WiEDNESDi1AYs, 1DECEMBERc-1 17, 1930
Published every morning except Monday
during theLUiversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Afeoibe(r of 'Western Conference Editorial
A s(ociation.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches crediitedl to it or not otherwisecreFditedl
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rata
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214..
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
News Editor........Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor ..............Josep~h A. Russell
Women's Editor ........... Mary L. Bebymler
Music.,lDrama, Books.........'Vm. [. Gorman
Assistant City Editor....... Harold 0. Warrer,
Assistant News Editor......harles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor........... Gorge A. Staute;
Copy Edito~r..................Wmn. F. Pypei
S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
David M. Nichol
John D. Reindel
Richard T.. Toain
Hairold 0. Warren
Sheldon C. Fui~ertcn J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend
{.E. Bush Wilbur J. Meyers
-honias M. Coolcy Robert L. Pierce
Morton Frank Richard Racine
Saul hriedherg Jerry El. Rosenthal
Drank 13. Gilbreth Charles A. Sanford
iack Goldsmith Karl Seiffert
oland Goodinan Robert F. Shaw
Morton Helper Edlwin Al. Smith
Edgar JIornik George A. Starter
13ryan Jones John WV. Thomas
Denton C. Kunze John S. Townsend
Powers Moultonr
Eileen Blu1nt Marv McCall
E lsie Feldman Mar caret O'Brien
Ruth Galneycr EleaInor Rairdon
Emily G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin
Elsie M. t~offiaeyer Margaret Thompson
Jean Lev y Ciaire Trussell
Dorotoy Magee Barbara Wright
'Telephone 21214
T. 11OLL ISTER MA B L Y, Buisin ss Manager
KASPL'R II. IIALV SRFON, Assistant Manager
Advertising ................ Charles T. Flint.
Advertising.................Thomnas M. Davis
Advertising ............ William W. Warboys
Service*,................... Norris J. Johnson
Publication ............Robert WV. Williamson
Circulation .............. Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounis .......... .........Tlhomas .S. Muir
13usinerss Secretary............ Mary J. Kenan
H-arry 12. Be'glev Erle Kightliimger
Vernon Bishop 13.1o1 X. Lyon
William Brown Wv~illiam Morgan
Robert Callahan Richard Strateinemer
William Wv. Davis Kith Tyler
Richard IH. Hiller Noel 1). Turner
Miles Hoisington Byron C. Vedder
Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller
Marian Atran Hlelen Uise-m
11elen Bailey Mildred Postal
Josephine Convisser Marjorie Rough
Maxine Fishgrtind M7ary E. Watts
Dorothy Lei~irc Johanna Wiese
Dorothy Laylin
Night Editor: CARL S. FORSYTHE
Westbrook Pegler, famous sports
wrnir. svs C Iin vP~t'rrir's e nv- 7
until the first semne ter closes, andI
that is very little time in whlich to
thoroughly review a course.
Although we hate to admib it
there are some among us who will-
not be back next semester. A littl"
serious work would cut this nunm-
ber down. Every student knows, now
that warnings are out, in which
subjects he is low, and there is rio,
good reason why he cannot ge't 1
thema thoroughly reviewked
the last of January.
.0- - -- -co
Editorial Comment
(Fo h aeD iyN w)Anyone familiar with the activi-
ties of the Sophomore and Junior
Classes during the fraternity call-
ing of the present week will ac-
knowledge that once again the 1
high hopes of Utopian utterances I
of the Interfraternity C ou n cil1
against such illegal practices as
have been resorted to, have almost
universally and utterly failed to
mature and have left, in their }
stead, perhaps a more chaotic stateI
of affairs. Instead of rationalism;
of the: "rushing week," there is still
the highly organized "eyes and
ears" of the kings-or their sub-
The Interfra ternity a greement
was designed to curtail outbursts ofE
overemphasis that might be staged
by the various fraternities. A tradi-
tion at Yale, distinct from those
observed in many colleges, has
rightly condemned such practices
as welcoming by fraternity groups
the trains bearing incoming Fresh-
men. It has thereby left the firstI
year of college one of uinmolested
orientation, although fraternities
have been known, with inrceasing
frequency in- past years, to start -
their bickerings with certain prom-
inent members of that class. On
the whole the relegation of fra-I
ternity activities to Sophomore year
has been moderately well observed.,
but with the coming of Sophomore
year there has been a change ini
aspect for the worst.
The illegal practice of pmeting is,
now accepted as a necessary, pro-
tective evil. Despite the fact that
each and every candidate gives his I
word of honor not to comnmunicate
except with members of his own
class, and despite the fact that each
fraternity is subject to a heavyI
fine and other limitations, pacting
flourishes today with unabated fueryj_.
and with little prospect of change.
It is no more or less than a fiasco.
It is a pitiful travesty upon thle
esteem in which we hold our word
of honor. And yet in this instance,
not one is afflicted with the coy .
TURE! f Ever enxiouiii to please and
lead all our conmpetitors in service
to oiur public, it rives us great plea-
sure to announce. a new and greater
aid to our readers. This is our in-
dividuai Christmas-Card column
whichl offers a wide variety of
cards wh-ich the kiddies can cut
out and paste on pasteboard and
save youa lot of money you old
tightskates and chcapxvads you.
Li~L bout books
Warmest fihe or a Merry
Xmnas from y-rr loving nephew
yensmoe teseinseadof thoce
lausy (°ars th.tsm- lupthe
h0ouse S0 every Christ.ras? IMoth-
ev's getting prefty sc of them
ail right.
A nowv antllolog y of American i
college verse Neill be published in
day, 1931, by Hlarper and Brothers.
it has b ellePrcenly announced by
the publishers. Tile book will con-
sist solely of poetry writt n by
students attlending college during
the 1930-31 college year. It will be
edited by Miiss Jessie C. Redr,
lvnoph-Macon, '29,an olm
bia University, 0
All students, either undergrad- eogratatndgay
CO1ee Cduring the current year are
invited to submit poems for incu-
.':ion inl the anthologs'y. The verses
<<5ll be selcted for publication
<olely upon their literary merit, it
was announced. If the venture is,
a success it is expeted that it mnay
beoean annual affair.
The verses may be written upon
anay subject, but must be limited to
litty lines or less. Students wishing
to make contributions should mail
I their maltnuscripts to Anthology of
College Verse, c/o F. F. SaXton
I -iarper & Bros., 49 ast 33rd Street,
New York City. All contributions
muitst be in the publishers' hands
b~y December 10, 1930.
H1enrik Ibsen, whom 8haw has'
contrived to make, in rnore ways
thlan one, news of the moment, will
be the subject of a two volume bio-
1'ranhy to be published net sprin;
by W. W. Norton, in conjunction
tvithl the American SCandanaviati
foundation, whose editors consider
i" the best biography of the ;gra t
Norwegian dramati st. H1, Koa is
file author.
Ibsen, whom a few seasons back
,,as so terribly mangled by Blanche
Yurka, and so beautifully played by
the Civic Repertory players, still re-
l oai a theatricai model, The best
rmztical+ work or: im 1,o far has
been the ioraphical sketches and
critiques which 'William Archer pre-
;ced to his nioteworthy, transla-
tions. A good bio~raphy will go far
toward the remnoving of many .is-
I ;;prehenesions about him. So Ar
Koh's work is awaited with inter-
es. .
It is a curious fact that two
<'Povtnets so caetrically op-
posed as the cheap edition move-1
ment and the publishing by various
houses, some formed for the pur- I
pose, of new and finer editions of
old and new b;oks, should be in
existence at the same time. Book
making it seems h1as received a new
and refreshing impetus.
Cot Ic Fried has announced the
k lublication of the first two titles
in their new serie's of illustrated
books. 'rho fa'r=t is Gustave Plau-
bert's Madame iBovary, illustrated
wby Helene Perdriat, and the second
is a new and complete translation
jby Hlorace Gregory of the2 works of
Catallus, with illustrations and
decorations by Zheniya Gay. Each
of these books will appear i
regular trade edition an also in
limited editions. They wil be ready
n-.ext spring.
Aaofyoured ivi t ca- .
monmeysadthe seo
. willte ;vlol e m Cit ver
erluable in your ,. +71
I ria ,t .
T ee ypewrite z
haeusd itto ern -i
EHneRyATANYthside r
afeH da.ion.
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ouhState Street
'ry ° snd Typewriter Store
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v iday, Dec-~~1t
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JG c APDS113
righted Chicago Tribune story that
liVV V3.LL 1 ,j RNitiiV ii441 1Y1V33 VSiV li *.1r3
football is about to be reformed
again,.rrhis time the reformation
will take it out of the class of oneI
of America's largest "businesses"
and place it again on the level of
ordinary sport events. The game,
says Pegler, has been revised and
revised until it now hasn't the
faintest resemblance to the original
sport. And all this just to please
the whims of its ever growing pub-
Yesterday's papers also carried
the story of Kentucky Wesleyan's
refusal to book a football schedule
for 1931. The school isn't the first
to follow this trend, so ably antici-
pated by President Ruthven in his
now famous address early this
month before the schoolmasters in
the East. Loyola, of C h i c a g o,
dropped its football "business" last;
week because it was getting too
"professional," too mercenary, far
too unwieldy for the school to carry
and still maintain any semblance of
scholarship. Purdue has dropped all
of its minor sports for this year,
and football for next year, an an-
nouncement which startled the
world, coming the same week as
Dr. Ruthven's speech.
Dr. Ruthven, told the schoolmast-
ers that the trend toward intra-
mural athletics was here and that
bis suggestion would be for a school
to cut down on its intercollegiate
program and make less noise about
the "business" of football, basket-
ball, and baseball. The gridiron.
sport is, of course, the great offend-
er, and perhaps its cure woul6
mean the cure for the entire sys-
tem. There were many more who
thought Dr. Ruthven was speaking
out of turn than there were whc
favored his scheme for the futurE
athletics of universities and col-
leges in America. 'T'here was an
overpowering element of distrust
and the feeling that "Why, it's all
absurd!" seemed to follow the
President's speech. But the refusal
of three major universities in the
Middle West to schedule footbal:
for next year, coming at this ver3
sciousness that, he has lowered him--
self. All bets are off.
The News has plead to the point
of boredom for a complete reorgan-
ization and revision of th-e method
of elections. The present system 1
seems to be here to stay for lack> of
any alternative. A possible improve-
ment, by no means a solution,
would lie in debarring Sophomore
from any fraternity activities what-
soever until a period, say two to
three weeks, before election night. I
After that time pacting would re-
ceive legal recognition. There would
still be a danger, however, in a pos-
sible regression of the date appoint-
ed for the initiation of these prac -I
In the final analysis, the accept-
ance of the regulations surround-
*ng calling week rest entirely upon
she members of the Interfrate'rnity
:ouncil. They should be the first
to enforce rules of their own mak-
{ng, instead of breaking7 them, and!
instead of asking candidates to do
the same. Whether or not any
Scheme proves practicable depends
ipon its observance by those who!I
M hould set the example. As it now
stands, each of the eight members
o :f the council is silenced by the
:ear of cutting off his nose to spite
uas face. Will nothing ever be
(University Daily; T vvi)
Why don't American collegeu-
dents discuss vital questions mnore
than they do? Why are they so
provincial, so wrapped -an in their
wn little campuses, their own j
friends, their own pleasures? '
The reason is obvious. The Amer-
ian college is run in such a way
.s not to allow us time for cr- tIv eI
thoughts. Classes arc conducted on:
the principle that each subject is
in enormous field in itself rnd
ghat all we can cram into our nood-
-es is still most insufficicint.
Fraternities and ,soror-ities also l
mnake too heavy demands-par tiesI
dates, meetings-all must be atU-
tended to if the brother or s1ite
f f
F9romn11e To YT ZOn Xmas -Dty
Well, here it is Xmas
atai. e S ihe nyour
attei-npt to )ay ail your bills
rtcxt month.
E After having edited the Inlanderj
thrzough one of its most important,
I years, Harold Courlandler recently
esi ned in favor of Richard GlavinZ.
G lavinahas beenz active on the mag-
sE ,ine for the past few years.
It was announced that in accord-
ance with a new policy, material
f.or publication will be sought from
a wider range of student write,°s
than has heretofore been the case.
'This it seems has been the policy I
l in every new administration. The
Imnagazine being limited as it is to
that type of literature which is paro-
vocative of comment from the
standpoint of modern development,
and of course having to limit the
number of contibuhtins in Ppet-b
i ersi~ r e 1icSe eween
* ill .31*Vi ti*Ui uU * li 11t* _
ilksue, has alwvays seemed to have
been written by wha may be called1
a cult. However, it has for the past
year at any rate, represented that
conscious literary talent on ti-i
campus which has distinguished it-
self by a disdain of perfection in
it may be of interest to those whof
are intenlding to spend their vaca-
tions in or about New York to note
that this section has collected the
programs of most of the better
New Yo'k entertainment agencies.
These notices'will be published at a
later date this week.
Mayor Staebler asserts that the
city manager plan will lighten the
mayor's duties. Maybe he wants to
Staeblerize the government.
TW -ra Vorhlt ovvcr Conterence at Berlin had just
coidude, LwAdng po-wer men of thei United States
rina~en~yawaked ts ;-ewsBfut, another important
Jntcraa~oux1 i)r-technical Congress was to open
t ae fl.:t.._ at ':open f-agcn.
than 3,"','), -'O us-'e Vi' -lL bo;
aad naa:ag es inti cir busintls ,
Tpe Business tck Riadio Ret-aiijig
sy-,MI Uc-crunica,
A iation P. duct = n in, -ring
'actory :ol Iriidutrz E ngi neering ;and
Power ignc-i i; zand
IndustriaJigi9c- \,Ii g X r14i
:or ol Power had to cover both events . .. but
>rs mlustnl't lose out. Boarding a huge Lufthansa
anotyped <--,.t the story of thne Berlin Con.-
:-.Ile soaring 5,00)O feet above the Baltic Sea.
ic vefngat Copenhagen, he shot the newus
to his waiting ;publication.
-:. Certainly! "There are many times when
gb-lp rssun-e, quick initiative are necessary in
A, 'ns for McG-raw;-Hill's 60)0,000 read-
l, Just a e, there are subjects which
lolu , c ref-.lsearrch and research.
- ,.uvr. o1 she cGrawv-Il! journal coy-
w. c C 1unCDfiecL you Nwiil get a new vision of
arL .. inv:aluable background to use
w ec yet :.:lr business yourself. McGraw-
"# 1
lund I ndmustrie-s
Coal A,=e
l: c~r1.c. RP way
Jo eraia
AaeD a- 4chns
<lctrical 4:'c rld } I-in ;ri'i.rn N ews-
le-ri ' Czh d ssin Rc;
Thvro-c-Tinnwss ha nrvif4'I I t1-)-kpLI