search assuming it would still function, for campus culture and a compre- would lose 12 hours of tim c daily, Senate Group Agizin Pr obe Lucas which shows how intimately asso- .hensive survey of the findings will -\&::2 ciated space and time really are. In Regard to Purchase of be published in the January num- "At the velocity of light 186,300. Anti-Norris Letters. ber of the magazine which will go miles per second, the watch would on sale tomorrow at the booths a- shrink to nothing and time would BORROWED FROM NUTT long the diagonal. 1 stand still. - -:::.::".::::> "Bere starting this exDeciares Nti Organization The cover for the number is plain Iwanted to find the moat reliabole ( (oa adwa on yWila Prk, -...::\~\%. watch in the world, one that would Had Nothing to do With '33. The issue also includes a full divide the ordinary second into a Efforts to Win Seat. page cartoon by Jerry Ellison, '30, million-billion-billion intervals. former editor of the magazine. .The clock finally selected con- .I Prs, Among the features of the issue . ;: r. ...,, .... sists entirely of mercury. When va-; WASHINGTON, Jan. 6-.The Sen- is a poem in which some of the as- porized the mercury atoms radiate Rte campaign funds committee dug pects of a modern college educa-. a characteristic lightpresumably deeper today into the Norris-Lucas tion are set forth under the title, in the form of waves, and the fre- chasm between the Republican na- "A Liberal Education." It was writ- quency of waves, or the time inter- tional committee and the indepen- ten by Robert Sloss, '33L, and Sher--________ val between the wave-tops, serves dents. wood Ake, '32L. The illustrations Asocate Pres Pot as well as pendulums to mark the! Robert H. Lucas, executive direc- for the poem are the work of Rich- George ckersham flow of time. Instead of ticking of tor of the committee, retold the in- ard A. Bruehl, '32. Chairman of President Hoover's sound waves in air, such a clock vcstgators that the national party, A symposium on "W h a t is law enforcement commission, who ticks off waves." sergazation had nothing to do Beauty?" is a special feature of the has almost entirely completed his with his eforts to defeat Senator number which also includes an ex- report on the present prohibition Norris in the Nebraska election. planation of the cover, a large situation after the most exhaustive Nutt to be Examined. Campus Talk section, and a num- investigation ever conducted on the Examined for the second time re- ber of selected jokes from other hu- subject Igarding the $4,000 loan be obtained mor magazines throughout t h e to-buy ant-Norris campaign letters, country. Lucas said he paid ofI the note se Jack Cutting, '32, and Alan Hand- era l dys ag by borrowing $3,500 IT AN A9IH FL E El dRNutt, tesue of ey, '32, have contributed a num- fmJspRMttr ueo Devastating Gale Sweeps Over the national committee. The first ber of cartoons to the issue. r Portions of Virginia, $500 payment was made in Decem- A forecast of the traditional HI ES IN:i fl North Carolina. he, he said, and he still owes Nutt ibasketball game between the edi- CIthe $3,500. Nutt will be examined torial staffs of The Daily and the (I?'y A ,assjcif(I P, tomorrow. 'Ensian is one of the short features Ten Giant Seaplanes Complete CHARLOTTE, N. C., Jan. 6. -Six Lucas reiterated under question- I included in the January issue. s C s persons were dead today in the ing the loan was made on his own Irans-Atlantic Crossing wake of a freakish windstorm that responsibility and with no under- Tin 17 Hours. dipped- down into two counties in standing he was to be reimbursedI JU P H1[WIE I North Carolina and one in Virginia by the national committee even I(By Associated Press) late Monday, leaving devastation in though the committee's $50,000 spe- NATAL, Brazil, Jan. 6.-Ten great I its ath civl campaign account opened for Italian seaplanes roared down into Near Ridgeway, in Warren coun_ his convenience last October by iII EI the harbor here today between 4:15 ty, North Carolina, four Negroes Nutt was pledged as security. and 4:30 o'clock (2:15 and 2:30 p.m. were crushed to death by the fal.-I Explains Action.( E.S.T), completing one of the most ing timbers of their home and ta Ihe said he executed the loan in Clark's Decision Holding 18th ambitious aviation projectstever at- fifth, a girl, was killed in the col-( the Commercial National Bank here I Amendment Invalid to be tempted. lapse of a Negro farm lifetschool. because an unsettled banking sit- I A Reviewed Co bt.Another of the 12 schedgled to Two Negroes were injured near unation in his home city of Louis- leave Bolama, Portuguese Guinea Yanceyville, Caswell county, North ville made it unwise to seek it there. ( (By Associated Press) early this -morning, was forced Carolina, where the storm first He added he did not go to two other WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-The Su- down near St. Paul Rock, off the struck, and a dozen or more were Washington banks where he had{ preme CourtCbroke a speed record Brazilian coast, and it was reported injured in the vicinity of Boydton, had personal accounts because he today to set Jan. 21 for hearing that the twelfth was unable to rise Ridgeway and Wise. had known the presidents of those oral argument on Judge Clark's de- from the west African coast as the After sweeping along for 20 miles y institutions only since he came te cision holding the p r o h i b i t i o n others took off. in Caswell county, the storm ap- I(Washington as internal revenue amendment invalid. (Official sources in Rome an- parently lifted and left two coun- commissioner last year. The court matched the record of nounced that all 12 planes began ties untouched. It struck again near- Lucas said Nutt offered to lend ; the government in filing its appeal the flight, with two forced down at Boydton and a third time near him the $3,500 as a business propo-I within two days after the decision sea and taken in charge by Italian Norlina to cut a swath six miles sition although he warned the- was rendered. war craft which lined the route long and several hundred feet wide vreasurer he might be given undue I In approximately one month aft- over the South Atlantic.) from Ridgeway to Wise. i notoriety in the press for doing so. er the widely published decision The flight of 1,875 miles was com- I - was made the controversey will pass pleted in approximately 17 hours, (V /ssrnardlCI " fr rinto the hands of the highest trib- 15 minutes for the first plane, which UNIONTOWN, Pa.,, Jan. 6. - A j II i 1 L unal for final decision. dropped down as they came in at windstorm that reached a velocity !UL LChief Justice. Hughes, when the intervals, of 102 miles an hour, according to S u p r e m e Court met today, an- They started at 2 a.m. G. M. T. United States army officers at the I nounced the appeal would be taken (9 p.m. Monday E.S.T.). While dark- Burgess emergency flying field, E E TBAC up for argument on Jan. 21 ahead ness still hung over Africa, the Ital- swept soutlhwestern. Penn sylvania I(of all other cases then awaiting ian squadron lifted anchor and towns Monday, unroofing buiidings, - - presentation. This will enable the soared out for the long flight across' uprooting trees and felling poles Sir Samuel Hoare Claims India court to render its decision before the south Atlantic. and power lines. Is Incapahle of Having the present term ends in June. The journey from Italy to Carta- Counsel for William H. Sprague gena, Spain, was delayed when the r Self-Government. and William J. Howey, whose in- machines were separated in a storm TE Nf[t, tI Li. -bdictment on charges of transporta- over the Mediterranean, but they iJ L( TNDON, Jan. 6. The round tion and possession of 50 half-bar- were reunited and flew in succes- table conference on the future of rels of beer resulted in Judge Clark's sive stages to Kenitra, French Mor- India received two serious set-backs ruling, sought to have the argu- occo, Villa Cisneros farther down C 6,H OSE[N I Y SO I ElY today but Premier Ramsay Mac- Iment postponed until April 15. the West African Coast, and finally Donald told the delegates they Solicitor General Thacher had to Bolama. must not deslpair.contended the appeal presented no The seaplanes are to be sold to Students Prominent in Campus - Sir Samuel Hoare. spokesman for new questions and that the Su-; the Brazilian government. Dramatic Work Named for the Conservative party, said he was preme Court already had passed on Mdimes Membership. doubtful of the wisdom of the work the questions raised by Judge Freshmen to ContiLnue being- done here because none of Clark's decision. He announced the Ten students all of whom have the conditions for resonsibile gov- government was ready to argue the Classifying All Week ben prominents, ampuwhm da -crnment existed in India. appeal as soon as the court could been prominent in campus dramatic Hardly had the perturbation that take it up. Classification for freshmen in the PROMPT ACTION FOR POSTOFFICE CASE PROMISED Mitchell Believes Facts Will Reach Grand Jury Shortly. 4 MEN INVOLVED Investigation Is Started by Watson and Robinson. (BV Associaed Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. - Swift action was promised by the justice department today on the charges that an Indiana member of Congress had accepted money from four postmasters to obtain their appointments. Attorney General Mitchell said the facts as submitted by the postoffice department were now in the hands of the criminal divi- sir on, and thifthe normal course were followed they would be for- warded shortly to the United States Attorney at Indianapolis to be laid before a grand jury. Remains Unnamed. The congressman involved re- mained officially unnamed. All four postmasters lived in the district of Representative Rowbottom, defeat- ed by a Democratic opponent in the November elections, but neither Mitchell or officials of the criminal division would say he was impli- cated, Initial investigation in the case was instituted at the request of Senators Watson and Robinn, of Indiana, and resulted in the dis- patch of five postoflce- inspectors Into Rowbottom's district. Within ten days the inquiry turned up what the postoflice departnent termed "evidence so conclusive in its character that these postmasters were dismissed." Facts Just Received. The attorney general said full facts in the case had been received by the justice department only this morning and that it was too early to determine whether federal agents should be sent for additional evi- dence. The district attorney at In- dianapolis, George R. Jeffrey, he said, has such agents at his com- mand if further information is needed. Mitchell frowned upon the sug- gestion made earlier in the day that a special prosecuting attorney handle the case. It had been point- ed out that the local prosecuting attorney was in one sense a politi- cal appointee, and that he might be relieved of possible embarrassment if a special prosecutor should later be sent out. The attorney general indicated none would be sent unless a request was made. SANiNOCLAIFIES Complete Withdrawal of Marines Insisted Upon by Central American Insurgents. (By Associated Press) MEXICO CITY, Jan. 6.-Repre- sentatives of Augustino Sandino, Nicaraguan insurgent chief, today made public -a letter from Sandino, said to have been written at his headquarters, El Chipoton, and. smuggled into Mexico by way of San Salvador, in which he says: "In order to save Nicaragua it is necessary to destroy it. "We have sent final orders to burn the cities of our republic, be- cause if the invading assassin, des- troying our national autonomy, is going to rob us ofnour homeland, at least he will have to rebuild it over the ashes of our bodies. Jose Constantino Gonzales, who calls himself secretary in Mexico to Sandino, also made public a telegram which he said had been sent to Senators King and Borah in Washington. The telegram said: "Withdrawal of marines should be last act of the twenty years long drama of intervention of Nicara- 1 t / ' hand. He nad detached a rubber being necessary when the previous work, were honored yesterday byI followed his pronouncement died hose leading to a gas stove. It 1s one had failed to heal. Yesterday, election to Mimes, honorary campus down than Indian delegates an-, believed despondency over ill health1 Andy was resting easier and was dramatic organization. F ranklin M. nucdta hyhdfaild tH- caused his suicide. thought to be out of immediate Reck, assistant editor of the Amr~ break the long-existing deadlock danger. Hospital reports stated that ican Boy, was chosen an honorary over Hindu and Moslem electoral LANSING -- It was announced he would be released within a few 'member, at the time. claims. La-sing automobile show in two ; Young, injured in a motor crash, liam Tippy, '31E; Frederick Danzi- ad the remark that no great ca-L yefxrs are almost completed. The; was given a new artificial leg by ger, '32; Gurney Williams, '31; lamity had happened and that this show will be held January 13-17. student subscription on the campus. Thomas Roden, '31; Emerson Stiles, conference, like a other great Embossed Writing Portfolios to Just how long it will be before he '31; Whitney Dixon, '31; Malcolm ones, must have an eleventh hour b JACKSON-James Grant, 34, suf- will be able to use the new leg is McCort, '31; Eric Wild, '32SM, MbarI one mn;is a Uelvn.hub noinSewo 3 hen all looks black. I eGvn iktSl fered a possible fracture of the not known, although he hopes to ion Sherwood, '31, and Robert Mon- The communal differences, he Continues at Union. skull last night when he was struck be fitted for it before the end of I tague, '32. said, must be settled by the Indians . by an automobile driven by L. B. the semester. The third amputation All the new members 'ad pr-m-; themselves, and he was applauded J Hisplay of the favors for the 1932 Watkins. cut his injured member off just mnt parts in the stagig o te when he added that the British s~app below the knee joint. Mimes All-Campus revue, "Aw government wulll put no obstacles Intramural building, will be made DETROIT -Bud Blum, one-time Nut," early in December. Danzger nh y ofi stm . the window of a State street secretary for Former Mayor Charles Def t F d Look a part in "Emneror Jones,' stoe late this afternoon, the corn- Bowles who was recalled last sum- 0E' O oan Stiles was L mnmber of last year's !! mittee announced last night. nrier, today obtained nominating pe- itns or te nominatin o - hs Plan Believed Certain opera, "Nerrie-Go-Round," Dixonf orger Signs Checks; Writing portfolios, measuring 9 antions for the nomination of his was in "Ten Nights in A Barrocm" Pen Between Molars by 13 inches, of a composition ma- former chief for candidacy to a (By Associated Press) and "The Road to Rome," and --- terial of rubber, lacquer, and fiber, recorder's court judgeship. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-Without Montague was a member of "M;r- " ""sa n thPm resembling tooled leather, will be losing a bit of time, the senate and eGoRoundChicago, Jan. 6.-The charge was given as favors this year. The port- BAY CITY -Lyle Inglis, 16, of house today had got themselves in- The initiation banquet will be u rorguray.' folios will contain 24 sheets and 24 Fairgrove, near here, died last night to conflict ,again. held n e Uion w"ut, your Honor," said Frank envelopes of white crushed bond a victim of monoxide poisoning. A conference was in prospect to _;Grissmayer today, "I have two ar- paper, and will be embossed in gold The youth died soon after the only arrange differences between the ~ ~Itificial hands and can't- write." leaf with the University seal andi tank of oxvgen available had been two on the drought relief appropri- Women Fliers Surpass i -Hmm-m-m," mn u r i u r e d the the caption, Junior Hop 1932. Burr, literary college, music school, and. education school will continue this week, Prof. Daniel Rich announced- yesterday. Upperclass and sopho-j more schedule-making has been suspended until the end of this week. Freshmen whose last initials fall; between I and M will classify to- day. Those between N and S are scheduled tomorrow, while the re- mainder, from T to Z, will register for the second semester on Friday. . All students whose schedules arel not made out by the end of thisl week will be given an opportunity1 to complete them after the end of the regular freshmen classification, period. To date, a great majority of the schedules for the second se-{ mester have been completed, and, more than 90 per cent are contem-' plated by the end of the month. Storm Wreaks Havoc in Phillipine Islands (By Associated Press) MANILA, Jan. 6,- Reports indi-