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December 11, 1930 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-11

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. . ... ..T....S.AY. DECEMBER...1,. ..

1'u11 i ~Il ICvery mwino~hg except MondayI
dutriog th,- l ni~ciVly :ar by the Board il'
C ontrol of Sb Alit ),11!)! atiollis.
Alember of Western Conferuee Editorial
The A,,i;ated P'ress is es{i'.i entitled
to the use for republication ow ll Icwt dis~-
patches cred(ited to it or not rothci-%. ise edited
in this paler and the local riows lpubiishehd
Enterald.at the postoffhice at Ann Arbor,
Alichigan, a, secnd class matter. Special rate
or ipostage ranted by Th'ird Assistant l'ost-
mater Generarl.
Sub scriptioni by carrier, $4.00; by urn]1i, $4. 50.
Offic(e Annt Arbor :Press Building, Miaynard
Street. 1'lies: Editorial, 4925; Bt1;ine:,s,2 214.
1Telephonie 4925
Cha irman Editorial B~oard
FRAN K. F. COOER, City Editor
Kewis Editor ...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director...........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Edinor.............. Joseph~ A. Russell
WVonien's Editor............Miary L. Ilehymer
Music, Dram, Books........Winl. J. G orman
Assisiant City Editor....... lrold O. Warren
Alssist:uit NI~sW5 Editor..Charles X. Sprowl
TIelegrap,! li Li r............George A. Stautes
(Copy Editur .................. Win. E. lTypes

S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
D)avid Im. Nisliol

II arolti 0,. Warren

Sheldon C. Ftl i erten J. ({tillen Kennedy
Robert Tow nsenId

J. E. Bush
Tihmmns I .Cooley
Morton Drank
Saul Fricdbeg
Frank B. GHlReth
Roland Goodman
IMoronI K r
JanM4 11.I.ngwis
DtoniC. Kunze
Powers M\l 11101
Ruth (Gallmeyer
Els5ie M. Iloffnieyer
Juan Levy
lDorotnv M agee

\Vilhnr *. iMeyers
Rohl ert L . lPierce
Richard Racine
I c-lry E. Rosenthal
(George Rubenstein
tharles A. Sanford
.Marl Sciffert
Robert 1?. Shaw
Eiw.tn I..ml. >10
,uirgc A. Stainter
1(11111S. 'lownsend
kolhirt ). T1ownlsenld
N-ary McCall
'arnaret O Brien
,lcallor Rai rdon
111 (Al ilrgaic t Tbin
Al a rga ret '11ho1mpson
t lai I r Tru;qell
Ilarllara Wright

'leletibone 212(4
T. Il(r,t.srrI( NlAizt.Y, Ra!floC.w .1161nger
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I )EPAtE N'] M\A.N '1RS
Advertising ................ ( b iiles '1. Kline
Advertising........ . .T1 unms M. Davis
Advertising............WVilliar W.1 Warboys
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Publ cation......... N Rihit VV Wvill iamson
irculation........I Malv in S. Kobackel
Accounts..........Iiols S. M~il
J3ttsimcss S(Crellry..............ary J. .Iecnall
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William Brown I] . Fred sclaefer
R'obert Callahan i'tich aol So atetliier
'William WV. D~avis Not_1 1). Turner
Richard if, Ihiller Byron C. redder
Erle Kightlinger
Ann '44. Verner I lel( u Ols'n
Marian Atran NI ldredi 'nstal
Iliclen Bailey Marjorie Rough
'Tosetnhiue Convisser ,!a ry E-. Watts
r )orothy Laylin Johanna Wiese
Sylvia Miller___
The policy of the University, to
expel students caught cheating in
examinations or in outside work,
has been tried for a sufflcTent time
to prove that it is an unsuccessful
method of preventing cribbing and
unfair to those who are convicted.
Simple observation in almost any
examination shows that the ex-
treme penalty, which was doubtles,
introduced not so much as a pun-
ishment for the offender as a warn-
ing to other students that they
Swould be treated in the same man-
ner if caught, does not eliminate
A very small percentage of the
guilty are caught every year. Ther
case is taken before the j udiciary
board, who seem to have become
immune to all pleas for leniency
and in nearly every case they are
It seems to be very unfair to the
few students who are caught that
they suffer for something that, ai
one of the more cynical deans ha,
estimated, 70 percent of the stud-
ent body have done. It seems ridi
culous that the judiciary board
knowing that most of the people
who crib arc never brought before
them, should deem those found out,
more undesirable as members of
the University.
Unfortunately, because of the
emphasis on marks which is in
vogue at the present time, there
seems to be no way to eliminate
cheating. The honor system, asi
used in the two colleges, is, if possi-
fb1P, less successful than the proctor
With less official emphasis onl
grades, the incentive for getting anl
education would surpass the in-
centive for getting good marks.
This wouild largely remove theI
temptation for cheating and elim-I
inate the injustice done to the con-i
victed offenders who are given too1
severe a punishment to act asc

C tIi I 1 11(1 1 I- , to lrsJ Ii 1 3
m n tc 1 ' al u S ( c i i l ' i I < I i , r . . h
(0101 1 i c 11 t ' ,l't. iI ' 11cc. cc a i i po
To the Editor:
I road witu x ixcrt(,F ;blW iiS the
efforts of inh istile'. ltt licCS to ire-
duce the level of Universi y teach-
ing . to ttiul hbnoe "" ' c;.a
gogy. Acoding to biie nyc iericai
demands of the cditorial in th
December fourth i.aily, any pro-
fessor wh o has hitligence uc:
ambition enough 1o write a od
book (there are alas, plenty of bad
ones written by inatmalure instruc-
tors who want to rvlutionize cul
tural hlistory to ft the<:ir ow1n re
stricted exuerienee) ssculd b
forcibly removed, nc to rintior
those scnsiti.xo nminds which real-
izing the inadequacy of presen
knowledge and the fundamoita
laws of hurnan pro-,ress, sel
through untiring e ort and per-
sonal sacrifice to ril in a few gap
by adding resyeareri to their teach-
ing load. Are the in,1xirrs of pro-
gress really those smolg, smooth-I
tongued raters who are content t'
ask thxe same questions and receive
the same answers and make the
same exnl anattins and read some-
body else's boos throughout a life-
time? Is it possible to be so ove
concerned with the means and stit
have an end? in my experience
some of the worst "teachers" or
the campus are the most greatl
prized by the students, because c
their scholaly fame, and frcefu'
personalities-. w uppose the g ci:
or scholar is a por leturer, av
sometimes happens. 'is thce no
something re vitaly sir ring P.:
trying to grasp his superir idea
that in a sponge-like absorption o
re-hashed elementary facts in the
average class-room? There is
wvell-rccogr l ed Iii i wich sa,.
that within normIa l lnis th
greater the obstacle. taoe reter th
oifor t and con:sequently the great e
the achieveomreit I wich resn"uts
What inip(Aus to Llcpenten
an-hievement s there w;.en he; Uni-
versity student is treated as al n-
competent mnuc n wri ni st be gruid-
ccl about the canc es, 'hadI 1()'.r t
study, who must have his diiicuh
lessons proe-maSticated for h i m
sweetened with a dlose of the "pay-
element" and fecal binon a~t~
spoon: of ra ry; w.:o -ataughl't I
think that iho tcrn ;her, tiic book~
the problem, the vwhce c nv on-
inont, eve yth}ling ict fa.t O:OQp
,.o .s- vonur
it that alter he eavs 'ths h1.-
house atiaoSplere in which the
great educational purpose is to era-
Jlicate any situaion whch mecha
possibly cat lop a little iitiaivc
and strength of charcter, and
meets a cruel indiffernt society
which demands results without go-
ing out of its way to- suiit 1h:sidi-
synehrosies, he goes to pieces Ik
a. house of cards exposd for the
=first time to the weather? The Uni-
versity may postpone the rkiugcr
Af the law of natural slectin.
Jut it will probably go oni in the
md just the same; and real stu--
tents, thxank God, will probably
:ontinue to get a ral education
n spite of mental tests, one-hun--
ci r e d-percent-difficienty peia go-
lues, and educational psychologists.

If they can't get one hero, they
:ant at least go to Hurope, where
non do not become, professors be--
,ause of their pop - urity with a
,lass of sophomnores, but because ofE
;cholarly achie vement; where he
vill be offered the culture of the
ig;es, the richness of mature and
~uperior minds, and told simply h4
,an take it or leave it. The ehal-,
enge is there, -and theo thrill of
reedlom. is there, and the indepen-
lence of method-'i ; ther, and un:,
,uperf'icial nd gla oIlCieicf'
)n the p art'of hic professor is go.
.ng to kill ! !c,, n .a{ t ' ' l drive. .
I have ret crrieclto m lar-
oer after a year'Cs experiesh nc, Z e '-in
znd I am competly. Sgutec witi:
menf. let, uc'-' ei1n ai
physie wh- h d iilhwtta
2(udet twe yyaso a ale
scho.l)'1i~ ci U;go o
he is? Whe1 te 'hhh_ _I v
o, the stayo!b. ;k olx

T understand that the Western
Asociation of College Comics-has
severed relations with "College
-1umor" on the grounds that it mis-
represents college life. They are
I-dso urging that Mid-Western col-
leges do likewise.
Now that makes me pretty
darn nmad all right all right,
they never even thought of
consulting me before they went
and diad a thing like that.
However I'm a good sport, I'll
support their campaign and
even add that inimitable Bax-
ter touch to it by suggesting
that they also sever connec-
tions with the movies, clothing
stores, anid coliege faculties on
le same gi-ounds.
OHI, OH! And have you seen
parts of it last night and--Aw
Nuts! Ifonestly now though fel-
lows, I've seen a lot worse
shows in my time (I'm an old
m-an now and my head is bend-
ing low or I wouldn't expect
you to believe that). The fact
is, however that the show is
getting better so fast that I
should really suggest that you
go to it on Thurs. night when
everybody will know their lines
and won't be tired, of giving
them yet. You all know honest
lUncie Dan wou ldn't send you to
something you wouldn't like-
aren't you mny public?-Oh is
that so? Well, just for that MR.
Smiartie, you don't have to go.
Gee! The Pherret certainly got
Inc over on these Galens Boys. One
Af them came up to hims and held
zn alluring ticket forth in an ap-
?ealing manner only to be greeted
:ay the statement "No, I don't want
'in apple."

TONIGHT: Continued perforrm-
ance in the Laboratory Theatre
of the Mimes Revue, "Aw Nuts." ;
A Review
Kreutzberg and Georgi deepened,
if possible, the impressions of gen--
ius they left in their recitals last{
year. They are still super-b artists --I
vivid individually and sensitively
adapted to one another - whose ,
compositions have an immediate
and forceful appeal ---an appeal
quite difficult, almost impossible, of
Objectively, the dances are pat-
terns of significant movement, var--
led with moments of sculpture,
which are intense formalisations of
certain emotions and meanings. In
this, not different perhaps than any
other art. But one's experience of
These art-objects is made unique by
the uniqueness of the art-medium
-the human body. Kreutzberg and
Georgi create a whole world of ani-
mated forms that awake in us a
throng of active sensations that our
general mode of life has atrophied.
Their cr-eations are "moving" har-
monies of living forms, masses, out-
lines. We are ill-equipped for things
in the flux, clinging as we ordinari-
ly do to things at rest, to land-
marks. The vividness, beauty and'
significance of these dancers' life in
motion takes us by surprise; gradu-
ally leads our own passional lives
into awareness-possibly of our own
latent possibilities - of our own
bodies! Thus aware, I think the
essence of the experience then be-j
comes a sort of empathy (or feeling
ourselves into the experience of the
artists). We ourselves express, and
in the formal expressing, discipline
emotions familiar to us. The famil-
iarity of the mediumn, the body,j
makes such a process vividly possi-
bie in experiencing the art of the
dance. That is, in Kreutzberg and
Georgi's version of the art of the
dance. Only observation, perhaps
an occasional sentimental sigh, is
demanded by the mincing ballet
tradition, whose devotion to the
"idea" of decorative grace was per-
hiaps always a little fanatic and is I
in this age certainly inappropriate..
Kreutberg and Georgi are not
satisfied with the intrinsic thinks
the body is itself capable of-such.
as grace. They wish to relate body
to mind and emotion: thus making
it technique, an expressive instru-1
ment. In doing so they have not
only made dancing something more'
significant than "decoration" but
they have actually discover-ed a
new suppleness and variety of
motion that the ballet never had

i 1 I

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ICaptain Dan Grants
tierview an Santa
by Godfrey.
ANN ARBOR, Mich., Dec. 10.-
When interviewed late last night
on the subject of the Rolls Hoop
Expcedition to the North Pole to
Find Santa Claus which he pro-
poses to conduct, Captain "Dan"
Kleinschmidt Baxter stated that
ho has decided not to conduct a
Rllhs Hoo Expedition to the
North Pole to Find Santa Claus.
"Ioosmy dear!" he frowned,
besides, the censors just finished
wit"A Mimes and are headed our
Th;.:t seems to make the whole
projeoct seem pretty futile and
This is the time when we all
nave to settle down and think
oY some nice inexpensive gift
for thie folks in the Yuletide
Spirit. Now I realize perfectly
well that you had already de-
cided to give Uncle Joe a nice
box of nmanilla cigars, but hon-
estly now, don't you think that
'is getting just a little stale?
Why not make it something
like Fig. 14 a. seen below? I'm
sure that Uncle Joe would be
simply delighted with a Fig. 14
a. You would too, and there's
no use your trying to deny it
Fig. 14 a.
I really can't help you much in
the line of whiat you should give
Aunt Minnie, because it so happens
tha t I haven't any Aunt Minnie
and therefore have nothing from
which to judge what she would like
to have, but I should suggest some-
thing like this.

G ,M a#
list 46

G go


Last night's program contained
several new creations: a Lulli Hymn
quietly displaying the perfect hiar-j
mony of their styles as dancers and
Miss Georgi's (?) skill in composi-
tion, in juxtaposing and relating
thematic designs. Miss Qeorgi's
new dance "Arabian Drean-s," is
probably her best dance with the
exception of "Kassandra." It quick-I
ly establishes a remote Oriental
atmosphere, and proceeds to a mys-
terious, sensuous toying with em o-
tion: an Oriental reticence broken
by intense, frank moments of pas-
Kreutzberg's two new dances were
less impressive. In both of them,
"Jubilate" and "King's Dance,
there is more exuberance and more
"magnificent dancing' 'than the
music can bear. As a consequence,
they seem more nearly "show-
pieces" than do any of Miss
Georgi's dances. Kretuzberg is, of
course, the more splendidly certain
dancer of the two. He is also the
most immediately entertaining of
the two: his personality seeming to
be largely vivaciousness, geniality,
frank humour, tender-ness: easily
perceptible qualities.
Miss Georgi, however, in her se-1
end appearance seems the more
elusive, the deeper, the more in-
tense. Kretuzberg has no dance to
match her "Kassandra'"-in which
sheer agony is projected in all its
intensity by her trembling body
and torturous pantomime. Kreutz-
berg never gets as emotionallyin
volved in his cireations as does M1iss
Georgi in this dance.j
The "Angel of the Annunciation*'!
remains his best dance. Sharp
angles give the tremendousness of
the occasion of the Angel's appear-
ance and a straightly stretched,
soaring body its significance, its
The sensitive, joyous composition
they dance to Mozart Variations

If you haven't-start today and get it over
with. You'll be surprised at the mental re-
lief which comes to the person who gets all
his shopping done early. 'Why not do it in
Ann Arbor before you go home for vaca-
tion this year? The local merchants can
offer you everything that your home town
stores can-and may be more too. They
have large stocks anticipating your needs.




qr -


Read the ads in the Daily every morning-
a casual glance will show that they are re-
plete with suggestions for every gift that
you have to buy---everything from a box
of candy to a radio. Prices have never been
so low in years-shop around and you'll
find that your dollars are going twice as far.
Spend an extra dollar on every gift and
help bring back prosperity.
wW ~kr.&~ l ~




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