THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1930 TUEtDAYDECEMBE 9,A193 N. A ATC'A-%.AN D .AILYAA f.Lr -. . -I - --~~- F- FESHMN CUSRT TEAM S CUTTO 2 GREEN BAY PACKERS GRIDIRON TIEAM MAINLY COLLEGE STARS I Prospects Show Only Brand of Play, Coach Fisher. Ordinary Says With the early season weeding- out process about completed, 23 freshman basket-tossers turned out last night on the field house court for some rudimentary drill in the fine points of the game under the tuteluge of Coach Ray Fisher. Two previous cuts have diminish- ed the squad to the present num- ber, most of whom Coach Fisher has indicated may be kept through- out the season. Only one more small cut of four or five men is to be made. Last night the boys were given a stiff workout, with empha- sis being placed on some fast floor work. Guarding and passing also came in as part of the workout. Prospects of a more than ordi- nary team are not very bright thus far according to Coach Fisher, for the majority of the yearling cagers are of but mediocre quality. For the present, the first-year men will have their activities limited to drill sessions, but perhaps by the end of the week a light scrimmage be- tween the yearling candidates will liven things up a bit. Scrimmages with the Varsity cagers will put the youngsters on the mettle later in the season. Among the would-be court toss- ers who have survived the cuts thus far are the following: Patterson, Miller, Cooper, Dobbs, Schutt, Til- lotson, Korzuck, Ratterman, O'Bri- en, Greene, Graham, Trusack, Kim- mel, Fishman, Radford, Fish, Bo- den, Le'land, Allen, and Barnhissel. PUCKSTERS LIST .HARD SCHEDULE' MICHIGAN MEMBER EPLAINSACTION Committee's Stand Due to Fear of More Requests. (Continued From Page 6) before Thanksgiving nor will its consent to increasing the nurmber of permitted games. The rules gov- erning these matters were adopted as a result of a conviction that college athletics must be kept within a certain relationship to the. fundamental purpose of colleges- namely, education. There has been no reason as the year, have to question the soundness e,' view. Moreover it should be ncted that our athletic teams, whatever popular impression there may be to the contrary, are not aggrega- tions of hired performers whose services are available when, where,' and as we may choose. "Whether or not a given institu- tion shall or can contribute funds, to charity or other worthy objects must be left to the judgment of the responsible officers of the insti- tution concerned. It is pertinent to add in this connection that the apparently prevalent notinYof overflowing athletic treasuries as to the vast majority of colleges and universities is wholly groiudls.; The expenditure of athletic £iuds. in conference universities, at lea A., is generally as carefully budgeted as are any of the other funds of tfe institution and expenditures any given year are planned in advance on the basis of estimated incomes for that period." i GYMNASTIC SCHEDULE Jan. 31--Ohio State ....... Here Feb. 21-Illinois........... There Feb. 27-Wisconsin and Chi- cago .................Chicago Feb. 28-Minnesota ....... There Mar. 13-Conference >Aeet...... ... ................... urbana i I . SIDE COURT SHOTS {i E i . i l (Continued From Page 6) prcssed by !Eve:hi, oweve', who sceored two hbesk'ts aiL a hasket. cr the visito ,, Byrum, high s ucint man for the Teachcrs last year, di opped the ball ,hou. 1 1b(1 meshes four time-s fru: i 1'ij. and twice from the ekahLt ' em u to take first honors for the kvad- ers, while Decker a(dd t\VLwo bas- TUESDAY -- Special 50c supper every day. Forest Inn. 1C TO NEW YORK CITY - Fastest Canadian schedule, comfortable reclining chairs, heat under eachj seat, two drivers, inside baggage racks: $23.50 Roundd Trip . NEVINE BUS LINES New granada Cafe---313 S. St Phone 2115911-7. After "7-- 0829 CEOLOGI A -Tutoring by Mr. T o m m i e Mack in Lakes - Weathering---Dunes and Review Exani questions. 310 South State. Phone 7927. 6123C AST BOUND-Campus Travel Bu- rean's NEW YORK LIMITED guarantee the only short Cana- dian route on an actually tested 23 hour schedule. Union Side xesk 12-6 p. mn. daily. LASSIFIE ADVERTISING NOTICE WAI ElD EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Experi- enced nursemaid wishes evening employment Just week days. Call 4498. 61 LOST LOST--Black leather note book in League building. Green Parker pen in note book. Finder may keep pen if notes are returned. I lelp! Help! Call 22519. Owner m great distress. 123 LOG-LOG-Slide rule with magni- Per in light tan leather case. Reward. Call 22888. 61 BLACK leather notebook 8x5 on campus Thursday morning. Valu- able notes to owner. Ph.pc 22849. FOUND cts and two free throws for s c- TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair end place. The visitors hd a od rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. team, and I e s t e d 1 i i r s. r .. strength to the utmost, in fact durC ing part o the 1st half apthe.- -- - ed that tihe Wolverines wYV Fo fOR RENT a eatiti. but tey Pled out of the nun and led 15-1' at the a. I I & Widespread interest has been evidenced this season in the doings of the Green Bay Packers which is considered one of the best professional elevens in the country. The players, principally former college stars, include Dunn, quarterback from Marquette University, and Lewellen, half back from Nebraska university. 1 PROFESSIONAL GRIDIRON TEAM STANDINGS. 6 L- -- ixtranaizraI ewes Green Bay ...... New York ....... Chicago Bears .. Brooklyn........ Providence ...... Stapleton ....... Chicago Cardinals Portsmouth...... Frankford ...... Minneapolis ..... Newark ......... 10 13 9 7 6 5 5 5 4 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 13 7 10 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 .769 .765 .692 .636 .600 .500 .445 .445 .235 .125 .091 While play was cleat: 1 ronuIi- (udt the game, the goin; wa hard as evidecsd by the ine personal fouls the oppsition made and eight the Wolves had called upon them. Captain joe Downing was pat into the game during the first half, and while he played a good game it was evident that his knee is still bothering him. At times he seemed to slow down a little, but Coach Veenker hopes that he will be in the good condition again by the time the Confer- ence season opens. The reser- ves that were used in the game Petrie, Ricketts, and Hudson also appeared to work well into the combination, and will fur- nish ample reserve material for the strenuous Big Ten sched- ule which faces the Veenker- men. F U R iN H E D APARTMENT for three or four adults. Ideal loca- tion for graduate students or girls employed on campus. Steam heat, private bath, garage. Dial 8544. 5-6-1 SOUTHEAST SECTION - 5-room flat, with garage if desired. Handy to schools and city bus lines. Phone 4023. 234561 FOR SALE CLARINET, B fiat, Bahm system, Holton make, perfect condition. Very cheap. Phone 3212. 516 Packard. Evenings. 635 STUDENT needing money badly sacrificing Kashan Persian rug for $175. Dial 4095 noons or eve- nings. 612 FOUND-A convenient means of travelling to New York for the holidays via Canada with Nevins Bus Lines in 23 hours. Reclining chairs, heat under each seat, 2 drivers, inside baggage racks. $23.50 round trip. Also special rates to other points. New Granada Cafe, 313 So. State. 21159 11 a. m.-7 p. m. (after 7- 6829). 6123 -to theDaily w 1 B l AMAV l07Ja & L .®E3 t--7 wwn 'I BOXING In et. Members of the Varsity More Games Likely to be Added Coach Philbin announced last squad will officiate at the meet. Before Season Starts. night that a new boxing class will IrNDEENDENT VOLLEY BALL be opened because of the crowded ting toNt (Continued From Page 6) conditions existing in the present -Brewers th at Z:ehnshe ary. Michigan may also journey to classes. The new class will be open- w et B Ckeya ptained by Chicago for a game during the first ed Saturday morning from 9:30 to Carpenter, in the opening gaie of week in March to play the Ameri- 12, or from 1:30 to 3 in the after- the Independent Volley Ball sea- can Legion team of that city. noon on each Saturday. The pres- son. Captain Purdum will lead his Following the Western Ontario ent classes on Monday, Wednesday, team of Fletcher Hall against Ren- game here Saturday night, the Var- and Friday afternoons and the ses- dlerman's Oaklands shortly after sity will rest until Wednesday, sions held Tuesday and Thursday tlh opening game. At 8:30 the when Chatham will come here to , evenings have been found insuffi- Chinese Students captained by Zeto play. This Canadian aggregation, cient for the tremendous number will meet the Actuaries, lead by while little is known as to its clehlrnan. strength, should put up some good held mn the boxing room of the In- Thursday night the same teams competition for the Michigan puck- abuildig, his asistant wilt play the second round of the men, ~~~~~~Coach Philbin or hsassat on oi eis men. I!Bob Custer will take charge of the Round Robin series. Two old rivalries besides those new class. They requested that all FRATERNITY VOLLEY BALL already listed are also found on the candidates sign the entry blank on Drawings for the fraternity vol- schedule. Michigan will journey the bulletin board or call the In- ley ball championship will take north on the 9th and 10th of Jan- tramural building and make ar- place tonight at 8:00 in the In- uary to meet Marquette, one of the rangements with Coach Philbin or tramural office. Mr. Riskey has strongest teams in the country. Bob Custer. asked that all managers and cap- Last year Michigan gave them some FRATERNITY WRESTLING Itains be present for the drawings. hard battles, and should fare even Infraternity wrestlingw t Aibpen oteAwg better this season. Marquette re- Inter-fraternty wrestling w ill ALL-CAMPUS SQUASH turns the visit with a two game open its season Wednesday, Dec. 10, J. Remhan. withdrew from the stand at the Coliseum on Januaryit from 7 to 10 o'clock. All partici- tournament because of a broken 2and at. the oliseurons Jani pants will weigh-in Wednesday af- arm, defaulting to-L. Goodman. On travel to East Lansing onwJanuary ternoon in Waterman gym or the Dec. 4, A. Collins won his match 27 to clash with the MichiganState Intramural building. Health cards from D. W. Dort. D. W. Kendall team, and the Spartans will play will be required of the wrestlers won from B. Merry on the same here on February 16. Although the and should be submitted to the as- I night. R. Clark defeated R. L. State sextets are not usually on a sistant of the Intramural depart-Quinn in their match Dec. 5. par with those turned out at Mich- ------- ____ -__.- igan, hockey is a growing 'sport there and this year may see a dis- tinct improvement in the calibre of its teams. The Spartans will beI . seeking to revenge two defeats dealt to them by the Wolves last ON year. FLOODLIGHTS blazing down onatriumphantfigure..amighty arm raised high...while out of the dark a steady roar acclaims the champion who proves himself champion still. w ONE will a lways stana' out 4 IT IS HARD TO EXCELL A. 1. Cooch & Son 11 III for Quality & Service in Shoe Repairing 1109 South University WATLING LERCHEN & HAYES M imber., New York Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New Y ok C r (Associate) caCrs i Investmrn z~ Securities Accut Caerr at our Pye-Chr is ;.asSale INSTRUMENTS Slide Trombones (with case) at 20% discount. Violins at Substantial Reduction. Gibson Mandolin, now......................... .$22.50 Bb Clarinet Outfits............................ .$17.50 Used Snare Drums as low as. ..............x8.00-$10.00 Ukuieles and Harmonicas at 20% discount. RADIOS New models Brunswick and Majestic Radios at much reduced prices. Home demnonstrati n arranged. PIANOS Good Used Pianos at prices ranging from '25.00 upwards. Terms if desired. VICORMODEL 15 4 Circuit Synchronized Radio $112.50 Less Tubes NO CHAMPION ever held his laurels except by making good- no cigarette ever won and held popularity except by deserving it. Chesterfield stands out as one cigarette that always gives smokers what they want...MILDER and BETTER TASTE! MILDNESS-the wholly nat- ural mildness of tobaccos that are without harshness or bitterness. BETTER TASTE-such as only a cigarette of wholesome purity and better tobaccos can have, 0 1 J,; , t i } F R ECORDS A..) iEET LUS C Aa supply of sc, usic books, an M roords a a gn rous &scount. Many &a .r Bargairns I--t --T-b.-t-d----T - - :+ w 3 ° t f ^5 'L y f .NQ { ' Y/ 'v ' ' .. Chesterfield Cigarettes are manufactured ly LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. '40ep- C A J Eft (11