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December 11, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-11

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Pictures Indicate Soundness of


City's Fire F iurtr.5 Mend PMay !arr' 61 7,;'e ihd their faces lift-
Thngs for Needy Ch6ldrcn r c"- ': ddIe-crs and doll buggies
atLcl'oe~n ut in running order
at Local Station-,d m; ei f rflre 1 Fl havf 1 n




014Campus luildings and
More Than 75 Pictures Describe
Local Scenes of 1850
and Before.

Evidence that builders of the '60's
constructed buildings more duiable r
than those of today and just as
beautiful has b en revealed with
the discovery of pictures of the
Uiversiy campus of 1850, and the
photography of middle nineteenth
century Ann Arbor homes that are
still standing. The pictures, taken Michigan's Varsity negative debaters, who will meet Indiana uni-
and presented to tihe Washtenaw versity's affirmative;team tonight in the first conference debate of the
Historical society by howell Taylor, year, at Bloomington, Indiana, while the affirmative team is debating
Ann Arbor architect, are on view in Ohio State at Ann Arbor. Those shown in the picture include Captain
the office of the Univ'Arsity Muse- Nathan Levy, '31, John H. Huss, '33, Victor Rabinowitz, '31, and Samuel
flaps building under 'the supervision .l, .
of Miss Geneva Smithe secretary of El-s,'33.-Photo by Dey Studio
both the museums and ;the histori --"- -
cal society. .
More than 75 pictures titled and
mounted on cardboard background, ANN ARBnR NEWS-BRIEPS
show everything from cow paths to ,
colonial pillars. One revabals State __
street resplendent as a. mud thor-_
ougbfare lined by wooderr fences, is not available yet but it was re-
wi 4 the campus occupied only by Hospital Head Provides pot a the b it as re
the old three-story law Iuilding, Parking Lots for Cars much to swell the total.
and the north and south wrings of_
what is now University hall gleam- Congested streets in the neigh- B SC
ing in a white newness. The diag- borhood of University hospital,t
onal had evidently already assumed caused largely by the promiscuous Toys for City's Poor
the proportions of a tradition as it parking of cars in restricted areas-
was shown leading from one end in that vicinity , prompted action Clothing and toys for the needy
of the historical picket fence to the of hospital officials yesterday in an families of the city will be collected
other. Hill auditorium was con- effort to remedy existing condi- Saturday by the members of the
s6icuous by its absence, its site tions. Boy Scout troops of the district.
being occupied by the famous octa- A bulletin addressed to the de- This canvass is under the direction
gon house of ,"rof. Winchel, thenpaiethdsotehsialb of the may or's recently appointed
areary othe boad of regents. mDr Harley A. H tynes requesting committee on une npoyment.
gild Medical Building Shown. that employees and staff members The city has been divided into 1
Another picture, taken still earli- refrain from leaving their cars on districts each of which will be can
er, reveals the campus as a plot of either Observatory, or Clark streets vassed by the Scouts. Today or to-
grass land with trees scattered here alluded to the traffic situation in morrow, every residence in the city
-and there, semblances of a diagon- the streets adjacent to the institu- will be visited to inform the towns-
al walk, and a couple of buildings, tion as dangerous to the safety of people of the campaign and to re-
outstanding of which is the old life and limb. Quest that the articles be done up
medical building with its four-story Two parking lots, one situated to in bndles. Thedcollection of the
front and thre-story rear, and the north and the other to the east bundles will be done n Saturday.
famous for its square cupola. t of the hospital, have been provided It was planned originally to collect e
SHouses reminiscent of the Greek by hospital officials for the use of beny de lto bt lt.y ae m
revival period are shown to have employees, staff members, a n been added to the list
been the building rage of the '60's, those having business with the hos- . .
according to the pictures taken in pital. Winter Delivers Sxth
ans around Ann Arbor by 'aylor.
'he Wahr house on Division street, Twenty-Five Talk in Jerome Series
qne of the best preserved houses of TTenay-tins Are Greenras
the late Georgian syle in the coun- by CiyThe additions to Greek prose
tBy, is "a type of house now recog- that Egyptian papyri hve made,
nzed as a conceptcp in this coun- C while ;ot as importrt as those
y rst by Thomas efferson,"said Commandcharge of Mayor Edward W. Staeb- which have been made by the same
Miss Smithe. The Lloyd house on ler's employment bureau, stated medium to Greek poetry, are never-
Washtenaw avenue, originally a yesterday that the progress made theless more numerous." stated
lyrhouse owned by the Day fami- toward finding work for the 400 Prof. John G. Winter, of the Latin
e, is architer example of Greek unemployed Ann Arbor r: sidents department, in the last of the six
revival architecture thathas been was considered encouraging. Thomas Spencer Jerome lectures
c arcfurlly preserved. ,_ Tuesday afternoon
Dexter House Shewin. About 25 jobless persons . e uesakeron
Probably dating from 1850, the been given work since the buren a The speaker pointed out that
second house of Judge hEexter, at first began to function as a city many Greek historian were repr-
the town named after the man is enterprise. Constant need for vol- H ed in tepa i, includng
a record of the ability of the nine- unteer workers to take care of the H wtus, Thucydides, Didymus,
teenth century builders. Its builder incoming calls at the bureau of- Ar ,, with his immortal "Con-
evidently made the home- conform fice continued yesterday, and of- sttution of Athens,and eno
to the character of the site, for it ficials stated that there were still phoi. A-mentioned thatXeno-
stands on a knoll from which the positions open in the office to carry phons "A ?-basis," on which the
surrounding land slopes on all sides, on the work of registering unem- majority of idern Greek scholars
to express a substantial dignity ployed residents. cut their first teeth was less valued
characteristic of the times. Unusu- -hta i"M oba
ally odd is the picture of an aban- Christmas Seal Sale
dooned house on the north terri- Prof. Dodge to Speak
torial road, where it is evident that Passe Halfway Mark at Geography Meeting
its builder was interested in music
by peculiar lyre-shaped capitals on . Ann Arbor yesterday passed the Prof. Stanley D. Dodge, of the
both the first and second floor mnidpoint in its drive to raise $6,000 geography d rtmet, will deliver
porches. oy the sale of Christmas seals, it a paper on "Eearnnington, Vermont:
was reported last night at the a Geographical Study of U-ban
office: of the Washtenaw branch Growth" before the Association of
RADIO TODXY of the Michigan Tuberculosis asso- American Geographers which meets
"The Indians and Nature," elation. A total of $3,178.78 was at Worcester, Mass., on Dec. 29 to
second of a series of talks on recorded. 31.
this subject, by M. R. Gilmore, This campaign was launched on The study deals with the growth
curator of enthnology in the Thanksgiving day and it was de- and settlement of Bennington, as
Anthropology museum, will be cided to attempt to reach the half- well as an explanation for its pres-
given today during the Univer- way station by Dec. 15. The returns, ent geographical position. Professor
sity radio program. The Mid- however, have been coming in Dodge has made several visits to
nite Sons quartet will present rapidly,,it was stated. this city and last summer he spent
music on the program. An estimate of the amount re- seven weeks there doing research
ceived from campus organizations work.

Sociology and Law Faculties to --- ui uiLi their big brothers Illustrated Addres to Include
publish Work on the "Fireman save my child!" This lhat towcr over 1h1m at the sta- Discussion of 5c
traditional summons, the eerie call lien house.
Family. for help which has invariably re- sany of ibe t ys, came of them in Orithoiogy.
sulted in the lads of, hoses 11d pe-draying he befor and after ~ ~
Compiled jointly by two mem- axes sliding down gleaming ple stages o renovation, arD now be- Dr. Arthur A. Ale, professor of
bers of the University sociology and clanging their way to burn- i- din tere windows ornithology at Cornd unirsit+y,
faculty and three lawyers, two of ing buildings, has taken on a Pcn-w - a f haberdash- w illgive a !ublic leet nre at 4:15
. c .u significance in Ann Arbor.,Science
The fire laddies have ossmnue, a
ete, a volumne entitled "A Research navel child-rescue roll- at c f. +uditorium on the C Of the
in Family Law" has been published saving the health and happieCss of ' GBirdsh and o ife of
re:ently in limited numbers. needy children. -O . Ii hlmotionll iiustn t_1 id l
Between runs, city Prmen ha- withmtnistur:colored
The book is the result of r e- ids
fcr the last few weeks ben recon- iTglie
search work carried on by tIe ditioning in the I luron street -AC s Dr. Allen is the Iceding tacher of
group during 1928-29. Prof. Robert station all sorts of oys which,, 'p ornithology in he cuntry, Dr. Jos-
sA agi curathrdFori0r atn iou o
ca Teer wn weTasn Tuonin"ay
C. Angeli and Richard Fuller did beta exnditn T it
hsociological side of the work rxt E un atei B en ; .und Lo bid in h es i s
while the thre awrd we n Chrmsaid yesterday. A civing his
eein rpareredoeya ern aiOslanbeser Gdoctor of philosophy degree at Cor-
car Tucker, New York attorney, painted,wagonsgivenr 'sin wh' o 1 i . O hnellind1911, Dr. Alien ad exten-
Nathan Feinsinger, L.Lb, '28, now n rt ntu b P-ve wt --to Arnern. sive field experien e. .He was a
" zni' member of Dr. Fr ank Chapman s
assistat anprofess.rB o law at Wis- E toria ur n o in expedition which explored parts of
e consinandAlbertEC.dJacobs,,21,c'n.i,,lcL the unown yes Dr. the tp-
coo Euctin uletn hh tii n i .c:.: o l k, N-theunonAtndeaive traion
whcwaa R^"odes " scholar res dy.tat Oxm? d diFudho e rfe rue ihih pr
io R hode schoaatd Ox in 'Good Intenrions." cal interior of Colombia in 1911 and
ford and was accorded the distinc- Re"sa ons "T chool Hu er i -- 1912. e as also y ad e field
1h tion rarely given an Amierican of denotmenave nhei dositoril dbs-191d.oreiha . alsoCm apmeltrs
Sbeing retained there- after gradu- detslav herpoiiost into Labrador. Texas and Florida,
ation as a law lecturer. He is at denumeraed and discuted by Prof. uro-J. A.' I.Arthur A. as well as iaying been a teacher at
present assistantxda professofa . or, wofme SchDr. of Apent on -er rhand Hone- Cornell since 1.911.
at Colmba.Edcatonoira eitoialfrwhelife .of slis"cooedKdes and For several years Dr. Allen has
Professor Angell recently charac- School of Education Bulletin which motio tre; 41 5 o'clock, Na- been conducting an investgation of
terized the work as "an explora- will go to press today. lrlSineeiein. the ruffed grouse, witfthe support
to o t to e wa ed The bulletiin will also contain an l n Herbert of the leading spormes organ-
doy aoititeraing, whthe nd- aricle by Dr. John Sundw11oft eHoboPolar-Ex-i - izations of the county. In addition
dongaoutf scti eati d l ew ae tonT ie H se-plort.i.;.7:3'clock,-tobeing anauthority in the field
- g oefmentionedgtatd it.~included hte erence on Child Health andlD1- room 3:20I1, -t iiec ing build- of conservationlhe is an associate
ehimentionehe tdatistoincluded' h tf ofaueec ot
e th otcmlt ilgraphy o L velopment," and an editorial dis- 11mg. editor with Dr. Frank Chapmno
ly aw Yvrk sie c ssig d icfar l pedcton ah U Lcfr-J.dA.fahahns on "A theleadingpopularsmagazinein
proeso o oeb r a-peso Moder= rnpotto; ornithologyIle recent-ly published
iacgro91uitle indexed. Sociological los, room 1015, East _ Engi- a manual of ornithology titled "The
bacgon, particularly the rela- garot Bell, of Health Service. 7i:153A nnucmetoohebod-ce-hok rltlnĀ°."ok fBrdIU.
tion of husband to wife, was gainedcst srieyth:nvty: x
Sby interviewing 1,200 w o m e n catsrieo heUiest s--
throughout the state of New Yorkpcetooniuthprcce1
y while all the decisions handed the staff to feature each month;j
d1 dow n by New York state courts some different aspect of the Uni- St:arting Shows at
o wee pmusd todetrmie th le- vrsit. Tday2:00, 3:40
______________7:00, 9:00
t" al side, of the problem. A copy of
nthe book will be placed in the Iaw Ur. Wal ter Alvarez to )V_ i
library here, it was stated. Speak to Local Medics EDMUND LOW E-REGIS TOOMEY n
Largetsot etI
a e Assortment Dr. Walter Clement Alvarez, pro-



lessor of medicine at tie Mayo
of Mail Unclaimed clinic, Rochester, Minn., will be the
speaker Saturday night at a meet-
at City Pstoff ieing of the Washtenaw County med-
icalsociety in the Michigan League.
Consideredone of the outstand-
Lctters of credit, of marque and ing workers in medical research, Dr.
reprisal, and even letters of the al- Alvarez will discuss "Some Problems
phabet have all had their fling at of Gastro-Enterology."
one time or another, but letters as-- The meeting, a dinner gathering,
tray, if the number of unclaimed will be held at 7:30 o'clock in the
epistles at the downtown post of- main dining room of the League.
fice is an indication, are now com-
ing into their own.
Hundreds of such letters, many
of them addressed to students,
have been- received at the post of-
fice and remain there awaiting
claimants. This semester especial-
ly, the extent to which missives of
love and other business have been
left unclaimed in the files of the -
Main street federal building, reach-
es large proportions.
Among those letters addressed to
students, some were intended for
persons no longer in residence in
Ann Arbor. Many others, however,
bear addresses of students who are
in attendance at the University but

The star-lin ;dva. zuces of a man who met the ghosts of his past or
the read to romance and happiness.
Extra Feature-"ONE MAD KISS
with Antonio Moreno-Tom Patricola


who have neglected to call for' their
( Numerous explanations h a v e
been offered for this apparant lax-
ness on the part of students who
have failed to call for their mail.
One is that the walking distance
from the campus to the downtown
postoffice is such that it outweighs
the possible benefits to be derived
from undelivered mail. "Probably
just advertisements," students re-
mark disdainfully.





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