PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1930 Published every morning except Monday7 during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associzted Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thie paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan,eas second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard "Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper News Editor................Gurney Williams Editorial Director .........Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor.............. .Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor............Mary L. Behymer Telegraph Editor..... ,..... Harold 0. Warren Music and Drama. ......William J. Gorman Assistant News Editor. Charles R. Sprow NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy. Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. Powers Moulton Irving J. Blumberg Wilbur J. Myers Donald O. Boudeman Robert L. Pierce Charles M. Brown Slier M. Quraishi George T. Callison C. Richard Racine {Gerge Fisk Jerry E. Rosenthal Yernard W. Freund George Rubenstein Morton Frank David Sachs Saul Friedberg Charles A. Sanford Frank B. Gilbreth Karl Seiffert. Karl E. Goelnier Edwin M. Smith Tack Goldsmith George A. Stauter ROland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert William H. Harris John S. Townsend James H. Inglis Robert D. Townsend EmilJ. Konopinski Max H. Weinberg Denton C. Kunze Joseph F. Zias Lynne Adams Betty Clark Elsie Feldman Elizabeth Gribble Emily G. Grimes Elsie M. Hoffmey jean Levy Dorothy Magee Mary McCall Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Jean Rosenthal Cecilia Shriver Frances Stewart er Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret hompson Claire Trussell Barbara Wright BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 r BUSINESS MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers Advertising.................Charles T. Kline Advertising..... .....Thomas M. Davis Advertising ............William W. Warboys Service...................Norris J. Johnson Publication ............Robert W. Williamson Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts .................Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary...........Mary J. Kenan Assistants Thomas E. Hastings Byron V. Vedder Harry R. Begley Erle Kightlinger William Brown Richard Stratemeier Richard H. Hiller Abe Kirshenbaum Vernon Bishop Noel D. Turner William W. Davis Aubrey L. Swinton K. Fred Schaefer Wesley C.RGeisler Joseph Gardner Alfred S. Remsen Ann Verner Dorthea Waterman Alice McCully Dorothy Bloungard Dorothy Laylin Josephine Convisser ernice Glaser Hortense Gooding Laura'Codling Ethel Constas Anna Goldberg en Virginia McComb Joan Wiese Mary Watts Marian Atran Sylvia Miller cedure in such cases as the Cramp- ton-Wolcott campaign, where the final majority was 81 votes. But a lead of nearly 5,000 votes for one candidate is no cause for a recount; Mr. Groesbeck's charges of fraud have not been substantiated, and the whole affair is, an example of very poor judgement and politics on thetpart of the Groesbeck forces. It is poor sportsmanship and will not help greatly in case the former governor should decide to try his hand a fifth time. "WHAT PROFITETH IT A MAN." At this time of the year, many students are disgruntled by what seems a tremendous perversion in the editions, revisions and prices of required textbooks. They often feel as pawns between the demands of their instructors and the extortions of their bookdealers, with the result that textbooks have far to seek to hold any esteem in student eyes. This situation has again raised the question regarding what justifi- cation textbooks have with regard to the courses in which they are assigned. Obviously the criteria of a first-rate text include scholar- ship, clarity, up-to-dateness and an adaptability to the nature of the course involved. These make fre- quent revisions mandatory, and often induce the instructor to write his own text for the course in order to make its contents dove- tail with lecture material. Further- more, since professors are too often underpaid, they quite naturally place a high premium upon their written works to substantiate their incomes. This is probably the best case that can be made out for high- priced and frequently revised text- books. On the other hand, students, and especially upperclassmen, are quite frequently victimized by a peculiar sort of textbook racketeer- ing. Too often professors assign a book for a text for the course with- out referring to or using the ma- terial therein supplied. Another situation is that 'in which a text is demanded the material of which is exactly duplicated in the lec- tures. Many a student too well re- members the courses for which he has bought texts never used or needed; and also those in which he has heard the same material given in lectures, has read the textbook digested from these lectures and has sat in quiz sections listening to the instructor intone from these very pages! This practice, while not universal, is of such an exasperating and un- toward nature as to make those professors who indulge it seem unduly profiteering for academic respect. THE DEAN'S ADVICE. "A good record is a student's best friend," said Dean John R. Effinger of the Literary college, recently while discussing the necessity of students getting down to work from the beginning. Each year Dean Ef- finger is confronted with the prob- lem of students who fail to make high enough marks to return to the University the second semester, and he firmly believes that this situa- tion exists to a great extent because the new student takes football games, parties and dances more se- riously than the academic work. Dean Effinger pointed out that large concerns sending representa- tives to interview him each spring concerning the placement of gradu- ates in their fields are not seeking the C student, but those who have records which show they have pass- ed courses of value with exceptional standing. "There are too many seed diplomas floating around now," said Dean Eflinger. Since the student body is building towards the future it is imperative that it get down to work from the start, he says. FootballI games may seem to be the important thing just now, social life may seem import- ant; but when all is considered we are here to study, and to take ad- vantage of the opportunities the University offers. There is no man of the faculty who better understands the value of getting a start fromrthe begin- ning than Dean Effinger. Each se- mester he is confronted with the problem of dismissing a number of students from the University who have made low grades, and he is earnestly convinced that the situa- tion in most cases arises from the ToSTED ROLL LOOK Ah there, Mr. Average Reader, I thought I would catch you thate time! Now don't you feel cheap? G There you are, just sitting and gaping like a ninny when there isn't anything to look at at all. Get along to class, you lazy oaf, and heretofore remember to mind your own business. * * * The long-promised game has been completed at last. Now allf may play, rich or poor; the classi distinction has been removed, and Rolls is once more the championt of the people.t GAME. In this sport the player accom-I panies the playee to the nearest soft-drink counter and stands by1 while the latter purchases his drink. (If he doesn't buy a drink, you have to wait until next time or else buy one for him which is likely to endanger your amateur standing). When the drink arrives (about 3-4 of an hour in Ann Arbor) the player of the first part points out some object of absorb-' ing interest somewhere in the store such as a concrete-mixer, or fold-! ing bath-tub or some other article indigenous to soft-drink empor- iums (emporia). Then, when the playee (sucker) turns to viw the indicated object, the player dips into his drink as many fingers as he can without being seen or breaking the glass. In case he does either of these things he is, of course, labelled a 'Boor' and ex- cluded from polite gamesters' com- pany thenceforth. The scoring is accomplished by holding before the eyes of the playee unpon his re- turn to consciousness the dam- pened fingers, the number of which determines the score. The thumb, if inserted after all the rest, counts two, but if you can do this without breaking the glass, you are dis- barred from competition on ac- count of the age limit. * * * . ADDENDA. (Addenda shovel broke). In case a more virulent game is desired, the thrill-seeking element on campus will find that the game is improved by flavoring the fingers in some manner before starting. I leave the discovery of a suitable method to the fertile minds of my public. * * * AMONGST THE CLASSIFIEDS. WANTED-Roommate for Sopho- more. Three dollars a week. Not enough, not enough. LOST-Police Dog; color dark; Answers to the name of Dirt. Lady, his name is mud. I note that Dr. Coller is to be the 'principle speaker' at a meeting here soon. Sorry, but I heard all the moral lectures I could stand during my career as a freshman. * * * I am not quite sure what the above picture represents. It was rather blurred up, but I chose it anyway as something to express 1 my sentiments on the subject of the Band's 'Rendering Vocal Selec- tions' at the football games this 1 year. The Stadium is windy enough as it is. * c * Further information trickles in about the band. It is rumored,- nay, even stated,-that they are not going to wear those lovely tunics any more. This is nothing short of heinous - hyenous - oh never mind, I don't like it anyway. What do they think we go to the games for? * * * I print the following more in sorrow than in anger. It hurts me more than it does you. But space is space, and I have a lot of it before me and not much time. deer dan: we hurd one of the pot wear- ers in our house ask another neofight if there was a banana stand behind the clock in the engin arch on account of peals are always coming out of it. the rest of the story slipped by meF yrs. very truly jed. * * * You needn't bother to read the . .4 -. 4L.. L. __ ..- _. -I 4 r r ur a aII/rIIrfIIa/i a rf rl r r/4f.! --A b ri 6 M US , AND DRAMA CAROLA GOYA Perhaps the most significant event on the Mendelssohn's calen- dar of activity last year was the introduction of the increasingly important art of dance through t h a t marvellous German pair, Kreutzberg and Georgi. At the time there was much enthusiasm for an annual series of dance recitals. As a consequence came the very fortunate booking for Saturday night of Carola Goya, cellebrated Spanish dancer who has had her continental reputation enthusias- tically duplicated in New York the past two seasons. Miss Goya's art is quite as far removed from the skipping and mincing of the sentimental ballot tradition as was, that of Kreutz- berg and Georgi. But in a rather different direction. Kreutzberg and Georgi were distinctly modernists. Their dances were creations of their own and personal comments on contemporary -topics (the one entitled Bad Dreams or Freud in all his Horror being typical.) Miss Goya comes from a country where dancing has long been one of the most popular modes of ex- pression. Spanish emotions, Span- ish events, Spanish provinces long ago found expression in dance forms. It is these dances, with suf- ficient latitude for the individual artist's interpretative gift, which Spanish dancers such as Miss Goya and La Argentina are presenting. We have only had parodies of them before. Miss Goya is an authentic artist. Quite understandably she willing- ly disregards the expression of per- sonal feeling through newly creat- ed dances for the now timeless forms which contain the essence of Spain.Her devotion is to the communal, one might almost say religious, aspects of the dance. He body she dedicates to the perfect reproduction on the stage of the spontaneous forms which have so much :ieaning for her people. She is only appearing once in Ann Arbor, Saturday night, when she will present a long program of twenty dances. Popular support of this recital will undoubtedly make possible the appearance of other prominent artists during the year. THE CHORAL UNION SERIES I There are several pleasant things about the series Mr. Sink has ar- ranged for this year. The first is especially pleasant. It is also bold. There is only one opera-star in the series. Bold because the public loves its opera-stars. Pleasant from the standpoint of good music heard. One singer, in a series of ten concerts is about the proper bal- ance. There will be some excite- ment connected with Miss Clair- bert's appearance. Charles Wag- ner, impressario de luxe, built up fine color about her before she touched the American shores. "I have discovered the best coloratura in the world, and ah yes she is beautiful too," he said last spring to the Associated Press. The Asso- ciated Press promptly printed the announcement of a beautiful col- oratura. Her name? A secret, Charles whispers. Why not call her La Coloratura since I think such to be the case? Of course she is known now. She I is Clare Clairbert of the Brussels Opera, favorite of the King etc. But Charles has done his work. Her appearances are eagerly await- ed. The one here October 31 is I one of the early ones. Another good thing about the series is the fortunate chance to compare three great pianists (one could almost say four since Horo- witz is not quite forgotten). Brail- owsky, Rachmaninoff, and Iturbi ought to provide all the piano one would want to hear in a season even in New York. And that is saying a great deal. Iturbi, so soon after his sensational debut in New York, is a particularly fortunate booking. The two novelties are attractive. The Don Cossack Chorus is mak- ing its first American tour. Paul Robeson will be particularly wel- come after the enthusiastic recep- tion London gave his versatility. Robeson's spirituals will be a treat after Roland Hayes' sentimental substitutes. People who know the story of Albert Spalding are whispering nasty things about his appearance STEPPE NG T O A group attack on i Research, finding answers to the eternal x = ?, keeps step in the Bell System with the new industrial viewpoint. The joy in working out studies in de- velopment is shared by many. Results are reached by group effort. Striving to- (;ether, the mature engineer and his younger assistants, each contributes to the fin1al solution of tht problem. tcx)9 of industry Men of the Bell Telephone Labora- tories are sharing in useful, interesting research. They are getting valuable train- ing ithe m odern strategy of organization attack. And because that strategy assures them the aid of men and material resources, they are actually turning some of their vision ilto fact. A MOD IERN WORLD BELL SYSTEM ATFAN 2-. ,C A NAf-T. )N- VIDE SSNIM(tOF IAOIIE'THAN 20.000,000 IN' ER-CONNEVC1It rG TELEPHONE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1930 Night Editor-JOHN D. REINDEL COUNT AND RECOUNT. Mr. Edward Barnard, Detroit at- torney and member of the Groes- beck legal forces attending the re- count, is certainly not creating any good will for his candidate or his party. His methods of keeping him- self in the public eye, undoubtedly with an eye to the attorney-gen- eralship in the future, have caused so much disgust throughout Mich- igan that many disgruntled Re- publicans will go to the polls in November, prepared to vote a Democratic slate. Barnard, who formerly practiced in Grand Rapids, is not even head of the legal forces who represent Groesbeck at the recount. Never- theless, he has taken it upon him- self to demand another recount, for various reasons. His dilatory tactics have even earned him rebuke and denials from his chiefs, 0. L. Smith and Groesbeck, but he blasts ahead with charges and counter charges of unfairness, Illegal proceedings, and general crookedness of the whole recount. Boiled down, his charges consist of a complaint of unfairness on the part of the state beard of canvas- sers, neglect to furnish him with complete tabulations of the day's counting, and illegality of voting machines. That the board was or was not unfair is a debatable matter, de- pending on whether or not one means "the breaks" by fairness. Certainly the attendance of a representative of each candidate at each counting table c6uld easily establish the fact of whether or not the board had been guilty of favor- itism, or had made incorrect tabu- lations. And the fact that names