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December 18, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-18

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TH [u R D AY. DECEMBER 1o;, 1930

r. _

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FRANKi E. COOPER, City Editor
News Editor ............... Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor .............. Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor ...........Mary L. Behymer
Music, 1Drama, Books........Wmn . Gorman
Assistant C'ity Editor .... ..-arold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor......harles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor...........eorge A. Stautem
Copy Editor .................. Wm. F. Pypes

Campus Opinion M KK AND DA
words if possil. nn m us c('on- ", ~"" = " -
murnications hill be ( te d - ~.3g nib '1 +I i*CtV F 7? t _
names of coninnic no ns ill, ' v.,IOIiL teLdi.Mc d
be regarded a1s cini1 t,'~i, Iinollr- '- .'~ r. )a' I-atperfoiance
quest. Letter s pul li sbc( dshoui ld nrot l ja'e 9i he iet-i Tl A fce
construed as expressing; the editorial _eSomehwI.'117.3I' y 10 bePlay<podue[one TeAfce
opinion of The Daily. inshtuA !ci qu~yiA It Ms. from the play by Moliere,
i____________--.n thi.s sad le.ri. ithuItf was end. he a ~ion of the Christ-
To the Editor: going- to beaLeto I- ---i O~ rynas storie by DickenS. The Jim: -
The controversy over happy homle al' er that c:,. um y' ;r girls vv1' ill; ngcarols.
the Gargoyle cover seems to be terCay 1eavini a'vc )i verbd' outybuti tses CRS AS>ONE
rather iunwarranted to many of our~ neeyoysmuibti em :TkMSCNE~


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Jo~sephine (Convisser Marorie Rough
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Dorothy Laylin
Nighlt Editor-Harold 0. Warren

students. To many of them the
cover was nothing more than a
burlesque Christmas card. Judging,:
from his letter in Tuesday's Daily,I
Norman Anning must be one of
those people to whom the story of,
the three wise-men was only aj
nice background for Ramon 'Navar-E
ro's "Ben Hur."
He says that the story is not sac-
red, that it is merely a beautiful,
poetic narrative, like the story of
"Snow-White and Rose-Red," and
the "Three Bears." He says that
it is ridiculous to believe that God
could change the course of a star
'in his own heavens.
The story of the wise-men is sac-
red. It's in the Bible and it's just
as sacred as the story of the birth-
of Jesus. If the story of the "Mag-P
is not sacred to you, none of the:
Bible is, and when the Bible lo:s I
its sacredness, you had better be-
come an English instructor. That's
the best place for people who feelj
that way about it. They're harm-
less there, nobody takes them ser-
iously, and they have free rmill to
rave on about their doctrines of
reason, culture, Hellenism -- any-
thing but Christianity.
ILet's read the story of the "M,,agi,"
as we find it in the second cha)pter°
of the Gospel of Mathew:f
"Now when Jesus was born inI
Bethlehem of Judaea in the days
of Herod the king, behold, Wise-
men from the east came to Jeru-
salem, saying, 'Where is He that sL
born King of the Jews? for wie sawv
his star in the east arnd have comre
to worship him.'.., and they, hav-
ing heard the king (Herod), went
their way; and lo, the star, whichI
they saw in the east, went before!
them, till it camne and stood ever
where the young child was. AndUU
when they saw the star, they re-
joiced with exceeding great joy.
And they came into the house and+
saw the young child with Mary,
his mother; and they foll down

that such are not to oc. 7-re I£tUndoubtedly the most interest-
am adding a few insult to many hn- lilI' musical experience on last
j ury, as mruch akgazinst my will asI nights program was the reading
yours. which Mr. Falcone and the Varsity
i band gave to the Passaca glia and
well! nenn thing among t Fugue in C MLinor by Bach arrang-
so my,: ills s ° uat the Pher- led by Vasseli. The differentation
jret han' cdketod me like in instrumental color which the
tbliri ~ !,,heand dlesertin g fugue form demands, was not, at
sinin s iic i gave me the least to as great an extent as is
f+lloingfi? your edification,1 possible with the ordinary orehes-
but you donyt,«o course, have; tral reading, as sharp as it might
to use it for 't-at unless YCU have been. And this change in the
really trtilyv ei o color of the inner voices did in this
F§~ RET -'ae.cause an entirely different
NEWLY E)DtK dfIL furnishedl mood. There was however an in-
arl vr~n v~r ;.' at~1 ad tere sting rythmnic structure, ada
shlowter for >oy 4 1listeam ; ,lternation of themes in th-e bras -
heat, also beadif double room, es, which carried the intricate work
sing;lan ae. along and made the lack of color
IGH~~[ T~l~TY! 'et ust~ Iseem somewhat insignificant. There
! fie a T., it ! ihi is a danger in arrangements of this
that this", oute, n~ns sort however of a too great popu-
can? be c rrid oofa, A per-i lanszing-a movement which has
sonay, ld r';ho al toagh l[ up till now threatened music less
may be, prearto b y ain than any other art.
.narte nr avdi i The choosing of this anid the
nian.Symphonic March by Boneili on an
-- .. ,. ,.otherwise lyric program is perhaps
Christmas~ as it is best lknown- ninfortuniate. It semed to mL'.e that
in its translates' form frog the old the program would be a more ini-
Hebric frm Ohrima<meann, rinsic Christmas unit if instead of
abneo ol lve1c I o a I variety being achieved by sym-
' pair of socks tlhet you beught inohonic works of no "timely" signif-
th.e mridle of tb .e nsete 'n icance, a greater range of art sons
were forcibly r,-, traine f rom wealr- should be attempted.
ing by a roommate wvith~ delicate Mr. Falcone in his reading of the
" n ;iiiiecm no en oeSymphonic March, attempted more
one thousand nine hund ,ed and the mnarch than the symphony. Ex-
i;thirty years ago e'-,ie"Uichnelmia.s cept in a few places in the score,
day (don't quote inci on this a.-K i th"1 vigorous rythm of band t ch-
Ionly a personal opinion) il has I niqtie was maintained?. rhe work
beendevlopig ito an-tre ~id as written by iPoneili an Italian
more dangerous influence on ifie composer, and this was the first
ot o urlnlcs ya American rendition. Mr. EoielA,
tt'ci wth te pssile ecepion oas not made use here of all the
1>147 A. D. SFh ih is one :ea o possibilities of the band. I-I main-
hihIhv^ inoL sic,; wh-at- ttains a single modal effect through-
'ever, o ut except for one part where the
Why only thinc! With the pass-'I characteristic March rythm was
1~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~* ,, ftm y:Ii c '~ rto wed to a iyric motion. The el-or-
E 6scni oalh nI c'eJaa I raiang ement of the accomp ani-
10yof which !Aree~ . mnt tends in some places to grow'
tidota icVLcI 14y y 1, monotonous. However, in the very
t'-~ no atall s o2' n whch fet that it can be critized in this
itsn r and joga11 ea U K 1j , t ; i ;-- manner it proves itself a more than

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=1Friday, December 19th °
SOUTH OUN a Leave Ann Arbor 11:00 am. (Central Time) arriving Toledo 1:15
SOUTHHp. in. (Eastern Time), making all Toledo connections.
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fwCentral for Flint, Port H uron, Ponciac, Saginaw, Bay City, etc.
' S UTFBOU D:Regu.lar Train---Leave Ann Arbor 2:16 p. im. (Central Time), arriving
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Special Train Service f romx Toledo -
t For .accorinodati(on of students returning to Ann Arbor following Christmas vacation, THE ANN ARBOR
RAILk OAD' will operate a SPECIAL TRAIN fromt Toledo' to Ann Arbor, leaving Toledo at 6:45 p. m. (Just-
= ern Time) Sunday, January 4, 1931.
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With the stage set for a long
fight on the much discussed ques-
tion of America's entry into the
world court, the forces in opposi-
tion have again begun the time-
worn argument of America's splen-
did isolation, a policy which, it is
claimed, was first Laid down by
Washington and has since been ac-
knowledged by all the great states-
men of the country.
It is admittedly a strong argu-
ment for there has grown up in the
popular mind an implicit belief in
this policy. The word isolation it-
self has been surrounded by a ser-
ies of myths and traditions and, al-
most without exception, it has been
strong enough to defeat any meas-
ure such as the world court proto-
But America's isolation has re-
mained a myth. As far back a.
1803, Commodore P r e b 1 e was
pounding down the walls of Tripoli
in an attempt to free not only
American but world commerce from
the domination of the Pasha. In
1853 Commodore Perry was forcing
his way into the ports of Japan
and demanding the right of trade
with the United States. Twelve
years later, American guns were
leveled at Kagoshima to punish
the Japanese for firing upon a
small American steamer and the
United States were joined in this
destruction by the British cannon
Since that time, the Samoan Is-
lands have been taken, a nava'
base has been established at Ha-
waii, Cuba has become a protec-
torate, and Americans have taken
a prominent part in the Hague con-
ferences of 1897 and 1907. More
recently, in 1921, there was the
Washington disarmament confer-
ence. This is obviously a very brief
list and could be extended almost
The time has come when th(
American people should be freed
from. the mental straight-j ackets
of such myths. There are advan-
tages in the world court plan which
no one can intelligently deny ant

and worshipped him; and onen 7iseg . 2""' r , E ""i sfficien t i arch znumber. ,. vo a
their treasures they offered unto' ely;-prenteaen~ The Girls Glee club, in under-
him gifts, gold and frankincense ic ti I ,~ s:: ndingz and allowing for its own
and myrrh." . . f a job on themrtaor' old pi L ',nitations, was the most nearly,
That's the story. If yoIeiv csrwul epodt e o ideal unit for this type of program.'
y u blee ssr w ld b pr d to u. yo that God has no other powers th I r w, to r id s al o gd a + the Brahms Lullaby especia lly,
ths eogn t h ua e it r:, owed itself consciou s of the
thoe blogin t th hu-tn-b ) with mercena.ry ('cnsidel.ationsr
ing, it's ridiculous. But if your G od or whatt Uncle Merry is going to ' nuances and inflections necessary.
is He that healed the sick and rais- kick through with this year. I .T1h soloists were pleasant, in the
.d the dead, that made the blind 1*n twge! pet I mr go . a, spirit o[ thea occasion. The
to see, the halt to walk, the sinnr University Glee club was rather er-
to be forgiven, and the lost to have C .._... ir ,ic, sacrifici at times technr-
hope, it won't be hard to believe, - cal perfection to the holiday sea-
:hat He could change the course of son.
mne of His own stars in His ow 3 These rather informal muzsical


As for the Gang cover, I athink
that the whole offense was unin-
tentional. Somebody had a seem-
ngly clever idea, but nobody hap-
)ened to realise that it would be
offensive to so many of their read-
;rs. You know, college students are
.upposed to be so unconventiona,
>o hard, so ultra-modern, so ideal-
stic. They're all ready to make the
whole world over, and there's noth-
ng like starting with man's oldest
mnd most reliable friend, his Goal.
So they proceed to make thsese old
truths ridiculous and funny.

seem thata music wiith a religious
flavor is highly attractive, for at'
the Adeste Fidelis, the audience
stood up and sang with the perfor-
miers. This is something that could'
only be enjoyed here, and here it
was really enjoyable. It is hoped
that the Glee clubs and the banld
will continue their welcome reci-
tals. The University band has lim-,
ied itself too imuch to the football
S.S. F.
- _ _ _ _ _ _I


It would have been a much be -
ler policy for the Gar;; to have j ChristmasP
levoted itself to the campus r wvue,(d
:ather than rushing in where only 1 feasts have been utter-ly riind by v
ingels dare to tread and making the1(,fact tha=t AetA Aha pre-s
tself obnoxious. sented someo ne with a magenta
- Iscarf t: tan by any othe r thing in
thie history of fea,,:t.
SI t seems acsad J.,ut inevitable
W hat ? , concl.usion that lich is ,ire nature
\1V at' :'of thing-s, howtev, whe wecon-
ides thaGt even such thin-ss the
Going !old Feasts of Am' eealways I
1acempaniod by such Tcrnines as
0fl t{Presenting Arms' ee' nye god
tde dayes, butevn o -,7cn;bu
~ ~~----peel just a triflesry over the
THEATERS$ whole affair whenT look baca and
I sen wh-at it n-ighthave been just
Lydia Mendelssohn a-- Christm s Iwlla!nthd Tno-ee o
program: Moliere's " Affectedt Miss-la lot of people whzo tho-ught they
s, Pc w k's C rs m s; s n-C lith f 31E by gvnored by Women's league Play Pro- cheaper resents than these they
duction, and Freshman Girl,- Glee? fot froze otherfs.
The forem 'ost ex eunc of this
Michigan -~ "The Mati'hnRonial ytmwaa ar s3haebe
Bed" with Lillian Tashman. aoet elfr asereo0s
Majestic-"Cheer Up and Smzile" mart named.. - -i who used to
with Dixie Lee and Arthur La-ke, -r u i rscI al t
Wuerth -Harold Lloydi Pe ~etrt nte ao noae~
yinFirst.'' - ,?rIiflthem c 1l ~i -. __ I

"Luisa Miller" will have its, first
performance this season next Men-
dlay evening opening the ninth
week of the Metropolitan Opera.
season with Mines. Ponselle, Telva
and Doninelli, and Messrs. Lauri--
Volpi, Deluca, Pasero, Ludikar and
Paitn inieri, M~r. Serafin conducting.
The rest of the program for the
first week of the Christmas season
"Lohengrin" on W e d n es d a y,
"Mignon" on Christmas evening
w.ith Miss Bori and Giglh.
"Haensel and Gretel"i and "Pag,--
liacci" as a holiday matinee on Fri-
"The Flying Dutchman" on Fri-
day evening with Mmne. Jeritza. Mr.
LBodanzky conducting.
"Don Giovanni" as a Saturday
m-atinee, with Mine. Ponselle and
MJr. Gigli.
"Tosca" for the "popular" Satuir-
clay night opera.
There will be an opera concert
on SundayT night. Minmes. Mueller,
Sw1-arthgout, Didlur, Doninelhi and
F E.-xper and Messrs. Tokatyan, Fi-
gerio, Piniza, Windheim and Cehan-
ov:sky will sing.

C 0111 aL 1, tp GivLop
D~ not forget oCri -a et o l uia ntuet
W t ~Itctn es.ilcristmas neCotrl

, I



I ii





T n At 3-" t T rr a 4 ."


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