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December 07, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-12-07

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111 lIIII 111 II AIO 11

VOL. XLI. No. 60






Medical Professor Will Present
Resignation at Regents'
Next Meeting.


Doctor Will Retire at Age
68; Makes No Definite
Plans for Future.


Prof. Reuben Peterson, who next
June completes 30 years of service
in the medical faculty of the Uni-
versity,'will present his resignation
to the Board of Regents at their
next meeting, Friday, it was learned Arthur Vandenburg
yesterday. If accepted, this resig- Proposes to give the war veterans
nation will be effective at the end a government bond equal to the
nation willmeeyfectient Jne en value of the certificate he holds
of the academic year in June. and negotiable at par.
Professor Peterson has been con- n e i__a
nected with the University since
1901. At the present time, he is [
professor of obstetrics and gynecol- T[R NS' CLAIMS
ogy and Bates Professor of Diseases
of Women and Children. He was
for a while, the director of the Uni-
versity hospital. yM L O
Wanted to Retire at 70. __
Professor Peterson planned origi- Vandenburg, Michigan Senator,
rtally to retire at the age of 70 but
has decided that after 30 years in ( Submits Counter-Proposal
the University he should pass his to Treasury Secretary.
responsibilities to other hands. "It
is a good place to stop," he said (By Associated Press)
yesterday. WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-Immedi-
The 68-year-old doctor stated last W
night that he had no definite plans ate payment in cash to World War
for the future. The Board of Re- veterans of the face value of their
gents is expected to accept the bonus and insurance certificates is
resignation at their next meeting opposed by Secretary Mellon.
and, as yet, no hint of a possible however, Senator Vandenberg,
successor can be obtained.
He has written many articles for Republican, Michigan, who solicited
medical journals and is the editor; the opinion of the treasury secre-
of a work under the title, "Peter- tary on this proposal now before
son's Obstetrics." Congress today submitted a count-
Was Graduate of Harvard. C toy med
Professor Peterson was born in er-proposition to Mr. Mellon.
Boston in 1862 and received his de- The Michigan senator who has
gree in medicine from Harvard in urged some action upon President
1889. In 1890, he was married tot Hoover, proposed in his new plan
Miss Josephine Davis of Elk Rapids, that the government give the vet-
Mich., and that same year began eran a government bond, equal to
his practice in Grand Rapids. the value of his certificate, and
Shortly after this, he was made which is negotiable at par, thus
professor of gynecology at the Post avoiding necessity for floating - a
Graduate Medical school and as- huge loan in the present bond mar-
sistant professor of obstetrics and ket to get the funds.
gynecology at Rush Medical school Secretary Mellon summed up his
in Chicago. opposition to the cash payment in
In 1901 he came to Ann Arbor. the following words:
During the world war he was com- "It seems that the proposal to
manding major in the medical pay off the adjusted service cer-
Officers Reserve corps and from tificates at this time' would be
1917 to 1919 he was medical advisor against the best interests of the
to the governor of Michigan. veterans, unjustified as a matter of

Performances to be Given Each
Night With Matinee Show
Saturday Afternoon. f
Skits, Chorus Numbers, Songs,
and Tap Numbers Will be
Feature Attractions.
"Aw Nuts," the first Mimes All-
Campus Revue, will open at 8:15
o'clock tomorrow night at the
Laboratory theater. A performance
will be given each night this week,
with a matinee scheduled Satur-
day afternoon to accommodate
students attending the Soph Prom.'
Will Include Many Skits.
For the first time in the history
of the organization, the annual
production will not go on the road
this year, due to the financial
losses of "Merrie-Go-Round," last
year's opera. ThN Revue will con-
sist of skits on campus matters,
such as the football ticket situa-
tion, the dramatic situation, The
Daily, and many other subjects. In,
addition there will be chorus and
tap dances, songs, and feature at-
tractions. Among the latter is a
moving picture "newsreel" for which
prominent University officials con-
sented to pose. It is entitled "Pri-
vate Scandals." Among the mem-
bers of the casts are Robert Adams,
'31, William Brown, '31, Thomas
Roden, '32, and Whitney Dixon, '31.
The dances have been planned and
carried out by Emerson Stiles, '31,'
who was a member of last year's
opera pony chorus.
Bob Carson's Will Play.
The orchestra which will play for
the production is Bob Carson's;
band, which will be conducted by

Michigan Wins; I ri c
Down Trojans, 27-0
Michigan opened her basket-
ball season last night with an
unexpected victory over the
strong Western State quintet,
35-23, at Yost Field House. Weiss
and Daniels starred on offense
with 11 and 10 points, respec-
Notre Dame beat Southern
California yesterday afternoon
before 90,000 persons in Los
Angeles, 27 to 0, and may claim
the national grid championship
for the second straight unde-
feated season. Schwartz and
Carideo, All-America stars, shone
for the Irish in their impressive
win over the best team the coast
has seen in years. The defeat
was a distinct compliment for
the brand of football as played
in the middle west.
Colgate nosed out N. Y. U., 7
to 6, Navytrounced Penn, 26 to
0, Georgia trimmed Georgia
Tech, 13-0, Carnegie Tech beat
Washington and Jefferson, 26 to
0, and Loyola (New Orleans) up-
set University of Detroit, 9-6, in
the major games of the grid
schedule yesterday.
PAGES 6 and 7.

Physicians Spend Frantic Night
Treating, Diagnosing
Numerous Cases.
(By Associated Press)
BRUSSELS, Dec. 6. - Villages in}
the Meuse valley went back tonight!
to the homes from which they had1
fled in terror before a wall of fog
which appeared to be driving death
before it.
The fog had lifted, and with it
had come the mystery with which
it had been endowed. The public
health commission asserted after
an official investigation that the
more than three score deaths at-.

Investigations Prove Fatalities
Result of Respiratory

Eight Russians AwaitnSentences
of Supreme Bench.
(13v Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Dec. 6.-Eight engin-
eers, confessed plotters for foreign
intervention in Russian and the
overthrow of the Soviet union, to-
night awaited the sentences of the
supreme court which will mean to
them either death or imprisonment.
Aft/,a brief sesion of the court
today during which the last of the
two defendants, Sergei Kuprianov
and Xenophon Sitnin, pleaded for
life in order that they might "work
for the upbuilding of the country,"
the judges retired to deliberate on
the sentences which will be pro-
nounced probably at 6 o'clock Sun-
day evening. 0 4 T O N 9 1
Fraternity Members, Boy Scouts
Conduct Extended Search
for G. H. Carlton.





Lack of Solution for
Unemployment Is
Main Cause.
(By Associated Press)

Oswald Mosley to
Seek Change in
Present Plan.



Rea Announces That Car Permit
Holders Must Present
Liability Policies.
Students holding auto permits
were warned yesterday by Walter!
B. Rea, assistant to the dean of
students, that 1930 tags expire on
December 19, and that no new li-


University Senior Who Accepted
Ride Sought for Probe.
The Daily has been asked by Dr.1
Frank Robbins, assistant to the
president, to aid in locating a stu-
dent who is wanted as a witness to
an accident which happened No-
vember 26th, between White Pigeon
and Chicago.
According to a letter received
from H. L. Marshall, of Elkhart, he
offered a ride to a Michigan stu-
dent who stated that he was a sen-
ior, and lived in Western Springs,
Illinois. He was going to Chicago.
West of Motville, Marshall's car
collided with another one because
of the slippery pavement, and now:
he would like to have the students
name as witness.
Anyone having any knowledge a-
bout the above incident, or student,
is asked to communicate with Dr.'
Debaters Will Start
Schedule Next Weeka
Next Thursday will see the start
of Michigan's conference debating
schedule. The Ohio State negative
team will visit Ann Arbor, and
Michigan's negative team will go to
Bloomington to meet Indiana. The
debates will be on state unemploy-
ment insurance.
The Varsity affirmative includes
John Lederle, '33, Leonard Kimball,
'33, Howard S i m o n, '32L, and
Maurice Moyer, '32, alternate; the
negative, John Huss, '33, Victor
Rabinowitz, '31, Nathan Levy, '31,
and Samuel Ellis, '33, alternate.!

broad economic policy, and seri-
ously detrimental to the public debt
operations of the government."
Senator Vandenberg in his count-
ter-proposal asserted:
"I am unwilling to consider this
adjusted compensation phase closed'
until every possible useful and
helpful resource has been dismissed
with finality."
He urged that "some program be
devised to meet this situation inI
whole or in part."
Amy Loomis Will Give
Barrie Readings Today
Miss Amy Loomis, director of the
Lydia Mendelssohn theater, will
read selections from Barrie's play,
'A Kiss from Cinderella" on the
informal reading program to be
given by the Women's League at
3:30 this afternoon in the Grand
Rapids room.
Following the reading, tea will be
served in the concourse of the
League building. The reading and
tea is open to students, faculty,
and residents of Ann Arbor.
State Patients Learn to Make
Many Useful Articles;
Hn I4flT n trv4,r _

Allen B. Callahan. James Yant, '31,1 censes will be issued until the cars.
as general chairman and manager, have been insured for property'
hs done the directing assisted by damage and liability."
an executive committee consisting The insurance provided should be
of David B. Hempstead, '31, Gurney not less than $1,000 for property
Williams, '31, Harry L. Arnold, '32, damage and $5,000 and $10,000 lim-{
R. Duane Wells, '32, and Barbara its for public liability, Rea stated.
Stratton, '31. Ann Arbor students who are driv-
----_--- _- ing cars registered in their parents'
names, and other students who are
PLANS FOH II TH driving for Ann Arbor residents,
may bring brief statements from
their parents or the owners of the
cars to the effect that their autos
above. Other students are request-
ed to present their insurance poli-
Fraternity, Independent Groups 'cies, club membership cards, or
May Secure Places for other evidence of such insurance.
Rea stated that students who an-
20 to 25 Couples. ticipate applying for a renewal of,
their driving privileges are urged;
Progress of the plans for the ar- to obtain their 1931 state license
rangement of booths at the J-H-op, plates and to file their applications
to be held Friday, Feb. 13, were re- before the Christmas vacation peri-
ported yesterday by Jack Spencer, od. The'new applications and cards
chairman of the booths committee. ( are now available in the office of
Booths will be made up for fra- + the Dean of Students, Room 2, Uni-,
ternity and independent groups of versity Hall.;
20 to 25 couples. in case certain No new permits will be granted
groups do not have the required on or after January 5, 1931, Rea
number, a sharing of the booth said, while in the event of the pur-
with some other group will be pos- chase of a new car, the 1930 stu-
sible. Lists of fraternity or group dent tags may be attached to the
men attending the Hop should be 1931 license plates until Dec. 20.
sent by these respective organiza-
tions, to Spencer as soon as all interfraternity Group
those listed have purchased their
tickets. Names of the ticket buy- to Discuss J-Hop Rule
ers will be kept by the committee - ---
and referred to when the booths The ruling concerning the hold- I
are assigned. None will be made ing of fraternity dances the same
up if the men listed have not night as the J-Hop, which was
bought tickets. passed Wednesday by the Student
Organization of the independent council, will be discussed at the
booths will be made at a later date meeting of t h e Interfraternity
following a meeting of the inde- council at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow
pendents shortly after Christmas i afternoon in the Union.
vacation. Three -or four booth James Ward, '31, president of the
chairman will be selected at this organization, stated yesterday that
meeting depending upon the num- the possibility of interfraternity I
ber planning to attend the Hop. conferences on the campus, at which
- prominent fraternity men will be
'G H T HANDICRAFT invited to speak, will be considered
at the meeting.
'SHOP AT HOSPITAL Ward's report on the proceedings
at the National Interfraternity con-
in ference in New York during
but arspecialinstructioniThanksgiving vacation will not be
the care and use of tools and given until the minutes of the
equipment. They are an e ag e retin ha n hlicsher

tributed to the fog had resulted
from nothing more mysterious than A concentrated search of Ann o
weakened respiratory systems of Arbor and vicinity by Boy Scouts p
the victims. and members of the Theta Chi fra- v
Most Victims Over 6. ternity yesterday afternoon failedd
With few exceptions, all those to reveal any trace of Gerald H.
who died were more than 50 years Carlton, '34, of Escanaba, who has
old. A third of them had passed 60, been missing from his rooming r
and several were more than 70 house at 911 Forest avenue sinced
Most of them suffered heart ail- ( Nov. 29.
ments and were known to have Led by Wallace F. Watt, scoutr
chronic bronchial trouble. The doe- executive for Washtenaw and Liv-r
tors said it was the cold, smoke- ingston counties, and Chief of Po-r
laden fog, and nothing else, which lice Thomas O'Brien, more than f
choked them to death. 150 Boy Scouts scoured the water's t
These findings, supported by the edge of the Huron river, boulevardsr
diagnosis of physicians who had and wooded sections on the out-
spent a frantic night treating the skirts of the city.@
victims, exploded the theory that At the same time, a dozen oro
n o x i o u s gases from industrial more students, all members of ther
plants had caused the death, and Theta Chi fraternity of which Carl-r
they dissipated the fears of Peas- ton was a pledge, continued ther
ants that Belgium was in the path search, going in groups and direct-I
of a sinister gas barrage. ing efforts as far as Dexter.
Peasants Feared Attack' Mrs. Ruth Calton, mother of the
These asimple folk, watching nheir2issi ng studei, conferred i e r e
neighbors die in alarming numbers,+r
neihbos de malrmig nmbes'yesterday with University and po-
persisted in the belief that the fog iyeraytwithes.ivesitysad po-
itslf as nlythescren or lice authorities. She refused to
itself was only othe screen for a give up hope that he would not re-
deadly attack whose origin they didgvuphopetlr.e
not attempt to explain. Some of turn, the search for Carlton,
the farm stock died also, and last which h a s assumed nation-wide
night cattle slept in farmhouse proportions, has failed ofasolution
kitchens while their owners cow- lprpotinstlehas h f aile eofsoltin.
d isidh vt hi one o Radio and telegraph have been
cred inside with all the windows used in broadcasting descriptions
sealed' ,Iof the youth, but except for a tele-
gram received Thursday by Joseph
flflFI II1A. Bursley, Dean of Students, from
IU LIU if STUDENTSDunkirk, O., which stated that a
boy answering Carlton's description
was seen there that day, efforts to
learn of his whereabouts have been
It is believed Carlton was last
'Cosmopolitan Club to Sponsor seen Sunday morning when he at-
tended services at St. Andrew'si
International Night' Episcopal church.
March 10. -
M Bruening Government
Outlines of a general plan for v.o
the Cosmopolitan club's eighth an- Overcomes Oppostion
nual Internationri Night program
are being formulated according to BERLINAsse r times to-
an announcement of the commit- day the Bruening government re-
tee h pulsed the vigorous attacks of the
Ruth Anne Oakes, for several opposition in the Reichstag, and at
years an active participant in Play the end of a parliamentary session
Production, has been chosen to di- stood clearly victorious and still at
rect the performance. Her ability the nation's helm.
in handling various dramatic en- With 40 votes to spare, it de-
terprises in the past is one of the feated a motion to revoke the
chief recommendations which the chancellor's decree of drastic finan-
Cosmopolitan club committee too~k cial reform. By a margin of 35 votes
I into account in making her their it put down a "no-confidence" mo-
unanimous choice for the position. tion. It won the edge of 65 votes
March 10 has been selected as
on a proposal to table a motion of
the date for this year's perform- confidence ironically offered by
ance, according to a recent state- the national socialists. Finally, at
ment by members of the committee the ndoa soia y inagly a
in charge of production. the end of a long day, it gt a
Thes orsouthe event are majority of 72 votes against a com-
The sosr of the eetaemns oindmnigrvc-
announcing a contest of ideas on munist motion demanding revoca-
what shall be the central theme of ton ofthe emergency decrees in
the production. The contest will force since last June.
close some time during thee third -
week in January. The theme of Plan Four Hour Plane
last years show, as an example was Service to New York
a pageant of all nations gathered _____
in the mythical city of Eldorado, Four hour service to New York
some place in Mexico. The qualifi on the newly projected limited
cations of a good centaltheme,NAT air express route from Toledo
according to the committee's an-via Cleveland is now actually avail-
nouncement consist in an idea that ableandinowthannyunai-
demands only one stage set for the'be according to the announce-
entire performance, a setting that ment yesterday by Campus Travel
will harmonize acts that represent Bureau at the Union, with rates
almost every nation of the world, only slightly above pullman rail
athatw v fares.
a t a unifn ti eatality ofwefec The new schedule comes at an
opportune time as part of a crack
Chicago-New York service, repu-
Northwestern s Gift tedly the fastest in the entire coun-
to Jobless Assured try, along with other vacation air
______specials via Kohler amphibians
(Bv Associated Press) across Lake Michigan to Milwaukee,

LONDON, Dec. 6.-A limited dic-
atorship in Great Britain with a
oard of five men empowered to
deal with the economic crisis, was
proposed in a manifesto issued to-
night in behalf of Sir Oswald Mos-
ey and 17 party associates.
Among the 18 signers are the
young millionaire socialist's wife,
Lady Cynthia Mosley, and Oliver
Baldwin. All are Laborite members
of the House of Commons except
A. J. Cook, the fiery miner leader
who was dubbed "Emperor Cook"
during the general strike of 1926.
Parliament 'Incapable'.
Declaring that Britain's parlia-
mentary machinery is incapable of
dealing with the present situation,
Sir Oswald and his associates de-
mand an emergency cabinet of not
more than five ministers without
portfolio, vested with wide powers
for a stated period and subject only
to the general control of Parlia-
By directly challenging the Labor
government, Sir Oswald and his
associates, most of them young
men, have staked their political ca-
reers on this, and disciplinary
measures may be expected from
Labor party leaders.
Aiming for "10 Downing St."
Just turned 34, Sir Oswald !is
kfownas"'a young man i ahur-
ry," and the destination he is aim-
ing for is considered to be No. 10
Downing street and the premier-
He jumped into Ramsay MacDon-
ald's ministry only to resign recent-
ly because Laborite leaders rejected
his proposals to solve unemploy-
Attempts to Conciliate Parties
in Effort to Form Cabinet
(3y Associated Press)
PARIS, Dec. 6. --Senator Louis
Barthou, once premier of France
and a dozen times cabinet minister,
was trying tonight to conciliate
France's many political parties in
an effort to form a cabinet to suc-
ceed the defeated Tardieu ministry.
M. Barthou accepted the difficult
task of forming a government late
today after former Premier Ray-
mond Poincare had refused on ac-
count of ill health.
The senator told the President he
would consult friends and political
leaders during the night and would
return to the Elyses Palace tonior-
row morning to report success or
University Orchestra
Will Present Recital
T h e University Student Sym-
phony orchestra, under the direc-
tion of Prof. David Mattern, will
make its first public appearance of
the year when it will give its an-
nual faculty concert at 4:15 o'clock
this afternoon in Hill auditorium.
The orchestra has been working
for the past several weeks on the
program for the concert and will
present a total of~ four numbers.
The program as follows: Overture
-Euryanthe, Weber; Symphony
No. 1 Op. 38, Schumann; Ballet
Suite, Gluck-Mottl; S1a v o n i c
Dances, Nos. I and II, Dvorak.
The concert will be open free to
the public with the exception of
small children.
Hobbs Chosen Officer
of Glacier Committee
Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the
geology department, has been elec-
ted vice-president of the Interna-

nave 1nscrucour.
grou andanXiousto earn.Thsk
Up on the top floor of the Uni- two-hour instruction periods are
versity hospital is one of the most the greatest pleasure they have
during their life at the hospital, for
nearly unique work shops in Ann when the time is up they return
Arbor-the Galens' workshop where to the wards where for the most
all the workers are boys afflicted t the are kere fom dhermon
with some disease that has deform- oart they are kept from diversion
ed their joints. They are state pa-
tients whose parents are unable to From Nov. 1, 1929 to Nov. 1, 1930,
furnish them medical care. approximately 373 boys attended

Honorary Fraternity
Will Hold Initiation
initiates to Scabbard and Blade,
Snationalhonorary military frater-
nity, were announced yesterday,
The following men will be initiated

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