ESTABLISHED 1890 'Vg,.. Ar Aar Ank Ak 46 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. XLI. No. 62 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN , WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS MISSING FRESHMAN FOUND IN FLORIDA; LONG SEARCH ENDS Father Receives Message From Miami Telling of 10-Day 'Hitch-Hike'. GRID GAME NETS JOBLESS_$49,350 The Michigan-Chicago charity football game, which was played Nov. 22 in the Stadium, netted unemployed of the state approx- imately $49,350, Gov. Fred W. Green announced yesterday. Of the proceeds, Detroit and Wayne counties, where most of the tickets were sold, will receive $45,000. The remainder, $4,350, will be distributed throughout the state. Most of the sales were in Detroit. The University's share of the receipts was given to the state to aid in relief of the needy, and distiibution of the fund was un- rdp thr inrii" o HOUSE APPROVES UNEMPLOYMENT Drought Relief Bill Passed on by Senate Without Serious Opposition. $170,000,000 INVOLVED Both Branches of Government Make Attack on Attitude of Administration. HOOVER (LASHES I EMOTIONAL PLAY OF CON.[S ESM[ Charges Senators with Playing Politics at Expense of Human Misery.' CO-OPERATION WAVERS President Demands Expenditures for Relief be Kept Within Treasury Find Limits. STRESSES ACTION SON RELIEF BILLS DISAPPEARED, NOV. 29 University, Fraternity Notified of Reappearance of Carlton. I ."Ltfi ear te supervision o G'overnor -- Green. Distribution was in pro- Gerald H. Carlton, '34, who has portion to the number of tickets been missing from the University sold in each community, the since Nov. 29, yesterday dispersed governor said. all doubts as to his whereabouts by sending a telegram to his father, Dr. A. J. Carlton, at the latter's naba. The telegram was sent from Maimi. Fla.. where young Carlton had "hitch-hiked" during the 10 CE T F IA days since his disappearance from his rooming house at 911 Forest Spanish Pianist Selects Varie avenue. Program for Sixth Choral Following receipt of the telegram Union Presentation. from Miami, Dr. Carlton notified University officials of the reappear-J~S .t ance of his son. Members of Theta Jose Iturbi, Spansh pianist, wil Chi fraternity, where Carlton was I present the sixth concert of th a pledge, were also notiled by offi- Choral Union at 8:15 o'clock, Fri cials in charge of the searching day night, in Hill auditorium. party. Iturbi studied at the conserva Disappeared Nov. 30 tory in Valencia, and at the ag of 13 won first prize there. He wen Last seen on Sunday, Nov. 30, in to Barcelona and studied unde St. Andrews Episcopal church by Malats, then to Paris, where h several members of the congrega- I studied under Staub, graduating tion, Carlton did not return to his with first honors. In 1919 he wa room that night nor the next, and invited to head the piano faculty University officials were notified. at the Conservatory of Geneva, a Dr. and Mrs. Carlton were also in- position once held by Franz Liszt formed of the disappearance of I He remained there for four years their son, and searching parties then started his concert activities were sent throughout the county in He first appeared in America a an effort to locate him. A special Carnegie hall, and has played Boy Scout and police posse under since then with the orchestra in Wallace F. Watt, Scout master, and New Yrk and Chicago. including members of the ThetaN r C Chi fraternity and University offi- The program for his concert will cials, was sent out on Saturday,!be as follows: Sonata in A major hbtthewr - xufrMr, No.- 9. by Mozart:. andante con Ruth Carlton, the boy's mother, variazioni, minhetto, allegretto (al- conferred with University officials la turca); Etudes symphoniques by here Saturday morning concerning Shumann; Waltz, two Etudes and young Carlton's disappearance, at Polonaise by Chopin; Ballade in D which time many facts were dis- minor and Rhapsody in G minor closed which led police to suspect by Brahms; L'Ile joyeuse by De- that the missing youth was only on bussy,; Navarra by Albaniz. The a "vacation" and was not in danger. last number will be El Vito (theme Telegrams Received. espagnol et variations) by Infante, Information was received in Ann and dedicated to Mr. Iturbi. This Arbor of Carlton's telegram through will be the first rendition of this Harry Mills, 1400 Granger avenue, number. who notified officials. Several pre- vious telegrams had been received BOARD DISMISSES concerning the identification of TWO-YEAR CLAIM young men thought to be the miss- ing boy, the most promising of which came last week from Dun- Arbitration Body Decision Gives kirk, O., where a description exactly Verdict Favoring University. conforming with that of the Michi- gan student gave temporary hope A claim of $125,903.25 against the to parents and friends. Board in Control of Athletics of Although nothing further had-1 the University, filed in 1928 by the been heard from Miami late last Palmer Construction Co., of Grand night, little doubt of the authen- Rapids, was dismissed yesterday in ticity of the telegram was held by Washtenaw county court by a officials. Further plans of the Uni- board of arbitration. versity student had not been dis- Filed Oct. 24 1928, the claim, closed yesterday. Carlton is 21 years alleging delays by architects in fur- of age, and considered an average nishing information relative to student. construction of the Intramural Isports building, has been made the ELLIOTT SERVICES I study of the arbitration board for TO BE HELD TODAY more than a year. The board, in handing down its Detroit Pastor Will Offi iate opinion, said that claims made by the Grand Rapids firm were not at Burial Rites. cited until after the final payment ---had been made, and that such de- Miss Lucy E. Elliott, Detroit edu- lay prevented institution of any cator and Ann Arbor social worker, action against the University. will be buried this afternoon after i The decision was signed by Cir- funeral services at 2:30 o'clock in cuit Judge George W. Sample, R. E. the S. O. Wylie chapel, Birming- Townsend of Ann Arbor, and ham. Burial will be at Oakview George D. Mason, of Detroit. cemetery, Royal Oak. Dr. Chester Testimony and deliberations had Emerson, pastor of the North been centered on the matter for Woodward Congregational church, some time by both the board and Detroit, will officiate. counsel for the two sides. Miss Elliott died Sunday after- noon in the McPherson Memorial hospital, Howell, from injuries suf- Galens Tag Selle fered in an automobile accident Saturday while she was driving Is H um an Desp from Detroit to Lansing to attend I (By Associated Press) (By Associ ted Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. - The WASHINGTON, Dec. 9-Pres-' $110,000,000 emergency unemploy- ident Hoover lashed out today ment construction program and the at the Congressional bolsters - $60,000,000 drought relief measure from the co-operative emer- were passed by the House and Sen- gency relief program in a state- ate, respectively, today, without op- ment charging "they are play-" position, butaftertattack in both ing politics at the expense of branches against the administra- hua iey" tion's usr- The public works unemployment His statement idemanding that relief measure now awaits Senate relief expenditures be kept within) Robert M. LaFollette, action while the House plans to limits of the treasury fund started Senator from Wisconsin who yes- tactin wil the Houset pilansrfto a Democratic attack in the Senate terday urged the Senate to bring d take up the drought bill for final that brought into action not only relief to the human suffering in passage Thursday. .those who yesterday called for a Byrnes Leads Opposition. party program but those who have preference to the interests of weal- Before the drought bill can be been friendly to the co-operation thy capitalists. laid before the House, the agricul- pledge. - 1 ture committee which held close to La Follette Acts e the administration's proposal and L - approved $30,000,000 for the work With the Republican-Democratic will have to consider the Senate co-operation movement wavering, - bill. Chairman Haugen has called Senator LaFollette, Republican, e his committee to meet tomorrow. Wisconsin, introduced a resolution DYJUDGELINDSEY t President Hoover's proposal for a to declare the Senate for "the re- r $150,000,000 lump sum to be ex- lief of human suffering in this u e pended by a cabinet committee for, emergency over the consideration Former Judge Hailed to Court unemployment relief was slashed of the interests of wealthy income s by the House appropriations com- tax payers." on Charges of Disorderly mittee by $40,000,000 and restric- Senator Reec, Republican, Penn-I Coiduct in Church. tions were placed on the method sylvania, hastened to defend the of spending the $110,000,000 given. President and to;give assurance (By Associated Press) AttackAdministration. that he meant no partisan attack I NEW YORK, Dec. 9.-Counsel for Opposition led by Representative in his declaration but Democrats Former Judge Ben B. Lindsey of t Byrnes, of Tennessee, r a n k i n g were still calling for recognition Denver, sought today to enlist wit- Democrat on the appropriations when the Senate adjourned. nsses who saw him lea t committee, to the lump sum re- Harrison Attacks hoover. p onto a sulted in having the money defin-; Senator Harrison, of Mississippi, table Sunday in the Cathedral of itely allotted with provisions in- who has been friendly to the pledge St. John the Divine and demand a serted requiring a report to the of Democratic leaders for co-oper- chance to answer Bishop William T. , next Congress of he expenditures. ation on an emer ncy relief p3;- Manning's attack on companionate Fe derta 1 highway aid received I'gram, called IVr.ioover's declara- marriage. $80,000,000; river and harbor work, tion "unwarranted, uncalled for, The witnesses will be asked to $22,500,000; flood control en the and without justification" and as- testify in the jurist's behalf when Mississippi, $3,000,000; roads in na- serted "no man ever won more poli- he is brought to court Friday on tional forests, $3,000,000, and roads tical favor upon misery of the peo- charges of disorderly conduct. The in national parks, $1,500,000. ple than has the present president bishop already has been subpoe- In the Senate, Democrats attack- of the United States." naed. ed the administration and Secre- Even as Mr. Hoover was reading Meanwhile, the Rev. Eliot White, tary Hyde for opposition to the his warning that "prosperity can- rector of Grace Episcopal church, drought bill provision of $30,000,000 not be restored by raids upon the and an opponent for food for farmers. No move was treasury," the administration posi- of Bishop Mann- made, however, by administration tion for a $25,000,000 limit on ing on the com- leaders to reduce the amount. drought relief was under attack in panionate marri- the Senate by Senator Robinson, of age issue, dis- Arkansas, the Democratic leader I closed that t w o who had pledged co-operation. The months ago he Senate promptly passed the bill of officiated at hiis Senator McNary, of Oregon, the as- o w n daughter's sistant Republican leader, for $60,- marriage which 000,000 drought relief and did not he called com- even consider any cut in this panionate because amount. it was preceded University Songs to be Featured by an agreement in Pathe Review Scheduled STEINER DELIVERS w i t h the groom r; that they would JUDGe .LJose for Michigan Theater. TALK ON CONGRESS "postpone the ad- -- -vent of children." Michigan football songs and sev- Although many questions of ma- Rev. White's daughter, Shirley, eral popular numbers are featured jor importance confront the present 22, was married Oct. 18 to Chester in the Glee club's Pathe Review Congress, the fact that a lame-duck G. H. Zucker, 28, of Roselle, N. J. talking picture which will be shown session is meeting may obstruct "Judge Lindsey is merely trying at the Michigan theater all next their settlement, said Dr. Adolph to formulate a code of marriage week. The Midnite Sons quartet is Steiner of the political science de- which shall be taken into account also a part of the program. partment in his talk on "Current that which many women of clean The club's numbers include "The Problems in Congress" last night thought and sensible minds really Victors" and "Varsity" as well as before Adelphi. advocate," Mr. White said. "He de- a number which has brought them "The tariff issue is not dead, the sired to remain in the cathedral, a great deal of favorable comment, problem of farm relief is far from and not to be taken out by police "The Cossacks." The numbers which settled, and the rising ghost of pro- and detectives." the quartet will render are princi- hibition will be evident upon the Bishop Manning attended dedi- pally those Michigan songs which publication of the Wackersham re- cation services of St. Bartholo- are favorites on all the club's con- port," stated Dr. Steiner. Other mew's church on Park avenue to- certs. important measures he mentioned day, but departed before the ser- Synchronized with the appear- are those advocated by Senator mon of Rev. Dr. Robert Norwood, ance of the club, is an arrange- Norris for the public ownership of one of the severest critics in dioces- ment of the "Yellow and the Blue." Muscle Shoals, and for the elimina- an matters. The appearance of the film here tion of the lame duck sessions. will be the world premier and from Unless President Hoover invokes Ann Arbor will be distributed to the support of public opinion to se- INILES SCHEDULES 'all leading movie houses through- cure action on essential bills, it is BASKETBALL GAME out the country. . probable that Congress will pro- crastinate and work for its own! (By Associated Press) ends, is Dr. Steiner's opinion. It is I NILES, Mich., Dec. 9.-A stellar rs CL~ai1 Co-ed unlikely, he said, that anything will basketball attraction for charity is Sbe done about prohibition. billed for this city for the evening zte Debate V erdictof Dec. 27. Alexander G. Ruthien Among those listed are Bennie .iOosterbaan, g r e a t e s t of recent Another member said that the Entertained by Alumni Michigan athletics; Red, Cherry, women were on the whole very gra--- all-conference guard in 1926; Dick cious about giving. In answer to his President Alexander G. Ruthven Doyle, Michigan captain in 1926; was entertained at a banquet inj McCoy, Chapman, Petrie, Truskow- standard question of, "don't you his honor, Monday night, in Battle ski and Eddie Chambers. i i 7' Z L I ri .± F( 6 E! i 4' 1 t 1 a I I 1 'INDUSTRY TIED UP WHE'N RIOT BREAKS OUT FOLLOWING STRIKE AMONG WvORKERS IN YALENGIA Three Street Cars are Overturned and Attacked by Large Crowd of Strikers; Vegetable Peddlers Victims of Crazed Mob. (By Associated Press) VALENCIA, Spain, Dec. 9 - Rioting that raged unabated throughout Valencia today resulted in the death of one striker, the serious wounding of a policeman, numerous minor wounded cases and 50 arrests. The disorder started after a 48-hour general strike had been called in protest against failure of attempts to arbitrate a dispute between employers and workers in several crafts, that had crippled shipping and transportation facilities. Nunez Reported Dead. The only casualty reported by the police was the serious wound- ing of Bravo Nunez, a member of the city force, who had been, reported as having died. While officers carried on a round- Reed, Borah Debate up in three sections of the city, on Who Started War new disorders broke out elsewhere Three street cars were overturned (By Associated Press) and attacked by mobs of strikers, WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. - The indataet e carsre question of w h o started the indignant because the cars were World War was raised in the functioning in defiance to the Senate today and a brief but strike. The strikers attacked vege- vigorous debate ensued. table peddlers, and wrecked their S e n a t o r Reed, Republican, carts because they refused to join Pennsylvania, blamed Germany. the walk-out. Senator Borah, Repubhlcan, Ida- ho, thought Great Britain and France must share in the res- ponsibility. It all began in a discussion of international debt cancellations, preciptated by Senator Copeland, Democrat, ,New York, who sought to insert a magazine article on that subject into the Congres- sional record. Reed asked if it was not Ger- man propaganda, and said, he w o u ld oppose with his last "ounce of strength" the cancel- lation of German reparation be- cause, in his opinion, Germany caused the war. Borah immediately disagreed and opposed another Reed as- sertion, to the effect that Ger- many was not paying excessive- ly. Senator Dill, Democrat, Wash- ington, asked that the d e b t question be considered in the light of American adherence to the world court. "I wonder what would be our position," he said, "if we go into the world court under the Root formula and can only protest but not prevent the court on questions vitally affecting us." Meanwhile, it was learned the government is not considering any plan for permitting Euro- pean nations to withhold their debt payments, or to return them as loans. REICHSTAGVIC TORY Chancellor Silences Discussion on International Issues by Ending Debates. (By Associated Press) BERLIN, Dec. 9. -- Chancellor Bruening won two important vic- tories in the Reichstag today, shut- ting off debate on difficult inter- national questions and silencing. threats against Foreign Minister Julius Curtius. The Ministry now looks safe until after Christmas,) at least. By a rising vote, the Reichstag approved Bruening's appeal and a- greed that the nation's best inter- ests would not be served by discus- sing the Polish situation, the Ver- sailles treaty, the Young plan or other questions running through the minds of some of tl-a' Reich- stagers. It was by an aggressive and open threat that the chancellor backed down attempts to unseat Foreign Minister Curtius. Bruening flatly told the Reichstag that if such at- tempt was successful, he would take over Curtius' portfolio him- self. The warning was effective, and a no-confidence motion on Curtius was withheld. None of the oppo- Industry was so effectively para- lyzed that old-time residentspsaid it was the worst tie-up they had known. Letters Found. In the pockets of the dead strik- er, Sanchez Garcia, were found printed copies of a letter attributed to the missing aviator, Major Ram- on Franco, making light of the government. Authorities declared that com- munist and socialist elements were inciting the Valencia workers to strike. They charged that the same elements fomented recent 1 a b o r disorders in Madrid, Barcelona and Seville.n, Under orders of the governor, and heavily guarded by police, a few street cars began to move through the streets this afternoon. Officials hope that by running the street cars industries might be in- duced to resume work. CALENS COLLECTS S1,2OO FIRST 0DAY Generous Support of Students, Faculty Features Drive for Cripples. Approximately $1,200 was con- tributed yesterday by students and faculty members for the Galens' Christmas fund for crippled chil- dren at the hospital. The drive will continue today. The quota for the drive has been set at $1,500. Fraternities and sororities sub- scribed $500 of the amount while the men posted on the campus with buckets collected $700. Wallace Steffenson, '31, chairman of the drive, said late yesterday af- ternoon that the students and fac- ul ty members have shown excellent co-operation in contributing to the fund. It is hoped, he said, that by tomorrow the quota Will be reached. The money subscribed by the stu- dents will be used to purchase toys, candy, and other articles for the crippled children's annual Christ- mas party. Any money that is left over will go towards paying ex- penses on the Galens' workshop where the children are taught han- dicraft work. It is expected that more contri- butions will be received from cam- pus organizations tomorrow. Aviatrix Almost Sets New West-East Record (By Associated Press) WITCHITA, Kan., Dec. 9.-A so- ciety girl air enthusiast stepped on the heels of the most noted men's speed pilot in the country today. Miss Ruth Nichols, Rye, N. Y., aviatrix, spanned approximately half the continent in seven hours, one minute, in quest of a new west- east trans-continental flight record, and placed her name beside those of Captain Frank Hawkes and Charles A. Lindbergh in the annals a board meeting of the Michigan State Teachers' association. Since her graduation from the! University in 1903, Miss Elliott at- tained national recognition as an educator and social worker. She was dean of women during the Summer Session this year and so- cial director of Helen Newberry res- idence several years ago. In 1921 she headed the Michigan Education association's convention in Detroit and has long been leader of the Solicitors State Generosity of Campus Women Exceeds That of Men. C OEDS may not be considered human by campus debaters, but the students who were selling the Galens' tags for the crippled children yesterday seem to think that the majority of them are very much so. want to give the little kiddies a great big merry Christmas," most of the women would smile and drop a quarter in the bucket. Many of the men on the other hand, he said, would either not give at all or drop in their offering with some sort of Creek by University alumni organ- izations in that city. Regent Walter Sawyer and T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of the Alumni association, also attended the affair. President Ruthven spoke at noon Monday in Battle Creek before the 450 Jobless in City; NumberSlowly Rises More than 450 persons have been registered with the mayor's unem-