ESTABLISHED F1890 j Air Ar h r IrC4 gall Ualliffmok A60 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 63 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS GB[ L 1 MICHIGAN'S AFFIRMATIVE DEBATERS TO MEET OHIO STATE H ERE TONIGHT TO Ho OFs Ruth Nichols Flies Plane, 'Newl Cincinnati' Across Nation in 1312 Hours. BEATS LINDBERGH MARK Makes Trip in Stock Lockheed Vega Plane; Stops in Wichita. (13v Assoriaed Press) NEW YORK, Dec. 10.-Ruth Nic- - hols flew her fleet monoplane "New Cincinnati" passed all the trans- continental records of her own sex and took her place right up among the best of the masculine fliers to- day by completing a two-day one- stop flight, from coast to coast, in 13 hours, 21 minutes and 43 sec- onds. In a borrowed ship, a stock model from the Lockheed Vega factory loaned to her for the trip by a rad- io company (Crosey) of Cincinnati, she came into Witchita, Kan., in six hours, 21 minutes and 43 sec- onds, which was believed to be the fastest journey of its length ever made by man or woman in unbrok- en flight. The distance is 1,300 miles. Flying Time Beats Lindy. Her actual flying time bettered the previous mark of Charles A. Lindbergh and Captain R o s c o c Turner by upward of an hour, al- though her elapsed time was great- er by virtue of an overnight stop in Witchita to rest. The only faster flying time on record tonight for the 2,300-mile coast-to-coast jour- ney was that of Captain Frank: Hawks. Taking off from Los Angeles yes- terday morning, the society girl flier set her plane down at Witchi- ta seven hours and on e miinute1 later, an hour behind the record- breaking time of Captain Halawks and five minutes behind that of Lindbergh last Easter S u n d a y. Starting from Witchita at 7:41 (E. S.T.) this morning she rode a tail wind into New York to finish a journey from the Pacific shores al- most nine hours ahead of the best previous time of a woman, 21 hours' and 47 minutes, the mark made last October by Mrs. Keith-Miller. Battled Bad Storm. The young woman from Rye, N. Y., who flies because she enjoys it,s climbed from her plane at Roose- velt Field, wiped the smudge of oil and dirt from her face, and told how yesterday she battled a Rocky mountain storm for two hours and today she flew blind for tie same length of time. Between Witchita and St. Louis, she said, rain squalls beat against her windshield in such fury she of- ten had to lean out the side win- dow of her cabin to look ahead and gauge her height above the ground. TOLSTOY SOCIETY TO HEAR MEADER 1WOBLO COURT BILL Hoover Recommends America Enter Court With Revision of Restrictions. BORAH PLANS ACTION Foreign Relations Committee Will Not Meet on Issue Until Next Week. (B, Assocra:ed Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-Pres- ident Hoover late today submitted, the protocols for American adher- ence to the World Court to the Senate, with an accompanying let- ter. It was received there without notice for some time as the Senate debated unemployment relief. The Senate foreign relations com- mittee had held its regular meet- ing earlier in the day. It will not meet again in regular session for another week. At the time Chair- man Borah intends to take up the court issue. Second Time in Senate. This is the second time the court issue has been before the Senate. Four years ago the Senate ratified American adherence with reserva- tions. All the reservations were not GALENS' DRIVE EXCEEDS QUOTA Galens' two-day drive for the benefit of the crippled children at the University hospital exceeded the 81,500 quota yesterday when it was a nnounced by Wallace Steffen- son, '31, chairman of the organiza- tion, that $1,825 had been sub- cribed by students, faculty mem- bers, and campus organizations. Approximately $600 of the amount raised came from sororities and Fraternities. Money not used for the Christmas party, which will be given for the 500 crippled children, will beused o further the work of the wood- vork shop in the hospital where the unfortunate children are ;iven in- ,truclions in handicraft v rk. Steffenson said last night, after! She proceeds of the two-day drive had been totaled, that the society was greatly pleased with the re- sponse from the students. "Particularly," he added, "do we want to thank the fraternities and sororities for their co-operation." RELEFM EASURHES l ' SN ATORH Evidence of Bad Temper Shown by President, Robinson Believes. IICHISAN INTERSCHODLASTIC PRESS SROUiP TO OPEN 9TH ANNUAL CONVENTION TODAY More Than 200 School Journalists Expected to Register at Union Desk Today for Three Day Meeting. Registration of more than 200 high school journalists who will assemble at the Union today for the ninth annual Michigan Inter- .,cholastic Press association convention will begin at 3 o'clock this afternoon. More than 180 reservations have been made in advance for the convention, which will open tonight and will continue through Saturday morning. A welcome from the University will be given at 7:30 o'clock tonight on the third floor of the Union, by Joseph A. ]Bursley, dean of students, and will be followed by addresses from Prof. John L Brumm, of the journalism department, and Gurney Williams, jr., president of Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic fraternity which is sponsoring the convention. A get-acquainted dance, with refreshments, will be presented immediately after the program, dur- ing which the fdculty advisers will meet for a general business session and a discussion of plans for the convention. Dr. Henderson to Speak. Friday's program includes a gen- eral assembly at 9 o'clock when Dr. William D He) knde rsn of the Uni- The University affirmative debating team which is scheduled to clash with the Ohio State negative squad at 8 o'clock tonight in theI Lydia Mendelssohn theater. Reading left to right: Captain Howard Simon, '32L, John W. Lederle, '33, Maurice Moyer, '32, and Leonard Kim- ball, '33. -Photo by Dey Studio (See Columns 2 and 3 on Page 2) VARSITY DEBATERS TO BEGIN SEASOk' Nobel Prize Given to Sinclair Lewis in Swedish Ritual (13y Associated I'rrss) r~r e ;,r ts e~c 1,1 Tt.,, If) M E~ TO SPEAK TONIGHT Jacob DeHass, Journalist, Speak Before Hillel Will w S I K M , e. .- G accepted by the other powers. As Two Teams Meet Indiana Squad cl'ir Lewis, who toilArieica nsta result America never has been a at Blomingto and te aOLIt! t seves, membrnofthe ourt at Bloomingt on and the some details they hadn't thought legal memb hecourt.' Ohio Squad Here. about before, received the covet- s A year ago Elihu Root, former ed Nbel ris forlitratue. secretary of state, joined with oth- - . ~ed Nobdl prize f or literature. e nentoa uit nr-rf- TheMihianVarsity debating V~th imj in the auditorium of ' or international jurists in re-draft- The Michigangearsiydtgt thoimn eright . ing the rules of the court in a man- squast wl naetoih nte {oIhlasconcert halrgtnraie'ome teAeia most important contest of the pres- with flowers and bedecked with ner aimed to meet the American ent semester, the conference de- a ng sh in rugs, three reservations which had not been bate with Ohio, which the affirma- er leders eir fields re- accepted by the other powers. On tand withjceivedNbel awards, Dr. Karl the basis of this new formula, Pres- Indiana, which the negative team Landst-ier of New York, for ident Hoover again recommended will debate at Bloomington, In- medicine; Sir Chandrasekhara American adherence. One reserva- diana. 'eickata Raman of India for tion in question provided that the The local debate wi be held at i Profeso: Hans Fiseh- court should not render any advis-. ~ o'clock in Lydia Mendelssohn e5, o G ermnany, foY chemistry. ory opinion in which this gvern- theater. Prof. I. L. Sharfman of the ment hag, or claims to have, an m- University economics department terest without the consent of this will preside, and Prof. W. N. Brig- government. ance of Wabash college will judge.S Reservations Acceptable The proposition is: Resolved, that Senator Swanson, Democrat, Vir- the several states should enact ginia, who sponsored the reserva- lgsnilrvig11 A tions, has declared the Root modi- legislation providing for compul-T fication acceptable. So have most sory unemployment insurance. This ( fthe other World Court adher- question is being debated by all Lens.oft conference teams this year.esd mw The affirmative team includes, in Noted Artist Discusses Process, The president's message, which was read in the Senate on motion order of speaking, John Lederle, '33, Method Used in Making of Senator Borah, follows in part: Leonard Kimball, '33, Captain How-DPle"To the Senate: ard Simon, '32L, and Maurice Drawing Pates. "ITo leae ttt i a~d Smon '3L, ad Murie l"I have the honor to transmit Moyer, '32, alternate. Ohio State to e e for on ration will be represented by H. P. Zelko- Etching processes and their ap- to the Senate for its consideration witz, David Goldsmith, and Paul V. plications to modern artists was the and action three documents con- HousDe. topic of the lecture given yesterday cerning adherence of the United Hous. tpicof he lctue gvenStates to the Court of internation- The negative team, which last in the west gallery of Alumni Mem- al justice. I enclose also a report night met De Pauw at Greencastle, orial hall by Samuel V. Chamber- of Nov. 18, 1929, by the secretary of Indiana, in a no-decision debate, lain, noted etcher and former mem- state. I trust the protocols may includes John Huss, '33, Victor ber of the art faculty of the Uni- have consideration as soon as pos- Rabinowitz, '31, Captain Nathan versity, who is making a short tour sible after the emergency relief and Levy, '31, and Samuel Ellis, '33, of the United States. appropriation legislation have been alternate. ! The first part of his talk was tak- disposed of. Floyd K. Riley, coach, is helping en up in describing the differentI ithe affirmative team ' here, and methods of making an etching Laval Gives Up Hope IHenry Moser of the speech depart-; whil^ the last parts was a discussionCabinet oent is accompanying thehneative on Decarisaand the way in which I of Forming Cabinet squad on its Indiana trip. he handles these methods.I l_"Etchings," Chamberlain stated, (By Associated Press) " ~I "are of several typcs. Some of I. PARIS, Dec. 10.-Caught in a no I Thistle thwaite Urgest al mt aDe v au n no 1 - '-Urges vith which we are most f a- man's land between bitter wvar- Loyalty From Badgers nm liar are dry-points, mezzo-tints, fare of the right and left parties. (aqua-tints and the common ' etch- the youthful senator, Pierre Laval, (13y Associ2atedt Press) Iing" methods. The regular etchings today gave up his efforts to form MADISON, Dec. 10.-Sophomore are made by coating a smooth cop- a government. members of the 1930 Wisconsin per plate with wax and drawing the a govedn football squad, who today issued sketch with a steel needle followed He called on President Eourner- an ultimatum that t h e y would by an acid treatment which makes gue and informed the president withdraw from the sport if Glenn an imprint on the copper in which that he, like his veteran colleague, Thistlethwaite was r e 1 e a s e d as the ink readily runs. Tie dry-point Louis Barthou, must renounce the coach, were asked by Thistleth- method which is used by most mod- task assigned him. waite tonight to remain loyal to ern etehers, is a meshod in which "I have sought conciliation, yet the university, !a steel or ruby needle is used to, I have been confronted with noth- The ultimatum, hraw the design without the wax ing but conflict," Laval told Pres- officia w aened by or the acid treatment. ident Doumergue, who announced sity officials, was signed by 10 seC- he would call no other statesman and-year men. most of whom are Chamberlain also discussed the i --thi i--- - (By Associated Press)f WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. - The disgruntled Senate forces were call- ed upon to enter a new co-opera- tion for emergency relief today byI Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, the Democratic leader, as he ascribed to bad temper President Hoover's denunciation of Congressional pro- posals that fell outside the presi- dential program. A $110,000,000 emergency public works measure progressed slowly as the Democrats struck back at Mr. Hoover's statement that somet members were "playing politics at the expense of human misery," with Senator Robinson finally com-j ing before a crowded chamber to plead for co-operation for a full- fledged relief program at cost, if necessary, of a bond issue or in- ^reased taxes. "We have proceeded to an un- fortunate position," the Demo- e ratic leader said in even tones and with obvious restraint. "The presi- dent lost his temper and made a, Statement that, of course, is to be condemned. For my part I do not propose to follow the example." Robinson warned that by co- operation he did not mean the fol- lowing of any particular leadership but a common purpose to reach a; common ground "in the enactment! of measures for the welfare of our country." Passage of the $110,000,000 appro- priation tomorrow seems certain although several amendments were pending at adjournment. After Robinson spoke, the parties divided widely on a motion by Blame to make the $80,000,000 for federal road aid a direct appropriation without obligation of states to meet the sum. It lost, 43 to 32. CONTEST OFFERED FOREIGNSTUDENT Students to Present Speeches on Religion in Their Country. How Christianity is affecting the p eoples of other lands, will be an- .lied in the foreign students' ora- torical contest, plans for which are going ahead rapidly, according to the statement of Morton Frank, '33, chairman of the International com- mittee of the Student Christian as- s ociation. The judges for the contest will be Prof. Edwin C. Goddard, of the Lawv school, Floyd K. Riley of the speech department, and Dr. Frederick B Fisher, pastor of the First Metho- dist Episcopal church. The judging of the speeches will be based two- thirds on the content of the mate- rial and one-third on the delivery. The only qualification that has been put on the actual subjects of the orations is that they shall dea] with "any phase of religious activi- ty in the country where the stu- dent lives." The date by which en- tries must be received has beer Forum. Jacob DeHaas, of New York, in- ternationally famous lecturer and journalist, will speak at an open forum at 7:45 o'clock, tonight, in room D, Alumni Memorial hall. His appearance is sponsored by the Hillel foundation and the Avukah society. DeHaas has been a colorful figure in world affairs since 1896, when he became secretary to Theodore Herzl. A leader of World 7ionism for more than a quarter of a century, he left the Zionist organization of America 'in 1920, with Supreme Court Justice Brandeis, who resigned as presi- dent. Together with Justice Bran- deis, Judge Julian Mack and Prof. Felix Frankfurter, he was instru- mental in founding the council for the development of Palestine and the Near East. Dr. DeHaas was a delegate to the Versailles conference of 1919, as well as a co-author of the Balfour declaration of Great Britain. He has recently figured in the press as 'an opponent of the Lord White paper issued by England. Naval Official Urges Stronger U. S. Forces (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. - The highest naval officer in the service doubts that the limited United States navy six years from now will be even as large as the London Treaty allows. Testifying on a bill to enable the navy to build $134,000,000 of new ships, Pratt said a 13,800-ton aircraft carrier to cost $27,650,000 arnd a $20,780,000 combination cruiser-carrier were the most im- portant items and should be au- thorized soon because of the in- creasing importance of airplanes in battle. Loses Money at Poker; Afraid to Tell Bride (By Associated Press) PTrTCITTRGH Drc.r' 10--A crime VVllal . R uuJl, U ie - versity extension division, will offer an address. Following the assembly, members of the convention will di- vide into discussion groups to be led by George Hofmeister, '31, Har- court Patterson, '32, Thomas Muir, '32, Robert McHenry, '32, Frank Cooper, '31, Jack Lenfesty, '32, Cor- ney Buekema, '31, Richard Jung, '31, Gurney Williams, '31, George Dusenbury, '31, Joseph Russell, '31, Adsit Stewart, '31, Hollister Mabley, 31, and Richard L. Tobin, '32. A second general assembly will be held , Friday afternoon between 2 and 3 o'clock at which time Dr. Randolph G. Adans, custodian of the Clements library, will discuss early American journalism and will supplement the talk with manu- scripts and valuable documents, owned by the Clements collection. Discussion groups from 3 to 5 o'clock Friday afternoon will be led by. Charles Kline, '32, Thomas Da- vis, '32, Bruce Palmer, '31, Joseph Gates, '32, Harry Benjamin, '32, Robert Mansfield, '31, Sher M. Quairashi, Grad., Walter Wilds, '31, Stafford Hodder, '31, George Dusen- bury, '31, Richard L. Tobin, '32, and Edward S. McKay, '32. Banqjuet Scheduled Friday. A banauet at 6:30 o'clock tomor- row evening on the third floor of Sthe Union will culminate the day's program. Professor Brumm will act as toastmaster, and addresses by Rev. Frederick B. Fisher and Dr. Walter Mosaur, will feature the program. A skit by Gurney Wil- liams, jr., and Franklin Reck, as- sistant editor of American Boy magazine, will conclude the eve- ning's program. On Saturday morning, a general assembly at 9 o'clock, which will be featured by Wilbur R. Humphreys, assistant dean of the literary school, who will give an address, will be followed by the last of the discus- sion periods. The groups will be led by George Hofmneister, '31, George Spater, '31, Marvin Kobacker, '31, Henry Merry, '31, Harold Warren, '31, Walter Holt, '32, Paul Showers, 31, Edward S. McKay, '32, Robert Aldrich, '31, Frederick Brace, '32. A luncheon at 12:30, which will be featured by a speech by A. L. Miller, editor of the Battle Creek News- Enquirer, and the awarding of cups and certificates, will close the con- vention. Linguistics Professor to Discuss Esperanto as Possible New Language. A challenge to members of the Tolstoy league to accept Esperanto as a possible language of the future will be made at 4:15 o'clock to- morrow afternoon, by Prof. Clar- ence L. Meader, of the department of general linguistics, in his ad- dress before the group on "The Dawning Era's Language (Inter- national)." The meeting will be in room 231 Angell hall. According to Dr. Francis S. On- derdonk, of the school of architec- ture, chairman of the league, Es- peranto has possibilities of becom- ing the international language be- cause its use will grow more uni- versal with the radio and the talk- ing picture. For 40 years scientists and internationalists have urged its adoption. In Berlin it is being' taught in many of the public schools. There are also, he said,) more than 100 magazines published in this language. Wisconsin Professor Will Lecture Friday Prof. John. W. Williams, of the department of physical chemistry I :I i regulars this season. Coach Thistlethwaite said: "I am not anticipating a dismis- sal by university authorities, yet if it should come, I should like to be the first to ask these boys to recon- sider that part of the petition to, the effect that they will not par- ticipate under other authorities. II do not want the players or students to feel they have to defend my job before the public." Honorary Medical Club Initiates Nine Seniors Nine seniors were formally ini- tiated last night into Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary medical scholastic intangibility of a good -nd bad Lasveng. etching. "There is somethingdabout a good etching which appeals to Life of Chil4 us" he said, "while there is some- Threatenet thing about a bad one which does I_ not. I am really at a loss to explain (BSAssoci6 this." In discussing DIcaris, Chamber-' SANTIAGO, C e lain related how the French artist More than 15 pe gets powerful and soft effects aliken two major-genera with so difficult a tool as that used the life of Preside for engraving. An almost super- which was thwar human amount of energy and skill thwr is the reason for Decaris' skill," he government agent asserted. The agents, fan of the plan, perm to go ahead anc Student Council Holds them as they pla Meeting on Class Dues dynamite under i ass sacross the Rio Ma 7incn f mrf. Santiago, a short can Head ,d by Plotter ted Press) h i1e Dec. 10.- ersons, including is, are being held h the plot against ent Carlos Idanez ted last night by ts. iliar with details itted the plotters d even watched ced 25 pounds of a railroad bridge ipo, 20 miles from time before the 1'1 r5 n -1 , . . . n 1111 wave, figured Sam Medlovitz, 23, is Registration at the Union today like the World war, it can be will end at 6 o'clock p.m. and will blamed for almost anything. be in charge of Sigma Delta Chi So he blamed it on a current members. wave of robbery when he returned to his bride of a week, returned COSMOPOLITANS without the $18 with which he left. He said he had been robbed. Police, TO HOLD DANCE joined in the search for the "cul- prit," and then began to prod the Christmas Party to be Open to "victim" with questions when the hunt proved fruitless. Under their All Students, Cheong prodding, Medlovitz timorously ad- Announces. mitted that-he lost the money in a poker game and had been afraid A colorful assemblage of men and to tell his wife. women students from more than 30 i Lawyers Plan to Hold Pre-Christmas Formal The final pre-holiday dance of members of the Lawyers' club, the annual Christmas formal, will be held Friday night from 9 to 1 in nations will gather Saturday night at the Women's Athletic building for the annual Cosmopolitan club Christmas dance. The decorations have been plan- ned for a Christmas effect to which will be added an international touch, according to the announce- ment of William Jacobs, Grad. F&C,