SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1930 THE M CHIrAN DAILY r AGE FnVE ".mwiw~ Vq Iq wq WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION WILL! HOLD OPEN FORUM Executive Board Will Explan Organization; Treasurer to Collect Dues.j PLAN ENTERTAINMENT Invitations Extended to Women Interested in Becoming Members of W.A.A. Following the policy of previous years, the Women's Athletic Asso- ciation will hold an open meeting from 3:30 to 5:30 Tuesday after- noon, Dec. 16, in the Women's Ath- letic building. There will be dancing, refresh- ments, and entertainment the na- ture of which will be announced later. While the meeting is primari- ly for members, anyone interested in joining. W. A. A. is invited to at- tend. Members of the executive board will be present to answer any questions about the organization, and the treasurer, Dorothy Els- worth, '32, willscollect the member- ship dues from any who wishes to pay them at this time. Is First Indoor Entertainment. This will be the first indoor affair to be given in connection with the W. A. A. membership c a m p a i g n which was organized last fall, and is an opportunity for new women on the campus to become acquaint- ed with the group. Every woman student enrolled in the University is an inactive member, of W. A. A., and may become an active member by earning five W. A. A. points and paying the membership dues of one dollar. All arrangements for the meeting are being made by Dorothea Water- man, '31. She is being assisted by Janet Allen, Anne Neberle, '33, and Gladys Schroder, '33. Faculty Members Will Attend. Among the members of the facul- ty of the physical education de- partment for women who will at- tend are Miss Editha Barthel, Miss Dorothy Beise, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss Mary E. Campbell, Miss Van- essa Gle, Mrs. Dorothy Hall, Miss Ruth Hassinger, Miss Marie Hart- wig, Ethel A. McCormick, Dr. Mabel E. Rugen, Miss Emily V. White, Miss Marie Zetter, Dr. Emmeth Schultz, and Miss Jeannette Saurborn, in- structor in physical education at the University high school. Executive Board To Be Present. Members of the executive board of W. A. A. who will act as hostesses for the occasion are Helen Domine, '31, president; Dorothy Sample, '32, vice-president; Margaret Eamon, '31, secretary; and Dorothy Els- worth, '32, treasurer, Elizabeth Whitney, '31, chairman of hockey, Elizabeth Louden, '32, chairman of basketball, Marion Heald, '33, chair- man of dancing, Jean Botsford, '32, chairman of swimming, Jean Bent- ly, '32, chairman of speedball, Mari- on Gimmy, '33, intramural, Frances Beuthine, '32, riding, Constance Giefel, '33, tennis, Marjorie Hunt, '32, golf, Helen Moore, '31, point recorder, Agnes Graham, publicity, Jean Perrin. '32, bowling, Elizabeth Hatch, rifle, and Esther LaRowe, A. C. A. C. W. representative, are also members of the e x e c u t i v e board. Miss Kathryn Williams of Fort Worth, graduate student of Texas Christian university, has set out on a 3,000 mile journey to various parts of the nation collecting data for her master's thesis. QUEEN TO REIGN OVER P ROSE TOURNAMENT NE ASADEAA Laurencin Produces WYE AR'S DAY' --- Individual Form in SModern Art W7,ks RMI T ORIES H ERA LD YULE SEASON WIT H ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTIES q-zc Xarmcs ls, and! Oteer Ln er amnments By Gile MmI:l er, 32. Iiead Pro gra.. Mai e Laurencin has dOne the , , t unhrard of thing. She has created Cauht m the srl ,f ismase nhastastlmtofhher owrmhichshas ar t en fresdo by -sponoring many socoif activit es to celebrate the coning holiday sea- dy the varenis schools of art ar son. Betsy Barbour is entertainn n .w Yx~~~~e^.ed y imen. the InorganimeltlVztafona rYe oe : chool, the Cubanist movement, the tomght at a formal dinner dance. Rodinesque- in fact all of the oua- Decorations are to remferee the ta ndin> in modern art spirit ef gayety with a Christmas are associated with tlhe names r tree and other yuletide trimmings. mppoymatelyen. Women throughout the ages!A r aY sixty couples are men .Wmnhoghu teae xp+ ,d, and Bob Cas:'s OrCh1es- B;s sslddm produced a line of art, ..tveti a style of art, which has been tra w1 supply the music. zers alone, which has been sil- Another occasion which marks kh ,tted as something uniqu e the holiday celebration of this hostedasseningasnie.week-end is the informal dance to Miss Laurencin has never been be ivn tonight at Martha Cook tesubject of controversy in the 'C]tngttMaha ok thesntdormitory. The decorations are to cur~rnt art magazines. Hfer paint- be affected with intricate avrang- . never m]Ypir2 the frcnzicd ments of Christmas tree lights. rt ;r'sgs. either to tirades of ap- c braTe roain rcnemain T1ca e,,3 swill be IWiss Magart pre ation or condemnationx. ,Ruth Smith, and Miss Alta Atkin- - art world seens to take her work son. Kel Edwards and his oreh - for granted. What could be more tra will supply the music. A skit indicative of that situation than is plnned toyf rm a part o1th t