PAGE FCTJIl A T THE MTCf-ITG'2-%N-. DAT.L Y rRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 <, m * . ,l'~i,.i-. THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 ( llial (t-ol of S iid i Il it-oh I. : 'i l (.r ".inln-r of \Yestcr a (o ;'-,'n1,.di.o;t. J i to the u l forepalntiaiudf ~w i satcheS cred t(Ito it oWn~ 1(-r_.: in this paer nd the luc it , s iihc herein. - 11M ihig an , ,a- tr d l ,)"': - icr. 1 -''.' r (if postagesia.nted bly 'I hird iAStr..a. I t mnaster G eneral. Subsripionby carrier, $-4.00; bY mli, -t,~O Offices \Ann Ancrh, 'r ;WIaiiig, layna rd StCcl ilits : l'.tiio jl, 4925;B 'iis212,14. j; l)IT'RIAL STYAFF 'h-h-phonc 4925 ( toIria i-htot lhard IFRANK F. Cuolli.s, C(t.,]Zditor News 'ditr...........GrneyWilliams hEditrial1)1 rc ,r..... .,haler \V. XVilds spsrortis 1L'iiit............... ,J5C)h A. Ruassell V~onn' ui~ r...........i: L 1. Ihhymcr ]11 <;;je IUrna:, ooks ............ J. (;orinan Aslsistait ( i y I-dlitor.......illar old U0. ta rren Assistant NA- ,I-:t tor .......bCI r ls WRSp cowl' Icegapi 'ditc......G, c eA. Saute. ((opy Etitor ... ............... 'tA/n ".lyc cities orgngtrs ndr_ kt es1_ (or7, flA< hca ji- T ..'. ii hTHE NEW YORK THEATRE. it At V~< 1-~; ii iaver: A gance in the direction of New 2~W~( 1) j:L-~!2.; "S.°' to i ':: York for the benefit of those pil- be n 2 1 ,h r , h : !2..Ki7t t 2.Iv t ' d J n s C a- grir s for w hom Christm as vaca- 1.s n il i W lOu ilh t2 S dt' No. 1-1 t ion means a Gotham exodus and a b', Le. vdad cn :'1?rei-jun theatrical exploration may not at 1__ .tp of pO~l AI -o' sitr,1hzeiv Ia er ~Olt ieidIo "8'1 carried, this time be amiss. The drama this, ina isalwys igh ad i:.;~~- onthi nont byi~vyn owad-season, and for many seasons back m _aly egri l asroae b het c o3,a E- l> pa ist, . h rc- has been somewhat humble. There wil uno _el od~>-~a 07 rthe L rchide ;1and r,} ucs .. jhas been a decided tendency to hug proedue i ilega an to k~- 1 to17 n te FrstBoo. Smethe earth of acceptance and wait ane;ta ertiyI.-« ilo "1 xthS~Hrip ( oen.recorde for a public success, which is the no busies i rdrighatg'etA hirt hiltS Toe, Cc; _en tethingdoccasion for a general mounting on Vo y bu bd teaEu~ the bandwagon. The drama, which of criminalstunlessgastedul forothe is peculiarly noted for its ability to by the deparc'nentJ of I ie nIAi~~sVtIMg~itlfrtetake unexpected flights into the ,vtei thisrihadhe is? . " tO co~o : z i boatm oe of the I upper, regions and for its remark- -witin is i~h. Rcketershav eonos~enJ s~oatsom oftheable power to orientate itself, more been preying on labor, thei onan-finest writing mi all musical liter- so than any other artistic endeav- izations as well as emnploye:;logature. Vvroe 2 hardly become anorphastohemdnasbn enough. Construction of bidins t llhgei tliteer to these pre- lately the maimed bird in the ar- haas been halted by t e ceekit ak ude and tfugtes by the vague fain- titi lc.Eeyya hr sa dem ands of labor racketeers, bm :itriy it thm ha periodic ohrrao.Ti esntebr hkave been exploded on the l}.,oper l. 4 rt-hlall jPert ormances of themomhetriceproducerseshonrepreentba of tosewhoareslo topaytriuteI gve s. ecodi , in this case, is sort of bridge, have laid their woes -in sh ort, rackete~ering has ben nadmirable soluion for the lay- at the feet of the stock market. i ran chine' out, until ~i te ! 'evman . IAr fornnrcin a tn v ' GET YOUR CHRISTMAS CANDY FROM SUGAR BOWL 4 Where all Candy is Home-Made 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET WEST LIBERTY STREE I Westinghouse Refrigerators and Radios STANGER FURNITURE CO, TUDENTSwRa"M41, Bluy a Good Used Car to drive home in. Buy with other fellows living near you and save your train fare. We 41a:ve m-iany bargains both in Model A and Model Ttypes. Ranging in price from I5O t~$0000 We are willing to sacrifice at this time and urge you. to come down and look them over. All Cars are in First Class Condition. S. Beae c Gougr Ca0rl S. Iolji;y,!he Djavid M. Nai;hA Ola IT),1C rlel Id -lc1d F '[olin Ilacold 0. VWarren I g I ,F 'o oFrS A ss i ST A NIS Sheldon 4. Etillctf .:.J Cullen Kennedy' fob"t Iowulse-ad 32 I) R1' ]? IZ S J. E. Bus h 1'r dihr T. feuvers Thon--s :'. (Cooley Rl)(ul tI 1. l'tece Mlloi-toi Fran'k ITicl3,rd zrrti::e Saufl l'.reli-g .1 rry 1. R,-ct h''al t ' rll 1; . G lb c t-t (1" do rb-s =' - raao .laek' (": ld;e1 ;ea ah, over-dog rtaian lt an it .leitf?1icl, le.l en it ailey il r ed 1 I' otal a921 e x a m p l e In t o7 a t l 5 a l 9 ~ ' t C C i l * t e . T ile e v id e n c e JuseI.ilterI'ov1 sr 7 jx '-Baththorn ic _aeto -far __l_.91).a _)7;' i-hnwt'le n oided from an L.rthyAicire )oa, ', Wieesure, habea. s corpus writs, 1J Ca2 72ltiall- r eseeiv 1)oro{tliy Laylin- __- - Lions. and othier sbiciie;Ci fLst' unssems to be, in sthelaw ay be invoked:.o' - - ~Ii1105 Tere were F - n " -,- L It E 19 19 0to x 1c '' 0 i -nn-cc I t -) V n ees over Night-Editor-BEACH CCONGEB, Jr.-ganst theme. Ti;wthv ' ;C -c idr ntumts ____ ____- stay ot_, ani-d ieeir& Pe' 7'n tl;IW- lryad c- THE PH. D. FEH hoeacse can be IxoW 00-''( (5(Iatc Dne osbi edge, Ad neanvof th-- weossibler;1 For some time the Ph. D.deg°ree - ---- e. Arsdec s'roe ofth has beena fetish and even a raison ; tel.veta ~ ta.M.1'~-~~t)7e~ fie clavichord or do 'etre for the forward-look ing ! d0531'v05 praise foe hs en' tj. I _t ;;z15 r bythe plucki1 g ac- young college instructor weIho rsveall-;dr l, - 2X tsc2&'ioehrd lacks). h pects to gain anyheadway,.I n the havCe Ibeen detported, I-e il1 X'O l-bof } ('Cmae fo:l department of his particular field l sascfaarspcnl (l.:'7uyetll Ktiy, that is for the of teaching. Departlment heads, to- tremble when he bersnte vi, spicy of voice progressions1 administrative heads, and fellow ' 2aehteer or gaster. " whlich the duller impact of professors, all have made the ac-I THE C<. ,,,I° hanmr of moder: quisition of this degree a virtual; T1:CON&A I 1 . nietst ake difficult, necessity for proper advancenment After more than week ofc oa~ ~tev:y 2nii difference be- in academic rank. in most cases! and rather half -hearted oubr'~ ieh'r-hord and clavi- it not only determines professorial ;C - ms be insisted on. An earl- rank, but salary as well. The un-j the crown of King Alfonso of Spai 'a tef'kl eot ovr fortunate without it may howl to is resting a little more010 (eut-oly ct I onwt B ;h t ols to the of-I the winds; despite other qualities I the monarch's head, anid froo i C -t thiac b ach preferred the harp- t or inclinations, lacking the benign that can be ascertained wil pr b-i ; herd focc his more brilliant music(c grace of this degree he must re- al otnei la oiinfnLu1c omnposi tions of more intimate.l main without the pale of the elect._ I xOO:_o subtle character he wrot-e fori Amsinxrcbyivlewih-some time to come. C (i;n.vicherid. Now the Dolmetschx this situation, is the ever-grow- ;- The situation in Spain today le~~i ave conclusively shown ing departmental jealousies which no novelty for the people of that { i tn laichord as opposed tot pervade the usual campus scene. country. Her history since the tc hnspiordf which by its na-c One of the last public utterances -Wrdwa aIen fcma I a- 5 in nutiumcnt excluded mnade by Dr. Little before his de- ?''tneinaces- err l3ete~y- aa pasture was an indictment of"s e tively little importance. ospecell" : o a smaller scale o: cialized departmental professionai- since a disastrous e nte'rprise n ,,a.{-:" of s.s muiich variety ofc ism." His remarks contained the military control in Morocco. Strikes 7ill:nC s h modern pianoforte history of sinall bickerings, pre-ttyad riots have occurre a=z{,'d ou. h ace _ h-l ,,'ee the forty-eigh-t(s TinaU. OII depress~ion nasII ti onaUly affected the receipts; for some rea- son it has also affected the calibre. of the dramatic fare. George Kaufman has found an- other colaborator and written an- other good play, "Once in a Life- time," which is a not too veiled dig in the Hollywood ribs. It is guar- anteed for over one hundred and fifteen laughs a minute. New York has been devoting itsel for the past two seasons to a studyi and appreciation of the more in- triguing and salty aspects of Helen- istic life. Last season it was "Lysis-- trata" which if my memory holds, brought down the wrath of the Methodist clergymen with as much efficiency as the Gargoyle cover or Judge Lindsey (my denominational distinctions may be a bit mixed). However, be that as it may, the play, an adaptation of Aristophanes, illustrating graphically the cond- tion on the Greek matrimonial and Martian fronts, was an immediate success and if it has not let down since October, it would be just as well and twice as cheap to order your tickets a week in advance (the same may be said of "Green Pas- tures," which is still belying the depression at a great rate). The other Greek representative in our uncouth and delightful theatre is '-The Greeks H-ad a Word For It," which has something to do with that class to which Oscar Wilde's only ladies with whom one could carry on an intelligent conversation belonged. "Grand Hotel" is something of a modemn short story in theatrical ;;uise with the added impetu of dramatic action (in fact very dra- matic action) such as no self- respecting critic would allow in a modern short story. This tells the story of the double-dealings, mur- ders, seductions, etc., which are taking ;place in a continental and osmaopolitan hotel, and though it is not very important, is still rather good entertainment. The Theatre guild, which for the past few seasons has been dis- tinguishing itself by granting its exclusive attention to shows which have been very ambitious, very inspired and very well produced but strangely ineffective, presents "Elizabeth the Queen" with both of the Lunts. This is a full dress affair dealing with the never happy rela- tions of Elizabeth and Essex. Other plays that remain are "Hoar China," which forcefully drags into our midst a goodly dose of big : tick propaganda (the European commercialization of China) and sentiment, bedecked with beautiful Sets. Lighter in touch, both as mental food and in comparison with many of the heavy handed theatrical obs of the year, are the comedies 'Up Pops the Devil" and "That's Gratitude" neither of which are to be missed. "Twelfth Night" and a hird revival of the perrenial "Uncle Vanya" which Jed Harris made the best Checkov, and whether or not te two are correlated, the best presentation that has been any where near New York for the past few years are the older dramatists' hallenge to our present exponents f the art of the theatre. '-YUBSCR IBF TO TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY I FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts. Dr. Frederick B. Fislier, Minister 10:30 A. IV.-M 'oining Worship. "~THE BABE," Tagoace's new Poem. Dr. Fis'her (Broadcast over Station WW"/j 4:15 P. M-Church. School C;hrtsr msprogram. "THE CH--RIS'IAS STORY." There will be no evening worshipu. M1ETHOIST STUDENTS CENTR WESLEVAN GUILD Cor. State and Toast Huron 12:00 Noon--Regul ar Sunday School Classes. Fireside meetings cvet-y Sunday at 6 P. M. during vacation. OPEN H-OUSE EVERY DAY. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson, Minister Alfred Lee Klaer, University Pastor Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of Women. /t T . f - . v1I : , "- -( wuf -; --' ~a 10:45 A. M.-Morning Sermon: "The Closed Christmas." Worship. Doors of Soctal Hour at 7 o'clock. t - 11 THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH E3. Huron, below State -Wishes a Merry Christmas to those leaving the city for the holidays. -Announces the Christmas Music and Message for Sunday, 10:45; and a Christmas Cantata by the Choir, 7:30, direction of E. Win. Doty, or- gan ist. Students in the city, come to Guild House at Noon. No evening meet- ing on account or the Church Or'a- torilo. R. Edward Sayles, Minister. Howard R. Chapman, Minister for Students. 6 II jea-lovsies, individual grievances, continually and have been of un- all, of course, involving specialized o-nni'nicce or peculiar claims of particular de- ormisgnfcne par.tnients of instruction. W hen the problem became W Nowi our particular grievance acute, the dictatorship of Pin - with this system is that of the usu- ! livera was set up and la sed for al objictinsto making a sort o.7f esX years, a move which is gn: "closed corpor ation" of the teach- ally conceded to have been aDuf- ing ranks. If the Ph. D. werethfe for the crowvn. Recently, tLhs handmaid of pedagogical excei-- ictator, having fulfilled his dtfie, once, our complaint would contain -'n. connection with the crownbe little jusice. But it is a matter of came useless to the gover. .n common kniowledge that tho degreeend resigned to bear with in, t determines whxether one may be-hs death the stigmia of a-bsout? y considered an educational vworthy;,*u the reforms promins ed b excessiive pride i3 taken__Ina staffs c- sr eerlBrngeh- roster containingroall h. D.'s. Fur- i e slowi in coming andwiluri there;, the re is given fogr}'° doubt fig:ure in thel __,uCl2 resarc prmarlyand the "vi-;-condition. ious circle" is, comxpleted upon this 4Although the -eet tiksi b a si s-encou;ragement, advance- a widely heralded, 'tycueno - ment, arid departmntal recomaten- t't-1° 2I';blleIn the Soa s e. datoons Lare made on the strength'. st;r. The revolt of th J- - ar- of wor k done in the laboratory or io seems to have left ltl a study. For the most part, what re- priJnt on the generial tenor c -it- mains to be done in thie classroom IAit .wile the anti-rnenrcg7 D is the instructor's own business, or Id~osutes'fafwS ei nobody's. irent -c equay n.oet-- i>~ 12 (-ni('.ii'lthe conelusiooll _ rn~ to be ta tasteful perfor-1 3 tanne ethem on the modern grad4 tn, with no attempt atI ac ch , niwil not be a breach ofI - ?l: n indeed wxill be closer to ~' llt~dn h cnr, performances I ear tuan il e a style which I te ntsto, im_.tate harosichordi _ I Uelrs c the maodern pianoforte. ±nce ai-r;,thounro reason for 2 L72)ioto - : nor need. the - t'1li2 W t igici as long as it i <-c i' ~t ns:-;~craedundula- in a t1\i1 -o ad rubato tempos a e nrt toughit of, however, t, tapillylboo). The addi- -Iunimcaia facts that need ;2.:. 11215' tt l2 x it re that the 11 2~ ~ -{ -utery incapable of -. e ;-~ '~_ _OttT~~(and that t_-.I c t oiL;be used spar- I~~) nd lt:' . te clavichord had n,.'ce1 n I nd shtherefore prom-- II 1 2105550el e p601for mod-- , c fek ;'is hardly style- c 10 t I b t (f BETHLEHEM EVAN6FELICAL C URCHf (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between Packard and Williams Rev. Theodore R. Schmale 9:00 A. M.-Bible School. 10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon: "Stars that Lead to Chirst." 11:00 A. M.-Service in German. 7:00 P. M. - Young People's Leag'ue. Special Christmas Services December 24. Christmas program of the Sunday School at 6:30 p. m. December 25. Christmas Cantata. "The Star of Bethlehem" at 10:00 a. m. p _ _ _ _ _ _ __"" " G A A i0t A " ' ' A R _ Dp T.+jj H , =1 12:00 Noon-No Student Classes. 5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young People. 6:30 P. M.-AII young peoples' so- cieties, uniting for a Christmas service. 7:30 P. M.-Christmas program of the Church School. Play: "Why the Chimes Rang" FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Allison Ray Heaps, Minister December 21, 1930 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "Christmas-An In- terpretation." 4:00 P. M.-Christmas Candle Light Service. 5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship so- cial half hour. 6:30 P. M.-Fellowship Program. Readings by Miss Amy Loomis, Director of Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL,CHURCH Division and Catherine Streets Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.-Church School (Kin. dergarten at II o'clock). 11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer; ser- mon by Mr. Lewis. 4:30 P. M.-Christmas Community -Pageant. 7:30 P. M.-Christmas Community Pageant. I } !I I. S. F. uncou.btedly a better executor, a better '"Pianiscy" than Harold Sam- uels; his feelings, however, for units within the well-conceived whole are leas sensitive than those of Samuels generally are. For this reason they ate anything but "ultimate" per- forntances of these preludes and fugues; but in their consistentj i ZION LUTHERAN CHUR§H Washington St. at Fifth Ave. 13. C. Stellhorn, Pastor 9:00 A. M.--Sunday School. 10.3 A. M.-Ac ve Ra'Service. sr- Y; ISTCHURCH 409 S. Division St. 10:30 A. M. -Pegular Morning Serv- ice. Sermon topic: "Is the Uni- x ' including M'an, Evolved by Az,,:,-,c For.-ce?" ii ST. PAULS LUTHERAN CHURCK (Missouri Synod) Third and West Liberty Sts. C. A. Brauer, Pastor December 21, 1930 Ii -I 11 I 11 i 11