THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 . THE MIC H 1C-AN D A TL PAGE M'1V I IFAMMM l" '' ti . . First Tryouts for Annual Junior Girls' Play Begin Today JUNIOR GIRLS' PLA TRIOUTS TO BEGIN AT LEGETHAE Other Tryouts Will be Held at Three-Thirty on Friday; Nine on Saturday. COSTUMES NOT NEEDED Today Is Last Day for Making Tryout Appointments for Play. First tryouts for the Junior Girls' Play begin at 3:30 o'clock this after- non in the Lydia Mendelssohn theater, and will be held tomorrow at the same time, and at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning. Today is also the last day in which to make appointments for' tryouts. The ap- pointment desk is open from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 4 o'clock in Uni- versity hall. Women who are trying out are asked to be prompt as there will be no waiting for anyone who is late. There will be a desk outside the theater, where those who have not yet paid their dollar dues may do so before going on the stage. Although costumes will not be needed for tryouts, women who wish men's parts should wear men's clothes if possible, and all others may wear either bathing suits or their ordinary street clothes. The committee requests this, since the choruses will be, in the majority, collegiate. Should Bring Accompanist. Katherine Sitton, chairman of music says that it is to the tryout's advantage to bring her own ac- companist. "We will have someone to accompany those women who come alone, but having someone to whom you are accustomed and with whom you have practiced makes a great deal of difference to you," said Miss Sitton. Only women who wish to try out for character parts should speak at the first tryouts, and all others should have a song and dance pre- pared. Each tryout is allowed three minutes, so it will not be necessary to prepare long dances or songs. A single chorus for the song and a few routine steps for the dance, will be all that anyone will have time for, unless she wishes to speak, as well. Second Tryouts In January. Second tryouts are scheduled for January 8, 9, and 10. Cards sum- moning juniors to second tryouts will be mailed before Christmas vacation. For the convenience of the committee in charge of tryouts, Jane Inch, assistant chairman, asks that no women who know that they are ineligible try out for the Play, as every one who is to be called back has to be checked for eligibil- ity. Regent E. Cram Speaks at Annual Y. W. Dinner Elections of new members to the board of directors and the sum- mary of the year's achievements were the main features of the thir- ty-fifth annual meeting and ban- quet of the Young Women's Christ- ian Association which took place at 6 o'clock Monday night in the association building. Regent Esther Cram, the princi- pal speaker of the evening, talked on "Continuous Education." The tables at which 76 guests were seat- ed were most attractively decorat- ed in blue and white. TH E 0P HIST ICATE By Margae apgood, '31. Next ceek we shall be going home! and home means shopping and new clothes, so perhaps I might tell you a few of the newest developments. Paris has been sponsoring color contrast extensively. Even evening dresses are being made of two colors. One very good looking model of satin has a white blouse with pointed peplum of white with a olack skirt and black gloves. An afternoon govwn in on of the shows hat just oened in N4ew Yo was a dusty rose worn with a black hat gauntlet cuffs and belt of patent leather, and black shoes, purse and gloves. d- A Lucian Lelong evening gown of black lustrous satin is worn with a pink satin wrap with black fox trim on cuffs and around the bottom of the coat, which is knee length. In the mid-winter openings the dresses are even longer than they were last fall. Evening gowns con- tinue to sweep the floor, formal afternoon gowns are ankle length and daytime dresses are being shown quite consistently 8 inches from the floor rather than the 12 inches of last fall. The frock illus- trated is of this longer length and would be suitable for classes being a dark green woolen with white pencil stripes, and a white crepe de chene collar. Black is being worn extensively usually combined with white, tur- quoise, pink, coral or cream; which incidently isthe newest and smart- est note in Paris, and the cream is quite deep, definitely removed from white. Sunday evening frocks are very popular and play an important part in a college girl's wardrobe. Many of them are made of metal cloth and feature short sleeves trimmed with dark fur cuffs. Very light colored tunics with dark skirts are well liked. Hats that are different NEW SILK-RIBBON AND FELT McKinsey Hat Shop 227 South State Street Hospital Director Plans Celebration CAPMINS EECTED;for Child Patients' "Christmas this year for the childrenin the University hospital' ITO HOVOV SE 1=Awill be much the same as in previ- ous years," stated Miss Dorothy jean Perrin, '32, Manager of Ketcham, social service director of owl Asin o Appoints the University hospital. "There will Bowling, be small gifts of the season for Class Heads. everyone, and a party for the child- 1ren with stockings and Christmas 7. LOUDEN NAMES AIDES trees." _____Each year the fraternity and Ineteclass Games an Outgrowth sorority houses and dormitories .givetheir Christmas trees to the From Intramural Teams hospital. Miss Ketcham is asking in Basketball. them to make the trees available this year by the time school closes. Elizabeth Louden, '32, basketball She also asks that if anyone else mnanagerof the Women's Athletic wishes to contribute a tree, a truck m e -n will be sent for it if the social serv- association, has appointed the fol- ice department is notified. owing class managers; freshman, As many trees as possible are Frances Manchester; sophomore, used in the wards each year-big Louise Peterson; junior, Susan ones, little ones, artificial ones, Manchester; and senior, Elizabeth trees with a limb broken off-all Wood. These women, along with the are gratefully received. About 200 coaches and intramural manager. trees were used last year. form the committee which will "Children are always given the select players for the interclass first consideration," declared Miss teams. Ketcham. "Their wards are always Women interested in basketball decorated first, with the Christmas are once more reminded that inter- trees, holly, and wreaths which are class games will be an outgrowth of sent to us by organizations and intramural games, and that any individuals alike," she stated. woman wishing to play interclass Children Plan Own Parties. basketball must first play on an "The children's party is given intramural team. Anyone who is before a great many of the child- not on a dormitory, sorority, or ren who are able to go home have league team should register with left," Miss Ketcham continued' Miss Marie Hartwig of the physical this year it will be very simple. education faculty, at Barbour gym- The patients will gather together nasium, and join an intramural while a play is given. Santa Claus club team. will come with candy, toys, and bal- Two court basketball which will loons. The children are allowed to be played this year, calls for alert- what they want.Tsohey akehaa ness since the ball quickly moves w angeme nt rTheyg a e m si from safe into dangerous territory. rangements for the games, music, It calls for emphasis on all posi- is about all the excitement they tions instead of stressing the neces- can stand for a while.m sity of a tall jumping center. "They rest, and then later on Jean Perrin, '32, bowling man- they open their stockings which ager on the W. A. A. board, has ap- contain a number of smal gifts. pointed the following class man- This brings them all much happi- agers, freshman, Olive Dawes; ness, which is one of the most sophomore, Mae Stuart; junior, necessary factors in getting well." Alyce VandenBoogert; and senior, The adults are not forgotten, Elizabeth Whitney. either. They are given Christmas As in other sports, interclass boxes filled with nuts, candy, and teams will be chosen after intra- cake, which are all gifts to the mural competition. Each entrant is hospital. Choirs from various Ann to bowl 15 strings by Jan. 16. After Arbor churches and caroling by the that date class teams will be form- Boy and Girl Scout troops all tend ed by the four students in each to make the season more typical of class having the highest scores. the holiday spirit for those who The alleys at the Women's Ath- have to spend their vacation sick letic building are open daily from in bed. 4 to 6 o'clock and Tuesday and "The whole thing," concluded Wednesday nights from 7 to 9 Miss Ketcham, "is to have the pa- o'clock. Helen Beaumont, Grad., tient realize that there is a spirit will give instruction to those who of cordiality, good-will, and inter- wish it. est in him as well as anyone else." University Music House inaugurated this Pre-Christmas Sale at this time to offset as much as possible the effect of the present financial situation. You can get that Boy or Girl a Musical Instrument now BEFORE CHRISTMAS at a very substantial discount. NAMED AS QUEEN OF ILLINOIS PROM ritramural ...NEWS Schedule of Games. 4 o'clock-Mosher 2 vs. Jordan 2. TLAnh 5vs L, an R8 THEITASIGMA P-HI INITIES_ E LEVEN 'Ceremony Held Tuesday Night in Lounges of Women's League Building. eaguea V. .League 0. --- 5 o'clock-Phi Sigma Sigma vs. Theta Sigma Phi, national hon- Delta Zeta. orary and professional journalis- Sigma Kappa vs. Alpha Omicron tic society, initiated eleven women -. at 3 o'clock Tuesday night in the --C lounges on the third floor of the Tournament games in basketball League Building. begin Monday, Dec. 15. This is the The women who were honored iat week of scheduled practice were: Sallie L. Ensminger, '32; games. Teams desiring extra prac- Dorothy Magee, '32; Frances M. Mc- ui . lours may consult Miss Ilas- Namara, '32; Virginia Gage, '31; KIger and make arrangements to Katherine S. Howe, '31; Emily G. use the gymnasium when it is va- Grimes, '31; Jean Levy, '32; Ginev- cant. ra Ginn, '33; Ruth E. Gallmeyer, '32; Virginia Hosic, '31; and Mar- jorie J. Rehfuss, '31. Eacli team entered in the tour- Officers of Theta Sigma Phi this nament will play 3 games. Those Officers ofrghet S hiis, Associated Press Photd teams wining 2 out of 3 games will year are Margaret W. Harris, '31, Juliet Cnnors, be included in the eJimination tour- Ivice-president; Mar Louise Behy- Columbus, Ohio, student who was nament. vice-prese; aryLoueehy- chas quen o th Junor rommer, '31, treasurer; Florence R. Wil- chosen queen of th Junior prom --eson, '31, secretary; and Elizabeth at the Univeraity of Illinois. She An inramural bowling tourna- I Valentine, '31, keeper of the ar- was crowned at the annual affair. ment is being carried on. It start- I chives. In contradiction t the Darwin- ed Dec. 8. and will continue until(I ian theory of the survival of the Jan. 16. Any women may enter this Students at the University of fittest, Mine. N a d i n e Zavadsky, tournament individually by signing Kansas are to change positions for 'n surgeon and scientific e up at the bulletin board in Bar- the evening of December 13, much Rmsen trclaim s t mifc - bour Gymnasium or at the bowl- to the delight of the men. There tion in the reproductive cells of ing alleys in the Women's Field is to be a special varsity dance to mice do not produce a new species house and by bowling any day from which the woryen must not only in- in the following generation, and 4 to 6 o'clock. A required number vite the men, but must call for therefore outside forces can not in- of 15 strings must be bowled by them and escort them home after- fluence the formation of a species. those entered in the tournament. wards. STODDARD CHRISTMAS MUSIC BEAUTY YPSI NORMAL CHOIR SHOPP E- A L Y'K#sll tC!(K Al bXANOLK, Lonductor We are offering for Monday and Tuesday of Each Week Shampoo and Marcel $1.25 Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.25 Old Music Old Instruments 400 Young Voices Old Novels from Provence, England and Germany. Choral music from Bach, Praetorius, Calvisius, Gretchaninov, Lvorsky and Max Reger. Ameri- can Motet, English Partsong and a Glee, Old Flemish Madrigal, Irish Fold Tune. Interlude for the Virginal and Recorder player by John Challis. Pease Auditorium, Ypsilanti, Thursday, December 11 III 11 5-..ents; no reserved seats Doors closed for Prelude 8:00 to 8:30 P. M. Phone 21212 317 South State1 i"' ' 1 '' +1 STEPPING INTO A MO DERN WORIL D Pianos, the foundation of all Music, as iow as s25.os Terms to suit nom, . ' T Violin Outfits Complete with Bow and Case $10.00 $ Clarinets $17.50, 12.00 $15.00 Trombones a I The most popular ready- to-eat cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eat- ing clubs and fraterni- ties are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They in- ct",dp ALL-BRAN, Corn Fiakes, Rice Krispies, Wheat Krumbles and Kel- logg's Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit. Also PEP- flavor -health! You get them all in Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes. You can't beat the match- less flavor that only these bet- ter bran flakes have. The quick energy of their crunchy whole wheat. And the health- fulness of their bran-just enough to be mildly laxative. Ask that Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes be served at your fra- f~ri~ nr r £S £mmiq~, rPngturant BRUNSWICK RADIO Model 22 $189.50 Complete at $151.60 former price $35.00 t 20% discount VICTOR RADIO Model 15, 4 Circuit Micro Synchronous $112.50 less tubes 6-ton reels of cable distributed with the A carload of telephone poles laid down a thou- sand miles away within 36 hours after getting the order! Rush calls of this sort must fre- quently be handled by Western Electric, dis- tributors for the Bell System. But even more remarkable is the regular day by day flow of telephone supplies. The Chicago speed )f perishable food. handles 1,400 orders a day. In 1929 more than $400,000,000 worth of equipment and materials was delivered to the telephone companies. Distribution on so vast a scale presents many interesting problems to Bell System men. The solutions they work out mean much in keep- ing this industry in step with the times. r - __. .._: .7.. z .- 1 M MANY OTHER BARGAINS! 11 i