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December 18, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-18

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VOL. XLI. No. 69




JusticekDepartment to
Block Threat on
Two Jurists Refuse to
Follow Judge's
(YV Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.-The de-
partment of justice acted quickly
today to block the latest threat to
its prohibition machinery, announc-
ing an "immediate appeal" would
be taken directly to the Supreme
Court from the New Jersey deci-
sion which held the Eighteenth
Amendment invalid.
Simultaneously an aroused fed-!
eral prohibition director telegraph-
ed a command to his New Jersey
forces to "carry on," while two
brother jurists there of Federal
Judge Clark, author of yesterday's
decision, were refusing to followj
the striking precedent set by him.
A third New Jersey district judge'

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Associated Pres Photo
Loyal Spanish troops are closely guarding the royal palace in Madrid. Following the declaration of mar-
tial law the soldiers have been compelled to quell almost continual rioting. King Alfonso has stationed men
at all important points to enforce his rulings. Although the majority of the people seem to be tired of the
frequent disorders of the past few weeks there are many who will not be content until they see the over-
throw of the monarchy. Some of these engaged in a street fight with the artillery yesterday in which four
men were killed. There were also mobs at Santander, Alicante, Isla Christina, Huelva, and Valencia who
fought with soldiers.


Dinner Companion
Teaches Detective
Economics Lesson


remained sil
Federal p
little time in
of war at th
United State,
man, summoi
for more tha
torney Gene]
Attorney G
charge of pre
T. Jones, ass
rector, beforE
peal was ann
Forman w
to New Jerse
chinery for
holding Clar
quo until it c
est tribunal. U
at the same
"at the prop
Court will be
case down fo
"The appe
said, "will b
Supreme Coui
under a stat
such an app
quashing an
grounds of t
statute upon
though not p
ence, made el
there should
forcement of
tion act in N
decision. In a
Tutt, deputy
trator at New
"Do not be
Clark's decisi
in Cri

ent, j University to Allow Students to
1 Agents Confer. Drive Home; 1930 Licenses EVANSTN Dec. 17.-Detec-
rohibition chiefs lostH.3'e''I, c[
gathering in a council Expire Over Vacation. tive Edward Bussean learned about
'e justice department. ! pennies from a young man he met
s Attorney Philip For- University students will. be al- in a restaurant today. he would like
ned from Newark, met lowed to drive cars after noon on to learn more about the young man.c
n two hours with At- Friday, according to an announce- . Bussean and the youth had eaten
ral Mitchell, Assistant ment made yesterday by Walter Bin the same booth.The youth, dis-t
eneral Youngquist in Readssistplaying a handful of pennies,
hibition, and Howar Rea, assistant to the dean of stud- laughingly remarked, "I got tot
istant prohibition di- ents. The auto ban will be reim- I matching pennies and look what I
e the decision to ap- posed on Tuesday morning, Jan. 6. won. Ever match?".
iounced. All students driving permits ex_ The detective replied by digging
as directed to return ire on Frida and as it will be up all his loose change and the con-s
y to prepare the ma- k test started. The young man won
such action, thereby necessary to have new permit tags with surprising regularity, makingc
k's decision in status affixed to student-driven cars after change for Bussean's larger coins
omes before the high- the reopening of school, applica- andbills until the officer had only.
'he justice department tions for the renewal of drivig enough left to pay his check andr
time announced that , Ipocket five pennies.
I privileges should be made if possi-;,c
Cr time the Supreme i He dropped in at the City Na-:
requested to set the1 ble before Dec. 27, Rea stated. The tional Bank and asked the teller to
r an early argument." office of the dean of students will give him a nickel for his one-cent
cock Staunch. be open during the vacation period pieces.
al," the department and local students are urged to "Where did you get these?" asked .
e taken direct to the obtain their 1931 state license plates the tel:
rt of the United States within the next 10 days, and to file "
ute which authorizes their applications for permits with- "Matching with a fellow. Why?'
eal from a decision out delay. Nothing, except they're counter-
indictment on the Such co-operation will make it feit."
the invalidity of the possible to have the plates manu-
which it is founded." factured and ready for issuance on CHRISTMAS PLAYSr
irector Woodcock, al- Jan. 3. Students residing outside of TO CLOSE TONIGHT
resent at the confer- Ann Arbor should obtain applica-
lear he did not intend tion blanks at Dean Bursley's office
be a let-down in en- and mail them in as soon as they Free Tickets May be Obtained
the national prohibi- have purchased their new license at Mendelssohn Theater. j
ew Jersey, despite the tags.-
telegram to Louis J. Apparently some misunderstand- Tonight marks the final presen- !
prohibition adminis- ing still exists, Rea continued, with tation of Moliere's "The Affected
rark, he said. regard to the interpretation of the Misses," and a Christmas scene
discouraged by Judge social use of student cars. During I from the Pickwick Papers, on a
on. Carry on!" the academic year permission is program sponsored by Play Produc-
- - - 1granted to students to drive cars tion and the Women's League, in
!for definite and necessary purposes. the Lydia Mendelssohn theater.
These permits are based on the A musical program of Christmas
transportation, to the total exclu-. Freshmen Girls' Glee club during 2
obvious and essential reasons for numbers will be furnished by the
sion of any personal or social use the intermission.
of cars. Accordingly, he concluded, This is the second joint produc-
a student obtaining the social or tion of Christmas plays that these
personal use of his or his family's two groups have offered to theA
Ministry Is Placed car through its operation through public.a
tical Position a non-student, who is not a mem- Although, tickets are free, andr
Spit Vote. ber of his immediate family, will seats may be reserved, no reserva-d
Sit ot.be subject to discipline. tions may be made by telephone.i

Division of Penal Institutions
Recommended by National
(By Associated Press>
NEW YORK, Dec. 17.-Diversifi-
cation of penal institutions to make
them fit the crime was recommend-
ed today in a report from the na-
tional crime commission.
This report was by the sub-com-
mittee on the medical aspects of
crime, which has been at work for
several years under chairmanship
of Mrs. Richard Derby. These rec-
ommendations are made:
1. That the states establish as
rapidly as practical, appropriate
institutions forthe various types
of offenders, in order that a greater

Midnite Sons Quartet,
'Aw, Nuts' Dances.
Proceeds of Affair Being Held
in Intramural Building
to Go to Poor.
Ticket sales for the Community
Charity ball, which will be heldl
from 8 until 1 o'clock tonight in
the Intramural building, are rapid-
ly nearing the 3,000 mark, it was
learned today from Julius Schmidt,
assistant treasurer of the Univer-
sity and chairman of the ticket
committee. The affair is being
f sponsored jointly
I< . y the University
>ind the Ann Ar-
;or Federation of
Tickets may still
>e secured at
Vahr's, Slater's,
11 banks, the Un-
on, and at Crip-
en's. They are
)riced at $2. All
;he proceeds of
lance will be 1
turned over to in
jiingerle Mayor Edward W. de
Staebler for distribution, inasmuch M
as there will be no expense involved th
in the dance. The University has pr
given the use of the Intramural to
building free of charge, and the de
orchestras, which will play, will al-
so give their services free.
Seven Bands to Play.
Seven bands have offered to play
for tonight's affair. A half hour of
features will also be included on
the program, when the Varsity
band will give several selections, as
well as the Glee club and the Mid-
nite Son's quartet. Several dances Fo
from "Aw Nuts," the All-Campus
Revue, will be presented.
The dance, which is for the ben-
efit of the needy and unemployed

.ebels arne Zamora{ R u I e r Communicates
'Republic President' RWith Distant Cities
by Telephone.
[Four Killed[ as Mobs
Fight Soldiers
In Street.
(By Assciated Press)
Madrid, Dec. 17. -Widespread
strikes with half a million men
out and repeated riots today con-
tinued in many parts of Spain but
the attempt to overthrow the
m o n a r c h y seemed decisively
crushed and King Alfonso's crown
appeared safe for a moment.
The king himself continued to
dominate the situation, keeping in
constant touch with distant cities
by telephone and conferring at
length with his cabinet ministers.
His right hand man, Premier Dam-
aso Berenguer, was put to bed with
A sorl"te4 ' .q a severe case of tonsilitis, but his
Alcala Zamora, doctors said he would recover with
Member of the Spanish cabinet, a bit of rest.
1923, who was proclaimed "presi- Under Martial Rule.
nt of the republic" by rebels in Throughout the kingdom the civil
adrid. His chances for leading authorities had surrendered their
e country are rather slim at the powers under martial law and.
esent time because the attempts troops were in charge at strategic
overthrow the monarchy seem points. The foreign legion came in-
cisively crushed. to several cities and the tumultuous
cheers with which the people re-
ceived them was interpreted as an
indication that the man in the
street is tired of the disorders of
the past few weeks.
The artillery held Barcelona, four
men were killed in a street fight at
Ovido, and mobs clashed with the
soldiers at Santander, Valencia,
reign Relations Committeemen Alicante, Isla Christina, and Huel-
Cr P ident's Re t va, where dock workers refused to
CrossPresideques unload a fishing smack and its ear-
for Quick Passage. go was thrown overboard. There
--- were strikes also at Bilbao and San
(By Associated Press) Sebastian, but both those towns
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. - The seemed to be calm with the army
rld court issue was put on the in control.
elf today by the Senate foreign Jails Are Filled.
ations committee until the regu- The jails are full and batches of
session of the next Congress a prisoners have been locked up even
ar hence. in the movie houses which have
Republicans of the committee had no audiences for days. It was
onsored the postponement. They expected that most of the prisoners
pressed confidence tonight that would be turned loose soon and
esident Hoover, who ignored this that leaders in the unsuccessful re-
vice and asked for ratification at volt would receive nothing heavier
is session would not call a special than prison sentences.
ssion in the spring for this pur- The "inside story" of the revolu-
se in view of their decision. tion was revealed today in a state-
Senator itreed, Republican, Penn-.. ment by Niceto Alcala Zamora,
lvania, proposed the postpone- whom the revolutionists proclaimed
ent with the plea that an attempt "president of the republic," on Sat-
dispose of the question now urday. From his prison cell he told
uld hurt the cause and inevit- how the plot had begun months ago
ly lead to the extra session which and was to have flowered in a gen-
e administration is seeking to oral strike to begin simultaneously
oid. He has not announced his in all cities last Monday morning.
sition on the court.
The vote was 10 to 9. Most Re-
blicans joined in supporting the
otion. Democrats voted solidly
ainst the postponement. Chair-
an Borah, an opponent, and
nator Gillett, an advocate of the HMH
urt, joined in opposition.
Although one Democrat, Senator
alsh, of Montana, was absent, Disorderly Conduct Complaint
airman Borah said he regarded Defeated by Legal
e committee's decision as final. Technicality.
There was no assurance from the

aegree of ciassincation may ;e of Ann Arbor, was
brought about. I irst proposed by
2. That the larger courts be en- t h e Musicians'
couraged to establish their own federation. Mayo:j
psychiatric clinic and that the Staebler, Presi-
state establish, so far as possible, dent Alexander G
facilities available to the smaller I R u t h v e n, an(
courts s each court may have I f )e a n Joseph A
available a psychiatric service made 1 B~ursley all en-
up of competent and impartial j.orsed it, Presi-
psychiatrists, psychologists, and' dent Ruthven do-
social investigators. nating the use o
3. That the stato extend the t h e Intramura
principle of the indeterminate sent- building. 0 t h e iY
ence and the greater discretion of members of the
iudges in diSosing of cases.xecutive com-


mittee are Dr. Harley H. - Haynes,
SEN. GR EENE DIES mrepresenting the University on the
SEN. committee; Julius Schmidt, the
AFTER OPERATION Musicians''federation; Mayor'Stae-
bier; the city; and C. J. Fingerle,
Noted Soldier, Editor Succumbs the business men.
date leave has been granted by
Following Rc a so, Aiice Lloyd, dean of women, to all
- -I women students who wish to at-
(Bs AssociateJ Pih ) I tend the dance. It is expected that
ST. ALBANS, Vt., Dec. 17.---Frank a nation-wide hook-up will broad-
L. Greene, United States senator cast the affair, which is the first
from Vermont, soldier and editor, of its kind designed to remedy the
died at a hospital here today. He unemployment situation, and that
had been operated on for hernia motion pictures for newsreels will
Monday, but his recovery seemed also be taken.
assured up until early this after- An elaborate souvenir dance pro-
noon when he went into a gradual gram is being printed today and
decline. He was 60 years old. will be presented to each couple.
Senator Green, who had been Besides a tabulation of all the
partly paralyzed since 1924 when he events to be included in the affair
was struck by a stray bullet in a tonight, mention will be made of all
gun-fight between bootleggers and the committees and donors who
prohibition agents in Washington, have made the dance possible.


(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Dec. 17.-By the nar-
row majority of only six votes, thef
smallest it has ever been accorded,.
Premier Ramsay MacDonald's min-
istry survived a division in the
House of Commons tonight. Its
arrival, however, leads to almost'
as critical a position as if it had
been defeated.
The vote came on an amendment
inserted by the House of Lords in
the expiring laws continuance bill
which proposed prolongation of the!
dyestuffs act for another year. The
government was anxious to abolish
this act on its ,normal expiration
next month, and therefore urged
the Commons to reject the Lord's
By vote of 244 to 238 the Com-
mons did so and the expiring laws
bill thus returns to the Lords for
further consideration.
In well informed circles it was
believed tonight the Lords, espe-
cially since the (ficouragement they
received from the narowness of the
government's majority, would in-
sist on their amendment. In that
case the government either would




Reeves, Bromage, and Steiner I
Give Views on Decision
by Judge Clark.

By Beach Conger, Jr.
Several members of the political
science department yesterday ex-
pressed their opinions in regard to
the decision of Judge William Clark,
of New Jersey federal district court,
on the constitutionality of the Vol-
stead act. Those interviewed were
of the opinion that the decision
could not be upheld.
"The reasoning of Judge Clark is
fallacious," stated Dr. H. Arthur
Steiner. "There is very little ques-
tion but what the Appelate Court
or the Supreme Court will reverse
his decision if the case is appealed.
There is no basis for the reasoning
he has used.
"The constitution of the United
States has provided for the amend-I
ment of the document by either


whether by conventions or legisla-I
Prof. Jesse Reeves, head of the
department, stated that he did not
wish to be quoted on the case until
he had read the full decision of
Judge Clark. He did say, however,
that "it is within the powers of
Congress to decide whether ratifi-
cation of an amendment shall be
by conventions or legislatures. It'
has been claimed that the powers
of the states have been reduced by
the 18th amendment. But who
should represent the people of the
states better than the state legis-
Prof. Brommage stated that "the
decision will never stand in the Su-,
preme Court of the United States.
The decision is a very far-fetched
interpretation of the Constitution.
One cannot distinguish between
amendments to be ratified by state
conventions on one hand, or legis-
latures on the other hand. The will1

The Weather
(By Associated Press)
Lower Michigan: Increased clou-
dinoss and slightly warmer Thurs-
}. . day, followed by light snow Thurs-
?7. day night and Friday.
:Prof. Hobbs Scheduled to Read
Three Papers; Others
Go to Toronto.
At least nine members of the
geology department will attend
national conferences meeting dur-
:"..ing the Christmas holiday period.
r, Prof. William H. Hobbs, head ofl
the department, is scheduled to
read three papers before as many
different conferences. The first of
these papers, on the subject, "Aer-
ological Work in Greenland," will

i .

White House that Mr. Hoover would I (By Associated Press)
not call a special session of the NEW YORK, Dec. 17.-Charges
Senate in the spring, but Senator against Former Judge Ben B. Lihd-
Fess, of Ohio, one of the court ad- sey of Denver, growing out of his
vocates, said he believed the almost demand for a hearing during serv-
unanimous decision of the Repub- ices in the Cathedral of St. John
licans on the committee, including the Divine two Sundays ago, faded
proponents of the court, would among the shadows of legal tech-
incline Mr. Hoover against such a lnicalities today.
move. Magistrate August Dreyer, up-
------ -- 1 holding a demurrer of Arthur Gar-
field LOGY TAf lHays that the original dis-
ordOYyFconduct complaint against
DA Y CONFERENCES his client was defective, ordored a
new complaint drawn. He called
several times for somebody to step
also be delivered in Cleveland, on forward and sign it.
Thursday, Jan. 1, before the Amer- Nobody did.
ican Association for the Advance- Then, after rebuking Lindsey for
ment of Science, on the subject ,the act which the magistrate said
"Future Aerological Work in Green' everybody knew about, he slapped
,r Ahis hand on the bench and an-
land." nounced:
Eight other members of the de- "This case is closed."
partment will attend the confer- The magistrate, who said later
ence of the Geological Society of I his rebuke was directed more at
America, which meets at Toronto, the general public than at Lindsey,
Ontario, from Dec. 29 through Jan. told the former judge:
1. They are Professors C. W. Cook, "You are an intelligent man. You
R. C. Hussey, R. L. Belknap, E. C. are a lawyer. You were a judge.
0oo > T-1 - X- Von a11 v not l ilzin an iann-v . man-,-, -

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