ESTABLISHED 1890 LXA , ti tij :* .M 1 w + ' ^S ' , % T ; , MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL XLI. No. 71 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS $65,000 FIRE 0% IR AV AMORIk AAV Arm A RAD I ez,, SERE SENATORS ATTEMPT TO INCREASE FUNDS Or RELIEFPROGRAM Caraway Proposes 15 Million Food Loans to Aid Western Farmers. HOUSE LEADER OBJECTS Appropriation Chairman Says Change Would Cause i Indefinite Delay. (By Associated Press) HUGE MEDALLIONS, DECORATE CEIL Workmen to Use Unique Means in Constructing High Vaults of Room. Construction and decoration of the ceiling over the high arched reading room of the law library is 'the task confronting the crafts- men at the present time as the work progresses steadily on the new building. Unique methods are being used in this work. The medallions and rosettes which will decorate the 1®11711 1 Rnnr nfrnor ROSETTES WILL JG OF LAW LIBRARY high ceiling are being cast in three- feet-square blocks and then raised to their places in the ceiling. A great deal of hand carving work is required in the work. When com- pleted, it will be similiar, though on a much larger scale, to some of the ceiling work in the Lawyers' club. When the plaster work is com- pleted, it will be tinted, chiefly in red, brown, and gold. The ceiling will be rather dark and no attempt will be made to use it in the artifi- cial lighting plan which will be largely taken care of by table and floor lamps. The glazing in the building has been completed and most of the plastering done. The concrete floors throughout the structure have been entirely poured and some of the woodwork has been added. SH C1 A.T1H SPU 1_q R M, B UNE , PECHi 'PLAN TO AUGMENT, 'PROHIBITION FRCE! RBEACHES CONGRESSI JOFFRE RECEIVES jNATION'S HONOR j F L A ME F: kL NGEPLSO L CD.[ DEMOLISH PLANT: 0 PR~I LOSE EMPLOYMENT 1130 New Would lim Federal Dry. be Pressed 3 mediate Service. Agents Into WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. - Presi- I dent Hoover's emergency relief pro-M gram encountered new difficulties in the Senate today when $15,000,- Auditor General Reports Deficit 000 for food loans was added to the in Treasury to be $45,000,000 drought relief appropri- 7,000,000. ations. The measure carrying the emer- (r, Associated Press) gency appropriation was returned ANSING Jan 5-As the ad- to the House where Representative!ANSIGd.Tanw-Aswhlad- Tilson, of Connecticut, the Repub- rvance guard of a new legislature lican floor leader, announced he' arrived in Lansing today a report' would stand against the funds for was issued by O. B. Fuller, auditor loans for food which the adminis- general, showing the state ended tration contends is beyond the the calendar year more than $7,- provincotenfderalsgoe nt000,000 in the red. The general province of the federal government. fund alone was more than $6,000,- Uprising Cited. ; nn hnrt Extra - Curricular Activities in The uprising of hungry Arkansasj farmers who stormed the town of England demanding food last Sat- urday, was called to the attention of the Senate by Senator Caraway, Democrat, Arkansas, in urging the additional $15,000,000. It was ap- proved without a record vote over the protest of Chairman Jones, of the appropriations committee, that a revival of this controversy meant indefinitt delay in getting the ap- propriation to the farmers. Tomorrow the Senate appropri- ations committee will begin its own inquiry into the unemployment and] drought situations. John Barton Payne, chairman of the Red Cross, will be the first witness. Adminis- tration leaders contend the Red Cross and other organizations should relieve human distress. Amendment Accepted. The Senate also accepted without debate or roll call an amendment by Senator Black, Democrat, Ala- bama, providing thrY the loan allowed under the drought relief bill be extended to farmers without regard to county boundaries or geo- graphical restrictions. The House once before rejected' the Senate's proposal for $60,000,- 000, for drought relief with the pro- vision that $15,000,000 be available for food loans. SAVA9NNAH STEAM ERA SINKS ARMY BARGE Dredge 'Raritan' Is Rammed ;n New York Harbor; Boat Rescues Crew. (By Associae dPress) NEW YORK, Jan. 5.-In an early morning haze that hung over the! entrance to New York's harbor, the United States army dredge' was sunk today by the Savannah liner City of Moitgomery. The army I boat went down in 11 minutes, but the 57 officers and men aboard were saved. The loss of the Raritan was esti- mated at $191,000 but army officials said she would cost $1,000,000 to re- place. The liner's bow was deeply dented at the water line, but she able to make her pier unassisted. Captain John Peterson, comman- der of the dredge, was slightly in- j ured. The fact that no lives were lost probably was due to the timely warning given by Samuel S. Watts, of Southport, N. C., third mate of the Raritan. He was on the bridge and when he saw a collisionbwas inevitable he ordered the boats manned. Fifty-two men of the crew put over the side in life boats and were picked up by the New York Central The pockets of the early legisla- tive arrivals bulged with bills, many of them relating to the governmen- tal financing. Inasmuch as the state accounting division blames the deficit in state funds upon the inability of taxpayers to pay, pro- posed measures designed to slash tax expenses in not only the state government but in political sub- divisions were contemplated. Whether the-usual deficiency ap- propriation could cover outstand- ing state obligations will be sought by Governor Wilbur M. Brucker will, not be definitely revealed until he delivers his message to the legisla- ture Thursday. He has pledged himself to ask the legislature to hold appropriations to a minimum. He alsos will seek to relieve the burden on taxpayers by expanding the property tax system to include personal property which in many cases now escape taxation. Forsythe Re-Elected Student Health Head Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the University Health Service, was for the second time elected president of the American Student Health association at its eleventh annual conference in New York city Dec. 29 and 30. More than 100 health officials from many colleges throughout the country attended. Dr. John Sundwall, Dr. Margaret Bell, Dr. Helene E. Schutz and Dr. Forsythe comprised the Michigan delegation. The maintenance of health as one of the greatest factors in the development of the student, was the general topic for discussion at the convention. American Colleges to be Topic of Speech, "Supervision of Non-Curricular Activities" in 250 colleges and uni- versities of the United States will serve as the topic for the Univer- sity lecture to be given at 4:15 Thursday in Room D, Alumni Mem- orial hall by James H. McBurney of the University Speech depart-, ment. The lecture, and open forum that will follow, is being sponsored by the Student Christian associa- tion under the chairmanship of William Kearns, '32. Mr. McBurney's talk will reveal the reports received from more than one-half of all the universi- ties and colleges in the country who received questionnaires sent last month to their respective deans of students. Having as his objective the determination of administra- tive control of student activity and social life, and evaluation of stu- dent attempt to regulate their ownI school life, Mr. McBurney will an- swer his own questionnaire with answers received from the various colleges, especially comparing the reports'from Big 10 universities and mentioning peculiarities of admin- istration in various schools. The inquiry into the extent and character of supervision of under- graduates in certain of their non- curricula activities embraced such topics as regulation of fraternities and sororities, student self-govern- ment, housing supervision, scholas- tic requirements for participation in activities, and supervision of the student's personal habits. Ques- tions touched upon university rec- ognition of student responsibility at their own parties, upon deferred fraternity rushing, upon the possi- bility of official discipline to stu- dents indulging in intoxicating liq- li-uors. WOODCOCK MAKES PLEA Hearing on New Jersey Decision Postponed to April by Supreme Court. (3vAssoc'ated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 5.-A move to press 130 new federal dry agents into immediate service reached the floor of the House today, while Supreme Court, a short distance away, was entertaining a petition!I that it postpone until April 15its! hearing of the New Jersey decision holding the Eighteenth Amendment invalid. A little later the motion of Soli- citor General Thacher that the widely-publicized ruling of Federal Judge Clark be given the earliest possible hearing also was filed with the court. Answer Deferred. Although the high tribunal de- 'erred its answer to the conflicting pleas, probably until next Monday, it did move to settle a long stand- ing minor prohibition controversy. It ruled illegal the federal dry raid upon the offices of the Go-Bart imprting Company of New York, in June 1929. Prohibition Director Woodcock's request for additional dry agents to put to work before July 1, was, contained in the first deficiency bill reported to the House by its appro- priations committee. The measure asked for $543,370 for prohibition and would put 257 additional prohi- bition workers in the field, approxi- mately half of them agents. 500 Agents Asked. At the same time it was disclosed that in Woodcock's testimony be- fore the appropriations committee he had announced of these dry offi- cers 25 would be assigned to the New York district; 21 to the Illi- i nois district; and 18 to the Pennsyl- vania, Delaware and New Jersey area. The other 12 prohibition dist- ricts would draw smaller comple- ments. The men would be the first of the 500 new agents Woodcock had requested. "Our organization right now is depleted in agents' places," he said. "We have about 1,400 today. That is probably a great deal short of what is a normal complement. This 130 is the estimate of the number we can get in and get appointed." District of Columbia Supreme Court to Make Wholesale Production Possible. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5-The legal restraint placed on large packing groups by the government was loosened today in the District of Columbia Supreme Court to allow I them to manufacture and sell at wholesale virtually all classes oil food. The packers also sought permis- sion to sell themr products at retail but this was denied by Justice Jen- nings Bailey. Ie also left intact that part of the decree which pro- hibited them from having an inter- est in stockyards, terminal rail- roads and market periodicals. The government in 1920 charged the Armour, Swift, Wilson, Morris, and Cudahy packing companies with a virtual monopoly ef the meat market and began court ac- tion which was dropped when the packers agreed to confine them- selves exclusively to handling meat. They have been trying to get the decree lifted or modified since. The case finally went to the Supreme Court where the decree was upheld.! Armour and Co. and Swift and Co.! then began an effort to have the diistrict sunnremecourt morifv thel General Joffre, Hero of the Marne and defender! of Paris, received the tribute of the French nation yesterday while his body lay in state. The observance1 in his honor was said to exeed all{ predictions. FRENCH PAY HONOH TO PARIS 0flEF E 9lER National Guard Company Aids in Directing Crowd of 6,500; Strong North Wind Fans Vaines Beyond Control. }ire las ns t dAetro yed the Cavac corporation radio plant, at the northwest corner of Summit and Wildt streets, resulting in a loss estimated at ore thian $65,ooo. Only three ra were vorkiin in the building when the fire broke out. All escaa-,1 uninjured. Sixty persons now employed by the company wi ' be thrown out of work. A crowd of more Ihan 6,500 persons was attracted to the scene of the fire by the grc in the sky which was visible from. all parts of the city. Company 1 I6 the Michigan National Guard was called from its regular veekly drill at the Armory to assist in controlling the students and towusreople. Proximity of the tracks of the Ann Arbortrailroad to he siaming building created an added hazare; wvhen trains vercue olios win; a cp:iesaon in the lacquer spraying booths at 7:10 o clock , flames : Jn: ' 9y a erong north wind rapidly spread to, other parts of b, (2a/ story brick structure and were beyond control by the time the fire rtment could respond to the call. Explosion of several barrels of lacquer stored at the north end of the building FIRE WITNESSS SEE added to the blaze. Within 30 min- CLOCKS AS oOLEsTE 3utes after the fire started, the en- tire structure, with the exception of the business offices at the south end of the building, was in flames. r o re - 'Jhe Cavac corporation which' S/assembles radio units had occupied v" - the building since June of last year. Although the company regularly- Semployed 169 persons, for -the last - wek the plant had been running fGte about one-third capacity during' th C' L ^r 0I .1nventory which had not yet been p z icompleted. pan. Two Autos Destroyed. wne 0ng. J. Eshelman, Plymouth, fac-. all t '-try manager, late last night esti- dasy: A mated the total loss at more than adn 65,000, assigning $25,000 damage to Sur hulding and equipment while $35,- Th13c ra-,11 Of' worth of working materials were n-low,x x -' .1a nstroyed. Included in this figure, .said, were 1,200 completed units v hlch were ready to be shipped from the plant today. Two auto- rmobiles, valued at $4,000, a now FiT ( ;livery truck and large passenger r, stored in the building, were L so destroyed. The loss, Eshelman fated, is covered only partially by a f ) -Suranve. C. A. Verschoor, 1221 Baldwin avenue, president of the concern, nad left Ann Arbor at 5 o'clock Lord Reading, P a y Spokesm.zan, y'sierday afternoon for New York Recomn di s Modled city. Body of Papa Joffre Lies State; Interest Exceeds Predictions_ Il (By Associated P'rrss PARIS, van. ;. - larsaal Joseph Jacques Joffre, the "defender of Paris," as he will go down in his- tory, lay in state today to receive homage from the people of France that has rarely, perhaps, been sur- passed in his country's annals. I All knew beforehand that mag- nificent manifestations of respect! would be paid beside the bier of the man who was almost an idol of the French masses, but the number of Frenchmen and Frenchwomen who poured from their homes today to! honor him exceeded all forecast. I The crowd began to take form at dawn and slowly, as the day ad- vanced, it grew until just before nightfall it became a vast multitude which at one moment got out of, bounds and women were knocked down and trampled upon before or- der was restored. At first a single line, the stream of those who filed through the portals of France's military school to pause for a moment beside thel body of the old warrior, grew 20 deep and stretched from the en- trance of the school nearly a quar- ter of a mile away across the Champ de Mars. There were thousands of them and one of the most touching trib-' utes was that of the hundreds of children who joined in the solemn march. It was a dreary wait but the marshal's countrymen stood pa- tiently with little to say. n rn P ~lrI I T P flhIfln _._ N State News Briefs DAMAGING WINDS HIT EAST COAST ( 1Associated ss> UNIONTOWN, Penn., Jan. 5. - A mid-winter windstorm that reached a hurricane velocity of 102 miles an hour at Uniontown struck sections 1 of Western Pen nsyivania and north-I RAt HAN~i I5 Ul PER AIT EXTELJSION { I, Renewal Will ern West Virginia today. No fatal injuries to persons were reported (BY Associated Press) but buildings were unroofed and; GRAND RAPIDS. - Mrs. Andrew the side of one was torn away, win- Waltz, 60, of this city, was killed dowswere broken, plants were fore- and her husband injured when a ed into idleness for a few hours by front tire on their automobile blew the tearing down of power lines and out and the car crashed into a tree communications were disrueted. on highway U., 16 near here. I The damage was largely central- ized in Uniontown. However, at PONTIAC.-Mrs. Charlotte White- Greensburg large plate glass win- lock, 62, of this city, was killed last dows in several stores were damag- night by a hit and run driver. She ed. The roof of a residence was was struck while crossing Telegraph torn off at Grafton, W. Va., and a Road and died on the way to the school-house was damaged at Mor- hospital. No one saw the accident. g gantown, W. Va.z LANSING. - Lansing's 38 indus- A uomoble Fatorie trial plants showed another in- crease in the number of men em- Recall 22,000 Workerss ployed last week. Nine thousand- nine hundred thirty-five men were (P Assocratci I'ress) 1 - . 0' I DETROIT .Jan .5 -- Automnhile of University PlatesI Not Immediately be Enforced. Dominion ~/tts' LONDON, Jan. 5 ha virtually amounts to a donian governent for India was vred at t e round table conference Loday by Lord Reading, a spokesmn for the Lib- eral party. Lord Reading thus broke the long tuspens i regarding the attitude of the rosh political Indian people. parie peowad the future of the His plan would t.rot'ide India witj a cabinet havin full Collectiv me- sponsibility to til L-dlia legisla- ture. The British viceroy, cr gover- nor-general, would b, constituted the executive a: t ho:rity=rto ry out, the decisions of the ncbnct. The fate of t , romd table con- ference now 5Cms O heng on the decision of t stro g Uousevatsve power in te irit- parlament whose chief delr:;ato t tiy confer- ence is Lord P el le has yet to make his proi oak'nt and it is. Jikcly t osay Mac Donald wil await it before reveal- ing the overnment's plans for India' i Lord he t S 5 1 w COnsD 5 r1m d in p X'tiQ' cjrcics to- night _o ha" m-deriolv strength- ened the hnds o te Labor gov- cmnnment in a pian for :'Iing India I arn(esOni blC a own- me ;t. Stavn 'a ,c Fed By RedC CrS l o'kersl ENGL.ND., , Jan. 5. -_ -_Food was ava il o odoy to allay the ho ngei of 31>1 o:: more drought-rid- den rme:s who made sanguinary th)-y.r-,qo j n in ;' ni on S at- Records Are Saved. All of the company's records and files were safely removed to.a near- by garage. The offices, however, were damaged only by water. Gas emitting from a large broken pipe at the north end of the build- ing became ignited but repeated attempts to stop the flow of fuel were unsuccessful. Because of fire hose laid across the tracks of the AnndArbor rail- road, a fast freight due at 8:15 o'clock was flagged by flares. The C'avac building is owned by the Hoover estate, It was built in 1910, and until recently was occu- pied by a company manufacturing Star motor trucks. HEILMAN WRITES FOR LAW REVIEW Kansas Educator, Prof. C. M. Updegraff Are Contributors. ProL Raymond J. Heilman, of the law depart nent at the University of Kansas, has contributed the leadingarticle to the January num- ocr of the Michigan Law Review under the title, "The Conflict of Law Treatments, of Interpretation and Construction of Deeds in Ref- erence to Covenants." in this paper, Professor Heilman discusses some of the important problems in connection with the Iuestion of wills and their execu- tion. A study is made particularly of the conflicting laws of several of the states in the treatment of this problem. "Changing Factors of Reasonable Rates," by Prof. Clarence M. Upde- graff', o the law department at the Univensitv of Iowa, deals with the In view of the recent announce-I ment by the state that the closing date for sale of 1931 auto license! plates has been extended until Feb.f 1, W. B. Rea, assistant to the dean of students, stated yesterday thatc it will not be imperative for uni-r versity driving permit plates to bec secured immediately, as was an-a nounced previous to the Christmas recess. All holders of permits, whethera operating under the old or new" plates, must, however, appear in the office of the dean immediately to furnish proof of liability, and prop- erty damage insurance on each car, a ruling put into force preceding the Christmas vacation, Rea added that as soon as newc licnp nsltes ar nirc1hased fromt