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December 12, 1930 - Image 1

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VOL. XLI. No. 64




V~flITYOEBTEBaofForming Cabinet

Administration Takes New Steps
for Harmony in Congress
on Legislation.

Teams Break Even in Conference
Contests; Win Home Meet
from Buckeyes.
Captain Simon is Instrumental
in Victory of Affirmative
Squad at Ann Arbor.
Michigan's Varsity affirmative
debating team emerged victorious
over Ohio State last night in its
first conference contest of the sea-
T h e proposition under debate
was: Resolved, that the several
states should enact legislation pro-I
viding for compulsory unemploy-
ment insurance. Th e arguments
centered about the question of
whether it had been successful in
practice, and whether its advan-
tages outweighed the obvious weak-
Brigance Judges Contest.
The affirmative team, said Prof.
W. N. Brigance of Wabash college,
who acted as judge, won through
the speech delivered by Captain
Howard Simon, who destroyed the
Ohio State argument by deflecting
it rather than refluting it, showing
that the negative had not proved
f h4 tii nyynlnvmv, t in n erfp isI

Sponsors of Measure Believe
Will Provide Immediate
Jobs for Hundreds.
(Py Associated Press)


Associated Press Photo
Senator Pierre Laval,h s
Noted French lawyer, who has
informed President Doumergue that
he, like his veteran colleague, Louis
Barthou, must renounce the task
of forming a new French ministry.
The young senator gave up the
attempt because party conflict
made the work appear impossible.
Ex-Chancellor Says Round Table
Discussion Raises False
H4"nQ of fin Hi d


tIalcX, a LL'-1Xi1I~J ium, 1 111.3 LX ~1~~1 . 1 d lpes or nI A us.
not a relief. ___
In four years of home and home (fy Associated Pres ,
contests between Michigan and LONDON, Dec. 11.-Prime Minis-
Ohio State this is the first that a ter Ramsay MacDonald's efforts toI
home team has won, so that in re- break the deadlock between the
cent years Michigan holds the ad_ Moslem and Hindu leaders of the
vantage. Indian conference were carried on
In the contest at Ann Arbor, today to the accompaniment of a
Michigan was represented by John violent bombardment of criticism
Lederle, Leonard Kimball, and Cap- in another party of the city.
tain Howard Simon; Ohio by H. P. Speaking under auspices of the
Zelkowitz, David Goldsmith, and Indiain empire society, Winston
Paul V. House. Prof. I. L. Sharf- Churchill, former chancellor of the
man of the University economics exchequer, described t h e round
department presided, and Professor table conference as raising "false
Brigance judged. hopes, which may lead to strife and
riacsuffering." He declared the Brit-
(Special to The I)aily) ish nation "has no intention of re-
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., December linquishing effectual control of In-
11.--Indiana university's debaters dian life and property."
defeated the University of Michi- The Conservative statesman said
gan's negative team here tonight that any act looking to a new form
in a conference meet. Michigan's of Indian government would rest
team included John Huss, Victor entirely upon the British govern-
Rabinowitz, and Captain Nathan ment whenever a necessity arose,
Levy; Indiana's Charles Roney, and it seems probable a new House
Bernard Frick, and Dorleen Wood- of Commons would come into exist-
small. Robert E. Williams of De ence by that time.
Pauw university was the judge. "W i th d r a w 1 or suspension of
1British control," Mr. Churchill said,
"means either a Hindu despotism
supported by an army of European
mercenaries or a renewal of those
ferocious internal wars which tor-
tured the Indian masses for thous-
ands of years before the British
faag was hoisted in Calcutta."i
Loss of India, he said, would con-
Three University Delegations summate the downfall of the Brit-
Will Represent Britain, ish; empire. t
India, Bulgaria. "The round table conference has E
no power to frame a constitution
Three delegations from the Uni- for India," he asserted, "and no a-
versity to the annual model League greement reached by the confer-
of Nations assembly, to be held Mayce will be binding morally orleg-
1 and 2 this year at Hillsdale, will ally upon Parliament."
represent the British Empire, India,
and Bulgaria at the conference, it HOQBBS DISCUSSES
was announced yesterday by Dr. POLAR EXPLORING
H. Arthur Steiner, of the political
science department, who is in Geologist Lectures at Student
charge of the arrangements here.G e
The topics which will be dis- Chemical Club Meeting.
cussed at the annual meeting, will
be those that occupied the atten- Prof. William H. Hobbs of the
tion of the League of Nations itself geology department, gave an illus-
at its last meeting. Four general trated lecture last night before the
subjects" are in the agenda, the student branch of the American In-
Briand proposal for the establish- stitute of Chemical Engineers, on
ment of a United States of Europe; "Methods of Polar Exploration."
the question of treaty revision, in- 1 The relationship between the
cluding the revision of the Treaty Imethods of polar exploration used
of Versailles; a discussion of the by various expeditions and the suc-
causes and remedies of the world- cess or failure of these expeditions
wide economic depression; and the was pointed out by Professor Hobbs.
problems involved in the reorgan- Also the methods used in early ex-
ization of the Secretariat of the ploration were contrasted to more
League of Nations. Each topic is a modern practices where both heavi-
practical one, dealing with actual er-than-air and dog sleds are util-
questions of current international ized. The aircraft is considered
interest. more valuable in getting a general
idea of the geography of an area
Honorary Sociol ical while the older method of using dog
sleds can not be dispensed with en-
Group Initiates Eight tirely, because of its value in deter-
mining the actual conditions of the
Alpha Kappa Delta, national hon- ,area, Professor Hobbs stated.
orary sociological society, initiated
eight new members and honored DuffendaCk Will Talk
them at a banquet held in the -*

WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. - The
emergency public improvements
appropriation was passed late to-
day by the Senate as administra-
tion leaders undertook new steps
for a harmony relief program.
The Senate struck from the bill
the provision giving President Hoo-
ver a free hand in the use of the
fund, on motion of Senator Robin-
son, of Arkansas, the Democratic
leader. This and other amend-
ments, including an addition of
$5,000,000 to the $110,000,000 voted
by the House, required reconsider-
ation of the legislation by the
The huge fund to be spent on a
vast public improvements program
throughout the nation will become
available immediately upon enac-
tent and final Congressional ap-
proval is expected by early next
week at the latest. Sponsors of the
legislation assert it will give im-
mediate employment to thousands.
Republicans Confer.
As the Democratic storm in the
Senate against Mr. Hoover's denun-
ciation of those advocating added
relief measures subsided, the Re-
publicans went into conference to
seek some manner of harmony and
Earlier, President Hoover com-
municated with Senator Watson, of
Indiana, the Republican leader, ex-
pessing a desire to send his ex-
perts before Congress to back up
the administration's contentions on
the extent of the necessity for re-
lief legislation. Watson called a
conference of party leaders when
discord developed in the Republi-
can ranks. Some held the view that
Mr. Hoover should have consulted
his paity chieftans before issuing
the statement he did. Others felt
the party should have given a more
vigorous defense to the Democratic
Assumes Co-operation.
At the conference, Watson called
the president and assured him of
co-operation by the party in keep-I
ing relief legislation within bounds,
but also asking him to co-operate
with the party on tactics to be pur-
sued in advocating the relief pro-
Meanwhile, the Senate agricul-
ture committee appointed a sub-
committee to study and report on
the Capper resolution to authorize
distribution to the needy of 40,000,-
000 bushels of wheat held by the
grain stabilization corporation.
Fingerle Estimates Loss From
Water, Flames at $15,000.
Fire which broke out from some
unknowni source at 3 o'clock Thurs-
day morning in C. J. Fingerle's Den
restaurant at 1108 S. University
avenue, caused damage, estimated
by Fingerle at $15,000, before fire-
men could check it. The building
is entirely covered by insurance.
According to Fingerle, no one was
inside when a night police patrol-
man noticed smoke coming from
the building. The officer immedi-
ately called the fire department
and Fingerle.
A large part of the damage was
caused by water, since the fire it-
self was confined to an addition on
the west side of the building. Walls
and decorations throughout this
part of the restaurant were drench-
ed by water from the fire depart-
ment's hoses, which flooded the en-
tire building.
Zaro Agha to Appear
in New Musical Show
(By Asocted Press)
NEW YORK, Dec. 11.-Zaro Agha,
the Turk whose passport indicates

- R E E B R of 437 South Fifth streetewas C N T T T O
r nn r P flfl found dead at 11 o'clock last O 5 I U N
night over the grave of her
husband, George Sweet, former
city treasurer, in Forest Hills A
Willianis Also Welcomes School cemetery. She had taken her
Journalists at Ninth life with a revolver.t a-----et-o_ __
Mrs. Sweet had left a note to
Annual Meeting. her brother-in-law, Zenas A. Re
Sweet, for whom she had kept
200 EXPECTED BY TODAY house, that she was going to Einstein on Arrival
visit her husband's grave in the
First Session Concluded With cemetery, which she had done (B1 Associated Press)
sh frequently in the past. WhenNEW YORK, Dec. 11.-Albert
Get-Acquainted' Party, Mrs. Sweet did not return by Einstein arrivedin New York,
Advisor's Meeting. II o'clo hervbrother-in-l and in his greeting the great
who had received her note at mteaiinsoe e
Speeches of welcome by Joseph 4:30, went with some neighbors side of his character, courage
A. Bursley, dean of students, John in search of her, of an unusual order.
L. Brumm, professor of journalism, Four months ago she had For nearly two hours he main-
and Gurney Williams, president of suffered a stroke and was over- tained a frequent smile, perfect
Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour- come by gas escaping in the poise and sallies of bubbling
nalistic fraternity, opened the ninth kitchen. Yesterday morning good humor in the face of a
barg fpiflannual meeting of the Michigan she ccamplainsed of pains in her braeo anu publicity.
Interscholastic Press association head. Teprandomestinshofar0d
last evening in the Union. A "get-p- damerameri a"ie-
acquainted" party "and a faculty fl with up-to-date American "wise-
aadvior d"petyngconcudedfutlcracking" as keen as their own.
avisors' meeting concluded Time after time they laughed
opening assembly' which was, heldULTm afetiehylugd
0 0 0,a mb1V u eh ws haloud with him, yet a moment
at 7:30 o'clock. Music for the party alod wih hmrye a mme-
.i later his grave, round; brown
was furnished by Bob Carsons' or- eyes seemed to be gazing far
c Hestrsna. pek. Ipast the packed circle of audi-
Henderson to Speak.rd-lst tors as if hunting for escape.
More than 150 had registered last Enters Neutral Plea When In a message intended for a
evening, and 60 more are expected ywider audience he dropped the
to be present today when the 9 Arraigned on Charges jesting pose, talked over the ra-
o'clock assembly is called. Dr. Wil- of Embezzlement. dio about suppression of militar-
liam D. Henderson of the extension ism and hitting unemployment.
division of the University will speak Grove J. Ray, treasurer of the
at this meeting, which will be fol--__
lowed by the first of three discus- AnnArbor board of education since
sion periods between 10 and 12 1928, was released on $5,000 bond
o'clock. A general assembly this yesterday when arraigned before
afternoon at 2 o'clock will be fea~ Justice Bert E. Fry on a charge of
tured by an address from Dr. Ran- -mTzleet fflII fnT hie
dolph G. Adams, custodian of the e b zl m n of s h o fu d whltr d b an a d es r m D .R n-I n"T M N S H
Clements library. The second group serving as business agent of thel WIMI ST
of round-table discussions will be board.
held between 3 and 5 o'clock. The ay, who entered a neutral plea, ,teeg Charged With Problem of
annual banquet is scheduled at 6:30 will appear for examination Dec. g
o'clock tonight on the third floor 29, Prosecuting Attorney Carl H.' Forming Government
of the Union at which time Dr. Stuhrberg said. Bond for Ray was by Doumergue.
Wafler Mosaur, of Austria, Rev. _posted by James A. Rose, local bus-
Frederick B. Fisher, D.D., of the iness man. (By Associated Press)
First Methodist church and a skit The explanation advanced by PARIS, Dec. 11. France went to
by Sigma Delta Chii will feature the Ray concerning the misappropria- bed aaint
program. Professor Brumm will act tion of the funds was for "legiti- aga tonight without a gov~
Was ilotoastmaster mate purposes." He denied having ernment. The prospects that one
Will Tour Daily Offices. lived "beyond his means." g would be ready for tomorrow ap-
Following tonight's banquet and The dec:.on of the board of edu- peared more remote than since the
addresses, members of the conven- cation to order Ray's arrest fol- Tardieu ministry resigned a week
tion will make a tour of the Michi-'lwdameigo h or e--
gan Daily, Michiganensian, and lowed a meeting of the board Wed- ago today.
Gargyle ffics. aturay'spro nesday night after an auditor's re-
Gargoyle ofies. Saturdays pro-1 port disclosed the shortage totaled Senator Theodore Steeg, former
gram consists of a general assem-$2,0.ny nitm hafr resident-general of Morocco, was
bly at 9 o'clock at which time Wil- 1 $12,500. Only one item, that for'rsdn-eraofMocws
blyr at9o'lc atimn v wich time W- $1,400, was mentioned in the war- charged by President Doumergue
bur ah Humphreyse assistantstanhowever. rtr4 d tn b nrb a i t t.

New Rule to Continue
Throughout Island
for 60 Days.
Professional, Business
Men Pledge Support
to Students.
(By Associated Press)
HAVANA, Dec. 11.- Amid new
disorders by students and with ru-
mors buzzing through the city that
he soon would resign, President
Machado today suspended consti-
tutional guarantees throughout the
whole of Cuba.
This is tantamount to martial
law and is similar to the suspension
decreed in Havana and environs
which ended last month. Both were
authorized by Congress after much
debate, but whereas the first decree
was confined to the capital and for
only 20 days, the suspension in-
voked today will run for 60 days
over the entire island.
Student Riots Continue.
Student activities not only con-
tinued but increased, meanwhile,
and the sound of firing was heard
in the streets as police attempted
to break up demonstrations. Num-
bers of business and professional
men, graduates of the national uni-
versity, pledged their support to
the rioting undergraduates.
The president's action followed
upon a secret meeting of the cabi-
net at which American Ambassador
Harry S. Guggenheim was reported
to be present, and it 'was known
that important developments were
Havana, at the same time, was
swimming in a flood of rumors.
There were numerous reports' the
president would resign, another
that he already had placed his
resignation in the hands of the su-
preme court, and still another that
Ambassador Guggenheim had sum-
moned two American cruisers from
the United States naval base at
Guantanamo. All were denied.
Attorney General Resigns.
Complicating the situation, and
adding to several cabinet changes
during the week, was the resigna-
tion of Miguel Angel Campa, as at-
torney general.
The latest developments climaxed
a summer of unrest in Cuba, with
disorders and demonstrations grow-
ing since the Congressional elec-
tions of last month. Hundreds of
students, who are prime movers in
all the disturbances, have been ar-
rested in various parts of the island.
Jose Iturbi Will Present Sixth
of Choral Union Programs
at Hill Auditorium.
Jose Iturbi, Spanish pianist, will
present the sixth of the series of
Choral Union concerts at 8:15
o'clock tonight at Hill auditorium.
"Mr. Iturbi," said Dr. Charles
Sink, president of the School of
Music, "came to America for a few
concerts last season, and was looked

upon as the musical sensation of
the year. At his debut recital in
Carnegie hall, a furor was created
and he was obliged to respond to
encores and returns to the stage
many times, and it was nearly mid-
night before the audience finally
let him leave. Later he appeared
with the orchestra in New York and
Chicago, where similar ovations
were had. For his Ann Arbor con-
cert he has chosen the following
Sonata in A major, by Mozart;
Etudes symphoniques, by . Schu-
mann; Waltz, two Etudes and Polo-
naise by Chopin; Ballade and
Rhapsody by Brahms; L'Ile Joyeuse
by DeBussy; Navarra by Albeniz;
and El Vito, written in his honor,
by Infante. The last number will
be given for the first time tonight.
3 - s - - . A - *

I U t. 1U1P1 ', U I~IU1U1
of the literary college, will speak, Knowledge t h a t discrepancies
and a luncheon at 12:30 o'clock existed came to light, Otto W. Hais-
featuring A. L. Miller, editor of the ley, superintendent of schools, said,
Battle Creek News-Enquirer. after Ray had repeatedly failed to
keep appointments with auditors.
BEHGI WillThe treasurer then admitted the
irregularities to the auditors.
Ray, for a number of years, has
been connected with the board of
education, serving, prior to 1928, as
business agent, Haisley said.
__"Mr. Ray," Haisley explained,
JISti toBacs Ac -u 1-uix- ---4- of +1,-

LUIU LyUo20rm1a d nU11eb,u o-
night parliamentarians generally
conceded him little chance of suc-
His consultations with political
leaders brought out that not only
would he lack support of the group
of the extreme right headed by
Louis Marin, but the moderate par-
ties of the right, under the leader-
ship of Former Minister of War
Andre Maginot, would refuse their
assistance. M. Maginot, offered the
vvar nortfolio. declined to accepnt it.

ie-acted as business agent.ofthe p ,.
niversitycast board until 1928, when he was President Doumergue was appar-
Parts of Program; March made treasurer. In this capacity, .ntly resolved to allow the warring
to Start at 11:30. he made collections for the board, 'parties of the right and left to
(Continued on Page 8) light it out a few days longer. He
Sophomores of all schools of the - followed strictly the parliamentary
University will join in climaxing WINDT ANNOUNCES usage in summoning a member of
the pre-holiday social season at the Senate majority that overthrew
the annual Soph Prom tonight inCHRISTMAS PLAYS the Tardieu government before tak-
the ballroom of the Union. Freddy I- ing the step which a great many
Bergin and his Vagabonds will pro- Production Class Will Present consider the sole solution outside
vide music for the dance, which Two Dramas Next Week. the dissolution of P a r 1 i a m e n t,
will last from 9 until 2 o'clock. Inamely that of offering the prem-
Parts of the program will be Moliere's "Affected Misses," a iership to Raymond Poincare with-
transmitted after 12:30 over the dramatization of a Christmas scene out portfolio.
University studio wire to station.,
WJR, Detroit broadcast. Prof. Wal- from "Pickwick Papers," and mu- Hobbs Mourns Dog's
do Abbot, director of University sical selections by the Freshman)
broadcasting will announce t h e Girls' Glee club will comprise the Death by Remainin
program which was made possible program of the second annual g
by Harry Suffrin, Detroit tailor. Christmas offering by Play Pro- Away From Classes
Favors will be distributed when duction, Valentine B. Windt, direc-
tickets are presented at the door, 1 tor of Play Production, announced
the committee decided last night. yesterday. The presentations' will "There is no friend like a good
A small blue leather engagement be given Tuesday, Wednesday and dog -he will always stick with you,
book, embossed with the letters, Thursday nights at the Lydia Men- though your human friends may
SOPH PROM, as well as with the delssohn theater. J turn aside."
seal of the University, will be giv- The first play, stated Windt, will This, in substance, was the eulogy
en in receipt of the ticket stub. be given because of numerous re- of a dog which a great lawyer once
The Grand March, which will be- quests from patrons who were un- made. Prof. William H. Hobbs, head
gin at 11:30, will be lead by John able to attend the dedication of of the geology department, agrees
Adams, general chairman, and his the Laboratory theater when the with these sentiments, for yester-,
partner, Miss Esther Kunkel of production was first staged. The day, out of respect for his great
Ann Arbor. Christmas performance will be collie, Sandy, who died this week,
The Tap room, which may be given jointly by the Women's' he did not attend any of his classes.
used by the dancers along with the league and Play Production. Sandy was recently operated on for
Pendleton Library, will be open -- -- V la tumor but failed to survive the
from 12:10 to 2:30. Lower VeSereValley operation.

The fnancial success of the Prom
was assured when the ticket com-
mittee gave a favorable report of
sales to date at a late hour last
night. Tickets may be obtained at
the Union up until the time of the
dance, it was announced.

Discussedby Kendall
Speaking before the geological
and geographical journal club, H.
M. Kendall of the geography de-
partment last night discussed the
"Occupance of the Lower Vesere

For a great many years past Pro-
fessor Hobbs and his collie had
been known as almost inseparable
companions by everyone on the
campus as well as by all the mem-
bers of campus dogdom. Wherever
Professor Hobbs went, often even to
class, the tawny, handsome collie

Michigan Union last night. The,
new members include Miss Mildred

at Initiation Banquet

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