PAME TWO THI' MTrHI AN fIATYV STMhT A V )r'FfI'k'RVR. 1 lfJi10111JJA,.L,.LU L A d L IVA X l 11 1\ H IN L 1'-1 1 L j 941Y llll: s, s.+ , rrvirs t-c, .t* , ta3u YULETIDEC NCEHT Christmas Caroals and. Church Mscto Feature Program in Hill Auditorium. IS GIVEN EACH- YEAR TILSON REPORTS DEADLOCK BREAK iWhat's Going~ On CORSETNS __ ~MJEVES TOJAI I 1'~ s-"JstImjne"With El Brendel1. Y~ih~a --Mari-, D-1:Sler and Wallace Beery in "IVm and rill." S i.--Ev ry n sons were sentenced in c rcuit court ye Corday, four draw- Wuer '--arold Lloyd in "ee L LIPg;prison11terms and three placed! o oit. ap20bt 0e, by JdeGeorge W. GENERAL Sample. « .' w.nstantnplc and It s , 1r _ .senCnscd ? £to bfivt _ LanTeaS ar hools," stludent volunteer Y IO -- lo , >c' : 1' a^ r'fmtnr , ', 3 t TEon'i. , .Reccord 4'to i'scuss Cori uismAgainst Chstanity Today "Communism, or Christianity" will be the subject of a sermon by Dr. A. P. Reccord this morning in Uni- tari «n church. Pastor of the Unitarian church in Detroit since 1919, Dr. Reccord was a member of the Sherwood. EdIdy part which last summer visrtd ?Ru . "a. Numnerous int-er views wihpromineSoviet off-Li-cia wre octined b~j Dr. Reccord, and("> aer tons made from will be the theme of his sermon. A round table discussion at 7:3C o'clock this evening on the comn- rx'unistic movement will be held by Dr. R~eccod with students. A Christ- mas party in the church parsonage xviii follow the discussion. ® More Than 1 90 Students Take Part; Osborn to Give Organ S i.. 1 NL.cL ./ , s>,! wla'u a iat V v VaL4At VVl.2 l.A1L i / TODAY 7TODAY3, to is Christmas carols, church n'music, and regular concert numbers will be combined to offer -a varied pro- gram Wednesday night when the Varsity band, Men's and Girls' Glee clubs and special soloists will offer their annual Christmas concert in Hill auditorium. To Decorate Auditorium. As has been the custom in the past, the auditorium will be deco- rated with Chrisetmas trimmings which, combined with the yellow and blue uniformrs of, the band and the formal attire of the glee clubs, miay prove to be a colorful affair. It is also planned not to charge any admission to the concert. More students will be taking part in the concert this year than ever before. The band and M\en's Glee club will be composed of 70 men each, while the Girls' Glee club will number nearly 50. In addition to the three organizations, ensem- bles and soloists have also been added to the program. Nicholas Falcone will again direct the band while Arthur Hackett, who has succeeded Raymond Harrison as director of the Men's Glee club, will lead that organization. Nora Crane Hunt will be at the head of the Girls' Glee club. Retta Mc- Knight and Kenneth Osborne will be the accompanists on the piano and organ, respectively, while Ois-! borne is also scheduled to offer a solo. Specialty Numbers Planned. One of the numbers is a hymn, "Joy to the World," -Y Handel in which the audience i to join with the glee clubs and band in singing it. Another number which is fea- tured on the program is the "Sym- phonic March," by lBone~i, which the band introduced into America last spring. Two specialty voice numbers are also included in the program. The first one, a duet with MaTrjorie Mc- Clung, soprano, and Ildred Drink- aus, contralto, will be "0 Little Town of Bethlehem." The other will be rendered by a quintet. John Q. Tilson, Representative from Connecticut and majority floor leader, who said that the house conferees had pre- pared a new compromise offer to break the Muscle Shoals deadlock. Wood to Attend Social Association Convention Prof. Arthur E. Wood, of the sociology department, will deliver a paper before the annual conven- tion of the American Sociological society in Cleveland Dec. 29 to 31, on the subject, "A Brief Report of Social Forces in Hamtramck." The paper, which is the product of research conducted by ProfessorJ Wood in the Polish center Fduring the last year, makes an analysis of population, as well as taking up the problems of leisure time, and unemployment. Faculty Member Takes Residence in Germany Prof. John W. Bradshaw, of the' mathematics department, who is traveling on the European conti- nent this year has recently taken up residence in Germany, a letter received at the Alumnus office said. BRIGHT SPOT 802t PACKARD STREET TODAY 5:30 TO 7:30 SPECIAL FIFTY CENT DINNER) fCHICKEN FRIED' COUNTRY I STYLE CORN FRITTERS MASHED POTATOES FRUIT SALAD SPECIAL THIRTY-FIVE CENT DINNER ROAST BEEF AU JUS STUFFED PORK CHOPS CRANBERRY SAUCE FRUIT SALAD ',e Deliver Phone 8241 ing ':0 o cl c nohf~cn g at nig ht. Unita1-rian c°hurch. Faculty concert-Handel's "Mes- siah," 4:15 o'eloek, Hill auditorium.3 :IOND AY 'H ELF.R P1ialetic-'t-ust Ima-mne" with El Brendel.y iVchigan -- Marie Dressler anti Wallace Beery in "Min and Bill." W erth-Hiarold Lloyd in "Feet First." GENERAL Lectures-Samuel Wyer will talk on "Muscle Shoals," 11 o'clczk, in room 348, Architectural building'. '1 e F undameentals oft Elee'Lficai Power Distribution," 4:15 oeok in the Natural Scienceautoi. th "1the 'i nimusn s:i :entence recarnt)Y"?- n ed?, (r *n1 awfally drivinga awyan at 'omob-le.{ charge-;, and senter-ces meted out 3were:.__Raymond z r pes, Dexter, two to ten years iL) at reformatory; Lloyd Powers, Adrian, six months to one var in state reformatory; Albert ac, Detroit, six months to two yea:,rs in srate prison at Jackson. P F N S A N 1) P 1E N C I L S All makes and all pri~cs A Red Arrow Place O .MORL 34 South State Phone 6615 "Seriously S r I belizve Feet First' funny r"Picture I kave thrIl' 'm sure it su' ti )peakm .i o' is the most hilariously I ve ever made -- and, for I urpasses Safety Last."' HAROLD LLOYD i W - , ,I' I 1 11 1 11 11 ; I mmummollio.4 DUKE UNI4VERSITY School Hof Medicine Oan October 1, 1931, carefully selected first and third year stu- dcznts -will be admitted. Applica- tiois rmzy be sent at any time and will be considered in the order of rccipt. Catalogues and applica- tier! forms may be obtained from the, Dean. I Tale it from Harold -- It's a Happiness Hit! H HA L 'q fTo v o tinu m ":39-11. :0 M. NOW PLAYING ~- _ 5.. , w a . $t x T t g r :_ ; k ° ', q - ' t _ ; ' R' a t i r ,p i sLu ,: ' 9 f F ' p f i y G FA a.rall . , j , Vol t t T7 -' 2 S V3 Tgins T!ODAY Shows Today, 1030-11:00. All Seats .50c Children, loc 9roduced bq Ifarold Lloyd Corporatio g 9aramount~dease, Lovse is an old human custom-but vot the way Harold makes it! His romalwnce races from Hawaii to San u-sz-from the ground floor front, to the top of a skyscraper! A series of ups and downs, and a thri-l and a howl all the way. I i I WIT - MEL, -EXTS HEARST COMIN ODY -COMEDY FRA ADDED SOUND NEWS "CHEER UP AND SMILE" IQA NOWN r Ca BmTz .Iracleaned Better rr-rr'r- - rr-r-r'r' '.-'r'r--rw T ~rHAT 7 11 groojamed Appear- ... aiice can be mnaintained only by the proper idaundering of your formal shirts and collars. When laundered by TROJAN they are returned to you s?),-, sl clean and faultlessly lironed, with a freshness and neatneass that mak e it a pleasure AND CARRY PRICES t Ali vvork at _ MAN o i 4 to wear thA he service is prompt no more. an reibe The cost Have you t-riedt our cash and carry offr wih0 15 d . sQcount. Or if you ii, Stores 214 So Stale Street 1--5 S. Universily Ave. 703 andrStreet 1123 E. Liberty Street 701 S. tate Cor nro esire our truck s to call just dial 9495. 4 231 South State 4c CY 1 tP~~ I i