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December 17, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-17

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;t3 tgohtseJ

Va ua e / eteran Defense Man _____
Is TcI ed Ineig b e
fo r Rest . C Season. VWi'.e eFo-tbal Players Turn
moUTH.>li . ,De. 14-
..n a P a ke sno

R7 "3 WF ,

Micig.an's c;ce fo: a seeond
; se uti Weetmn Conerencec
hockey championship and for a
vifstoy over the Chatham A. A.
tram tonight was dealt a severe
blow yesterday when it was learned
Saint Bill Langen, veteran defense
man, who starred on Thst season's
team, would be ineligible for the
rest of the year. The loss of the
hard skat ing Wolverine back will
take effect immediately and will
prevent him from facing the Chat-
ham team at 7:30 o'clock tonight
at the Coliseum. Admission will be
50 cents.
With Langen definitely out of the
lineup Coach Eddie Lowrey will
send Tom Prouse, a newcomer to
the team, to the defense post to
try his luck in checking the ad-
vances of the brilliant Chatham
forward line. The visiting team is
one of the strongest outfits that the
Varsity will be called upon to meet
all year, and already have defeated
the Western Ontario sextet, 4 to 2,
the same score by which Michigan
beat them last Saturday night.
Lineup Altered Little.
Prouse will team up with Bill
Williams, another sophomore, at
the defense posts, while Jack Tomp-
kins, the flashy Wolverine goalie,
will guard the nets. Michigan will
still retain its strong forward line,
however, and the combination of
Emmy Reid and Tommy Courtis at
the wings and Keith Crossman at
center should be strong enough to
give the Chatham goalie a busy
evening shunting aside Michigan
pucks. Captain Art Schlanderer
and Harold Sindles will be the first
string reserves for the Varsity.
Chatham's team, a member of
the strong senior division of the
Ontario Hockey association, will
bring several brilliant players here
with it tonight. "Smokey" Rey-
nolds, defense man, "Sonny" Rise-
borough, and "Red" Curran, wings,
are three of the Canadian skaters
who are expected to prove especial-
ly troublesome to the Wolverines.
Large Crowd Expected.
Although fully 850 people turned
out for the opening game of the
season against the University of
Western Ontario last Saturday, an
even larger crowd is expected to-
night. The Chatham team should
prove stronger than the Ontario
aggregation, apd all indications
point to a hard fought and thrill-
ing game.
Because of his fine shovin;
against Western Ontario, it is prob-
able that Keith Crossman, Michi-
gan center, will be given special at-
tention when the two teams come
together tonight. His brilliant skat-
ing, accurate shooting and capable
back-checking played a large part
in the victory of the Wolverine sex-
tet, and he is being touted as one
of the best hockey players to come
to Michigan in a long time.
Emmy Reid, another sophomore,
(Continued on Pige 7)
Varsity Tank Team
Will Engage in Next
Comnetition Jan. 24
The Michigan swimming team,
boasting four wins in as many
meets, will settle down to practice
this week for engagements which
it will have in January, including
the Big Ten meets., Its next compe-
titive meet will be held here Janu-
ary 24, with the Chicago Athletic
association team as competition.
Matt Mann's tankmen defeated
an aggregation of stars recruited
from in and about Pittsburgh at
Pittsburgh Saturday night by a 42
to 24 score. Michigan took both
relays, the breast stroke, 50-yard
dash, 100-yard dash and the 440-
yard swim. The easterners won the
backstroke and diving events.
Schmeiler and Marcus were the
Wolverine stars.


(rV2 Cei rrC-1-.
QC sT:-C 9 pro; a bl y o-- SaX.9 '2
l. ).cti :c:;,, rv.., "el . c jI -~ ~i2 .
EC P' Sworsmen
j . 2 l 8 :Ct ,.
J~ac wnilarz9.23d G 1U n.'rt-
oftern'esc- t, y0 -iiic __( '7-.
cli ng 'CIfzO7?'1 swordsmen.u

t- L wh: ilon fin<L3 stand-

C. .
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..Lil ( o
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3 J

N'r9, 1t1.Xi i>: tarpauli ha9 been
s52r>':d cve VA' gr 1 1r1 n u: thec
m9 n'' of. te ,'sity gr'276EIdS have
Sue th1('A msel3C0Ves to C 1her lines' of
at:,etiC endeav r.
Wf ht en fte esnDan-
ieLn, ,C;ex. Huds, Tcssmr, andI
'Willi;'mso 1 1 roprtcd to C 0 a c1 b
Georgc \znkfr o< basketball wnere
they aE~ ing.~ a strn~g >id fr
regular Varu.ity berlhs. BeCidCS
hs , ,rcm:n of the "B" team and
MaUu ' a member of the Varsity
until he was forced off the squad,
because of injuries, have also re-
11ozer and CoIdsmii.h are wokin
out daily in the Field House pre-
paune' for the track season, a ort
in v i- both have shown abilita
Dertictlrly in the weight events.
Dsbaker is also out and showing
excellent form in the hurdles.
Coach Cliff Keen of the wrestling
squad, as usual, has a generous
supply of football huskies trying
out for regular berths. Chief among
these is his captain, Howard Auer,
star tackle, who is a certainty for
a regular heavyweight assignment.

Associated Press Photo
W. L. "Young" Strib-ng, Georgia's pride is shown111 round
of the fight at Chicago in which he won a decision over Tuffy Griffiths,
Sioux City, Iowa. Stribling'stvin may net him the world's championship.

Yankees, Cubs, and Red Sox Get
New Pilots for 1931.
With the appointment of John
"Shano" Collins to the manager-
ship of the Boston Red Sox, the
list of Big League pilots for the
1931 season is completed, with only
three changes from last year. These
shifts, involving the New York
Yankees, the Chicago Cubs, and the
Red Sox, bring two experienced
major league leaders and one vet-
eran minor league pilot to the
helms of the clubs.
In what is nrobably the most
sensational shift of all, Joe Mc-
Carthy, for several years the pilot
of the Chicago Cubs, will be seen
directing the New York Yankees,
in the American League, next sum-
mer. Owner Wrigley of the Cubs,
apparently can be pleased with'
nothing but a winner, and when the
Cubs finished in second place only
a little way behind the Cardinals it
was the signal for the removal of I
McCarthy Loss Felt. .
This change was a distinct gain
for the American League, as well
as a loss for the senior circuit. Mc-
Carthy has proved to be one of the
most successful of present-day
managers, and his entrance into
the junior loop has given that cir-
cuit a smart baseball man and an
energetic leader.
Another veteran major league I
pilot, Rogers Hornsby, will direct
the destinies of the Cubs next sea-
son in McCarthy's place. Hornsby
has at one time or another served
as leader of the St. Louis Cardin:ist
and the Boston Braves, and should
have a strong team with which to
work next year. For the last two
seasons Hornsby has been the see-
ond baseman of the Windy City
aggregation, so is no newcomer to
Chicago fans.
collihsaWiTff Boston.
"Shano" Collins, a veteran major
league outfielder who has been
piloting minor league nines for the
last few seasons, will try his luck
at running the hapless Boston Red}
Sox. The team at best is only a)
good minor league outfit, and lean
years lie ahead for Collins unless
he can do what no other Sox pilot
in recent seasons has been able to
do, engineer some beneficial trades,
discover some new youngsters of
promise, or buy some prominent
minor league stars.
The remainder of the pilots for
next year will remain unchanged.
Walter Johnson will again hold
forth at Washington with his sur-
prising Senators, while Connie
Mack has been at Philadelphia so
long that he is a fixture there. In

the western half of the loop Stan-
ley Harris will again try to get
somewhere with his Tigers at De-
troit, Roger Peckinpaugh will again
pilot the Cleveland Indians, Donie'
Bush will lead the Chicago White
Sox, and Bill Killefer will manage;
the light hitting St. Louis Browns.
In the National League John Mc-
Graw will stay with the New York
Giants, and Bert Shotten will again{
try his luck with the Philadelphia1
Phillies. Wilbert Robinson will pilot
the Brooklyn Dodgers but chances,
are that this will be his last active
year at the head of the club. Jewel
Ens at Pittsburgh, Dan Howley at
Cincinnati, and Gabby Street at St.
Louis are the other National League
leaders for the 1931 season.
Washington Cougars
to be Attired in Red
(IN Asso;"ed Press>)
PULLMAN, Wash., Dec. 16.-The
Washington State College Cougars
will live up to their new name of
"Red Devils" when they represent
the west against Alabama in the
Tcurnam: ent of Roses New Year's
cday football battle, for they will be'
outftted in red from head to foot.

ing each week just h;w some o f
the more inexperienced fencers will
stand up under the fire of com-
petition, and they can only be test-
ed by pitting them against swords-
men of equal or better rank in a
1 regular match.
Their first opponents, the alumni
and graduate team, have mistere
a strong group of men to lucerin
action, and they will offer keen o-'
I cosition to the varsity. Stelpiman,
captain of last year's fencing teen,
will be one of the prominent figur es
in the alumni front as will Smellie
the 1924 team wo has beeo
working out nightly rounding hiria-
self into form for competition.
Another strong member of the3
group is Lieutenant Berg who is at
present a member of the Navy
fencing team at Annapolis, and
promises to provide all the action
necessary in his match. Dowsett
will represent the alumni team in
the epee event. Captain GordonI
and Friedman are tne only mem-
bers with real experience, the rest
of the candidates belng somewhat
shy on big-league competition.
Capt. Campbell -eeks ,
New Auto Speed Mar c
WASHINGTON. Dec. 15 -Ca-n
tain Malcolm Campbell, British Au-
tomobile racer, in a letter receiv"d
today by the American AutomC-
bile association, said he probabfy
will arrive in the United States
January 27 for another campaign
to raise the world's speed recrd
for the "flying mile."

f,, c!; Y2 nArai

.._. -

o auary . La Jeunesse, Jordan and
.--- Oehman, the winner of the All-
Coach Phibin of the boxing team Campus 165-pound title last year,
.nncunced the date of the Frosh are other first string gridders, who
lyJin. oreit tohe wnners Tmt- have shown class in the workouts
y J. 2 .h (Continued on Page 7)
og the Juniors Saturday, Jan. 24 -o
i the first of a series of inter-
class boxing meets.
Entries for the various weights
my be made by signing on the FOR COA T G M
bulletin board in the boxing room
of the Intramural building, Coach (i ,Associafd Prss)
P hi.lbin announced. .Those boxers TUSCALOOSA, Ala., Dec. 15. -
who weigh 11.4 pounds or less will Alabama's Crimson warriors have
be grouped in the flyweight class. begun their last week of h o m e
3anttamweight includes weights of training before leaving Friday for
1 8 pounds or less. In the feather- the Pacific Coast to meet Washing-
! Nght division the limit is 126 ton State in the Tournament of
p0unds. Lightweights are classed Roses at Pasadena.
as 1<35 ounds or under. The next Coach Wade and his men were in
weight after lightweight is the wel- good condition for the New Year's!
ter.'eight division ranging from Day game.
126 to 148 pounds inclusive. Mid- At least two hard scrimmages are
rieweights weigh upwards to 160 on schedule for the Tide before it
pounds. At 175 pounds and under boards a special train for the Coast.
comes the lightheavyweights and The first days of the week will beI
the unlimited class ranges above devoted to scrimmages between the
i Cnt pounds.uaebulars and reserves schooled in
Co-n1 ued on Page 7) Washington plays.

nounces Meet


Cp d Feature,) PrSh2aeS
of Grappling Contest;
Finals Tomorrow.
Opening up t Al - campus
wrestling meet wih more speed
than shown last yeal 'he prelim-
nary bouts were rn off Ind every
weight class is now in the semi-
final rounds. Coach Keen engineer-
ed the matches in order to send the
entire card ito linae matches
which will be run off Thursday as
he hopes to start sharply at four
this afternoon and complete the
last brackets of the semi-finals.
Teiera won hsbout wh Male-
witz with what proed to Toe the
hold of the day wiel he used a
wrist lock and i1^ >isi'se from be-
hind. This was the fastest bout of
the 120-pound class. Youngman
took a fall from Kosberg and
Landrum gained a technical fall
over Aldinger while Sigwart won
from Windiate to complete the
fighting in the 120 division.
Bennett won two matches in the
128 divsion when he gained time
advantages over both Shapiro and
Harlow. Cortez took a decision over
Davis while Klass put Dadson down
in five minutes of fast fighting.
Valin completed the work in this
division when he took a fall from
Maeyama in two and a half min-
Otto, wrestling in the 137 class,
won two falls, one over Mortimer in
two minutes and theother over
Duncan who had been moved up
when Pocock forfeited. Also in this
class Anderson gained two matches
by falls, taking over Freedman and
Sutton. Iorner in a long time ex-
tention bout won a close decision
over Kasaback and Harrod took a
fall from Kruger,
The 147-pound class went off
with speed as Wilias gained
decision over Clark and Mosier
beat Gravelle by a fall in 2:25.
Wilson got a time decision from
Lawrence and Shankland took a
(Continued on Page 7)
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