FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 T 1. F It 1111C DAILY RAC r-+a . l j .r . 1 h "' l ..e+we.,+.. 1'T '{ * kp F t .. r q. f t T ~ C A"o-aC "'A FAMOW DELEGATES DISCUSS GREETS I- CONFERENCE TODAY '~ mua -irn nnminu-r SSOPRANO NEW YORK .__._..___...... _ ....4 t t Michigan Members Will F Preliminary Meeting at Lane Hall. Hiold REPORTS TO BE GIVENj Preliminary to the Faculty-Stud- ent conference being held in De- troit, Dec. 27-31, the Michigan dele- gation, consisting of three women- students, three men -students, and four faculty members, is meeting today in Lane hall to discuss the questions to be considered at the! Conference. Although no one from this University will give papers inE Detroit, each delegate is present-I ing a report on one of the topics to be dealt with.I Albertina Maslen, '31, To Speak. Albertina Maslin, '31, is to giveI a summary of "Social Attitudes andI Responsibilities" as this question is answered on the Michigan campus. She will take up the consideration of the techniques in bringing about desired social changes as applied to faculty and student in their own relations and in their mutual UIILL IIJLIIINI---,tramura yJ yr W me o me S cot- - j Appoin trnenlz! > t Theatf' r iiu icoa1ching sctAffand Jan. 8, , aids : of the physical Educa- _ tip idKrtmer~t extend to all par- Members of the toe-dancing el^.s 'tic p 't in Intramural tourna- who have been called back, for see mts best wishes for a Merry ond tryouts, which will take plaC rsmsadascesu e Jan. 8, 9, and 10, will rehearse Crsmsad ascesu e Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Y ear. afternoons, Jan. 5, 6, and 7. Appointments for second tryouts I ntramural basketball teams that will be made in the same manner were not able to play their sched- as for first tryouts, and at the Wdgmsti atwe ilb same t ine as well. They may be ldgm thspsee ilb from 9 to 12 o'clock and from 1 given an opportunity to play them to 4 o'clock Monday, Tvasday, Wed- the :second week after the vacation. nesday, and Thursday, Jan. 5, 6, 7, It will be necessary for each team and <, at a table in Univers-ty hall. to play more than one game that !All juniors who are on the tfi- weck in order to l~eep the tourna- va rsity of Michigan cam 10sTer 1tae LbC ent schedule. first time have been notified thatI they must petition their eligibility before making their tryout appoint- A4 the teams scheduled to play r ntx;.! tournament games yesterday af- Certifleates of health from Dr. [erneon were not prepared, p~ractice Margaret Bell also are to be pre- gg,-mes were runI off- instead. Delta sented at appointments, but every-I Zeta played a pracietice game with one is to do this, and not only new, au los'ing17 to 0. The11 suet.Iar nonheDlaZa.em aarnse nd FPl.dres a a ih.Ter IT1TfI i atDinners and &r-ies4 "13t 1 9T 111- h sy-~ ~ I I~fhII H eld at Sororifcs, 01yw elosc t nme guc~~ ~erePro. WldoAI~ottandi~ca ~pa oors Initiates (-i IsInas parties lhevc 1 ln eld !lf Ms btPr.Su'noCn- With Christmas Party After at practically all of the jororities crich adMs igrch rf on camnpus this week. Ahh*,a Phi ward Fibn;ad M; ar e em.onies. gave a party last Monday night. banks, Prof. sillrd OsnadMs l The guests were Mrs. Grace hllis- 1 CionHarr Stan- nItaAn of Beta Kappa ter, a patroness of the sorority.lj , an organiz, eation of self-sup- bachrM,.and .,tMntge a- Mrs. Mary Henderson, Mrs. Minnie rt ,a n? Prof . ChactslKndso'potin g womnent, was followed by a ieal, Mrs.VV. W. Flore r, Mvrs. Dont- ' thi Christmas p arty in the League eld Mtiay, Mvrti. Ward Potorson, Miss mpI .dh , Cave, last Saturday evening. At T er Wllngon ad is Fanes") aron e as L Lmgt theceremonies,c o nd uc t ed in Loeria Wallg o thadeMsswh Frane aC u-ia .paty1 v a teLounge 2 by the president, Amelia i' tLu : to dll M ter w o er cautr house which was decorat e vi~c ,'33, the following were lnxo2 t the party were Mrs. J.t sCt teasokvinh 7. Wals r, Mrs. John S. Worley, touitteaso admittred: Mrs. Rene Talamon, pat- SMrts. William F. Criefel, and Mrs. 1The Martha Cook- B7 ildng ent r- ro ,2 ; Anne Hill, '32, Dorothy Lan- T-lerbe'rt H. Bosworth, all of Ann! tained unothe"rs .nd geec t '33, Agnes Bergland, '32, and 1ro.residen t.5 at a 1Cl.. 1 1nAs uradIeciNichol. j Abo..Pailastnight,. Gus of ho or The Cave was decorated with a Xlembers Entertain Pledges. twcr t'e governors fMrh oklgtdteadgradsmoi x~.apa lph Thta avea Uris- Dildng.Mi'>. Fre~deric P. Stevens, of the Christmas spirit, and Santa 1mas party for the active membears t and te pldgesWednsdaynigh. ~IIxsar y 3Bulkly, and Miss Emily Claus, impersonated by Helen Nie- Guswere d istributed from the Sargenat.- ' hol., distributed gifts and candy. Alpha Omicron Pi also gave a ! Chi istmas party on Wednesday l We is YOUa real old time niYht. r F& lyi nkrr neti.Gamma Phi Beta gave terI-E R CHRISTMAS Christmas party for actives and and -- A HA PPY NEW YEAR We wish you all a very Merry11 Christmas and3 hope that the New Year will bring you the I O U pleasures of true friendships 1iv zS h tiMain street and of thr achievement in thy:~ ! work you havye chosen. ..- . .._ ..._ a .. . _. $11 Wi c i ..1 42 .__v ju.- Cic/ 61 Qssoclotra tress Photo i t R efforts to face questions of racial ut G~-Criws nnorgranizedI and showed lack 1 and international relationships the i 'n ill ~-~ Kpa faiyadthplaa erewee Noted soprano opera singer, way- IVacation Em Cymenyt !had good forma tion plays workedI classes due to present economic, in-, a greeting to New York when May be Secur~ed Now out. social and industrial conditions, she returned from a concert tour Religious Groups is Subject. I of the British Isles.I All women who wion vvork, in Ann Individual tournaments in bowl- Miss Maslen will also lead the '- --I Arbor during vacation should ref-)- ing and rifle will be continu.ed af- group discussion on the problem, jQd~ fl sA° h o G opI Ls ter at the secretar y's do , in the ter' vacation. Women who have en- of "The Place of Religion in Higher a D:ean of Women'sorie according tored the tournal-ents will have Education," in which she will con-i Initiates New 2i'.cmber s to Mrs. B3yrl Ibacher who is in until January 16th to submnit their sider the place of religious organ-' charge of employment for women records. In the bowling tourna- izations on the campus, what is Black Quill, honorary literary so- students. The office will beyoen mon- t it is necessary to bowl 15 happening across the country in ciety for women, held its initiation during, vacation and lists of pos.- st ,.- . " r; .; i. / I k F R k/Q/ 2 "t pt 14~ i .f l . ,: . All Regularly $5, $7.50,3$10 A chance at last to have as many hats as you like- and not cheap hats-for these arc real ly good felts, P