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December 17, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-17

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VOL. XLI. No. 67






!ency o.rinittee
,s to Report
to Senate.

A rrves in Portugal as Exile; little pla e on the outskirts of the
Explains His Position city. I knew trouble was in the
ur ing in, qwind and I would not leave my
a my eelons.w jtking."
ay brsseocaintedPre spai He parried questions and dodged
1;}= Geo alad J n. ; hints, when smeone asked him to
dy eor e Ha ji.' u_ "tell the story.
Copyright, 1930, by the A.P.) "They carne to me one night,"
MAFRA, Portugal, Dec. 16.-Ra- he said, "and asked me to join in
imon Franco, Spain's impetuous a revolution. Und: rstand, 1 was
Strans-Atlantic aviator, cane into not the leader of this thing. I was
Portugal on the run Vith shrapnel one of the rank and file.
bursting about him and a squadron "Well, I said I would join them.
of armyplanes on his tail, but he I would join in a movement, I
,left behind none of the blazing em- told them, which would bring free-
otion which led him yesterday into dom to Spain. It was to have be-
a brief revolt against the Spanish gun at 6 o'clock yesterday morn-
i throne. ing an it would have succeeded."
Today he sat in the officers' quar- "But that fellow, Galan," he con-
tern of the Alverca airdrome, his tinued, referring to Captain Fer-
fervor unabated and his round min Galan Rodriguez, an officer at4
face grave, talking about what led the Jaca garrison who was executed
up to the Spanish revolution and at Huesca for the Jaca revolt last,
explaining why it failed. week, "he was always a hot-head.
"They probably think of me," he Always wanted to be out in front.
said, waving his cigaret in the gen- He was too quick. There should
eral direction of Spain, "as an exil- have been nothing at Jaca until
p ed rebel. I tell you i am a patriot, the time we had agreed upon."
i fighting for the freedom of my cunr. - ay he rFoti
Spain is something started by the IlD II r
communists is lying." LIULUMI ITU F1IIUD
Then for the first time, he re- T
vealed ever since his recent escape
~J~*~* *** S'~I a beinh pfriasolitical T L[ I of-CE


House Disagrees With
Chairman Jones on
(1y Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.--With
the emergency relief program snag-j
ged by deputies at both ends of the
capital, party leaders tonight put
aside any discussion of a date for
a Christmas recess.
President Hoover late today in-
formed the Senate in response to
its request that he had no report
to suhmit from Col. Arthur Woods.

M illio n -D o llar C o n sig n m en t o f !_ac t cs C p u ed b___
Narcotics Captured -by ____
Federal Men. Sociologist Shown
H-Ialf-Ton Shipment Is Largest IProfessors, like other people, in
Seizure Ever Made in their rambles sometimes come upon
things out-of-the-ordinary. Prof. I
This Country. Lowell J. Carr, of the sociology de-
(By Associated Press) partment, tells about such an ex-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. -A net peiee k
spread by customs officers in New W s k recently before
York was opened to disclose $1,000,- sca' drssthe Vortex club of Detroit, a iunch-
innactisbt hesuglese resPhoto Ieon organization, he learned ofa
000 in narcotics, but the smugglers King Alfonso, most unique soup kitchen, This
slipped through its meshes. Head of the royal family in Spain, mstukiquenshitchsn.pT-
The narcotics, 1,074 pounds con- and his family are reported to be oup kitchen, which is now operat-
cealed in 25 crates of furs, were ; in Madrid. The guard at the palace I ed and financed by the Vortex
landed from the steamer, Alesia, on is reported to have been heavily club, a luncheon group for the ben-I
Dec. 5. Since that time officers, with reinforced and it is said that anti- efit of Detroit's unemployed, man-
machine guns trained on the pier aircraft and machine guns have ages to feed daily between 700 and
of Thirty-first Street in Brooklyn, been mounted on the roof of the a
waited in closed motor cars for the palace. 800 unfortunates with the surpris-
wait eddlrsnaper ingly small expense of $3 per day.
Aware of Officers.T n he kitchen exists so cheaply be-
Apparently, however, they be- cause it has no heavy food bills,
camewar whn oficrs ucmthed I dL ?HLfor all the food stuffs used are
came wary when officers from the ai . e
Alesia searched that vessel for a' _"left-overs"icollectedrfree of charge
legitimate shipment which disap- 0%f f 1UIifjf from Detroit restaurants and ho-
egitimat spmnwhhd tl. The city has even provided
peared from the ship's strong boxrtel Ts
on the aRe from Constantinople. 1L the club with a free garage to house

Troops, Civil Guards to
Aid Enforcement of
Heavy Patrols are Held
at Principal Centers
of Disturbances.
(By Associated Press)
MADRID, Dec. 16.-Spain was
outwardly calm tonight, in spite
of a revolutionary aftermath in
the form of an expensive general
strike that affected, during the
day, almost every section of the

p||CT||V| 0(||0(t OK G EBELIEVED " Q 'i D |M


thecharma oftheemeg 'nyvas being hedfrapoliticalof-
the chairman of the emergency fense, he had been in the outskirts
commission on employment. of the capital.
Senator LaFollette, Republican, '"If Spain could be free under
Wisconsin, then introduced a reso- King Alfonso tomorrow," he replied,


Band, Glee Clubs, Soloists to1
Contribute to Annual
Christmas Program. ?

lution of the Senate appropria-
tions committee to call Woods and
other heads of agencies connected
with the employment situation be-
fore it to ascertain their views. 1
Republicans of the House agri-
cultural committee rejected a Dem-
ocratic motion to consider the Sen--
ate's $60,000,000 drought relief bill
as a substitute for the $30,000,000
measure favored by the President.
However, the committee decided'
to call Secretary Hyde to estab-
lish the attitude of his department.
The secretary advised the commit-
tee that he would appear tomor-
row. Chairman McNary of the Sen-
ate agriculture committee yester-
day told the Senate the original rec -
omr~mendation for $60,000,000 came
from that department, . a
Annual Party Under SponsorshipI
of Senior Law Class -o
be Held MarcI 27.
General plans for the 1931 Crease
Dance, March 27, under the spon-
sorship of the senior law class, arey
nearing completion, according to an
announcement made yesterday by
Ted Baer, chairman of the com-
The dance, as in the past, will be
held at the Lawyers club, but unlike
previous dances, arrangements have
been made to utilize the new club-
r o o m the dining room and the
newly furnished faculty room, as
well as the ballroom in the west
Although no orchestra will be
contracted until after the holidays,
the committee is negotiating with
several of the leading bands in theJ
middle west.
Assisting Baer on the committee
are: Addison Connor, William Coul-
trap, Albert Hass, Margaret Henc-
kel, and James Rood. Kenneth
Stone will edit the Crease paper.

[tI would be a monarchist. We areV111V 'S11--------- I
Deciding they had escaped the tr
not fighting against the king. We Color, holiday spirit and good the treasury department today an- Ge Club Tour, Recognition of
are fighting for the freedom of music will be informally mingled in nounced the capture of the nar- GermanCp
Spain. I escaped from a prison be- the fourth annual Christmas con- ocGerman Club Approved
cause I am a map of spirit and cert which will be given at 8:15 Rumor heard. at Meeting.
while' they looked for me I was o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium' The half-to asreported to be
never farther from Madrid than a by the Varsity band, Men's and the largest single seizure ever made Approval of the Student council's
Girls' Glee clubs, and soloists. th ags igesiueee aeAIrvlo h tdn oni'
The three organizations have in this country. Commissioner S. I resolution banning dances at fra-
DI1~f been a month in preparing for the X. A. Eble, of the customs bureau, Iternilty house-parties on the night
1 L111.and Commissioner Harry J. A n-Io h -a etrdameigo
affar anUaUvriedptogcmJ-hex-plifeaturedh aarotmeetingu, eof
pected. Christmas carols and other I ently planned a campaign against the University Senate yesterday
appropriate numbers will be sung s u c h smugglers and the seizure ! afternoon in the office of the dean
by the two glee clubs while theycame from co-operation between of students. The regulation, adopt-
band will play several pieces of the the departments. I cd by the Student council to pro-
-- standard concert type. Besides the Agents who rounded up a gang dc ofaonth
City Relieved as Death Reports offerings of the three organizations. of smugglers along the Atlantic hibit dances
Are Officially Denied a duet composed of MaDrjore Mc- coast a few months ago heard rum- right of the annual junior social
,. Clung and Mildred Drinkaus and ah,
at Residence. qutet composed of members ors of the consignment and that it affair, was passed without reserva-
the two clubs will also sing. was to come from Turkey, origin fton by the senate body.
Kenneth Osborne, organist, will of many illicit shipments. That I pproval of the University Glee
PARIS Dec. 16. -Paris.sighedacountry is not a signatory to Haig club tour of Europe during the
PAIDc.1.-Pri ihdoffer a solo. A feature which will conventions which prohibit narcot- lbfu fEroedrnIh
with relief tonight on learning of- lend informality to the affair will np sunmer months was given by the
ficially that the condition of former be the singing by the audience, with ic shipments without permits. . mittee.rThe plan accepted per-
President Poincare was slightly im- the band and glee clubs, of Han- m-its departure on or near July 1.
proved. del's "Joy to the World." Another Other business transacted by the
Throughout the day there had highlight on the program will bej 0 0 9 committee was a recognition of
been conflicting reports on the ill- the presentation of the "Symphon- Ij"Der Deutsch Cercle," an organiza-
ness of the war-time president and ic March," by Bonelli, by the band. tion for students in that language
eminent statesman of the republic, It will be the first time any organ- Iat[the University and others inter-
most of them emphasizing the seri- ization has played this number in ested in German conservation. Ap-!
ousness of his condition. j America. ______'I proval of May 1 for the annual mil-
Awaking to hear that M. Poincare The auditorium, as has been the itary ball, and either March 20 or
was dead, the population of Paris custom during the past, will be dec- Ijudge Says Only onstitutiona 27 for the Frosh Frolic was granted
listened all morning to rumors orated in holiday colors. Admission I Convention Can Ratify by the committee.
which finally reached the Chamber to the concert will be free, also. Such Amendments. The J-hop ruling, which caused
of Deputies where many politicians considerable campus comment when
and statesmen immediately left for UNIVERSITY MEN !(ay Assated ress> it was announced, was explained
Rue Marbeau to pay their resi ets NEWARK, N. J., Dec. 16.-The Ilast night by members of the coun-
to the departed statesman. WILL GIVE TALKSn of the eighteenth amend- cii to be, specifically, that no or-
A short time later an official de- gnztn n adoptionhieca mpsta hnoor
nial of M. Poincare's death was Speech Department Staff Plans ment, Federal Judge William Clark ganization on the campus shall
printedDanavisitorsSeerginglfromhave a dance between 9 and 3 on
printed, and visitors emerging from held today, was invalid. the night of the J-hop. The elimi-
the little house on the edge of Paris to Attend Convention (' He ruled that only by constitu- nation of former h o u s e-p a r t y
I after talking with Madame Poin- y tional 'conventions, and not byf dances between the hours of 9 p.m.
care and other members of the The entire staff of the University iby 3 dcm. wen the
household all agreed that his con- speech department will attend the state legislatures can such amend-l and 3 a.m. was significant in the
dition was improved. convention of the National Assocla- ments, which transfer to the Uni priat tene cod does
Although the doctors have main- tion of Teachers of Speech at Chi- ted States powers heretofore re- Inot prohibit fraternities from hay-
tained that the former president's cago. Dec. 29 to Jan. 1. Several of served to the states, be ratified. i ing dinner dances on the J-hop
illness is of the nature of a general them will deliver talks, and Prof. The only immediate effect of his intrted was passed in yester-
breakdown with a slight congestion James M. O'Neill is to head a dis- decision, Judge Clark explained, interprente meeting and given
rofn lwngthe aiht ngetincussion section on curriculum study. would be in New Jersey, and any day's enate i
ec oe difg, ty int bethi- For the last two years, Michigan arrests for the retail sale of in- , approval.
reportd somerourcysnlseathong'has had the largest delegations at i toxicants in that state would have!
reports from other sources cose to these meetings. Detroit has been i to be made under the state prohi-Harche Will Discuss
fromsthe beginnings of partial p given the 1931 convention. Prof. G. bition enforcement act pending ap- Welding Developments
ylssE. Densmore, assistant secretary peal of the ruling. Appeal would _
___yis.__for the past year, has been elected stay the effect of the decision until
executive secretary for 1931, and it could be ruled on by a higher "Recent Development in Oxya-
J-Hop General Ticket Professor O'Neill is a member of court. cetylene Welding Practice" will be
Sale Will Start Today the executive council of the society. The ruling will be effective only discused by G. E. arckecof t
The discussion section which Pro- in those states in which United Air Reduction Sales company at
Tickets for the J-Hop, to be held fessor O'Neill will lead will take up States district court judges concur 400 o'clock today in room 1042 of
Feb. 13, will be placed on sale to the work of a committee on curri- in the findings. I the East Engineering building.
all students of the University from culum study, of which he is chair- adhfThe manufacturing processes for
Feb.it of willanerbe whic h ignaind ofethlesegaseas e
3 until 5 o'clock this afternoon in man, He has been working in con- the prohibition amendment was a- olication of these gases in weld-
the Union. The sale will continue junction with the National Council dopted was tested before Judge ling and cutting metals will be
at the same time tomorrow after- of Teachers of English on the prob- Clark by a group of attorneys--- hown in motion pictures.
noon. lem. Professor O'Neill will also de- all members of the New York --- - - --
Previous to today, only juniors liver an address to the entire asso- County Lawyers' association-after
have been allowed to purchase bids. ciation on this subject. a study of two years. The group
represented W iIIi a m Sprague,<a' an pus Po i Cs
~~ ('irnic Vh~hcia Visit I 4n~hIL ~f o
tonhpcek nNwJre w: /y, (
" /f'l // /j-I . f1"/ /N-'. sgp L, Jyia V s~1H//J °Tj It-AI- f
IN]c-°Y 'l-Yt- d f / i^~p ii /J'

the trucks used to collect food, so
that the only expense to be met is
that of furnishing gasoline for
these carriers.

Total of $2,000 Distributed
Working Students by


Dean John R. Effinger, of the
literary college, yesterday announc-
ed the-awarding of the Marsh and'
Strong scholarships for 1930, total-
ing $2,000 and divided among 17'
students in the University. The1
scholarships were given out in $100
and $200 amounts.
Those receiving the Marsh schol-
arships were J. Calvin Callagahan,
'31, Robert M. Crain, '32, Henry M.
Dlugolenski, '31, William M. Down-
ing, '31, and Marian Louise Heald,
'33. Strong scholarship winners
were Suzanne Jeane Humbert, '31,
Helen Humphrey, '31, Mildred E.
Jensen, '31, Olimpia Madelyn La-
Marca, '31, Edward Bainbridge Love,
'31, Vivian McMurtry, '31, Jesse V.
Miller, '31, Stanley Michael Pear-
son, '32, Isabel M. Rayen, '31, Louise
E. Rorahacher, '31, Frederic William
Wilson, '32, and Ruby Jane Young,
Those awarded the $200 scholar-
ships in the Strong selections are
Bainbridge, Miller, and Wilson. The
remainder in both groups were
awarded $100 each by the commit-
tee which has been inspecting and
examining the many candidates
since the first of this month.
The Marsh and Strong scholar-
ships are awarded annually to stu-
dents in the literary college who are
working, or partially working their
way through school, and whose
grades have been acceptable
throughout their college course.
Class Selects Taylor

Order was enforced by the
resence of 75,000 troopscand
[ousands of civil guards called
ut yesterday under Premier Da-
naso Berenguer's proclamation
f a state of siege. They clashed in
number of cities today with strik-
rs, but official reports received in
Madrid denied that there was any
Martial Law in Force.
Martial law was still in force, and
t strict censorship prevented the
irculation, by regular channels, of
ny news that might serve to alarm
he population. Reports that the
ituation was much more critical
;han appeared on the surface were
enied by officials. '
It was known, however, that
trikes broke out in Barcelona,
enter of the Catalonian unrest,
Duenca, Saragossa, San Sebastian,
antander, and several other im-
aortant cities. For a time a food
hortage was feared in some im-
ortant cities but later through the
florts of troops and policemen who
issisted in the protection of re-
>pened shops, restaurants and
)akeries, this condition was allevi-
Troops Maintained.
Nevertheless, heavy patrols of
troops were maintained tonight in
the important centers of unrest. In
most of the points affected, accord-
ing to government authorities here,
business was resumed normally in
the afternoon and public services
were maintained.
A number of arrests were made
and, as a result Premier Berenguer's
aid, no further revolutionary at-
tempts were expected.
In an exclusive statement to the
Associated Press the premier de-
clared that the army was every-
where loyal and that the revolu-
tionary movement inaugurated by
Major Ramon Franco at Cuatro
Vientos airfield yesterday, had
"failed completely."
Organizations to be Classified
in Yearbook on Basis of
Time on Campus.
Complaints from student organ-
izations, particularly the fraterni-
ties and sororities, concerning the
place they receive in the 'Ensian
has caused the establishment of a
new system of rating on a basis of
the number of years on the Michi-
gan campus, George A. Dusenbury,
'31, editor of the yearbook, said
Previously, the organizations have
been classified on a basis of the
years of continual existence on the
campus. This meant that a fra-
ternity which went dormant for a
year was rated from this year with-
out regard to the number of years
proceeding. The new system was
established because it seemed to be
the most fair to all the organiza-
tions, Dusenbury explained.
In addition to the new classifica-
tion, the 'Ensian is printing this
year cuts of the pins and pledge
pins of the fraternities and sorori-
ties. The pledge pins are being in-
cluded for the benefit of the fresh-



as President Monday
La Verne Taylor was elected pres-
ident of the senior class of the
School of Education at the annual
elections Monday. The remaining
officers that were elected are Eliza-
beth Crozer, vice president, Helen
Kefgen, secretary, and James W.
Smith, treasurer.
Produced Real
rs Ago. Says Beal

New Tariff

Law Will


be Made Effective Soon
After Jan. 1.

(F-v Associated Brrss)
SHANGHAI, Dec. 16.-An upward
revision of schedules is expected to
confront importers shortly after?
the turn of the year, when China's
new tariff law probably will be
made effective.
Although Nationalist government
officialshave indicated nordrastic
changes have been anticipated, the
new rates are expected to add to
the difficulties of foreigners seeking
trade in China. The depression of

to University Hospital Child en
Galens Medical Society Holds I the event a genuine Christmas
Christmas Entertainment party. There was a Christmas tree
for Young Patients. and best of all ice cream and
___n P s.cookies. A danceby Raggedy Annie
CLAUS made a special was the first act on the program.
S"hurry-up" visit to children in Mother Goose at the piano and the
the UniVersity hospital yesterday in Tin Soldier playing on his cornet
fhrnished the music. Santa then,

nad ben ndicted for trnsportI-;ZJ_- ra o . 4- --9
ing beer. By today's decision the -
indictment was uashed. eakg at Alpha N objected to the hay ricks on the
MBanqut, Recalls Stirring campus, which the maintenance
uscle Shoals E e, ecrrdepartment kept to feed its horses.
to Talk With Students! Battles f or Office. Co-eds were then admited to Alpha
TNu, and on one occasion a "lady
Samuel S. Weyer, consulting en- EELINGS ran high and campus vice-president" presided at a ban-
gineer of the Fuel-Power-Transpor-T politics produced real orators in quet.
tation Education foundation of !the Michigan of 50 years ago, though Thehliterary societies of those
Columbus, Ohio will confer from 4 the grounds may have still been in days, he said, were the sole teach-
until 6 o'clock today with members a rather rough state and the school ers of public speaking, and even in


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