TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN DALYPGESEE VAR SITY PUCKMEN ,lET 4FO CTAM Visitors WillDisplay Attack Than That 'Western Team. Better of REYNOLD)S STAR GOALIE With one victory already chalked up on its slate as a result of Sat- urday night's -2 triumph over the University of Westerni Ontario, the M i c h i g a n hockey team. went through a light workout last night in preparation for its next game, when it will tackle the Chatham A. A. club at the Coliseum. at 7:30 o'clock on Wednesday. Chatham will bring a sextet here that is stronger than the club which the Varsity met and defeated on Saturday night. Th e Chatham team is a member of the same league to which Western Ontario belongs, and in its only game o the year defeated Western Ontario by the same score as did Michigan, 4 to 2. 'Three Stars on Oppositon. Three men are outstanding on the visitor's team which will test the Wolverines' strength before the regular Conference season opens. "Smokey" Reynolds, star defense man, is expected to prove a bar- rier to the fast skating Michigan forward line which functioned so well against the Western Ontario outfit last week. On the Chatham forward line two men, "Red" Cur- ran and "Sonny' Riseborough, should give the Wolverine defense a busy evening. Although there are still plenty of rough spots on the Varsity team, the exhibition it showed against Western Ontario was encouraging for so early in the season. Under- dogs at the beginning of the game, the Wolverine puckmen out-skated the visitors throughout the game to take the decision by a margin of two goals and to definitely prove which was the better team.t Wolves Play Heads Up. In this heads up play of the Michigan team the work of Keith Crossman and Tommy Courtis, cen- ter and wing respectively, was out- standing. Crossman scored two of the Michigan goals and played a nice game all around, while Courtis gave another exhibition of his cus- tomarily good work at wing. Jack Tompkins, the Wolverine goalie, also showed uip well, although he was playing the entire game with a badly cut face that may have im- paired his play to some extent. AllCam pus Wrestlers Wil Open Meet Today (Continued From Page 6) es while Cortez and Kalkins rank at the top in the 125 pounders. The 135 division has at least four good men in Horner, Anderson, Otto, and Davis, but the 145 group is the larg- est. Wilson, Dhankmnan, Bishop, Williams, among the others deserve special notice. Parker, Power, and Brown head the 155 pound class and Firsk and Reif top the 165 men. Jordan and Morgan in the 175 class and Grien- nel and Williams in the unlimited event look bet among the upper- classmnen. With such a galaxy of grapplers, the freshman entrants will be hard put to hold their own, but the meet will be full of inter- esting matches unless the pe- meet dope is radically wrong. Officials will be lettermen, mem- bers of the Varsity, Coaches Keen and Donohue according to the plans of the meet, and the entire program will be run off as syste- matically as possible to get the large field narrowed down to the semi-finals and finals. W h ii e Thursday will furnish the best part of the schedule with the major fl bouts, t o day's and tomorrow's i matches cannot be disregarded be- t cau~se they may see unforeseen up- sets in the various divisions result- ing in unexpected final pairings. holda:;th..nraurral7.Ph e ws ~ a......7 mentisoi g the enry ie: toa- 1 'i2 1...... teni t mt hib s Dout,?1 _.,:n s not > ' )""....................06 enris ut .e x 'ylL .e'lcep.ia> iet 3ImS P.......... .L mnt " yi " >. ~ BT ~ v.'~:m'~e~ entiLI ; . B2 the.. a Y fs ae 1 i a red' et itlrlty lnk 1--))'. >. oetn,2 they intend to en.. " reX1 wiy /ham1.aa ve Forty-tw o o,' this nuniber have Tha aloetered w5econld team, T 7)be P>1 Dcx1D.4a. ,d ITXI -t 2 f te to ta l h av e p laced :'t ._: . thex :,on ly Te third group on the lists. T'his iso 7t1 Ev~hl ol 'n~t:' compliance with the new Iiiaa;. _ c. lpha Ka.a ~ Lembd a o i t mural pohicy which allows each C_- l; p a a ,, ia.7 t; 5re ganization three separate te ams to 0_rnpethtioni. be entered in the basketball play1{fX, .ie:t a Cil, and Alir whereas last year only two t aas appa Lai bda are Ptesurm:az 'or were allowed to each fraternity, th water ;polo calay, andAln The schedule has been drawn ura tppa Lambda, Theta phi, .nr insofar as an incomplete entry list icPiBetra DeltL. Alpha Ome has permitted, and the opening I d T rau Kappa Epislon remain in_ the volleyball race. in addition to games have been billed for the Tuesday night after the varsity's io'se of the first ten teams whichl- game with Purdue. The tilts fora;e.e'iechsothreref that night are as follows : course several groups left which y' ' ^9:30 y ar e at present outlside therakn Phi Sigrima Kaixa vs. 'P' i Lamln bda en jPhi Zeta Beta Tutu vs. Theta K ppa Na. Theta Xi vs. Phi Lamb da KXo,.r Kappa Delta Rhl o vs. Phi Kans Tau Sigma Alpha sio vs. T.eta C Phi Delta Theta vs. Kappa Nu Phi Epsilon Kappa vs. Omega 11i Phi Alpha Omega vs. Sigma Phu. 0 In addition to the organization of fraternity teams, independent d class teams are also being dra fted Here's where your$ for the season's play with 25 of the A frehaigetrdadaot uter r lr .asthe same number of the la4tter lh_ - ent to you. Bay 1-o,0 wise entering teamis.na confidence. Check Del Pn- ]FRATERNITY STA 'DiNG1j x. frtee alterations, quality, With three of the f ratomnity ,tl.bfr ouby sports having already been coin- you save enough for the pleted a revised standing list ha house and for gfsfo ° been issued which flids Tau Kappa and Brother. Epsilon at the head replacin g Aluphs Kappa Lambda which led at the last compilation. The former nowa have 293 points in comparison with, the latter's total of 250. Theta Ci,. Delta Alpha Epsilon, and Theta Xif' follow closely on the leaders with v 218, 212, and 200 points respective- ly. The standing of the first tenit} groups follows: 1. Tau Kappa Epsilon ........2931f 213 EAcxSTI 2. Alpha Kappa Lambda .....50 OPENATKA (Continued From Page stren d ien;; in a well fora !fense of the, same type c hich ,-the ''team disph xA~it C:~ao ':Jecnker ,j v: 'r et i workaf ethe ?ie~rt2s a 1C2'Iw~t. \ili lno , -,tbea :r;, b. v ante ep " ce ~5'12 2 byl' Sa Canadiens Hold Lead ZOO in National Leagi 6) (Continued From Page 6) med de-1 sturdy defense of the New Y as thatI Americans Saturday and held t ayed in 1-1 tie, are out ahead by five poi: Philadelphia, which lost to looking Americans and Detroit, makinm 7 relieve ten defeats *in 12 games, are nes, the behind. The other eight teams Garner w eghti separated by only a few points. arc> ~Montreal's Maroons came up isa ti~etebdycrippled Tor, nto L afor seel nd last , in the Canarc_ lassin- ;Diviightest as they h- nald or the Chicazgo fl acklxawtafeks icor , 2 t. anid a deleoat by Boston.TeA I the iteanas, victorious over Phil c~i .w wih )nd Boston before tying'{. the Cr..l C the.. ciens. are only a point behinic. with the t ayr4, doea led in two game, s G arner tw o -nei ts lower in the sta ndin 't;' 2'n Boi. Pston camne up to tie- Cic coaches or I he American group l:-ead as cto: fire, previously invincible Blackh -awk be keen tack was stopped by the Marc a dliffer- and Detroit and Chicago tooks ci c: f rom ots'rhoeBruins were set back c Wolver- but beat the Maroons and roiled strength a 7 to 3 score against Toronto "cc rain urday. to the ___ ICHICAGO---The father of ni baseball. A. R. Foster, died recei griU after a long illness, he was ones ayer the founders and president of :t sason Negro National League, until retirement two years ag'o. fork been seen i1.theJwih c u_,bt to a Coach Hot a noni ha co Sit in for a rel irar....,.eion . ro far 1)rav~elir,'. ivyrha-,)Sef;_ .. an are Cox avil b t".tm * Ais Y ps l ti V d : - cC.('l- (b ' e .o Ca,,, 1:a- b '. ;;: ~ .; be to- C1 s ta-d r soan I - ~rn at-beota h a. i CoacheW2 Kn s Lien dm10 wit agoc Capatitlo and' ;1 Mo IC hae cbeent nthe geting ex,- w rim. untasiel. e.oft- e Cpn h.' 07.2 0 1 th o2foot. 1ruet- erhics totho3-tin ar e O bett is pr realxx ik j ehr availl te ro-h ~gram vactn wi-hmostuofthn. u + ' 'b:t ti' ,'t , Y: , '~r gram when t°° _ey return._ 'ADRS IN NOTICE GiVING LONG ifE to w. 1, fock 204 N.Man Poe31 DHS Lprery dvio page. UI . ,il XI .1' AF POU an teet in rheUr ie aSt oc C .i10an r an s erie ed Oienta kiwi 0andWoveland, 0',naurapsin Vcd. eso5le61il904 TPNk-chese apeialy.12i pages.M . il alf adliver. IFWL YOUwat our arinsuredshin a, Stck Co.withprovaexclusions, andwr rod srcedalts50.Steam stel,,and aLov ;. ela, ' Ysinnat bldg.vsin 5e 84. 612 FOR SRINT apartentLupoiGh lnriatebah andt DaShowrloranor,adls.stea heatVialobeausouable room, rfsilead.garagE. Betheie Stte A~ndDiviso.rDiale8544. A612 ginoARIAupoiinonimus,nt adbsiosstrainr,.KUousal experencVio.noadnalemoffe refusie.B3x155 .cahineDaSt. AOT-OCfouradleeapply DlaPhiBot hope, 523 E. ib-t, LSTRiAheLeapositioenoaius byeyoungdwonwithniersity- expriecE inuhandling.acaei retun t dek atLeaue. 12 LOS Wit gld lgnwrs LOSt-OxfRdtrayoublnHe-ratd peeen a eildwithne3Mar- { 561 Q' _ l f . 'A te 'y I r , 3 7 k' 1 q._. 'tb- 1-1 a je' " " ti i 4Lk f ry 'r ' j .f ~ .^ - " '' r # -~ .1 t , ,ry _ ', u ' ! r ,r - F t . fJ .S t tl j goes cie s and ler-e fare I caa fit UL IP) W ON nsm rrS F t ({j 13 7tY 1 , . L vl L. t Ci^' :v: is PRf .i "r u t.YviN ~ 'tt.,. 3 'V P 1J Yt, v ', r You can rely on Del Prete's for best scylcys and quality--Al sizes in stock--Look them ovell. AM AM F } YJp ,j y in stock SOxvxe7S mom v xin stock41 you properly _ ..,. m [I3BERTY S E Pa jam Robes Sweat( Gjoves mufffe House FORBMEN as Handkerchiefs Dress Shiprts ers White DrePs "SEa rfs s Shirts ors Spats -Slippers Jewelry f f, r' T t y t7,r' Open Evenings U ntil Christmas Shirts and Sorets to Match You will agree we are introducing another big; underwecar success. 50cio 1.50 322-324 outh Mai FOUND r r ' y! T ' - = 3i 3 l £ ' c..rs . :e.= .,.,,'. ., f 3 { +' +t j[ "M1.'l .L 444444 Z x G, h: t T V ; F ,. s? ' M N 1 f# . Lu. _ _ FOUND-A U. of M. sweater, pair of ice skates, fur-lined glove. Call at 610 Forest. 1 STOLEN STPOLEN-The newspaper boxes in front. of the Union. These boxes are run by the two Bills, familiar newspaper venders on the Camn- pus. The return of the boxes will be appreciated. 1234 -' =: g 1 .... 'S C' f I Ii 1 a ?> { Y s 4i seleztlo ?, R,. ,, vv ,hr 4. 5 ,j MMMU I 4 : 1 ..r , ',1,3 :v - t7 ay x f .: a f) . F' J -r ' - - ' a qty . A Burr, Patterson &At ud. o The quiet elegance and dis- tinctive charmn of Christmas gifis of Frterity jewelry Orders placed now will be do- livered before Chris,11mas.g ' Yt r bst hat Inolley Juy V s3mm .a i j t 5 and two trouser suit, Ot iine wo r s. T--j ed, =ark 4,,hatterns Subscrlo-, [-be