SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN . . ........DECEMBER - -7, --1930 . TH...MIC HIG A N . ..----------AG---SEVE-- Irish Sweep to 27-0 UWin Over NUPSETS DOPE T EASIL WOLVERINES UP[ TC Fr ISILY ."7"LFIRST CAGE TROUNCSOUTENewRlayers Work CIAWt Cage Gme of TAKE i Notre Dame Denies GAME ell in Firs: Year. Reports That Long Journeys Are Banned TrojansSSIFIE 4 YERTICEN YEARLINGS ENTER NOTICE INTER-TEAM MEE T GEOLOGY 1-Tutoring by Mr. T o m m i e Mack in Lakesr- Weathering-Dunes and Review Coach Ken Doherty is rapidly Examii questions. 310 South State. grooming his men for the inter- Phone 79.7. 6123C Lean track meet net WednesdaY, SPECIAL STEAK SUPPER Dec. 10 and the field meet the o'-' LOST Wriie C. I., care of Westburg, 5564 So, Martindale, Detroit. 3456 Marchey Schwartz Leads Mates end for 80 yards and the scon (Continued From Pae 6) SOUTH B D, Ind., Dec. 6.-Re- to Mythical National Rambler score, but on this occa- he sunk a shoi cshot amoY before ports that Notre Dame's football Chamionshi. sion Carideo's try for point a . the echoes of the op"wng whistle teams would make no more trans-- The third Irish touchdown came had died away, but the Kalamazoo continefntai jourrnys were denied after a mental lapse on the part team drew even, and finally forged today by President Charles L. 0'- SCORE EARLY IN GAME of the Trojan players, when they ahead to lead 13-11 with the irstIDonnell. permitted Schwartz to go through half halfway gone. However, the .. Upsetting the pre-game dope by center practically unmolested for Wolverines came back, and --hen "Reports that Notre Dame isI exhibiting a show of power that 46 yards believing the ball to be the teams went to the locker rooms making its final trans-continental swept everything before them, the dead because of an offside on thea the half ime, the score board trip to play the University of South- sweptath of the western team. Pinckert iead 15-14 in favor of Michigan. ern California are false," lie said.1 Notre Dame Ramblers captured thetackled him on the 12 yard line In the second period Daniels and mythical football championship of I and the Irish took the gain in pre- Altenhoff went wild and scored 14 Our agreement with the univeisity the United States by trouncing the ference to the penalty. A short points between them to cut the of Southern California calls for a powerful University of Southern pass, Schwartz to O'Connor, netted Teachers off without a chance. game here in our stadium next fall. California eleven, 27 to 0, in an in- the score. Daniels counted five times from the "After that arrangements for i- tersectional ganie at the Coliseum The final score came after Han- fo during this time. The Maize ture relations between the two in Los Angeles yesterday, before an ley had intercepted a Trojan passa ue;steadily drew away from estimated attendance of 87,500 per- and advanced to the 21-yard line. their opponent, until by the end of schools probably will be made on After a few bucks Lukats, a substi- e game they had piled up their the same home and home basis as soks.dd tute halfback, tore through the line 12-point advantage. has existed in the past." Picked to be defeated, or at the for 13 yards and the touchdown.- -- - least to be held to a low score by Throughout the game the work ------------ the Trojans, Knute Rockne's team of Marchey Schwartz at halfbackI got the jump on its rivals with a stood out like a beac& light. Time touchdown in the first few minutes after time he ripped the Trojan of play, and were never in danger line to shreds, while his long gains after that. Only once, at the end around end and his brilliant pass-' of the final quarter, was the South- ing played a large part in the er Californiarteaminossess Rambler victory.gO'Connor, Car- We list some of the Nationally advertised articles of Merchan-I em alioria eaminposessonideo, Conley, and Metzger also I iewihw ar. of the ball within the Irish 27-yard played great ball for the Notrewcarry- line, while the Ramblers hung up Dm em linewh.a total of 15 first downs to the sev-D."Nottingham Fabric" Suits "Hansen" Gloves en made by their opponents. THE LINEUPS "Worsted-tex" Suits "Giover" Pajamas Following a 60 yard march by Notre Dame , Pos. Southern Calif. re ex the Rocknemen in the opening mo- O'Brien .. .. . . . LE .........Joslyn inner-tex Tuxedoes "Sealp^x" and "Superior" ments of the game, Notre Dame Culver . . . . . . .. LT ........... Hall "Knit-tex" Topcoats underwear lost the ball on downs on the Tro- Kassis .........LG......... Baker W, O jan 20 yard line, but on the follow- Yarr........... C .... Williamson Winter-tex"'Overcoats "Cheney" Neckwear ing play Musick, sturdy Califor- Metzger .......RG .........Shaw "Arrow" Shirts and Collars "Hatchway" Buttonless nia back, fumbled and Culver re- Kurth ......... RT......... Smith covered for the Irish. Marchey Conley ........ RE ...... Arbelbide "Holeproof" Hosiery Underwear Schwartz then dropped back and Carideo .......QB....... Duf field "Friendly-Five" Shoes ",abhor" Robes tossed a long pass to Captain Tom Schwartz ...... LI 1......... Apsit Conley over the goal line for the Brill .......... RH ...... Pinckert Stylepark" I lats "A ligator" Raincoats fi r s t Rambler touchdown, while O'Connor ...... FB........ Musick Carideo booted the placekick that Score by quarters: netted them the extra point. Notre Dame ......13 0 7 7- -27 1y Late in the first period a surprise Southern Calif. .. 0 0 0 0 -- 0 A Complete Line of Men's kick by Duffield sent the ball over Touchdowns -Conley, O'Connor the Irish goal line, and it was 2, Lukats. Points after touchdown ands brought out to the 20. From this -Carideo 3. Referee-Birch (Ear - 1A " ga point on the first play, O'Connor, ham); Umpire-Gillette (Texas) Fu 4 ig a substitute fullback who replaced Wyatt (Missouri); Field Judge-- Fumsig the injured "Moon" Mullins, circled Barker (Chicago). FRATERNITY JEWELRY PARTY FAVORS ARCADE JEWELRY SHOPLideilmitpl&Co CA9L F. BAY29 $. Main St. Phone 4914 JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Nickels Arcade . A \. . .. . ... . = y ...6s e . -- - i .y y . ,A . r.... w 4 i 1 LOG-LOG-Slidetrule with mai- fler in light tanletrca. Reward. Call 22888. 61 LOST-A black leather l c.-f note book, in theLeuebi- ing Friday afternoon. Return i Mary Louise Behymer, i021 Bal- will. ;i BROWN leather coin por with gold initials H. 1. I. Cont i_ valuable keys. Call 5451 6 BLACK leather notebook 8x5 n campus Thursday morning. Van- able notes to owner. Phone 22849. lowing day.j in the pole vault event, Lassala I and Myers cleared ii feet in theI trials and are expected to o 3 in- ches higher in the meet Thursday. Moisio high-jumped 5 feet 10 in- ches and came within one and three fourths inches of capturing the high-jump record. Th Something Different For Those Who Are Different PLEASANT SERVICE QUALITY FOOD SOUTH STATE STREET "It Speaks for Itself" FORES' INN 6C CCam Travel Bu- neau's NEW Y&RK LMM1TE1 aratee Iheol sht Cana d ia n ro u e ona a t ua ly tes e d l M3 hour schcdole. Union Side Desk 12-6 p m. daiy. coats relinod. 439 S. Thompson St. Phone 4508. 6 TYPING- Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. C FOR RENT ROOM---Private bath, single eight or double, nine dollars. 3671. 6 FURNISHED APARTMENT for three or four adults. Ideal loca- tion for graduate students or girls employed on campus. Steam heat, private bath, garage. Dial 8544. 5-6-1 551 CHURCH ST.-2 or 3 rooms; everything furnished; newly re- modeled; very reasonable. Phone 2-1588. B. Groves. 123456 SOUTHEAST SECTION - 5-room flat, with garage if desired. Handy to schools and city bus lines. Phone 4023. 234561 FOR SALE FOUND-A convenient neans ot travelling to New York for the holidays via Canada with Nevins Bus Lines in 23 hours. Reclining chairs, heat under each seat, 2 drivers, inside baggage racks. $23.50 round trip. Also sp cial rates to other points. Tew Granada Cafe, 313 So. Stae. 21159 11 a. m.-7 p. m. (after 7- 6829). 6123 FOUND-Purse containing consid- erable sum of money. Found sev- eral weeks ago. Inquire of Michi- gan League, Main Desk. 56 il l FOUND CLARINET, B flat, Bahm system, Holton make, perfect condition. Very cheap. Phone 3212. 516 Packard. Evenings. 635 STUDENT needing money badly sacrificing Kashan Persian rug for $175. Dial 4095 noons or eve- nings. 612 WANED EMPLOYMENT WANTED---Experi- enced nursemaid wishes evening employment Just week days. Call 4498. 61 GRADUATE wants room with pri- vate family; no other roomers; occasional use of piano; no jazz. WANT ADS PAY! i , gf AIM 19, .dgggm IMF J fy, ; 8 ,br;,a i ,. R % w ^ a n , . lddmmllb vow I A919L AT / 5 9 r i/ i> Y I tr gill- Fornierly up t* $58*00 50 Oxford Custom Made Seats at S and SAO Formerly up to 585.00 .OVERCOATS TUXEDOS IUD to WI 0 R'.eduction $45 and up t All r an gs Reduced 20/0/v F*'* ' S F .,, E AggElk i i M4 of 332 S. STATE a I1