Midhigan FuLkmen Skate o 3-1 Win OverCha
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So hono-c orward Nets Two 1 o nnsylv n a T rys
Goals and Assit to WinT GKram Invasion
S' hnocFrw~Nt w . Sco': HC. a deA ine: s Wd! Mc! IBadgc: s,
lrillhir-t hootini; on the part of i£ec Dame, and lic:igan
Emmy Reid end :ome nice work in Durg Western Jo:arncy
the ne;bTemkins com- _____________________
bined last nigpht to give the Michi- y Joe iussel.
gn hockey teamr a triumph over Twelve sturdy Pennsylvanians
the Chihaonu A. A. club of Ontario, boarded a train last Tuesday eve-
3 to 1, in the second puck game of ning io begin a tour of the west
the seaon o. the Coiseuic . which will bring them up against
two of the Western Conference
Although the t o sextets were teams, Wisconsin and Michigan,
evenly matched throughout the with Notre Dame in between to
greatee portions of the game, the furnish some change. These three
Canadian defense opened up just teams will give the easterners a,
wide enough o tvo occasions to good taste of western : asketball, as
ermitthe Wolve.ines to drive the all three of their teams, especially
puck into the meshes, while the the Big Ten outfits. are among the
th°d score care after a briliant best in this section of the country.
piece of passwork on the part of A .rio of early season games
Captain Art Schlanderer following have iven the Red and Blue a
a mixup behind the Chatham cage. a good background for their
Crossman Scores. western invasion. The season
Michigan started off with a bang, opener with Franklin and Mar-
counting the first goal only a min- shalh was tucked away on the
ute after the opening whistle had win sid of the records by an
blown. After a few futile rushes overwhelming 45-6 count, and
down the ice, the Varsity forward last week, playing two of the
wall skated in on the Chatham de- best small college quintets in
fense and drew the Clnadian play- the east, the University team
ers out of position, Crossman finally broke even, winning from St.
caging the pucks ltef taking it on Joseph's college last Saturday,
a beautiul pass from Reid directly but dropping a hot game to the
in front of the net. Play in the v teran Dickinsn combination.
later part of the period slowed With this record of two wins
down but throughout the entire 20 anoelsstePnyvni
minutes the Michian teem took squad has started on their trip
the offensive. around the west with high
After several exciting minutes of hopes.
the second period hid passedmmy In past jaunts through this see-
Reid again c me through for the tion of the country, however, Coach
Wolverines, king a soo dash Jourct's teams have not met with
down the ice to a spot about 10muchl success, their plan of attack
yards out from thn' : tham gol, nmot being suited to the fast game,
from where, wiii # 'o nie closely used in the Conference. But thist
guarding hinm, he sentthepck season with a short passing and no
whistling into te et. 7"t itire0ofdribble attack such as has beent
the goal -as 3: rieted by the invaders, they
Shortly before ;^e ocond session hope to reverse matters. In a state-
came to a close 1i\A r i 'e egste red men issued just before his team
its last marker, Slilantcrta nassli entrained Coach Jourdet said,1
the puck out f omnbehind thr Cuat - "These three teams are the best
ham gol to Iteid, who ren itiui to n the middle west and we are,
the goal mothi that was lettva-rgoing out on their own battle-
cant when Pardon was arzan out Igreands to give them the best we
of position. have. ft we are beaten, we will have
Haait Catha°2 1 usi:. no alibis to offer and shall grace-
The final period saw the entire fully acknowledge that we were de-
Chatham forward wal sweep own feat.d by a better team. I have
the ice continueaiy in an effort t levery confidence in the Pennsyl-
even up the score, but either the vania teUm and I feel sure they will
Miehigan defense reled the rush- inake a creditable showing."
hs or "ak0" 'Tompkins vas good V Whether Wisconsin, Notre
e n o u g h to halt rl attempts to Lame and Michigan have the
score. Late in the game, however, " bst teams in the middle west"
"Smokey" Reynolds, giant defense is something of a matter of
man and captain of the invaders, conjecture, but as was stated
bulged the twine for the only Chat -I before they are among the best,
ham goal. Th.e shot w; , lS L and it may be assumed that
spectlcular vrltyP.heyneds , us- they will give the eastern cri-
ing the ruber into the net Whil' tics a good opportunity to draw"
lying flat oh the ice in a mixup witn some sort of comparison be-E
Tompkins, who had been drawn tween the relative strength ofl
out of position. the two sections. Michigan is
Keith Crossman, regular center, undefeated in two starts, Wis-l
received a bad bump on his head consin is powerful as usual, and
in the second period and was re- Notre Dame, while it is not
placed for the remainder of the famous for its cage teams isE
game by Schlanderer. One half of capable of putting up some stiff
the game was played under the opposition. These three games
new collegiate rules and one half and the long trip will test the
under the old Canadian rules, strength of the invaders to the
which are used by the Chatham utmost, and if they make a
team.-iood h -w w;jrnnii-v4
cins~anOrders Schmelingc
o Accept ChallengeS Wihin
Fifteen Days.
(P 1s a ted PreIss>)
Slue Team Defeats White, 15-9;
Daniels Stands Out as
High Point ' NEW YORK, Dec. 17.-The New
Yek State Athletic Commission'
' esufled the heavywefight
Varsity basket tossers were nrdut I ik reahaflete heyelgt
through a stIff scr ae session sthot affecting the relative
last night at the field house iofte cards.
prreparation for the Icognized champion, Max
:ou'rt contest with th Utcxrs y 2 eh 01 Germany, has been
of Pennsylvania here S :day nota as ihat he must accept withini
night. Coach Veenker ra 1z or U) ((.N a challenge from Jack
through a little workout to .ar ,na:, Boston sailor man.
them up a bit and then a Vaty chuneling Notified.
Blue squad was matched against Schemling was advised of the
White team composed of Petrie and commission's action in a cablegram
Root at the forward posts, Garner sent by Chairman James A. Farley,
at center, and Williamson and which said:
O'Neill at the guards. which the "There is on file in this office a
Varsity managed to take into canm challenge directed at you by JackI
with a 15 to 9 win, but failed to Sharkey. Your six-,month period in'
show the snappy floor work exhi- which to defend the title expired
bited in the Michigan State game !Dec. 12. You are directed to advise
last week. within 15 days from date your ac-
No Change in Lineup. ceptance of the above challenge."
No changes were made in the Sharkey thus once more is pickedj
lineup of the Blue squad with Weiss as the logical contender and will'
and Eveland retaining their for- get another chance to redeem him-
ward posts, Daniels doing the pivot self for some of the miserable ex-
.work, and Shaw and Altenhof hold- hibitions he has put up in impor-
ing down the guard positions. For tant matches. Schmeling won the
several minutes after the tipoff, title las; June when Sharkey fouled
which the Whites obtained, the him.
Blueswwere unable to make any S eli.g's.acceptance of the
headway in getting hold of the r accnietne ofrthel
ball Thewhoe sqad eeme tochallenge was considered virtually
ball. The whole squad seemed to ce .ain. ut should he refuse it, he
lag with very little excellent floor
work except on the part of Daniels I will be suspended.
Stribling Ignored.
who seemed most in evidence. e The commission i g n o r e d t h e
Hitting a more synchroized somewhat general view that W. L.
stride, the Blues soon got under way (Young) Stribling of Macon, Ga., is
and opened the scoring with a free this country's best heavyweight at
toss by Daniels. A few minutes the moment. The solons apparently
later, he again scored on a neat; took the position that since Shar-
short toss which was the result of key had beaten Stribling once there
some fine pass works on the part of was no real reason why he should
Weiss and Eveland. Root hung up be forced to battle him again. Ig-
the first counter for the Whites. nered also were the rising crop of
The lack of aggressiveness on the voimaer heavyweights among whom
part of the first squad lost them is Max Baer, Pacific Coast slugger,
the ball time. after time, but the who makes his New York debut
tight defense which Shaw and Al- agieLst Ernie Schaaf, of Boston, in3
tenhof maintained so well cut down Madison Square Garden Friday
the scoring of the substitutes. nigh;t.
Daniels Puts Mates in Lead. Coincident with the commission's
A couple of free throws by Dan- action, it was revealed that the
iels gave the Blues a 5-2 lead, wnich Garden had no intention of ar-
Joe Woodard,
Has been tramning under,
Keen for another season o
wretlin team. Joe goes t
mat in the 145 pound class
considered one of the best
lers in the Western Conferen
well as one of the best box
Friedman Wins Pla
) the
t the
and is
grap -
ace, as
ers at
The e Opponents; Sverl
Mar es 0. c-kd n.
All-Campus xvn ;t: i; eottJa
esrd a te .n ith the se
oni1'ld T ath( our~p~gh m ot
o f ese wte semi-final:pi, inly
toeain to time f ,inal toa, two o
The uni e
bro uatehe' jcloee nJorin them-
sVe ine the edshmeahasf
has been arrowed mha smoer
thand beforeteOfth.14riatnesl
an ffyetc~ s iatenoon only
fie esltd n aisten res going
to the winneso tm .dantage.
The u n Iim i t e d divsin wa
brought to a close when Jordan lost
to Grinnell on a fall in 7 minutes 45
seconds. This was somewhat of a
surprize as the former was more fa-
vored before the match. Grinnell
was about even with Jordan when
he finally threw and pinned him
to take the class honors and the
loving cup that goes with it.
167-Pound Class Finished.
The other division to be finished
was the 167-pound class, and Reif
won over Routson with a large
time advantage. The latter was
willing enough but he was hardly
an even match f or the superior
strength of Reif, who will be"award-
ed the trophy for his work.
In the 120-pound class Sigwart
pinned Landrum in short order
taking but 2:56 to get him out of
the way. The other match in this
division was won by Youngman who
gained a decision over Texiera. The
latter was practically out on his
feet at the close of the match, al-
though he took the aggressive in
the first seconds.
Cortez Wins Math.
Cortez and Bennett a. one of the
128-pound matches, did not put on
much of a show, and Cortez won the
decision with the maximum amount
of stalling possible. Valin and Klass,
who started the afternoon's match-
es off, comprised the other 128
pairing, and Valin won by a fall in
about four minutes.
In the 137-pound class Otto won
his match with Anderson on a de-
cision marked by a large time ad-
vantage, but Horner took the hion-
ors from Harrod with a rushing at-
(Continued on Page 7)
Hank Weiss,I
The flashy little forward of last
year has shown a geat game of
basketball this year and is expect-
ed to be one of the mainstays of
the Wolverines when they stack up
against Conference competition.}
Weiss is a past master of passing
and his floor game is even faster
than last year.
on Pro AII-Star Team
( ' "AssociatedPress)
CHICAGO, Dec. 17.-The Chicago
Bealrs, third place winners in the
1939 championship race, placed
three players on the all-star Na-
tional Professional Football League
team as picked by the C Ii i c a g o
T i m e s. The championship Green
Bay Packers, the New York Giants,
Chicago Cardinals, and Frankfotd
each placed two men.
The Times' all-star team:
ENDS: Dilweg, Green Bay, and
Johnson, Chicago Bears.
TACKLES: Slater, Chicago Cardi-
nals, and W. Owen, New York.
GUARDS: Gibson, F r a n k f o r d,
and Michaleske, Green Bay.1
CENTER: Barrager, Frankford.
QUAR'TERBACK: Friedman, New
HLFBACK: G ange and Nagur-
'kY Chicago Bears.
FULLBACK: Nevers, C h i c a g o
intensive Training for Opening
of Season to Begin After
Christmas Vacation.
Almost complete idleness reigns
in Yost field house this week as
far as the track men are concerned
for only those aspirants who feel
so inclined are reporting for work-
outs these last few days before the
After the Christmas lay-off,
however, work will begin in earn-
est in preparation for the opening
of the indoor season-a triangular
meet with Michigan State Normal
and Detroit City college on Febru-
ary 19.
Times Rather Slow.
Last Saturday afternoon Coach
Altenhof and Weiss
2 with two baskets
Weiss' toss was a
(Continued on
increased to 9-
in short ordr V
lucky one, an
Page 7)
ranKg ng a match between Stribling
and Primo Carnera in Miami, Fla..
'I hi winter with the survivor battl-
ing Sharkey here in April.
AO4 ay S ec a
Michigan Pos. Chatham
Tompkins..... ........Peardon
Williams .......L D ........ Wilson
Prouse ........RD. .....Reynolds
Crossman ..... .C.......Hinnegar
Reid ........... W .......Curran
Score by periods:
Michigan ...........1 2 0 - 3
Chatham ............ 0 0 1 -11
Spares: Michigan, Schlanderer;
Chatham, Crouchman, Smith, Rise-;
borough, Tripp, B. Stevens.
First Period:
Scoring: Michigan: Crossman
(Reid) 1:05.
Second Period:
Scoring: Michigan: Reid (un-
assisted) 8:20. Reid (Schlanderer)
18:15. Penalties: C r o u c h rn a n,
Schlanderer, Hinnegar.
Third Period:
Scoring: Chathm: Reynolds un-
assisted) 17:12. Penalty: Hinnegar
I1 - v
g s wngL~ will ueserve a iot hl
of credit. Hoyt held the first time trials this
The Pennsylvania coach issued year in the running events. The
as his starting lineup for the Wis- times were all rather slow, with
consin game, Hale and Ullrich as the exception of that turned in by
forwards, Sander at center, with Hawley Eggleston in the 65-yard
Peterson and McNiff at the defens- low hurdles. Eggleston topped the
ive posts, but by the time they timber in 8.5 seconds, one of the
reach Ann Arbor this list may have fastest marks ever recorded at the
seen some radical changes due to Field house. The slowness of the
the showing of the players in the times in the other events is un-
other two games. Against these dte due othe eanss of
men it is probable Coach Veenker doubtedly due to the earlness of
will start the same men that have the season.
appeared on the scoreboard first I Not much stress has been layed
for Michigan in the two starts the ! on the weight events as yet, but
Maize and Blue have made this intensive practice will be started
season. Eveland and Weiss as for- in this field after the first of the
wards, Daniels at center backed by year, when Brooks, Draveling, Mar-
Shaw and Altenhof at guards will shall, Seiffert, and Cox will report
men, with two victories behind for duty. Dibble and Patten have
be sent onto the floor first. These been turning in some wonderful
them are rapidly rounding into a performances during the last few
very presentable five, and should weeks of practice. Captain Pottle
give the easterners a lot of trouble has been clearing the bar well over
before the evening is over. 12 feet in the pole vault.
, .
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