TUESDA'Y, JANUARY 6, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG=E SEVN st s VARSTY PCKMEPURDUE INVADESCDAJ[ MaizeC A 1 adIRIe u qjengli SiI/' -2 I Y"i I~I 1 . ( J~ ' dS Lhe UR -^- S Williamson Replaces RSAw at Guard Post Li~i, ih-Ljay gamles Dan1-E '_d t-dWess showed best for shej Wolverines, both appearing to have jFound their scoring eyes. T h e i r both llie nub:Ot&i buy Wvriliatier £ , of iootball fame., at one of the guard posts.' k i ' U 2' ~N iY M '/\I'LR GOL s _:j{'.'1 _\E "t Z Ri 1S. .OR t Reid and Crossman {outstanding as Wolverines Outscore Canadian Sextet. (Continued from page G) played a nice gamle for the woiv-I erines. Although the visitors showed flashes of form anti a group of fast skaters, their defense w4;as en- tirely inadequate to stop C.bri- liarL eforts of the irieigai for- ward line. At the sate time their for wards had difficulty in breaking through the strong comic: atiuri 01 Williams, x=rouse and T'onlpkins, who all played well on tide defense for the Varsity. Michigan's first score came after only two minutes and os seconds I of play. Enemy Reid carried thre pucK down the side of the ice, passed to Crossrnian directly ine wront of the goal mouth, anu. the Varsity center rifled the snot home. No .further scores carne until late in the pcriod, when *the situation was directly reversed, and Cross- man passed to ied, who scored the goal from a position only a few feet to the lef t of the net. Ontario Aggies score~d their only goal a little Tess than riIve rniiite: after the start of the second ses- sion. Scollie and Bob henry moth managed to break througn the Wolverine defense at, the same tuine, and hotween themn ha goalie J, R1 Tompkins at tneir iniemc'y. aptollic pocketed the goal, while lienry wa s credited with the assist. Less than a minute later 1lc eid circled 'the Aggies' defense to feinlt Hague out 01 position and but1 ed the twine witri the shot. Within the next minute and a quarter things haplpenred s wifl y o Michigan. Ontario's defense see to go all to pieces; as eid aai circled the defense and sent an- other shot home. About a hAlf minute later Crossmnan sent one whistling past Hague from directly in front of the goal, while leass than a minute after that Crossman repeated after taking a short pass .from Reid in front of the net. tlINET7PS Michigan P'os. Ont. Agga ,ii Tompkins .... G .......Hague Williams....... LD...... S. Henry Prouse....... RD ........Sm ii t Grossman .....C .......... Scollie Reid...........W .. .. Thompson Courtis ........ RW... ... B. Henry Spares: Michigan .-- Schlanderer, _Hildner, Sindles. 0. A. C._ _Stoddart, (Continued From Page 6) ,,w R_ ui.. I to shape major compestition, anid the invadl- e VrnaSede ers wxilfu'r iish that opG'tion O night. Een though Purdue los t This Week. ,_.ohy lrinectiLndoots, -at~h Oa V~ ~ ue they still Rc ur Air u<. il -. .., WolverineWeir i t c Ei C= O IAseason as an Gop;eer or h nas oen Aflin t sche:dule. Next Saturday T t I facerd u othe tir'applers from Wesrt t~o ~ars iodgila on an eight bout card d t moltid atc will be one of the best meets Gol ttack eld in the Field House. ~ e ~rs aoundhis Back in 1929 when the Mich ~ P ~acuar duJ ratmen were flooring tiheo IJLin and shaoot- 7ng.s u'ds in the Big Ten with casf no, boys from W. V. came to Ann!A tut the line-u' p and gave the Wolves the only agan~tthe£~t;-feat of the season with thef ~' ltugi t~u~iorec of 14 to 12, thus the U ye, heLoilermakers r\VCJ. next Saturday will take on thez down on the short end of :. 22-2.1hat f, , lirPfo tAvl- With .d if h O st b 1 S t cnKellar is a ciever forward,3C7xvho wll have to be watched closely or lae will. ca-,use some trouble f or Michigan tonight. The re riiinder of the Purdtticline- up, Eddy, Stewart, anld arl- enter is cc mposed of new ?.n i who also nave yet to be proven in Cbnfer- ence omipetition. Coach Veenker tiii make but one nagein th e l.A1'""-noJhe has A f~NHO the strength and speed that two squads can muster. ' Coach Keen has most of hist 'jartists in good conditioon and the end of the week they sh b- at the top of their form.I cations5 now show that eit~her wat, or Youngman will start the Wolves in the 115 pound wnhile there is a choice of eithe, dinger, Cortez or Bennett in 125 division since Otto the red= in this class is m ecoverine fro 0ee Wee?. will bat tle ti~ ee L ,,daker and re'-n =;f f;~': or t'le 1(35 1)',1a anid I~ will proba bly light at iii ess Dougovitc is shoived. inLt lit'division. Stodard is: <4 'c1 thie 175 round bourt unlessC u,,er ._ i. u ry prevents him delndngthe heavyweight ho, ii- whiccse Sto da ret will tak+ 01 i, :e',Yd Dougovito will figi 1 75. P.o f gu ardl in placve of bS7v Wesloyano, -and di~d snai a gocd fo of_ it that he hta czarried a a1cguh _ o oefo the team-. Lne Wess t ale ading 'scot evrsfor Co ac l tf >krso far this year Will stagy, that ever 1'i- u ' b 1 .' M r ,' cci>~ 9 ay,~ . ., Sarp cr.~Turs y, 9A. M, Shrp .. _-Yi;.. Ladi $ .,:ie il: [ N .00 y..oPure Thread- ,i .."53 -,'tte ... ,. . . V, and yy' . . :Z ... *1h: St CVoo1.i.t .:_. . ^Q send- lL_. i h all -- wth ; fr Nw 'C c; v g, 11(0; net seconds, not old colors, not cl> ~e n, hxere is the areaxtesti value ever o'. eredt at c p~che. 7 eas! nvw colors, allI fresh2 stock, tn, ! n aeyuee r Al ~ ny aleyoueve atendd. eal50cquaity ~ gh:a a '1.P an-and every r sill.and wool socks, n1ot old' colors lnot o ld stock. a . u ,s l z kbeon al .tra Eey pair front cur regular stock of 50c values. sale ar 9m a. ing*:c. Thursday the sec- f We 'Make this offer in order to get you to come on ayo Viga..0h nivray ae )'I2 i 'his secat sale , w cdmneearlyto look around W ;eoik-to t ' J ,r! '; ', w f C Jo _ .. r Yj.!, i _' i ' + of f, /O Olf ON FANCY SHITS WOOL HOSE PAJAMAS SCARFS DRESSING GOWNS SWEATERS BLUE PEA JACKETS LEATHER COATS LINED GLOVES $10.00 Shoes Now $8.5 $8.5 i0 Shoes Now $7.45 AT C AL r a a U A TA" aIs m _- - _" -Is.- - -