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December 14, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-14

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Re irlian Oahlu
I ulblished every m1oruing except Monday
during the Universit' y yar by the Board in
COn tr ol of Studen t PubIliatjon s.
Mel:er of Western Conference Editorial
h,, A-M -i'(A? I'ri rs ieclusively entitled
to tie 1s1 f rot.uldk n of all news dis-
patc:es crdIted to it or, not otherwise credited
in this pap rdn the lo~cal news published
Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
MTichigan1, as second class matter. Special rata
of ae granted by Third Assistant Post-
niaster ( enerad.
SuLscriptuin by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Office": Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Busiuiess, 21214.
Chla irnuma 1 Editorial Board
FRANx E. C'ooEr, City Editor
News Editor ...............Gurney Williams
Ed('itorial Iireaor............Walter W. Wilds
Snorts Ldito ...............I oseph A Russell
V~Tif ris d' or........ arOy L~. Behyimer
\ iisie, 1 )ra :a, Ii ,nok...........Win. J. Gormnan
Assitant (i d .......Harold (. Warren
Assitai t N L'wsEd r..Charles Rt. Spro wl
Telegrap h Edit or ...........(eorge A. Stautei
Copy ditor ..................Wili. 1. Pypei

S. Jtea 1, (",,gcr
("FellS. lhorsyi,.b
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Ifar(,ld 0. Warren

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Joie' (Idi~.ith ( ha rlr A. Sanford
Ikoland~ ( oodiLian arl Seiffert
NTn i I cld ,cr I~rt V. S haw
gi ow n . Smith
J. mes fII. 11 inl is ( 'i-e' A. Stauter
I )cnt I on'. RUiC JeIoh n S. Townsend
I '(wr- :dtil"ou 1obert I). Townsend
E' ileen Itlmnit isary McCall
E*l-ie Jldia \Iai arrt O'Brien
Itutli (:.allmeyer Ileanor Rairdon
ti.. t rio vs Anne Ma garet Tohin
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l, van~vy (CIa rrssell
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KASra It. 1 uALrVER"oN, Assistant .4lanager
Advertisi ................Charles T. Kline
.Advertisiu'............homias M. Davis
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Service. Norris J. Johnson
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(Arcla n................I Marvini S. Kobackei
Acci-u om.................... omas S. Mml
Business St cretary.............Mary J. ienau
.4ssis Otats

Harry 1. Bglev
\7eroon tisho
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XWilliall, WX. D~avis
icieliard l1. hlilier
Ann W. Verner
Maniai; Atran
l cHelen Bailey
Tinieph ini Convisser
lMaxine i'ish;:x n
Droh nI r[e Xl ire
oI h, y L~aylin

Erle Kightlinger
D onW."Lyon
\Nf illiam Morgan
1ielia~d St rateneier
Keith Tyler
NodI It. Turner
I vronl C. Vedder
Sylvia Miller
1I l ien (YiS-'n
Xlil Are Postal
Marjorie Rough
iary E. Watts
.1ohan na WVi ese

- r!

car in front of them. The latter
was being driven by President Ruth-
ven. Imagine the embarrassment of
the driver of the former if he had
been a student, or perhaps Dean
Editorial Comment
(From the Yale Daily News.);
If we can believe Mr. H. I. Brock
in the New York Times Magazine,
Harvard's two House Plan units are
already making their impression
upon Harvard life. In his article,
"Harvard Begins a Noble Experi-
ment," Mr. Brock takes a look at
the condition of houses Lowell and
Dunster, in this early stage of their
existence and pronounces them in
good health. Serenely and without
any particular disturbance, except
for occasional jeers as typified in
the columns of the Crimson, the
new type of life is superimposing
itself upon the old. "The courts and
quadrangles of Lowell and Dunster
give the routine of college existence
its form, and not the outgrown,
ancient yard which has been the
heart of Harvard for almost three
For one thing, according, to Mr.
Brock the new houses are thor-
oughly American in their inward
pattern, and not, as so many feared,
an attempt to transplant to this
country any copied spirit from Ox-
ford or Cambridge. The analogy
lies between these houses of two or
three hundred and the old-fashion-
ed small American college. Such
is a heritage rightly come by.
The spirit of democracy, of in-
creased mingling, of closer contact
between students and tutors, is like-
wise coming about naturally and
slowly. One observer notes an easy
air of lingering groups after meals.
"If tutors and masters tend gener-
ally to flock together, so do under-
graduates. That is a good old Amer-
ican college custom." But Mr. Brock
goes on to quote from a prominent
undergraduate to the effect that
"special facilities for contact are
having their effect in the direction
of more and better and easier rela-
tions of undergraduate with under-
graduate and undergraduate with
utor." A candid member of one of
he exclusive clubs confessed to
'new contacts which were proving
unexpectedly agreeable and stimu-
The calm generous and optimistic
bservations of Mr. Brock succeed
n giving one more satisfaction
han do those, recently published
n the NEWS, of H. Ayers Brinser,
Tditorial Chairman of the Crimson.
We are in no position to know on
vhich side the truth lies, but some-
;hing about the epigrammatic clev-
irness of Mr. Brinser's remarks de-
racts from their weight. If it is
rue that Harvard's system is the
theme song to a plot that none of
;he undergraduates have any in-
ention of taking seriously," then it
)ecomes difficult to take the under-
graduate attitude seriously. As a
matter of fact, the Crimson editor
;eems to scoff because except as a
lormitory innovation the new sys-
em appears to have changed noth-
ng. No doubt this is disappointing
o those who may have expected a
lost of startling results as targets
,or criticism.
The truth of the matter is that
t is early for any judgments what-

gver to be formed. It is the tend-
:ncy of Mr. Brock to take this into
account more than Mr. Brinser
ppears to do, which lends more
;onviction to the former's conclu-
ions. Certain it is that the Har-
%ard experiment has been conceiv-
nd with an eye to fundamentals too
.mportant for undergraduates to
ismiss lightly. The proper attitude
s one of patience, tolerance, and
tbove all a willingness to derive the
>est out of what Mr. Brinser admits
aas come to stay. Mr. Brock hits
-he right note when he describes
President Lowell's portrait as "not
Satisfied, or complacent, but humor-
)usly victorious over many difficul-
;ies and quite aware of the difficul-
ties to come."
We understand that yester- I
day's editorial, under the cap-
tion "Cramming Agencies," has
given to some the impression
that we were referring either
singly or in general to the Mack
Tutoring agency, the only com-
mercial one of its kind at Ann
Arbor. On the contrary, our ob-
ject is solely to discourage any
'cramming" and our view is
based entirely upon the convic-
tion that this is a pedagogic evil.
Obviously, our use of the word
I "a~~ne~v1wQ.ianfriin 1'mtPin ±ths

Needless to say, our opinion of
Freddie and Bert Bobbsey is abso-
lutely zero after last night's column.3
They are just a couple of softies I
who were peeved because they had]
to pay for their tickets, instead of
getting comps. Below is a picture of
them, snapped by the Pherret: ]
They're just a couple of wet
smackerals, that's all.
Of course the show was excellent.
Even Dan was good. But we think
that he is the following for not
showing up tonight to write his old
(Stuffed Shirt.)
* * *
Dear Elmer:
You really must praise the dis-
cernment of those two old ladies
that sat next to me at the Mimes
revue. As Monty Shick, for the third
time, fell across his neighbor, cry-
ing "Aw Nuts" one of my neighbors
remarked, "That must be the
theme "
Raggedy Andy.
* * *
Yes, Andy, it must be remarkable
to be such a person. Some folks are
only A's in the human equation,
others are A squares or A cubes.
Perhaps the above remark could be
classed as an A cube. Just think of
it-an A cube in the human equa-
tion. What perspicacity.
The other day we saw one
of the publicity agents of the
revue standing out in front of
the postoffice with mischief in
his eye viewing a sign which
said on the one side "Jesus
Christ Came Into the World to
Save Sinners," and on the other
side "Prepare to Meet Thy God."
With an eye to publicity, he
followed the woman carrying
the sign. When she noticed his
goings on, she turned the sign
around so that the side towards
him read "Prepare to Meet Thy
However, it took the rolls editor-
ial board to squelch him, and wring
the truth out of him. "Yes," he
sobbed in his confession, "I was
going to get an "Aw Nuts" sticker
and paste it across the poster."
He undoubtedly ought to draw
covers for that humor magazine,
the Gargoyle.
* * *
One of our profs the other day
told us how great men wrote their
theses. They would sit down, write
a few sentences, get up, walk
around the room, pick up a book

here and there, jot down a few
words, write some more, walk some
more, and look at a few more books.
We tried that on our philosophy
thesis last night. We sat down and
wrote the title, our name, and the
prof's name. Then we got up,
walked twice around the room,
noticing two holes and a spot in
the rug. The first book we picked
up was the dictionary. That didn't
help any. But we jotted a few
words, and then walked some more.
The next book was our French text.
We jotted down the French word
for philosophy, and then tried to
write some more. It wouldn't work,
so we went to a show and bolted
the class next morning. We prob-
ably weren't meant to be a great
man. (That's right-Editor.) (Says
you-Elmer.) (Says me-Editor.)

[Screen Ref lections
Fifty Years Hence.
Buddy DeSylva, Lew Brown, and
Ray Henderson's newest cinema
epic is curent at the Majestic,
namely "Just Imagine." Following
"Sunny Side Up' 'and "High Society
Blues," the trio got busy on this
new imaginative comedy of life in
the 1980's. Their songs seem to
have suffered with the introduction
of ingenuity for there is scarcely
a hit number--all the music being
considerably below previous stand-
But the film does manage to be
considerably entertaining at times,
due mainly to the antics of one
El Brendel, a fair German come-
dian turned good Swede, who gives
one of his best performances as
a nineteen-thirty -ite reincarnated
fifty years later.
The novelty of several-hundred-
story skyscrapers, meals contained
in food capsules, stationary helicop-
' ters, and all sorts of sliding doors
md glorified Mur-
Thy beds adds an
-ir of fantasy to
'Just Imagine"
unique to motion:"
j Especially novel ~
are the scenes
depicting life on
Vars, where doth
Ixist giant human
~beings rendered
helpless by a pull .
on the ear.
Outside of Mar- MAUREEN O'SULUV4A
jorie White and Brendel, the cast
contributes little to the entertain-
ment value of the film. Miss White,
the contagious little blond, is more
vivacious and exuberant than ever.
Maureen O'Sullivan as the heroine
for whom the hero dares the flight
to Mars is pleasantly attractive but
has litle else to do. The two male
leads, John Garrick and Prank
Albertson, are only fair.
B Comedy.
More Fun.
Completing the more - or - less
comedy week in town, the Michi-
gan offers Marie Dressler and Wal-
lace Beery in "Min and Biii," while
the Wuerth comes to the fore with
Harold Lloyd's annual output en-
titled "Feet First," the latter pro-
mising an abundance of good, old-
fashioned laughter.
Moore leads the University
Choral Union, the Music School
Sympiiony Orchestra, and fac-
ulty soloists, including Arthur
Hackett, Laura Littlefieli, and
Carl Lindegren, in a presenta-
tion, open to the public, of
Handel's "Messiah": Hill Audi-
torium at 4:15.
A joint production of Play Pro-
duction and the Women's League
will be given in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Thursday night and is open to
the public with the provision that
reservations be made at the box-

The program will include a repe-
tition of Play Production's per-
formance of Moliere's "The Affected
Misses" which was offered a week
ago at the dedication of the thea-
tre, a dramatization of a Christmas
scene from the "Pickwick Papers,"
I and musical selections by the
I Freshman Girls' Glee club. The
Moliere play is being repeated at
the request of Play Production
The annual Christmas concert
will be given Wednesday evening in
Hill auditorium through the com-
bined efforts of the UniversityGlee
club, the Girls' Glee club, the Uni-
versity Band, Kenneth Osborne,
organist, and several student solo-
ists. The program will include the
I Mendelssohn Processional, Handel's
Hymns, several selections of carols,
a first performance by the band of
Bonelli's Symphonic March, an
organ performance of Bach's Pas-
sacaglia and Fugue in C Minor.
The recital is open to the public.


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o ..

Night Editor--BEACH CONGER, Jr
Friday's action of the Regents by
which a system of endowment an-
nuities was set up to provide pen-
sions for faculty men who were
affected by the withdrawal of funds
by the Carnegie interests is a strik-
ing contribution toward relieving
the financial pressures surrounding
those in the academic profession.
While the arrangement calls for a
joint purchase by the professor and
the University of the annuity in-
surance, the latter's assistance iL
considerable for a state university
and the amount of the pensions i
more than equal to that formerly
offered by the Carnegie foundation.
For sometime the'University has
been committed to a policy of grad-
ual improvement in its financial
provisions for professors. It is a
matter of common knowledge that
their salaries are absurdly low, that
certain professorial activities havE
more money value in the eyes of
s o m e administrators than does
teaching, and that on the whole
since the decline of a love of teach-
ing, instructors have turned asidE
to extramural incomes.
The prospect for improving teach-
ing methods is certainly interactive
with the university's paying ability
Only when an institution is willing
to compete with industry and semi-
academic pursuits to the extent of
meeting equitable salary demands
is it in a position to demand teach-
ing services. There is no disputing
the province of research; as Abra-
ham Flexner puts it, the modern
university should be concerned with
the extension of knowl dge. But by
the same token it must care for the
perpetuation of knowledge.
Thus Michigan's timely and well-
aimed measure to provide pensions
should bespeak its equally earnest
efforts to alleviate money concerns
of professors from a too often com-
manding position as dictator of
their occupations. It is again the
old question of placing a decent
premium upon teaching. By urging
this policy, we do not hope only for
m o r e emphasis upon instruction,
but we believe that if salaries are
sufficiently high, these other pur-

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Never before a Musical Instrument like this. The mst beautiful cabi-
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sign, fringed ends. Size 58 by
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- .-

One of the most interesting pro-
grams of the Detroit Symphony
season has been announced for this I
week Thursday night and Friday
afternoon. First of all, Gabrilo-


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