SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1930 THE MICHIGAN Dr*"ATL Y PAGE SEVEN - ~ T P F rw t ms4OF '. Benefit Contest to be S7Fagd otflMint, Includes Ma ny _ Former College Men. Charity football tomorrow will bring into one stadium a galaxy of Michigan's greatest gridders. To- morrcw afternoon at 2 o'clock Ralph Wills will assemble his team of former Michigan stars to play a team of former Ypsi stars in a charity game in Atwood Stadium in Flint to help unemployment. The Lions club of Flint is premot- ing the fray, R aIl b ills organiz- ing both teams. In the backfield the lineup is un- certain as Wills hias All-Amrican Brazil of the University of D3-etroit: Tom Connell, Captain. of th1-192t edition of University of; Detc iroit's football team; Jack Welr half~- back of the University of 'Michir;an; AI Dahlem, star of last year's Mich- igan team; Joe Gembis, All-Con- ference black in 1929 for Miclhigan; andl Avery and Ralph WVills men- bers of the Wolverine team ti year to choose from. Al Bovard is a certainty atia- ter position for Wills' team. The guards will be Steinke and Poe with Parker in reserve. These mnen with Poorman at tacklOe -were members of the Varsity at Michigan in 1929 Tom Edwards will start the other tackle positionIle was a star xat tackle position three years ado alIQ won All-Conference berth at this position for Michigan. At the end positions wvil1 be Bill Orwig an end on Michigan's 1926 team, Herm Young of the Univer- sity of Detroit's 1929 team, and Nat Goodnow another Detroit star. Against Wills' team of Michigan and Detroit stars an agpgregattion- of Ypsi stars will be placed. Their lineup reads like the lineup that held the Michigan Varsity to a 7-0 score early in the 1930 season. Sto- ver will start at center and Jape Rice and Vangu at the guard posi- tions. In the tackle positions Shoemiak- er and McMurry, regular tackles on the 1930 Ypsi team, will start the game. Gregory and G. Willa: are to start at the flanks. In the backs- field Mtites, Morrow, Oliver, and l Pratt will bear the brunt of h attack. I E -_KS LAYERS jNe~-Pln~anpMC (Continued From Page 6) brought the Qflyiipic title to the (Coiltsiz _rns ae6)u United States in 198.Last Novem- ilsat ntea _nn tl ~ ... ber he turned iprofessional and re-Ik ceived a, le is of absence from Fire- sesnInh i~.i'w' h stoneC to t;:y :his U at the bigl regulars ha w>bei' i tle. In fiv e rmabi lp before his worn the i -o ic ~n ma %!?.b' -,th ;on:nJbrgGeorge Crosmi, b iiij2 it ~ swept t17° Contndprs ranks with snReI a _.r~n ~' ftij- ad vips tnStasiakPill Williams, s. eC - 0i Jo V~ie h , ils butze and z ohmre~ i rarm l'_ i5'n1 as well athe fain- Ate7 0a B 130"Bibbler" Mancre ie~oy.h en extra - iI chi U; ? !varl ie that it did not h :r.t ~a Service Elevens Meet In acidlilo10 to ihere mw enI. iAnnual 'Tilt Today Coach Loawrey wilr~eevt!« }_____Brans back in thl,,ine-Inp Vwho Ur-Ih (Continued From Page 6) doubtedly will h4v a ,rtewacsjiag 3in- , field wiljI itcladc Enni.n at quar- fluence on ~the new.comners. "Oakie t3r.mSxec aer a id Fr tz c t halves, Tompkins, r ated r ic of the bee _ s s~ an,-, iJdlayat full. Tige will be re- goalies in ecilegiaate f ircles in the nwie_ red manwlo re aver- country last, seaso-n, Di Iil nen 'i _d 1i kick bgacked to Kgive the Ca- cener aon last % "' i tea.m, a a Notre Dar,e Kigii Tommy Courtis, a wing, ait will be IIcts t pi Ilone Score. back with the Wolverine team. ,s 1 k hris avy nounced its P obable As reserves M i-a'ri will have 1 S start ng lineoup as fo llavws: Steff an- Captain Art Schlanderer, HaroldC Wo tk alednaxt ie. anrclByn, ends, Captain SBow- Sindles, Torn Prou~e, Charles Hild- tl the dackering for new players to strom and ryani, ta~ci {es; Under- ner, and James- Gr char, all of these S wear the uni ormn of the Detroit j wood and Gray, guards; Tuttle,, men, except the Mirst, being new-I Tiger}att .i pc econiferc eIenter; 16 .uer, quariterb .ck: Gan- corners to tle , u. d. Scehiandal-rr of e g Lagg o'(isand ma, n- n_" and H~irn, half acks; Hagberg, and Sindies will get -he lirLtca'l.;V ag ers. 'u''c. h ~kf~~ uatti as reserve m~aterial. ---- the sane one that ran roughshod -The Western Ontario squad in- ; c WOLVES TO FA(~~~ over the Pennslvna eleven last cue oi i e~igais ,- k StuAy adwthte rssMcCallum, Lawson. Paterson, and p I liY 14JLh1 Nvysch~ances intoday'sGame. S ewart. derense zmen; Armisrongir .) O E N _ . , 1 1 ad~ ~ V rl, a IS .. , - __5 _ ___,n ,' ' r' ' -.-'1 ,b_ . _ L. _ . : --- 1 eglivie-n vIA ha eos- Cicj i >VLha that will open. the aicyhue 1P Y .[,VT--, c . "y n {1;I1 proabl isn de i e tLn i't~c 1 n prolec theforipri nion, ter leCad ilnlMregasto em isband aout ec ofte beestsoftplaying Onveral, g2.0niec a emer ofpethe efasitario lhmll H orckey~ As oi a i o nd th aill in cgam es u h cl b s o d n a s A . C E S inoec t. Thomasionrsoll Coatah MiBiadnwillteamh itne aout neeM fthe bst erxtgegtsinonattho eCoig312 .00taeac embx edonteasigt.OtroIl~om imc oe, rtSt.TaigersomanrTomEDCLO White Sox first baseman who was Cull 4310, recently obtained by the MilwaukeeI Benjamin. F RSA~LE INN~l 10ZSUNDAY )ernrJot ,Biscuits _ c va)enr4973. _ University }6 , or ea Jrtsured in a.~~ wh uexclusions, t VM c ia l 5502. :Bon- ove'anq04 IYpsi-Ann 561 7~L'IZVACATION"- adaewishes con- lying; Plymouth. Start "nber 20, return 30th. h wray. Dale A. White, H ills, Mich. 56 TRY 3 TUTORING [ae. Tutoring Agency Phone 7927 4561 CITES bought and sold. 215 E. Washington. H. 2460 OLD VIOLINS-Attributed to mag- gine, Lupo, Garnerius, Chanot, Da Salo, Strainer, Kloz. Also Kloz Viola. No, reasonable oiler, refused. 315 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor. 5 BEAUTIFUL FUR COATS at small margin over wholesale cost. Classroom, afternoon, and dance frocks at astonishing prices. 1328 Geddes Ave. Phone 22310. 2 to FRSALE-Set of Dietzgen draw- ing nstumets.CosIt $26. Will tke $15. Perfect condition. Call Hmmond, 2-1958. 345 CLARINET, B flat, Bahm system, Holton make, perfect condition. Very cheap. Phone 3212. 516 Packard. Evenings. 635 LUST LOST-Phi Kappa Tau fraternity pin. Please call 6674. H. H. Boys. 56 LOST-White gold Elgin wrist watch. Return to Stan Hozer and receive a reward. Phone 3627. 561 WANT ADS PAY! club, a farm of the St. Louis icans has not been ordered port to the Browns and they intend to obtain him. Amer-!- - to re- TYPING-Theses a specialty. F'air do not rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9087. 1C (Continued From Page 6) Ten games roll around. in the Michigan State game last year, which the Staters won by a 27-26 count, Weiss dropped a long shot through the meshes just after the -final gun sounded with what' would have been the winning points if the gains had lasted one sec- ond longer. This game was close throughout, with neither team showing any marked advantage or disadavantage. Roger Grove regis-11 tered 10 points in this game to leadI his team in scoring. ]both Michigan and Michigan State will have ample reserve ma- terial tonight, since Coach Veenker h a s Hudson, 1931 gridiron captain, Captain Downing, Petrie, and Rick- etas to rush into the battle at anyI time. The invaders have Bernard, Ifaun, and McCaslin to use in case any of the regtxlars are forced to leave the game. -,w- INTER-FRATERNITY WR;;E .STLING 7::;0 T'au Kappa Epxsilon play's Delta Kiepa Epsilon, and Theta 'Xi meets Semi-finals and fn 'a ifl th<o h oes feartdlPhiLam a. n:') i'1.I 'hr 3 AIIN first cont'e_,ss tobe 1lay e y yir- tue of its win over Trigo1, Phi tK;p- XA1! make LS of machines. pa is favored atlong wit'1h Beta ThetaI Our equipmnent adpr Pi, last year's runner-up, to b-a iin r"' l] arc considered the final game. ~aong the best in the State. The result On Mon day at 7:30 Alpha Kappa' of twenty years' careful building Lambda will mreet Alpha Omleg, 0 . D. M RRI LL and Alpha Phi Delta wil play Phi 314 South Stage Phone 6615 Beta Del. i t :30 T e- Chi -meets a ~sUDDEN I t -LSERNiCE !( , rec~iz , she will appreciate this beautiful range that makes the kitchen so much plesanter and cooking so much simpler and easier. You will enjoy giving an ELECTROCH-EF-if only through the satisfaction of knowing that it is the finest cooking method that science and industry can give you. Yet the cost of the ELECTROCHEF is surprisingly lour, well within reach of every average home. See the ELECTROCHEF today at any Detroit Edison office, 1 ""' IE R 'I _A. *A study of a50 omes showed that a'_' ing cost with in ELFCT.O-riff range averages 6c P erson per month. 4 Ts 3 y )' t / 'j .. I --- { f }i _ t - j } i - - 'f . y; ... S f $105Cash Price Installed, including 7-piece set of special cooking utensils. Down payment $10, balance $6 a month. Sales urnder these condiions made to Detroit Edison customers only. I