PAGE TWO Ir T-4 P A/I T r T-4 T r. A M n A TT 'V' Tt"®TT'w n t r .-..._......-....~........s.,. ... . n n n 1Y1 1 %- 1-1 1I %a H IN L H 1 L I. FRI(.DAY rDECEMBER 19. 1910 Caiaps Organization Suppo0 STUDE'TFLEAMES CI0RAEEEEND Donahue :Outlines :Preliminary ~Preparations, Purposes at Meeting.I TO TAKE PLACE ,I MAY I Three Day Affair ;Wll Include Mvother's Day, Cap Night, Athletic Meets. *Sipport of eight campus organ - izations in making arrangementsj for the University Spring Home- coming week-end was :pledged yes- terday noon at a meeting held in the Union which was attended by , representatives of the leading stud-, vent activities roups. Preliminary for the week- end, which is scheduledi for May 8, 9, andi 10, -were outined by Albert Donohue, '31, president of the Union, who called the meeting. The purpose of such a week-end, Dono- fhue explained, is to bring alumni and friends of the. University to the campus at a time when they will be -able to see the :University under more normal conditions than exist during football week-ends in the fall. Tapping, ,Ward, Merry At Meeting. Yesterday's meeting was attended by Merton J. Bell, '31, president of the Student council; Eleanor A. :Cooke, '31, president of the Womi- en's League; Henry J. Merry, 31, managing editor of The Daily; Helen Cheever, '31, president of the 'Pan-Hellenic council; James Ward, l, :president of the Interfraternity council; T. Hawley Tapping, gen- eral secretary of the Alumni asso- ciation; -Theodore C. Baer, '31L, law vice-president of the Union; Frank E. Cooper, '31, literary col- lege vice-president of the Union; :end -Harold 0. Warren, Jr., '31, .recording- secretary of the Union. 'John Wheeler, '31, member of the ~Athletic association was unable to attend. Tentative arrangements call for' a diversified program of attrac- tions. The date has' been set to co- incide with that of Mothers' day, May 10, which annually attracts many visitors to 'the campus. CapI night, it is expected, will be held on 'Friday night,. May 8. For Satur- 'day's program, the Athletic aso-' ciation has scheduled a'track meet with 'Minnesota. Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics, yesterday an- nounced that a golf match on the view University course, and a swim- ming exhibition in the Intramural ;pool will be arranged. Announce Program. On Saturday night, the Union will stage its annual Feathers' and Sons' banquet, while the Women's League will again sponsor is an- nual Mothers' day tea. A Mothers' daly banquet may supplement the] Leagud's program for the week-end.j N1egotiations have been started to secure a nationally known speaker to appear in Hill auditor-1 ium on Saturday night as an addi- I tiounal attraction. Attempts will be made to concentrate all meetings of alumni in schools which have .4pring reunions into this week-end.; Similar week-ends are sponsored at the University of California,; Leland Stanford university, and Cornell university. HUGE GCONCOURSE OFSYMPA'T - ZES GREET CUBAN Ig r STUDENTS'TAKEN TO HAVANA ON ITONCHARGE MCI " I 'arw nr.m m sa+snwni i ga eunses ii ' ANN ARBOR NEWTS-BRIBFS' .1 'w '- 4 ; I i A._1 rpiL-zted £'rps,. Photo Here is scene at the -Havana terminal s:ac~ -en16 stdents, arrested at Sagua La Grande, Cuba, were brought -to Havana to be heldt in jail on carge of sedition fi owr eent disturbances. They were greebya huge concourse of fellow sympathizers on their arrival. E ___incfgdo f erotf "' S , llttedThis afternoon, theGirls' League .oa s in es g ti n . D e rotwill hold a O sn is p ;y in the Murer e ie e oving AtJ nuAy'_ C a d£en8auditorium, and the CI ical club 31o"rd Cir-x will hold a final metn tomorrow /1?'c; s A.' opud Off frKd night before the holid asb4 gin. 4(sn szrwd 'rceto oas j Next Tuesday, an ail-chool party to'IT e.C8-Inotgainoas ol. wilbe held in the ai1to)rium. A Da ElRIvT De.1mo-Iving tioda Fu ets ce lotdt committee, comsed f aof students of Gerald F. Buckley's )n s~~ai (isres aebe llte oiand faculty memberus, i;- planning ca blix to be with the todann c cilcen of Ann Arbor for coasting) arrangements. Dancing will be one imaxnt fodaQ the roecuouonce pi'.1'oscs, police announced yester- of the features. that theo state will ask no further day. delay in the. cases of three of the The stru'ts will be blocked off for 'ITravelling to ivioon alleged slayers now in custody'. I zo hours each evening, frm t The, exai nation of Ted Pizzino, 0 o'clo l . os P1cd . 's ;D e brought back from New York two o hc osigpii v sa~geon amurder warran~t, logoseha e cn made are Cather- byj,1 CDAcd m waa.. postponed Monday for onC. inc st:-,1 from ngalls to Glenn YFec cdm week at the state's request. Prose- A1'nue South Division, from Pack- cutor T'oy said he would not seek ,c -to N-l dstre e ighth street (ifv Assa zwtec ress) to delay the hecaring again. from Washington to Liberty streets, PARIS, Dec. 18. - Will man ever Far nk G. Schemanls , assistant ;ai; l Fei ch street from. Spring to travel to the moon? The French prorseeut r, said the state would be Ashley streets. Aaeyo Sciences, acuiu icad "imeditelyaftr Ja. 1 Motorists have been requested to body, replies "Possibly." AS anl aca- to proceed with the trials of Piz-a not use thec streets. rI'he streets will szino, Joe Bomimarito, who has beenbdeyiwllntcm tislfbu indicted for the Buckle;; murder, bthrc i'a nesetos emyvitwilltnt oammioritelfbt and Angelo Liveechi, who has been teve hto aoiyo h held for more than four months Cgd C osts Increase members elicited during discussions under charges that he was the man ji of the book, "-Astronautics," by Rob- who signaled three gunmen when Insrtease in the amount necessary 'art. Esnault-Petre the time was right for thenm to to keep th a l wheels-of Washte- The author i iln to commit en'er and ksill the radio political naw county turning were revealed hisef He says whtxithin 15 commentator In the lobby of La y7esterday in the report- of County r iwllb esl frmnt Salle~~~i hotellast uly 23. Cerk CarrmnlPrn. ye TeBuckley caseyheld the atten- 7CT he Cl( mon r expces the re-goa o tle 1-100. More, he is Con- tion of the 22-manl Wayne county, potshowed - totaled $15,007.34, vinced that rie first lman to reach grand jury today, prosecutors said. ~ o re ±than ihe average cx- the moan will bo =able to return to Namrz es of the witnesses to be heard ~ne for No 'br Pray said. earth..'zThere is only one condition were not revealed.T=-htaptoofsinemyb The expenses in-cludedi: $12,436.16, j-th t a pto fsine m y b Sgeneral county exp enses; $1,347.03, found prepared to give millions I! o n y fi e 's e p n esa6 4 2 i h u h p'f re u n care of con tagiouns patients; $38615' This is not the opinion of an in- W hat' i ICounty building overhead; $233.52, venter of rockets; or of a writer of f fuel and~ light; Kr4,464.07, care of in- I pseudo-scientific books of advan- ioing digent patient3, mdnj$9,4o6.20, sot-I ture, but of amran of scientific !t i cr ent of two lawsuits, mlind, I I- ----- The problemi to whicha he is giv- ; 1 --__- _If he can find a patron of science Sew al hlidy evnts~re am-with $2,000,000 to spare, he hopes to I'1.aT111z r 1(dby ? 31a ° Ot~a.f lAnn o go to the moon some 15 years hence. Maetc"Che pad ml" -igh School. As a preliminary he would go from 4 ,re."hc nan ml"'IaAe1ancu f Paris to New York in 24 minutes, ,it Dixie Lee and Arthur Lake. The estimates.clb o 1 chi -TiiinTsh2man ill Ic eel pl..a a Chrias party "The Matrimonial Bedl" with Frankj tonliht The eeent will be held at Way the home of P3" ^el Dunnabeck on WAIA SP Y IVuerLh--XI1aroid Lloyd in "Fee; W. Huron St. Gifts, inelxpensive but: 1.;d' First."useful, will be given members. . ; I I TO HE tDISCUSSED BY P~ESa Michigan Psychologist to Deliver reading matter by heart in a frac- Re port Before National tion of the time that most persons do, but they can make no use of Association, the memorized material.j iyA2: State e pa rtmet I1 ( I;V.', ~cc d ':rl 'SS) I R. G.I Comparisons of the workings in the minds of rats and human beings as they attempt to escape from the same difficulties will be reported by Prof. John F. Shepard,, of the psychology department, before dele- gates to the American -Psychologi- cal association meeting Dec. 29 to 31, at .Iowa State university, at Iowa City. The report will deal with findingsI in rote learning research conducted by Professor Shepard. The experi- 'ments were conducted in mazes in which the rats were placed and similar ones drawn on cylinders for human beings to run with their eyes. Care was taken to prevent fthe human from surveying the problem as a whole. Although the data on human re- actions are still far from complete, it is already possible to make some comparisons of thei" methods of learning and those of rats, says Dr. Shepard, who has been carrying on this work in conj unction wvith ad- vanced classes. Learn by Rote. It has been found that, whi'. neither has any advantage in spe ofl learning, very definite differ- ences in procedure have been ob- served. The rats, according to Dr. Shepard, show little order in elim- ination of errors in pathway mazes, while they seem to learn backward in broken field problems. Humans, on the other hand, learn pathway mazes from both beginning and end, progressing more rapidly from section just after the center is learned last. As this is only rote learning, no comparison may thus be drawn be- I i E What sense the rats use in re- 1T'ARIS, Dec. 1g.- ---On minister calling their pathways was a diffli a, -1 two under-secretaries of Mtate cult nrobilem for the experimenters { -mged t Au the ministry of to solve. They made sure that smell ,;ena1or Theodlore S oeg today juast played no part by keeping the floors beforIe iu went before the chamber of the maze very cleani, and took o1 Cdeputie s with an initial decara- care that differences in texture of 1-4n, of olicy. the floor had no effect by chanig- ?Ihe :fminist{ r was Fobert °Tnhou- ing the floor plates about. InI the an- o, who held the portfolio oft latter case some slight confusion Reios.Nne Coty, under-swore- resuited, but in general it was of tr of state for tihe interior, and little significance, he said. Camille Cautru, under-secretary for Leave Maze By Souni. 1..-ue, also withdrew. It was finally determined witn Despite the los~s of three mom- some degree of certainty that hear-.~: of his of ciai family, Premier ing', depending on-) the resoance of I teg1-ati ed his decision to the floors and the~ritme-aes er ulef rf;pairiament and do- and mscula memoy ojaare ded a vote of confidence. are the main senses thekrat d -c_ pends upon. When the bears wore"o i. I. 1 i1es, a St. Loupis b usin et the ilg telephone systLemn 11CCe i u odern. ized. It uses aut o-° m ratic instrumnents and gives direct coisneetion with metropolitan C.,- chlanges. ,; 3 _ ___ ___ , Last Times Saturday { _., Y. r 'i r 9 2:00, 3:40 7':00, 9.00 upig DWATER Pnot )C S WATER CO. 8270 Bottling Plant: 1427 Mill Streut IN 01 ^^in Even the sea-gufls find something to laugh at when Harold Lloyd plunges into the ocean of xnirth, "Feet First." fr 1 COING SUNDAY "The Spok"'Iet,*sIl - a I 4 1 _ ... ____._ --I MINiAL BED tween humand and rodent intelli- gence, Dr. Shepard said, mention- ing the fact that some low-grade imbeciles can 'learn whole pages of i Only 4 More Days of Matinee Bargains Toay, Next Mon., Tues., Wed. LAST TIMES' .TODAY "CHIEERUP AND 1MILE" I' A 6. ith fro!-i 1925 to 1930. Thc e c v k of the Champs Elys-cs. With two faced enough trouble to makze himn wake up!°" )RTS- PARAMVOUNT PATIHE. Y SOUND N E NEWS I REVIEW SUNDAY I t Ii f _ ._ ._ ._ _. . __ -- .-. ., .. . I I ir% 111 Ill I %a Tv, I II! [itI I* . 15~ B~