SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DA? L SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Annual "- o' h, . , 77 (' " V Q|1|| FREDDY BE RGIN AND HIS V AG ABONDS F L [VDU ULIULI TO PLAY AT SOPH PROM ON DEC. I BAND TO PROVlEKzl h S r ~, ~igh School Students begin IPay Rehearsals Preparations for the a n n u a l hristmas assembly of the Univer- .y High school, which will be fea- red this year by the production Mackaye's "A Christmas Masque" University Studio May Featurej Hour of Entertainment in Broadcast. SPECIALTIES ARRANGED Union Tap Room, Library Will be Open for Loungers During Evening. Climaxing the pre-holiday social season, the annual Soph Prom will be held from 9 until 2 o'clock Fri- day night, Dec. 12, in the ballroom of the Union. Freddy Bergin and his Vagabonds will provide musicl for the affair, which is usually re- garded as one of the most colorful of the class dances. Negotiations for broadcasting{ part of the program are being made by the Prom committee. Although not definite, it is expected that the University studio will broadcast the music from 11:30 to 12:30 over WJR. the "Goodwill station of De- troit." tu of h '- wrhabenrevdfo thert Feldman, '31, have been ap- wor h as been ree** c fom thy. ® ni t AssemTbte painted as assist nt cha.irllen u state highway department t h a t . plans have been completed for the ° A i Aror, Jan. 9 the second ann_ :1 1il 1 found'- - --- I tion loan fund nv which will Osborn bridge over the Huron river Trustes of the Michigan district swing into action tmorrow night. on the Huron River drive. of Kira-Js International will hold This year's goal has been set a The bridge, the state highway de- thelir: anual mid-winter confer- one thousand dollars. partment made known, will be part once Triy, Jan. 9. in the League Depletion of last year's fund, of the 1931 construction program. buildin, it was announced yester- which was oversubscribed, and an Inclement weather has hindered 1 day. I coerantional representatives increasing number of students in construction and maintenance work and i rus n addition to the gov- temporary need of funds has on county roads during the past erno-s and lieutenant governors of prompted Joseph Solomon, '31L, to week, Bailey said. Several new cul- the dis.t are expected to attend concentrate on a week's campaign verts have been placed, however. the gatheriV. that will see both frernities and Four dump trucks have also been A lucheon has been planned independent roomng houses can- purchased by the commission. with the Ann Arbor club. vassed. Recently completing a nation-wide tour of leading ballrooms, hotels, and clubs, Freddy Bergin and his Vagabonds has been acclaimed as one vision of Mrs. Marion K. Huber, of the English department of this in- stitution and Miss Edith Hoyle, of th; social studies department. "The play will emphasize the Ch istmas motif that it is better to give than to receive," officials of the high school said. Tryouts which were held last week resulted in the choice of Rob- ert Grafton to play the leading role. State Plans to Build County Bridge in 1931 A. R. Bailey, engineer-manager of the Washtenaw county road com- mission, announced yesterday that of the country's leading orchestras. of the program broadcast from the DENTAL STUDENTS OFF EREDPRIZES Plans are being made to have part Union ballroom over WJR, Detroit. TO DEBATE RADIO ADS. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN- Inter-society groups here will de- bate the question: "Resolved, that the Federal Radio commission have power to control radio advertising." Fir-st o. District Dental Society N. Y. Sponsors Contest. Students in the University School of Dentistry may compete for $400 Vagabonds Are 'well-Known. in prizes to be awarded for contest The Vagabonds which were or- papers, according to an announce- ganized several years ago and ment received yesterday by the sprang into such popularity that dental school library. they were booked for long engage- Sponsored by the first district ments at the Book Cadillac Hotel Dental Society of the State of New in Detroit as well as at the Detroit York, the contest is intended to Athletic Club. The orchestra closed arouse original research by stu- its third consecutive season at Jean dents throughout the country. Two Goldkette's Graystone Gardens in awards, the Benjamin Lord and the Detroit this summer. A nation- Morris L. Chaim prizes, will be of- wide tour of leading ballrodms, ho-1 fered henceforth annually at the tels, and clubs was recently com- discretion of the board of directors. pleted by the band and everywhere The former, totaling $150, is of- it was acclaimed one of America's fered for the most acceptable paper 'reatest musical organizations. in the field of clinical dentristry Several novelty numbers have having an immediate and direct been arranged by Bergin. The value in its application to practical Cadets, a three-man close harmony needs, which paper embodies the combination will provide the chief result of original research not pre- erntertainment features of the viously published. The Chaim prize nand. Bergin, himself, will present of $250 is offered for the most ac- some solo piano numbers. ceptable paper in the field of sci- Will Open Tap Room. ence and art as related to dentis- Permission has been obtained try, if the paper also embodies the from Union authorities to open the result of original work not already Tap room to the dancers. The Pen- published. dleton library will also be open for Conditions of the contest as reg- lounging purposes.gulated by the board of directors re- Blue leather engagement books, qieta yerte aucit embossed in gold with a seal of the quire that typewritten manuscripts University and the letters "SOPH be submitted by Dec. 10 to the seec- 1Rl4OM 1930," and a pencil attached retary of the first district Dental by a gold cord, will be given as society, New York City, such man-' favors for the affair. uscripts to be typewritten and ac- Tickets for the Prom may be ob- companied by all necessary photo- tained daily from 9 to 3 o'clock un- graphs, drawings, diagrams and til Friday at Angell and Univer- tables, and shall be ready for pub- sity halls. They will also be sold lication. The society will consider from 3 to 5 daily at the Union and the publication of the papers, al- at the Engineering arch from 8 un- though such publication is binding til 3 tomorrow. The number of bids, to neither party. which are priced at 5 dollars, will _ be limited to 300. 350 Schools Invited for Interscholastic Press Meeting Here Final plans for the 1'. 'ehi. n In- terscholastic Press Asso-,ation 193 convention, which will be held a the Union on December 11, 12, and 13, will be discussed Tuesday a luncheon of Sigma Delta ,Cn journalistic fraternity, which sponsoring theassenbly with to aid of the journalism department Invitations have been sent out to-) more than 350 high schools in Michigan whose papers, annuals, ; and magazines have been repro- sented or intend to be represented here. The fact that Thirty-five discussion groups have usual. Even in the ists, and leaders for thes e grops venient small sizedc have been selected from the Uni- it is the best cleaner versity student body and the facul- ty. Speakers on the program in- The Swiss Ene lude Dr. Randolph Adams, of the the fabric in the da Clements library, Rev. Fredck BohnFisher, of the First Me1 ho- plant and let us sho dist church, A. L. Miller, editor of use no caustic or a the Battle-Creek News- 2ncp rer, filteration and cfs ii and Prof. Wilbur R. J lump reys,x assistant dean of the literary school. .it" ewes- ICS in ,'7 ' t'ht . . i ^ ti., r'.e>i,. Ev e r yWednesday afternoon at 4:15 diuring the sc00 year unless other- wise announced. .eM~ec y ¢^ +N~e. fbr: ~c' as4.i ww'Yrf. to aEVt .e]. . t~C.- ., . m WK f l f li n 'UT-- n'/ IIf I, _________________________ , . ___________ P to is -., %''+! ."" -, Writing Contest ' I Card I I Energine cleansing is known everywhere is not un- smallest of towns Energine may be purchased in con- cans for home use. Expensive, yes-but that is why r known. rgine proce s o ceansing is guaranteed not to hurt ntest of ga me.s. Come to 209 South 4th Avenue w you wby. n te reclamation of our Energine, we cids. We use on y the most modern methods of ation. SPEND A CENT FOR A CARD, TAKE AN EVENIC OFF, TEST YOUR NERVES AND WRITING ABILITY. HERE ARE THE RULES GOVERNING THE CONTEST 1. Use a regulation Government Postal Card, or a card of that size, and write on the card, as many times as possible, the phrase,-THE RED A 0 PLACE. 2. Use either Pen or Pencil. 3. Use only one sice of the card. 4. The writin- mut e plain and clear, so as to be readable w d - ee dke eye, or with the a d of a reading glass. 11 " ,Ei !, , 1 P E N S P E NdI L S All makes and all prices tWN 1 The FollowingkPiz1 il $10.00 IN GO .1) $5.40 IN GOLD. . . $2.50 IN GOLD . . . 1 Given the Winners: .. .RST PRIZE . SECOD PRIZE . . . THRD PRIZE A Red Arrow Place 0. D. ORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 , SHARPEN Y 0 U R PENCIL, r SIT DOWN AND WRITE TO US, RIGHT NOW 'I I 0