PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY gTTMn A V nV..V..'M P.'P 7 193(1 THE ..M ..CHI1 a N. Ds aILY TlhT'V 'I7Th' Y JD c" 171 fl flVLXj I x .LOuU CA OTH S WILL Hostess to rice UNIVERSITY E Entertain Stars NURSERY TIIIP E Kiddie Cars and E~pr W[TISI Part of Undergr Curriculum BROAFST SERISlfill TO FEATURE MINIATURE F0R CITY'S 'YOUNGER SET' Gas Explosion WreCks SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Bu d gs in Beloit ess Wagons cduates' n. I I nanl fr Kempers Will Discuss the Dutch in Michigan on Monday's Radio Program. QUARTET TO BE HEARD Professors Representing Many Departments and Musicians Will be Featured. Prof. George E. Carrothers, of the education school, will discuss "The Child's Right to a Wholesome En- vironment" at 5 o'clock this after- noon from the University broad-' casting studio during the parents' program. Charles B. Ruegnitz will be the vocalist on the program. The Michigan University of the Air program at 2 o'clock, Monday, will include a historical discussion i "The Dutch in Michigan" by Garrett Kempers, of the history de- partment. Geoge Poinar, violinist, and Stanley Fietcher, pianist, will offer selections. Wesley Maurer, of the journalism department, will discuss the con- vention of the Michigan Interscho- lastic Press association which will be held in Ann Arbor during the program Tuesday. Raymond Morin will be the pianist. "Infections and How to Prevent Them" will be the subject of a talk given by Dr. Herman H. Riecker, of the medical school, Wednesday. Sidney Straight will be the soloist during the program. The second of a series of talks on "The Indians and Nature"-will be given Thursday afternoon by M. R. Gilmore, curator of enthnology in the Anthropology museum. The Mlidnite Sons quartet will be heard on the program. Dr. Frederick A. Coller, of the medical school, will discuss "Can- cer" at 7:30 o'clock Saturday night. Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, of the political science department, will talk about the efficiency and meth- ods of the present system of county government, and Prof. Howard B. Lewis, of the chemistry department, will discuss "Dr. William Beaumont, Michigan's Backwoods Physiolo- gist." The chamber music class taught by Prof. Hanns Pick, of thet music school, will furnish the music on this program. L mig a crying neeafor a nursery school built in the minia- turistic motif, the University offers to the members of the Ann Arbor Younger set an institution in which all the features of a modern high school are incorporated in a de- magnified scale. It is not necessary for an under- S ' graduate of this organtization to have his teacher help to wwh his hands or to get a drink of water. Apparatus has been designed in 7such a manner that he can do these things for himself. f..'- Miniature chairs, tables, book cases, drinking fountains, a n d av .Ysinks have been constructed with a care to afford the undergradu- ate as much comfort in conducting his research work as the more ad- vanced * and full sized graduate Associated Pr ess VhotO suet P hamiltonstudent. Charming debutante, who has The Gymnasium of the Nursery Chamig dbuane,. hoh. School provides a place to exercise been appointed official hostess foreSho rvcsa lc oeecs te932OlympicgmesiosA so that the students may keep in te1es. 2 ye was r gaestly ostesst -shape for their studies. Nearly gerengShe asrersentlyhosteston atwenty-five kiddie cars and as the Prince of Wales aboiard the many express wagons allow ample Berengaria after her presentation- opportunity for any excess energy ry, Associated Pss> to be worked off. BELOIT, Wis., Dec. 6.--Explosion After exercising, to keep in good of a gas main followed by afire condition, the scholars rest in mn- in the heart of the city Friday iature beds so that they will be fit destroyed several sto es and caused to carry on the traditionis of the damage estimated at mere than alma mater by alert work in the $500,000. Policeman Lser hlehan class room. was thrown throu;h a pate glass window and severly t .;O5E S STU T4 LEA E. The Webber M s C ru Co 'U11VE _;1' G' C' M'I-N! OTA- 1Universal groeC!y J.A More thn 300 students have al- son's jewelry store were destro:ed ready cancelled their registrations and only the walls remain of the here because of lack of employ- E. L. Chester departm, tare and ment. Perry's ice cream parlor SSA 1 GEN SER sa STARTING f Qv''~l.,e'"' , .I "/./ "J.e ' :? ' "'.!" " ,.+' /"./" . .. ./ J.J'".,~ e " l, I./°l./".+ .J: i"".I^ , it ( High Grade Repair Service Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, jewelry °h. ."..+'3..iW" I, . ~ .~~." ." ,~.nj° + a .. s.." " rJ?('." I i T to the British court. G. J. Diekema, Miniter Ito Holland, Indisposed (By Associatd Press) AMSTERDAM, Dec. 6.-Gerrit J. Diekema, of Holland, Mich., Ameri- can minister to the Netherlands, is suffering from a stomach disorder and is being attended 'daily by a physician. It was stated that his condition was not serious and that there was no anxiety. He suffered from the same indisposition during his re- cent visit to the United States. Navy Man Favors New Uniforms for Sailors (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. - Here's one navy man at least who thinks the sailor's uniform is awful and that something should be done a- bout it. Capt. C. S. Freeman, writing in a navy magazine, said the word "gob" would never have been applied to the fighting seaman except for the "e f f e m i n a t e blouse, barn-door trousers" and flat-topped cap he is compelled to wear. BRIGHT SPOT 802 PACKARD STREET 'TODAY, 5:30 to 7:30 SPECIAL FIFTY CENT DINNER CHICKEN, FRIED COUNTRY STYLE MASHED POTATOES, CORN FRITTERS JELLIED FRUIT SALAD SPECIAL THIRTY-FIVE CENT DINNER ROAST LOIN OF PORK, DRESSING, APPLE SAUCE MANILA MEAT LOAF, CHILI SAUCE MASHED POTATOES GRAVY JELLIED FRUIT SALAD WE DELIVER PHONE 8241 TODAY rI GEORGE IN Zouc Grey's Outdoor Classic ee I gu I ON A .3 f K I I Now Playing Today Continuous 1:30-11:00 P. M. Come Early r "' rile of~ c~g, S ~y r 1 v F I:14 T- , We cannot make all the ice cream, so we make the best of it. Try this tasty combination. 5 p ",.>d > _,xy I'S p 3-f j I. I Speciza this Week:- Pineapple Sherbet Cherry Ice Cream Fruit Nut 50c a quart at the fountain. The quickest and happiest solution of your dessert problem. Froppers and punches for your dancing parties, made from sun ripened fruit. 11 1 I t I Ann Arbor's Best Ice Cream i I I Phone 22553 436 Third Street i I IT URBI WaLLAM M lr M~C*s{ err ECflNKlc ta Eddie Cantors-s a himsielf in the most 1 i;orgeotus Spectacle of al1 time. ------ -- at 9S Conveniently located ANN STEEC' DRUG OBSERVA TORY DLOOE EAUTY SHOPPE GREYSTONE DRUG MUNRCE LUNCH MAIN OFFICE, 516 EAST LIBERTY Curb Service Rleme beir In cleaning we use sheen restoring solvent for all silks and oil restoiring solvent for all woolens. Pressing on Valetor Machines CL EAN ERS ANb DYERS I I Eminent Spanish Pianist CHORAL UNION SERIES Friday, Dec. 12 8:15 HILL AUDITORIUM Tickets t $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 -4 I 11 EXTRA KRAZY KT LA EST SOUND NEWS I I COMING SOON o 232 31 done i !, "Just Imagine" --vA-19X NIGHTi: O\ L SHOW EDAZH O ntT AIT~ I S- .- - -- - .- -,-- .- __.,.O _ - UMMMEMO 'R .2'y:R.:a3.t J"dFSh:i4X. I s" ._ _ ,. .a,., - - - -- - _ _._ __ - - p . - - Illl ill u Opening tomorrow at The Mimes Theatre. The first All- Campus Revue. Phone 4121, extension 789, for tickets. Priced at $1 and $1.50. Run- nirm o allwe ia ,mat"P You'll die laughing at this student, real campus produc- tion. It has vaudeville skits, features, dances-in short- everything that will afford a I 'IIH mm ME am Hm Em vmk